WoN GT event 4

21 June 2011, 18:00 – 24:00


This event will be run by Mark "Lunge" Loughman.

3 packs 3Rd Ed + 1 pack Black hand
20 card min deck, 4 card crypt and 2 recursions

36 Players maximum. E-mail to save a seat. It's doubtful that we will reach the maximum.

The quick drafting format was selected in order to conclude the event by the store's closing time.

Organizer N/A (1000317)
Guardtower Game Store
3600 Trabue Rd.
Columbus, Ohio
43204, Ohio, United States
2 + Final
Time Limit 2 hours
Proxies are NOT allowed
Fee $8
Phone 614-488-4311
Website http://www.thelasombra.com/NAC2011/won2k11.htm