Official Storyline Events
The V:tes Storyline Events are a series of worldwide tournaments and special events that allow V:tes players to influence the outcome of critical conflicts in the classic World of Darkness. These events have special rules in addition to the normal tournament rules, feature special promotional cards created just for them, and chronicle the victories and defeats to the V:tes clans, factions, and characters.
Berlin Storyline Events 2017

Some Kindred however—particularly those of the Sabbat—believe the legend is real. They look to cryptic ancients texts such as the Book of Nod as proof that Caine once walked the earth.
A select few believe that Caine’s return would signal the advent of the end times, or Gehenna. They lie in wait, preparing their forces, waiting for the signs.
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Nefertiti Advanced | Amulet of the Ancients | Visage of Caine |
At the Line everyone are equals. Primogen rub shoulders with anarchs. Camarilla share the dancefloor with Sabbat. Grudges and affiliations are left at the door. It has always been this way, and the Management will tolerate nothing less.
The Line is a place to simply be. And everyone wants to be at the Line.
2015 The Red Sign Storyline
The Red Sign is a constructed V:TES Storyline event designed for worldwide play during spring and summer 2015.
Except as noted in these instructions, each Storyline game will follow the VEKN Constructed Tournament rules for card play and deck construction. Each Storyline game will be timed to a maximum duration of 2 hours.
At least 75% (e.g. 9 out of 12) of the vampires in each player’s crypt must belong to the same clan. In this context, ‘clan’ includes all bloodlines, Panders and Imbued, but not Caitiff.
In addition to the standard list of VEKN banned cards and errata, the following changes apply:
- The event card Recalled to the Founder is banned
- The ally cards Mehemet of the Ahl-i-Batin, Order of Hermes Cabal, Outcast Mage, Tara, Hollow One and Thadius Zho have their printed cost reduced by 1 pool.
- The ally cards Nephandus and Veneficti are infernal.
Players may also use any or all of the crypt and library cards provided in this pack in deck construction, with the exception of The Red Sign (see below).
The Storyline will be played in single games, with the results of each game contributing to the narrative. Each play group may play this Storyline any number of times within the allotted time frame.
Players will note that the master card The Red Sign provides an alternate victory condition to win the game.
The following pack contains the full rules sheet, printable PDFs for 48 new library cards and 8 new crypt cards, a Storyline results form and an equivalent e-mail results template.
The contents of this pack may be updated during the course of the Storyline, so please check for updates posted here at
- Red Sign - Rules
- Red Sign - Crypt
- Red Sign - Library
- Red Sign - Results form (text format or zipped MS Word format)
Mike Nudd, VEKN Storyline Coordinator
2014 Anniversary Storyline – “The Returned”
Starting in April 2014, and running episodically each month for the six months leading up to the EC, there will be an Anniversary Storyline called "The Returned". Each month, a special Mythic Vampire from the lore of the World of Darkness will be offered to the player base as a ‘thank you’ for continuing to play, support and promote the game.
As per the last two official Storylines, the format will be single games of V:TES where each player uses a Storyline legal deck (i.e. a crypt 75% of the same clan). The Storyline will also require you to keep a league table of game wins among your playgroup.
Any player who achieves at least one game win during the month will be permitted to use that month’s Mythic Vampire in deck construction for the remaining duration of the Storyline. E.g. a winner in month 1 (April) will be able to use the first Mythic Vampire released in any game over the next 6 months of Storyline games.
And at Mannheim any player attending the EC will be encouraged – regardless of league performance - to use any of the six Mythic Vampires in friendly games played during the course of the event (with the agreement of their opponents).
- Prologue
- Rules
- Mythic vampire #1
- Mythic vampire #2
- Mythic vampire #3
- Mythic vampire #4
- Mythic vampire #5
- Mythic vampire #6
- Mythic vampire #7
Mike Nudd, VEKN Storyline Coordinator
Storyline - Ragnarök, the Final Battle
The All High, a legendary Gangrel elder, is missing. An army of monsters has descended from the mountains of Norway and Sweden intent on wreaking havoc upon the World, upsetting the ages-old conflict between sleeping Methuselahs.
Ragnarök, The Final Battle is a constructed V:TES Storyline event designed for the 2013 VTES European Championship.
Except as noted in these instructions, each Storyline game will follow the VEKN Constructed Tournament rules for card play and deck construction. Each Storyline game will be timed to a maximum duration of 2 hours.
At least 75% (e.g. 9 out of 12) of the vampires in the player's crypt must belong to the same clan. In addition to the standard list of VEKN banned cards, Recalled to the Founder (Event) is banned from play.
Any single V:TES game played with 4-5 players using Storyline legal decks between 00:00 Monday 30th September and 00:00 Thursday 31st October anywhere in the world that uses the described game modifications may contribute towards the Ragnarök Storyline and have its results submitted.
The pack provided in support of the Ragnarök Storyline includes several sheets of additional cards:
- Adversary cards — monsters to fight during the game
- Reward cards — prizes to be won during the game
- An All-High vampire card
- Optional Brunhilde Advanced and Valkyrie vampire cards which may be used in any player's crypt
- An optional set of additional werewolf themed cards which may be used in any player's library
Before the game begins shuffle the Adversary cards and deal out 7 of each to form a deck, which is placed in the centre of the table. Do the same with the Reward cards. The 2 remaining cards from each set should be placed to one side without revealing them. Also place the All High vampire card in the centre of the table.
After each player has taken two turns the top card of each of the Adversary and Reward decks are revealed. Counters should be placed on the Adversary to represent its starting life. The text on the Adversary will take immediate effect.
Adversaries are immune to all card effects which target allies, and are also immune to all card effects which target minions controlled by other Methuselahs.
In each player's minion phase, any minion controlled by that player may take an undirected action to enter combat with the revealed Adversary. If its life is reduced to zero by combat damage it is burned and removed from the game.
The controller of acting minion that burned the Adversary takes the revealed Reward card and may place it on any minion he or she controls.
The next top card from each deck is then revealed. This sequence is repeated 7 times until there are no Adversary or Reward cards left on the table.
When the last Adversary is burned all players left in the game make an open bid for control of the All High using their pool, starting with the active player. The minimum bid is 1 pool. Players are not forced to bid if they do not wish to. The player that wins this bid moves the All High to his or her ready region with 0 blood, and play continues as normal. All of the pool bid by the winner is returned to the blood bank. The losers of the bid do not lose any pool.
An FAQ is included in the pack which should answer many common questions.
All players are recommended to download and print their own copies of the Storyline pack from the link below. Printed copies will be circulated at the EC but they will be limited in number - players are advised to bring their own copies if possible.
Mike Nudd, VEKN Storyline Coordinator
Storyline for the European Championship 2012 in Budapest:
Budapest is a city without a ruler. Its former master, a fearsome Kindred from the Cold War era, has publically declared his retirement and has suddenly vanished from the scene He has left no clear heir or successor. The largest factions of the Kindred have learned of this opportunity and have flocked to the city —some to seek their fortune, others to settle old scores. Prominent among these new visitors is the venerable Bulscu, a Magyar of ancient descent and former prince of this city. Many suspect he will bid to become lord of this domain once more.
2010 Spring: Battle Lines:
It has long been foretold that when the Antediluvians rise their descendants will be recalled to meet their founders. On that day the children of the ancients will be consumed, driven mad, or destroyed. But what of those vampires who through tricks of time or manipulations of the blood have no single Antediluvian they call their progenitor? What of the bloodlines?
Emissaries of the Bahari have approached the bloodline elders. They bring dark warnings and a message of hope. The bloodlines have a chance to survive the coming cataclysm. But they must renounce the father of their kind and swear allegiance to Lilith, the Dark Mother. They are faced with a terrible choice. Do they heed the warnings and join the servants of Lilith? Or do they remain true to all they have known and remain loyal to Caine? Faced with these choices debate, subversion, and civil war breaks out among and between the bloodline clans. They must choose which side they are on. The Battle Lines are drawn.
2009 Fall: Eden's Legacy:
For centuries the Royal Order of Edenic Groundskeepers conducted their clandestine research. The members of the order have gathered the secrets of their forbearers and the world's greatest trove of Kindred lore. Recently, several scholars of the order mysteriously disappeared. As the secret of the Edenic Groundskeepers is revealed, the world's Methuselahs realize their sudden peril and the opportunities before them. The clandestine struggle for control of the information unearthed by the order begins.
11/13/2009: EC 2009: Friday the 13th (Location: 2009 European Championship, Palma de Mallorca)
On the eve of the last chapters of Gehenna, the caster of a massive cataclysm awakes to a new world. His name is Claudio Severino and he comes back with knowledge and powers that are not meant to exist. Many seek him - some to destroy him, others to find out what he knows; some to save the Tremere, others to annihilate them. Others seek him to become like him. Indestructible.
2009 Spring: Rise of the Imperator:
In a time of crisis, a leader will rise. Who will have the honor, the responsibility, the power to lead the armies of the Camarilla? Who will be the Imperator?
2008 Fall: Anarchs and Alastors
An outlaw anarch gang is on the loose. Rich awards await those who can stop them.
10/23/2008: Black Miracles and Lies (Location: 2008 North American Championship, Montreal)

2006 Winter: Milleniumn Cultists
The followers of Caitiff preacher threaten the Masquerade. His sermons threaten something worse.
2005 Fall: The Return of Nergal (Infernal Plague II) Storyline.
The infernal plague continues when the Prince of Hell is unleashed.
2004 Fall: Infernal Plague Storyline,
Featuring Barbaro Lucchese’s efforts to spread infernalism.
2003 Summer: Lambach's Legion Storyline,
Featuring Lambach's efforts to raise a legion of loyal followers, for purposes known only to him.
2002 Fall: The Eye of Hazimel Storyline,
Featured the struggle for the control of the Eye of Hazimel following the events of the Clan Novel series.
2002 Winter: The Baltimore Storyline,
Featured the struggle for the control of Baltimore following the events of the Clan Novel series.
Card Rulings: A to F
- The AK-47 provides the bearer one optional maneuver "each combat". [LSJ 20070928]
Ablative Skin:
- Cannot be used to prevent damage that cannot be prevented by cards that require Fortitude (e.g., Blood Rage and Blood Fury). [LSJ 19990216]
Absilmilard's Army:
- The card used to represent the ally brought into play by Absilmilard's Army is face up (that is, the other players know which card it is). Although the name on that card is ignored (if something goes looking for a card by name, for instance). [LSJ 20040623] [LSJ 20071003]
Abyssal Hunter:
- If ranged aggravated damage is inflicted at close range against him, it will burn the Hunter. [PIB 20110818]
Aching Beauty:
- If an Aching Beauty vampire is blocked and the combat is canceled (via Change of Target or Obedience, for example), the blocker's controller still loses a pool. [RTR 19991206]
- The damage from Aeron's special is environmental (not inflicted by Aeron). [LSJ 20070327]
Agent of Power:
- If the Agent of Power skill card is used as a placeholder to represent something else (e.g., Shock Troops, Legion), then its text doesn't apply (including the "unique" part). So the Shock Troops vampire would simply be a 1-cap Sabbat with no clan and no Disciplines. Similarly for the fledging Legion (clanned, appropriately sected). [LSJ 20071001]
Al-Ashrad, Amr of Alamut:
- Al-Ashrad has +1 bleed. [RTR 20010710]
- If the weapon given costs blood, the target Alastor pays the cost. [LSJ 20040518]
- Can use her untap ability at any point during the turn, including during a political action. [TOM 19960214]
- If Alexandra taps a Toreador who was attempting to block, then that block will fail, since tapped minions cannot block. [RTR 19940624] [LSJ 19991025]
- Only vampires who can commit diablerie can use Amaranth. If a vampire is prohibited from commiting diablerie, he can't use Amaranth to overcome the restriction. [RTR 19991001]
- Burns the target vampire when the target is reduced to zero blood in combat, regardless of the source of the loss of blood (card text). Still won't burn a vampire just for entering a combat with zero blood, however - there must be an actual "reduction" in blood. [RTR 19980623]
- Multiple Anathemas don't multy the pool gain. Once one Anathema resolves (burning the vampire), the others are burned (before they get to resolve). [LSJ 20021117]
Anesthetic Touch:
- Doesn't end combat as a strike; it ends combat after strike resolution. Dog Pack doesn't restrict this effect. [LSJ 20011210]
- A dodge won't prevent combat from ending after strike resolution. [LSJ 20011210]
- Doesn't end combat until after strike resolution, so the damage can be prevented or healed as normal. [LSJ 20011210]
Angel of Berlin:
- May be played after a block is successful before combat begins. [LSJ 20060410]
Angelica, The Canonicus:
- Can only use her ability once each action (when attempting to block). [RTR 20030519]
Ankara Citadel:
- Multiplication and divisions are applied first, followed by addition and substraction. [RTR 070707]
Annabelle Triabell:
- Her ability applies to all Toreadors, not just ones in play at the time the action resolved. [LSJ 20040810]
Antoinette DuChamp:
- She is group 2 and has capacity of 1. [LSJ 20041201]
Archon Investigation:
- Declaring that one is not blocking is implicit in playing Archon Investigation. That is, Archon Investigation (like bleed bounce cards) is played after blocks are declined. [LSJ 20070203]
- If a vampire blocks an Archon, he or she burns 1 blood regardless of which action the Archon was taking. (The use of the semi-colon in the V:TES text implies that the point of blood is burned only when the Archon is using his or her rush ability.) [RTR 19960221]
- The card remains in play. The referendum to remove the effect burns the card. The card's effects can be stacked with other Archons. [RTR 20030519]
- Arika's prey cannot end her untap phase if she controls a location that she hasn't burned a pool for, even if she gained control of that location sometime during her untap phase. [LSJ 19990405]
Art of Memory, The:
- The effect is applied after resolving the action (including after all combats). [LSJ 20031112]
Ashes to Ashes:
- The end of combat is triggered by the fact that the vampire is going to torpor - this can be interrupted by cards such as Undying Tenacity or Undead Persistence, but the vampire would still be wounded. [LSJ 20021122]
Astrid Thomas:
- Astrid's ability is "activated" when votes are tallied. [RTR 20001020]
- Tremere who have not yet voted can choose to abstain. [RTR 19941006]
- If Astrid's votes are canceled by an effect such as Pulled Strings, the other Tremere votes are unaffected. [RTR 19960530]
Aura of Invincibility:
- If the initial referendum doesn't pass, then the card isn't put into play. The vampire playing it is not sent to torpor in that case. [LSJ 20040730]
- The normal text should say just "This vampire gains X+1 votes". It doesn't double-cost. (errata to the CE edition, in which the X was changed to be the cost of the card rather than the cost of the effect, but ended up being printed as both) [LSJ 20021124]
- Backstab can be played at any time before strike resolution, including after both minions have selected their strikes. [LSJ 20000215]
Baltimore Purge:
- There is no time to use other effects between the choosing of the vampires and those vampires going to torpor. There is no response stack to interrupt that. [LSJ 20050111]
- A banished vampire will return to play when it again has blood >= capacity on it at the end of its Methuselah's influence phase. [TOM 19951209]
- A Banished vampire will remember all effects that had been applied to him, just as contested vampires do. This includes gained or lost titles, etc. [RTR 20000501]
- Note that "for the rest of the game" effects pointing at the Banished vampire (from some other source) will resume if/when the vampire comes back into play (e.g., Contract naming that Assamite). [TOM 19960210]
- Temporary control effects are ended if the vampire is Banished, as normal, so the vampire would be placed in his previous (permanent) controller's uncontrolled region. [RTR 20000501]
- You can play Change of Target after Bear-Baiting (younger, older, or the same age). [LSJ 20040312]
Bestial Vengeance:
- Bestial Vengeance's damage is inflicted, whether or not the opposing minion's strike burns the retainer. [LSJ 20090616]
- The affected Methuselah is named when the card is played. [RTR 19980928]
- Each of their turns, the person subjected to Betrayer can name a vampire. If the guess is correct, Betrayer is burned. [RTR 19941109]
- Is cumulative. A player can be damaged by multiple Betrayers each turn. A Methuselah targeted by more than one Betrayer would have to pay 1 pool for each Betrayer in order to burn them, even if the same vampire is the betrayer in each case. [RTR 19941109]
- If the vampire chosen for Betrayer is burned, so is Betrayer. If the vampire chosen for Betrayer becomes contested, Betrayer is nullified until the contention is resolved, at which time the Betrayer is reactivated. If a player takes control of the vampire that is the target of the betrayer, that player takes the pool loss. [RTR 19941109]
- You select an uncontrolled vampire when you play the card. If you have a choice (more than one of your uncontrolled vampires is controlled by the other Methuselah), you still have to choose just one of them to be the Betrayer. [LSJ 19990419]
- Bima's "that Discipline" refers to the card on Bima. If the card is no longer there, then the effect cannot be used. [LSJ 20071006]
Black Cat:
- The lower pool cost is used for the "cost" of equipment on her. [RTR 19941109]
- If she is equipped with something and that equipment is transferred to another minion, then it regains its normal pool value. Conversely, if a piece of equipment moves onto her, its effective pool cost is lowered by 1. [RTR 19941109]
Blood Brother Ambush:
- Blood Brother Ambush can be used by a BrujahAnti taking an action while in torpor. If this happens, the blocker loses the opportunity to commit diablerie. [RTR 20010710]
Blood Fury:
- Blood Fury doesn't protect the target from taking damage from a weapon strike, since "inflict" has been ruled to mean "inflict on the opposing minion/retainer". So side-effect damage from a Bomb, Zip Gun, etc. is unaffected by Blood Fury. [LSJ 19980216]
Blood of Acid:
- The damage from Blood of Acid is environmental. [LSJ 20020708]
Blood Rage:
- Blood Rage doesn't protect the target from taking damage from a weapon strike, since "inflict" has been ruled to mean "inflict on the opposing minion/retainer". So side-effect damage from a Bomb, Zip Gun, etc. is unaffected by Blood Rage. [LSJ 19980216]
Blood of Acid:
- Environmental Damage (Weather Control, etc.) isn't counted by Blood of Acid. [RTR 19970630]
Blood of the Cobra:
- If the strike is one that says to make a hand strike or make a melee weapon strike, then the strike is ranged, but the hand or melee weapon portion of the strike is still only effective at close range. [RTR 20010710]
- If Bloodbath's target already has or subsequently gains a title, then he doesn't get an extra vote from the Bloodbath. If the target loses his title, then he again gets his extra vote from the Bloodbath. [LSJ 19970224]
- When taking the action to burn a location, the action will fail if the acting minion does not possess the bomb when the action resolves (if the Bomb was transferred or destroyed somehow). [RTR 19960221] [LSJ 20020926]
- The superior form of Bonding cannot be used if you do not need the stealth at the time you play Bonding. [TOM 19951109]
Botched Move:
- Can be played against any combat card, even cards like Psyche! and Coordinate Attacks, which are played after combat. [LSJ 20070214]
- Has superior Presence and no Potence (the CE version is misprinted). [LSJ 20020812]
- Transfers may not be made to the vampire - neither to put blood on nor to move blood off. [RTR 19950413]
Brujah Debate:
- If more than 1 Brujah shares the highest capacity amount, the controller chooses which of them to tap during her master phase. [LSJ 19980224]
- Brujah Debate can tap a tapped Brujah. [PIB 20110310]
Brujah Frenzy - Master Out-of-Turn:
- There is no time to play further action modifiers or reactions before combat begins. [TOM 19950829]
- Brujah Frenzy only causes the affected Brujah to enter combat with a second minion; that minion is not considered to be blocking the Brujah in any way. [RTR 19950906]
- Must select a "ready, untapped minion" to send the Brujah into combat with. If there are no such minions, Brujah Frenzy cannot be played. [RTR 19951110]
- Can only be played on a Ready acting Brujah. [RTR 19980623]
- You cannot use Bundi with a strike card that would read: "Strike: make a handstrike." (but you can use it with a strike card that reads "strike: make a hand weapon strike") [LSJ 20080702]
Business Pressure:
- Each Methuselah must decide how much pool to burn for it during the resolution of the effect. It does not give an ability for the rest of the political action. However, there can be some give and take during the resolution of the effect. For example, each Methuselah can choose to burn one pool at a time as pool is burned for votes. [RTR 19960530]
Call the Great Beast:
- The action to put a counter on the Call the Great Beast card is an action that requires Baali. [LSJ 20050112]
Call the Wild Hunt:
- At superior, you choose X and then discard that many animals form your hand (and cannot use any animals drawn to replace the ones you are discarding as further discards). [LSJ 20060215]
- The damage inflicted by the superior is environmental damage. [LSJ 20060217]
- Callirus can burn 1 blood to remove a Bauble on him. [LSJ 20090113]
Camarilla Vitae Slave:
- The vampire keeps his chosen Discipline at superior until his controller's next untap phase even if the retainer is burned or stolen. [LSJ 19970224]
- The card being retrieved is announced when the action is declared. [LSJ 19970821]
Carrion Crows:
- Carrion Crows does "1R each round" to the opposing minion (card text). The "during strike resolution" just tells you when that 1R per round is resolved. (2R for superior). This is akin to how retainer-based damage is handled. [LSJ 19971211]
- Costs 1 blood, not 2 (errata to the FN version). [RTR 20010710]
Catatonic Fear:
- If combat continues (via Telepathic Tracking, for example), then Catatonic Fear's damage is lost. [RTR 20020501]
- The damage from Catatonic Fear is dealt by the striking vampire (so would be reduced to zero by Memories of Mortality). [LSJ 19990723]
Chain of Command:
- Chain of Command cannot bring more than one copy of a unique vampire out, by the rule prohibiting self-contesting. [LSJ 20040722]
Change of Target:
- Is governed by the "same action" rulings. [RTR 19950509]
- Change of Target cannot be used if the action is blocked by some means other than by a blocking minion (e.g., Brujah Frenzy, Kiss of Ra). [LSJ 19980224]
- Change of Target is played after a minion successfully blocks but before the blocker is tapped and combat begins. [RTR 19991206]
- Effects triggered when the action is blocked are still triggered (Truth of Blood, Unleash Hell's Fiury, ..) [PIB 20110417]
Charming Lobby:
- A bloodhunt vote does not qualify. [TOM 19950921]
- The next referendum can be called by another Methuselah's vampire; if this is the case, then that referendum passes automatically. [PIB 20110719]
Charnas the Imp:
- Does nothing to an empty vampire which untaps in torpor. [RTR 19941109]
- Cannot be damaged by host, but does not stop host from using effects which would normally damage it. For example, the host can use Body of Sun, but would not damage Charnas as a result. [RTR 19941109]
Church of the Order of St. Blaise:
- The Church of the Order of St. Blaise can put counters on locations that use "blood" or "pool" counters, such as Alamut. [PIB 20110712]
- The effect lasts until the end of the action. [LSJ 20060412]
Clio's Kiss:
- If your copy of the contested card is the last one left, it is moved to your controlled region (not your uncontrolled region). [LSJ 20011202]
Clan Impersonation:
- Changing clan with Clan Impersonation won't remove any slave status. [LSJ 20030511]
Cloak the Gathering:
- The superior ability can be used to aid another minion even while the modifying vampire is tapped. [RTR 19941109]
Compel the Spirit:
- Compel the Spirit can only retrieve allies and retainers. Jake Washington, Death Pact, etc. that are not allies or retainers in the ash heap cannot be retrieved. [LSJ 20030128]
Condemnation Mute:
- Only affects votes, and not ballots. [PIB 20110802]
Contingency Planning:
- The cost of the canceled card is not paid (instead of paid and then retrieved). [RTR 20030519]
Coordinate Attacks:
- Is only usable by an untapped vampire. [DTR 20011130]
Coroner's Contact:
- Shuffle your crypt afterward [LSJ 20020304]
Corpse Minion:
- Corpse Minion may be used any number of times during a single action. [TOM 19960109]
Corrupt Construction:
- If the construction is recruited in the normal fashion, the card will have been replaced by the time the ally enters play. In other cases (e.g., Zhenga), however, it won't have been, and the Methuselah will have to work with only cards in hand (or ash heap) to add life to the Construction (before replacing). [LSJ 20070707]
Creation Rites:
- You may move a blood from the acting vampire to the new vampire (this sentence was omitted in Sabbat War). [RTR 20001020]
- If the Creation is moved to the Uncontrolled region (by Banishment, for example), it continues to be a vampire (and can be influenced). [RTR 19990712]
Crocodile's Tongue:
- The canceled block isn't successful or unsuccessful. It is simply canceled. [LSJ 20110419]
Cryptic Rider:
- May only be used after a referendum is successful, not simply a successful political action (unblocked political action). [RTR 19950209]
Curse of Nitocris:
- Curse only moves when a Methuselah gets the Edge who doesn't already have the Edge. [LSJ 19971006]
Day Operation:
- Can only be played when the action is announced or (at superior) when a block is attempted. [LSJ 19971113]
- Decapitate cannot be played on a vampire under the effects of Undead Persistence. [RTR 20010710]
- Cannot be used to direct a bleed to a Methuselah who would be an invalid target for a bleed (after Minor Boon, e.g.) [RTR 19950622]
- Declaring that one is not blocking is implicit in playing Deflection (unlike playing Telepathic Counter). That is, Deflection (and other bleed bounce cards) are played after blocks are declined. [LSJ 20000507] [LSJ 20061213]
Delaying Tactics:
- Cancels the political action, but the acting minion is still considered to have taken a political action (so cannot perform another in the same turn). [RTR 19970630]
- If played on a referendum called by a Charming Lobby, the political action card (if any) is retrieved, not the Charming Lobby card. [LSJ 20030425]
- Will only retrieve a political action card played from the hand. It won't retrieve an in-play Rumors of Gehenna in the referendum to burn it, or a PA card burned via Echo of Harmonies, for example. [LSJ 20041130]
- The political action card is returned to its owners hand. This is usually the same as the acting Methuselah's hand, but not always. [LSJ 20050323]
- The animal retainers turned into allies keep their current life counters and remember their original "starting life", for effects that notice "starting life". The retainers' special abilities are lost. [LSJ 20051116]
- Does not affect the cost to contest titles, since the cost to contest is paid in vampire blood, not pool. [RTR 19950509]
Denial of Aphrodite's Favor:
- The cost of the canceled card is not paid (instead of paid and then retrieved). [RTR 20030519]
- The +1 strength is always in effect, not just during diablerie attempts. [RTR 19961113]
- Derange cannot be moved to a Malkavian nor to a Malkavian antitribu vampire. [LSJ 19970224]
- When removing the Derange, a vampire returns to the former clan, and the default sect of that clan (Group1 Gangrels return as Independent). [PIB 20110807]
Descent into Darkness:
- Descent into Darkness breaks any temporary control effects (Temptation, Malkavian Dementia, etc.), so the vampire is given, face down and out of play, to his permanent controller, with the Descent into Darkness card (which, as a minion card, is then controlled by that permanent controller). [LSJ 20040525]
Detect Authority:
- Detect Authority ends the action. Action modifiers (Freak Drive, for instance) can't be played afterwards. [PIB 20110511]
Diamond Thunderbolt:
- The cost of the change of control effect is still paid. Any bids made are paid. Any counters burned are still burned. [LSJ 20040518]
- Will not extend temporary change of control effects when they expire. [LSJ 20040518]
Direct Intervention:
- If the canceled card had a "Do Not Replace Until" clause on it, that clause is canceled as well (and the card is replaced normally, subject to other effects: Visit from the Capuchin, etc.) [LSJ 20011023]
- Since the NRA rule is applied to the acting minion when the action resolves (is blocked or is successful), the minion whose action card is canceled by Direct Intervention is free to attempt the same type of action again, even with (another copy of) the same card. [LSJ 19980212]
- Can only burn minion cards played from the hand in the normal fashion (not weapons played via Disguised Weapon or equipment played via Pier 13, for example). [RTR 20001020]
- The cost of the canceled card is not paid (instead of paid and then retrieved). [RTR 20030519]
Dirty Little Secrets:
- If the Methuselah you are bleeding doesn't burn any pool (if she calls in a Major Boon, for example), then she doesn't burn any cards from her library for Dirty Little Secrets, either. [LSJ 19970224]
Disarming Presence:
- Tapping is a side effect, not a cost; tapped vampires can still vote. [RTR 19941109]
- Vampires are tapped when they cast their votes. [RTR 19970425]
Disguised Weapon:
- If Disguised Weapon is used to equip and contest a unique weapon possessed by the opposing minion, neither weapon is available for use during the combat. If the opposing minion had already chosen that weapon as his strike, then the strike fizzles. [LSJ 19980319]
- Have vampires of just 1 clan means you gain 1 pool for that 1 clan. [LSJ 20040523]
Domain Challenge:
- Tapped minions are counted after the referendum is completed. [RTR 19941109]
Domain of Evernight:
- The restriction of "one per turn" only applies to the superior version of Domain of Evernight. [LSJ 20020418]
- If a location costs X blood, it would take X vandal counters to burn it. [LSJ 20001118]
Donal O'Connor:
- An empty blocking vampire may still block (and will simply try and fail to burn a blood if the block is successful). [TOM 19951215]
- The blocking vampire burns 1 blood immediately upon successfully blocking Donal, regardless of whether combat begins. [RTR 19960530]
Dr. Morrow, The Skindoctor:
- Multiple graft counters may be placed on the same minion, but they have no additional effect. A minion with any (one or more) graft counters gets -1 stealth (not -X stealth). [LSJ 20070306]
- If the action is masked, treat the previously-used Draba as a -X stealth modifier, where X is the amount of stealth reduced by the Draba at the time it was used. [RTR 20030519]
Dreams of the Sphinx:
- Can't move blood to Imbued in the uncontrolled region. [LSJ 20070516]
- If another player plays Dreams of the Sphinx to contest yours, you can't tap it "right before it enters contest". [PIB 20110328]
Dual Form:
- If one of the pair leaves the ready region, the other is burned, and that's it for the pair. That burning of the other won't cause the first to burn. [LSJ 20050117]
- The reduction in capacity is permanent, even if the Dual Form is burned. [LSJ 20051103]
Eagle's Sight:
- Only affects the rule restricting who gets to block an action. The vampire must still meet all other requirements to block (intercept, etc.) In particular, Blood Bond, Day Operation, and Seduction are not circumvented. [RTR 19950413]
- Can be used to overcome the restrictions on blocking (allowing a non-target Methuselah to block a directed action or a non-adjacent Methuselah to block an undirected action). It won't overcome any other restrictions on blocking (like stealth, Seduction, Day Operation, or a prior "I don't block" decision). [RTR 20020501]
Echo of Harmonies:
- The referendum retained by the superior version can only be called if the vampire meets the requirements (Title, Clan, etc.) given on the card. [LSJ 20011205]
- Echo can only retrieve Political Action cards from the ash heap that were played to call the current referendum. If the card is put into play, Echo cannot be used. If the card wasn't played (e.g., calling a referendum to burn Rumors of Gehenna), Echo cannot be used. [LSJ 20020911]
Edith Blount:
- Edith may burn a blood to give Enid stealth multiple times each action. [LSJ 20040617]
Elder Intervention:
- Can be used during any bleed attempt made against you, not just ones declared against you. [RTR 19960530]
Elena Gutierrez:
- Elena's group number was omitted. Elena is a group 3 vampire. [LSJ 20020812]
The Eldest Command the Undeath:
- If you play Voter Captivation on the referendum, you can move up to 2 counters to your pool, and 0 to your vampire. [LSJ 20081002]
Elephant Guardian:
- If the minion with Elephant successfully played an inferior Deep Song action, the target minion would take Elephant Guardian’s damage in the resulting combat if range is close. [PIB 20110609]
Embrace, The:
- If the Embrace is moved to the Uncontrolled region (by Banishment, for example), it continues to be a vampire (and can be influenced). [RTR 19990712]
- Is directed at your prey. [LSJ 20010807]
- Erosion resets a minion's base strength. Any modifiers (including inherent modifiers) are applied to the new base. If another effect (like Torn Signpost) later resets the base damage again, then the new amount wins out. [LSJ 19971211]
Eternal Mask, The:
- You cannot use the effect to burn the card and the vampire if the vamp is no longer in play to be burned. [LSJ 20070928]
Ethan Locke:
- Ethan's (D) action is directed at the controller of the skill card, not the controller of the vampire. [LSJ 19970224]
- When Ethan steals a master Discipline card, his controller becomes the controller of the Discipline card. [LSJ 19990609]
Ex Nihilo:
- The vampire with Ex Nihilo can't burn due to Ex Nihilo's cardtext if he or she can burn the blood during the untap phase. [PIB 20121013]
- Extortion is usable by a tapped vampire [LSJ 20010725]
Falcon's Eye:
- Playing Falcon's Eye won't overcome any stealth, unblockability, sequencing, or previous "I don't block" decisions. It only allows a non-target Methuselah to block a (D) action or a non-adjacent Methuselah to block an undirected action. [LSJ 20020112]
Fall of the Camarilla:
- Fall of the is a temporary effect. Once the card is out of play (by ousting the controller, for instance), the underlying sect of the vampires is again "active". [LSJ 20040519]
Fall of the Sabbat:
- Fall of the is a temporary effect. Once the card is out of play (by ousting the controller, for instance), the underlying sect of the vampires is again "active". [LSJ 20040519]
Feral Spirit:
- Feral Spirit increases the vampire's level of the chosen Discipline by 1 while it is on the vampire. Discipline levels: 0 (none), 1 (normal), and 2 (superior). [LSJ 20011227]
- The Fida'i's ability to untap (costing a blood from an Assamite with capacity 7+) can only be used "during his untap phase", and only once in that untap phase. [LSJ 20010619]
Fiendish Tongue:
- The blood to untap is burned (if desired) during the discard phase. [LSJ 20040918]
Filchware's Pawn Shop:
- Filchware's cannot be used to replay Flaming Candle. [LSJ 20040518]
Fire Dance:
- Fire Dance's target vampire is chosen when the action is announced. [RTR 19970425]
Flesh of Marble:
- Prevents all damage *that was not prevented* in excess of one point. [RTR 19950209]
- The action to burn fleshcraft suffers the -1 stealth penalty as well, so is usually at zero stealth to start (or -1 stealth if superior). [LSJ 19970224]
Follow the Blood:
- If played on a vampire who successfully hunts with a Perfectionist, Perfectionist ahs granted the blood before Follow the Blood gets played. [LSJ 20110308]
Force of Will:
- If the Force of Will action is canceled (by Psychomachia, for example) before the aggravated damage is done, then the damage is not done (it is lost). If it is merely ended (by Change of Target), the the damage occurs as normal. [RTR 20020501] [LSJ 20020927]
- Mask of a Thousand Faces cannot be used to take over a Force of Will action, since the former requires an untapped vampire and the latter requires a tapped one. [RTR 20020927]
Forced Awakening:
- The vampire burns a blood (if he fails to block) when the action begins to resolve (successfully or not). [LSJ 19990421]
Foreshadowing Destruction:
- If played at superior against a target with 10 or more pool, it will only have a lingering effect (+3 bleed if the target happens to have 9 or less, and no additional +bleed cards). [PIB 20110817]
- The superior doesn't increase the bleed amount if the target is at 10 or more pool - you could play it after Conditioning against such a target (and it would still activate when deflected to someone with 9 or less pool). [PIB 20110817]
Forest of Shadows:
- May be used anytime it is untapped, even if it has been used previously during the same action (it must be untapped by some method, of course). [TOM 19960109]
Form of Mist:
- The blood for the superior effect is paid after combat ends. If the effect is interrupted (via Telepathic Tracking or whatever), then the blood is not paid. [LSJ 20031123]
- The superior form cannot be used to add stealth unless the acting vampire needs the stealth. [RTR 19970630]
Fractured Armament:
- The inferior version of Fractured Armament is not a damage-dealing strike; the superior version is (so Increased Strength will affect the superior, but not the inferior, for example). [LSJ 19970225]
Freak Drive:
- Is played after resolution, but still during the action. It cannot be played on an action that was made unpreventable by Concoction of Vitality, for example. [LSJ 19981028]
- The acting vampire cannot play Freak Drive before all of the combats of the action are handled. So Psyche!, Hidden Lurker, Coordinate Attacks, etc. would all be played (and resolve) before Freak Drive can be played. [LSJ 20030103]
- The inferior can be played is the action resolves unblocked, even if it fizzles (due to lack of a suitable target, for example). [LSJ 20070411]
Free States Rant:
- If there are insuffient targets to which to allocate all of the points allowed, then the card cannot be played. [LSJ 20010810]
Frenzy - Master: Out-of-Turn:
- Only prevents the use of equipment after it is played - it will not cancel the effects of equipment used before it is played. [TOM 19960326]
- You can’t have the rescued vampire pay a cost of 2 blood when Frondator rescues him or her. [PIB 20110918]
General Rulings
Compilation from the RTR:
Action Continues As If Unblocked:
- If an effect continues a blocked action "as if unblocked", then all action modifiers and reaction cards, including stealth and Dawn Operation or Wake with Evening's Freshness, are still in effect. [RTR 19941109]
- An action cannot continue "as if unblocked" after a combat resulting from a successful action. [RTR 19970630]
- Any effect that starts a new combat after the combat that was ended by (or continues the combat that was ended by) a "combat ends and the action continues as if unblocked" will nullify the "continue action" part. This includes Psyche (superior), Fast Reaction, Hidden Lurker, and Telepathic Tracking. [LSJ 19980109]
- Performing diablerie (via Amaranth) at the end of the combat that is ended by a "combat ends and the action continues as if unblocked" effect will nullify the "continue action" part. [LSJ 19980819]
- "continue as if unblocked" inherently moves the action card from the ash heap (where it went when the action was blocked) to limbo (where it should be if the action is not blocked). If the action card is not in the ash heap, then the action cannot be continued (like Swarm or Reinforcements). [20070808 ]
Action Modifiers/Reactions:
- Action Modifiers that can be played by minions other than the acting minion (Hidden Lurker, Mask of a Thousand Faces, superior Cloak the Gathering) can only be played by the controller of the acting minion. [LSJ 19990425]
- Action modifiers cannot be played by a vampire in torpor unless that vampire is the acting minion. [RTR 19970306]
- Between the time the action card (including ally, equipment, retainer, and political action cards) is played and the action completely resolved, the action card is neither in play nor in the ash heap. When the action is resolved, the card is burned or put in play, as appropriate. [LSJ 20040623]
- If a minion cannot pay the entire cost of an action when the action resolves, what cost can be paid is paid, and the action continues with no effect ("fizzles"). It is considered successful.ÂÂ [RTR 20011007]
- If a minion cannot take a mandatory action (for whatever reason), the he is stuck and can take no action. [LSJ 20010810]
- Any action which retrieves an equipment card and says to 'equip' the acting minion with that card is considered an 'equip action'. [TOM 19960130]
- If the Methuselah loses control of the acting minion before the resolution of the action, then the action ends. [RTR 19970630]
- Cards and abilities that are usable only after a successful action are used after the action is resolved, including any oustings. [RTR 19970630]
- If an action requires a ready minion, it fizzles as soon as the minion is no longer ready. Similarily, if an action requires a non-ready minion (eg., the leave torpor action), it fizzles as soon as the minion is no longer non-ready (eg., using the Warsaw Station). [LSJ20090325]
- Ignore all "burn blood" effects entirely. [TOM 19960326]
- There is no limit to an Ally's life (if some effect gives an Ally more life than it started with, the excess does not drain off). [TOM 19960604]
- An ally that plays a card "as a vampire" is treated "as a vampire" for all puposes of the resolution of the play of that card including any continuing effects, but not for effects the card generates for being in play. [RTR 20070707]
- If the target of a directed action is reset, a new "choose blockers" opportunity results. [RTR 19970630]
- Combat occurs as part of the block - not after the block. (So Cats' Guidance and Freak Drive are played after the combat, not before). [RTR 19980623]
Casting votes or ballots and abstaining:
- If an effect causes a minion to be unable to cast votes or ballots during a referendum is played/used, that minion is forced to abstain, whether he or she had already cast votes or ballots. [PBE 20141026]
- By default, combat cards only apply to the round in which they are played. Explicit card text is needed to overcome this default. [RTR 19980623]
- A maneuver or press gained by a combat card can only be used during the current round of combat. A maneuver or press gained by a non-combat card (e.g., action, equipment) can be used in any round of the combat. [TOM 19960521]
- If an effect "sets" the range of a round (and therefore skips the maneuver phase), no other effect can be used to reset the range. [RTR 19970630]
- A vampire burned in combat does not pass through Torpor. [RTR 19941109]
- Cards which are not usable by vampires going to Torpor are not usable by vampires burned in combat, either. [RTR 19950622]
- Cards which are not usable by vampires going to Torpor only check to see if the vampire is currently going to torpor, not if the vampire will be going to Torpor later. E.g., A vampire with Undead Persistence can still play these types of cards. [LSJ 19970304]
- Hand Strike: any non-ranged, non-weapon strike that deals damage based on the striking minion's strength, or any minion's non-ranged damage-dealing innate strike. [LSJ 19970224]
- If the strike does something in addition to ending combat, that something takes place just after the combat ends, unless it is an untap effect, in which case it takes place before the end of combat. [RTR 19970630]
- If a strike has additional effects like a press (e.g., Thrown Sewer Lid, Kraken's Kiss, Wind Dance), and that strike is canceled (e.g., with Primal Instincts or with The Jones), then the rest of the effect is also canceled. [RTR 20040501]
- Combat effects played at the end of a round/combat can be played when the round ends via S:CE or similar. [RTR 20001020]
- You can use an effect that will steal/burn more blood (or life) than the target minion has - you steal/burn what he has. The effect targets the minion, not the counters. [RTR 20010710]
- Only maneuvering with a weapon commits you to striking with that weapon. Other effects can be used without striking with the weapon. [LSJ 19971215]
- If you have any pending (additional) strikes, wait until those strikes are resolved before gaining further additional strikes (if you are allowed to use more than one additional-strike-gaining effect in a round). [LSJ 20001206]
- You can gain additional strikes even if you cannot strike. You still cannot strike with the additional strike, however. [LSJ 19970821]
- Things that are played "at the end of round" (Disarm, Taste of Vitae, Psyche!, etc.) are played after all presses for the round are handled (if the round makes it that far; they can be played if the round ends prematurely, as normal). [RTR 20030519]
- An effect which would cause (a new) combat cannot be used if there is already a pending combat queued. [RTR 20020501]
- Unique cards on contested cards are out of the game except with respect to being contested. They are contested as normal, should the need arise. [RTR 19951017]
- Incoming copies of contested cards do not enter play prior to being contested. Any effect the new copy of the contested has for being in play is not activated prior to the contest. [RTR 20030519]
- Temporary control effects are ended if the vampire is contested, as normal, so the vampire would be placed facedown in front of his previous (permanent) controller. [RTR 20000501]
- If an ally would enter play and contest, and if all other copies are yielded, that ally returns into play in the uncontrolled area where that ally was placed when entering contest. That ally can't act on that turn. [LSJ 20050428]
Controlled Cards:
- If control of a card is returned to a player who has been ousted, the card is burned. [RTR 19960221]
- A card with a clan symbol only requires a ready member of that clan *when played*. You don't need a clan member to gain control of the card (via Far Mastery, Disputed Territory, etc.) once it's in play. [TOM 19960226]
Damage (Combat):
- Damage is only considered to have come from a minion if the damage is from a strike or if an effect specifically states that the damage is dealt by the minion. Otherwise, the damage is considered "environmental" and a) damage inflicted by damage-dealing retainers is considered to come from that retainer; b) damage from other effects has no particular source. [RTR 19970630][ANK 20211127]
- Resolving multiple points of (simultaneous) damage is done all at once - you cannot interrupt the process to play some other effect (like tapping the Vagabond Mystic). [LSJ 20001111]
- The damage modifier must be played before the end of the Choose Strike phase in order to affect the current strike. [RTR 19960112]
- Ammo cards are played before any strikes take effect regardless of whether those strikes deal damage or not. Thus, if a vampire who is getting shot with Dragon's Breath Rounds is targeted by Rotschreck, the combat will end before either strike does anything. [RTR 19960221]
- Adding damage to strikes which are not damage dealing strikes will not deal damage (e.g., using Lucky Blow and choosing your Rowan Ring melee weapon won't deal damage) [RTR 19960221]
- Additional damage inherits all of the properties of the base damage (So the +1 damage from lucky blow is aggravated for Basilia). [RTR ]
- The base damage does not inherit the properties of the additional damage (So a Saturday Night Special with Dragon's Breath Rounds does 1 normal plus 2 aggravated damage). [RTR ]
- Effects that increase the damage provided by strike cards affect those cards rather than the striking minion (so the added damage is the same type as the strike's damage, not the base damage). [RTR 19970630]
- Effects that prevent "up to X" or that prevent "X" damage have the same effect -- they prevent as much damage as possible, up to the maximimum (X) specified. [RTR 20041202]
- "Damage from a strike" only includes damage done to the opposing target. Side effect damage is not counted as "damage from a strike". Therefore, self-inflicted damage from Zip Gun, Grenade, Burst of Sunlight, Body of Sun, etc. is side effect damage and is not preventable by "prevent damage from a strike" effects like Skin of Steel, Leather Jacket, etc. [LSJ 19970108] [ ]
- Damage done to an uncontrolled vampire is ignored. [RTR 19991001]
- Cards that prevent damage are only usable at least one non-unpreventable damage remains unprevented.
- A card can prevent more damage than the remaining unprevented damage.
Directed Actions:
- Actions which target another player's hand, uncontrolled region, crypt, or library (or cards therein) are directed at that player. (Actions which target another player's ash heap are undirected by default). [LSJ 20010924] [LSJ 20010926]
- An action you take directed only at yourself (or something you control) is an undirected action, even if the action is marked with a (D) symbol. [RTR 19980707]
- Equipment is not optional, unless indicated by card text. Using a weapon as a strike is optional. [RTR 19980707] [ ]
- Equipment only applies while in possession. If needed for an action, the action will fizzle if the acting minion doesn't possess the equipment when the action resolves. [RTR 19960221]
- A weapon's "current damage" is the amount of damage that the weapon would inflict if used as a strike by bearer against a generic opponent. (This affects Machine Blitz). [RTR 19980623]
- A "regular strike" is unmodified, so would use the default strength [LSJ 20020821]
Equipments which are Locations (Loquipment):
- Loquipment doesn't count as equipment while it is in play. [RTR 19960112]
- Loquipment may be put on any minion if moved in an ambiguous fashion (by Disputed Territory, e.g.). If the new controller has no minions, the locquipment is burned. (Note: currently all moves are ambiguous - TOM). [RTR 19960112]
- Transferring Locquipment via Disputed Territory to the *same* Methuselah that currently controls the locquipment results in no effect - the locquipment cannot be moved to a different minion of the same Methuselah. [LSJ 19971002]
- Any hunt modification (Aaron's Razor, Hesha, etc.) is allowed on special hunts (Legacy of Cain, Week of Nightmares, etc.), following card text. Note that card text on Festivo dello Estinto and Inbase Discotek explicitly move the additional blood from the blood bank (rather than from the new, non-default, target of the hunt). [RTR 20030519]
Imbued Powers:
- A Power's reaction effect can be used only when reactions can be used. On the Qui Vive can be used to enable a tapped Imbued to use the reaction effect. Similarly, Blind Spot would prevent an Imbued from using the reaction effect. [LSJ 20070403] [LSJ 20070413]
- Having other effects that cause the infernal vampire not to untap as normal during the untap phase are redundant with being infernal. If the vampire doesn't untap because of being infernal and because he has a Sensory Deprivation, for example, his controller may still burn a pool to untap the vampire. [LSJ 20050114]
Library/Hand/Ash Heap:
- If you hold fewer cards in hand than your hand size because your library is empty and then one or more cards are returned to your library, immediately draw the cards into your hand (stopping if your reach your hand size). [LSJ 20001127]
- The cards that you are currently not replacing count against your hand size. [LSJ 19980803]
- Cards that go into an ash heap, hand, or library always go into their owner's ash heap, hand, or library. [RTR 19970425]
- If an effect causes you to search your library or crypt, shuffle that deck afterward. [LSJ 20040518]
Master Cards:
- Changing the controller of a location has no other effect, unless specified by card text. Exception: A location "on" another controlled card is moved onto an appropriate card controlled by the new controller of the location. (so you can retarget a Tomb of Ramses, for example, but the amount of blood on a powerbase doesn't change). [RTR 19980623]
- The effect of the Master Card is completely defined when the card is played (any targets must be named). [LSJ 19970630]
- The Master: Discipline card increases the vampire's level of the Discipline by 1 while it is on the vampire. Discipline levels: 0 (none), 1 (normal), and 2 (superior). [LSJ 20011227]
Merging advanced vampires:
- Any blood counters (or other cards, if the vampire had been Banished, for example) on the uncontrolled card being merged are burned. They do not transfer to the vampire in play. Only the crypt card is moved to the vampire in play. [LSJ 20030418] [LSJ 20030421]
Minion cards:
- When played, a split Discipline card counts as requiring the Discipline being used (for effects that enhance or restrict cards that require certain Disciplines). In the hand (or library or ash heap), the card can be considered to require either Discipline (for effects that retrieve cards that require certain Disciplines). [LSJ 20020510]
- A Discipline-based card that is put into play is put into play at either basic or superior level. Once in play, you can't change which level it was played at, even if you give the vampire that played it a better ability. [TOM 19960403]
Playing Cards:
- If a card targets (chooses, selects, is played on, etc.) some target, then the card can only be played if an appropriate target is available. Examples: Strike: Steal/Destroy Equipment/Weapon cannot be used if the opposing minion doesn't have a suitable Equipment/Weapon to be destroyed/stolen. [RTR 19980928] [LSJ 20030408]ÂÂ "Stealing blood" effects target a minion, not its blood (or life) counters.
- You cannot play a card whose cost cannot be paid. If, between the time a action card is played (or an action is attempted) and the time the cost of the action is paid, you no longer can pay the cost, then you pay as much as you can and the card is burned without effect (or the action has no effect). [TOM 19960514] [RTR 20010710]
- A card can be canceled "as it is played" (with Sudden Reversal, Direct Intervention, etc.) only as it is played. The only cards that can be played "as" another one is played are the ones the players have in their hands at the time. You cannot use the Barrens after a master card is played, for example, to attempt to draw into a Sudden Reversal to cancel it. [RTR 20040501]
- An effect that allows a minion to play a card that requires a Discipline he doesn't have (e.g., Infernal Familiar, Ian Forestal) can be used to meet one (not both) of the normal Discipline requirements of a multi-Discipline card. [LSJ 20011217]
Priscus (Prisci Ballots):
- Prisci in general have zero votes (for effects that operate based on the number of votes a vampire has). [RTR 19970630]
- If a Priscus is forced to abstain or to change his votes, then this includes his ballots as well as his votes (if any) in the main referendum. [LSJ 19970224]
- An individual Priscus is not tainted by the result of the Prisci sub-referendum. (This only matters for cards like Bribes and Scorn of Adonis that care which way individual minions cast their votes.) A Priscus is considered to have cast ballots (andÂÂ votes)ÂÂ "for" or "against" (or to have abstained from) the main referendum based on how he cast his ballot(s) in the sub-referendum (and in the main referendum), regardless of the result of that sub-referendum. [RTR 20000501]
- If a retainer which requires a Discipline to be employed is brought into play by a means other than "Employ Retainer", treat it as if it were brought into play with the basic version of the Discipline. [RTR 19960221]
- Any reference to the employing vampire should be a reference to the employing minion, unless the retainer's ability clearly only applies to a vampire (i.e., unless the ability affects blood, Disciplines, clan, sect, capacity, titles, or votes). [RTR 19960530] [RTR 19990105]
- Damage done to retainers is not "unpreventable" nor "undodgable", although there are few effects that allow a retainer to prevent damage or dodge strikes. [LSJ 20070820]
- "During time period X, (you may) do Y" limits Y to once per phase X. [LSJ 19970625]
- "At the start of the untap phase" is another way of specifying "during the untap phase". Neither phrasing specifies a period of time before the other. [RTR 19990105]
- "As played" (a phrase used by many card-canceling effects) comes after the card in question is fully announced and before the played card is replaced and before the effect the play generates. In general, no card or effect can be used in this window. The only ones that can be arethe effects that say so, and Wake-style effects that enable such cards to be played ("may play reaction cards" effects, not "untap self" or other effects). [RTR]
- "Same Action" means: 1) The same inherent (cardless) action taken against the same target. 2) The action taken with the same card played from hand, regardless of target. 3) The same action provided by the same copy of a card in play. (Each action provided by a card in play is a distinct action (and doesn't count as the "same action"). [RTR 19950905]
- Any "same action" is the "same type of action" - so a superior Govern the Unaligned is a Govern action type just as a inferior Govern the Unaligned is (and the inferior is also a bleed action type). [LSJ 20001122]
- Blood capacity gained by gaining a title will be lost if the title is lost. [TOM 19960210]
Torpor and Diablerie:
- Only vampires can commit diablerie. Effects that would allow something other than a vampire to commit diablerie are ignored. [RTR 19970630]
- If a blood hunt cannot be called (Muaziz, the diablerist of March Halcyon, etc.), then no referendum to call one is conducted. [LSJ 20020715]
- Only ready vampires can commit diablerie. Vampires in Torpor cannot. [RTR 19980623]
- The steps of diablerie (section 6.5.5 of the rules) are indivisible - you cannot interrupt them to play other effects (exceptions made for effects played within the referendum, per 6.5.6). Notably: effects played when a vampire is about to be burned are played before the whole thing and effects played when a vampire is burned (meaning "has been") or after a vampire is burned are played after the whole thing. [LSJ 20020311] [LSJ 20020411]
- If an event both burns and torporizes a vampire, the controller decides whether the vampire will go into torpor before being burned. [RTR 19960708]
Vampires/Crypt/Uncontrolled Region:
- A vampire's capacity can never be reduced below one, even by the effects of Violet Tremain or Mind of a Child. [RTR 19990712]
- If a Caitiff creates another vampire (via the Embrace, for example), the created is Caitiff (and clanless) by default (unless card text says otherwise, of course). [LSJ 20011228] [LSJ 20020102]
- If you fill up two uncontrolled scarce vampires of the same clan (see during your influence phase, you move one into the controlled region and then the other - burning an additional 3 pool for the second because of the first. [LSJ 20011018]
- If you contest a scarce vampire (see, you pay the 3-pool-per-same-clan penalty when putting the card into play (before contesting begins). [LSJ 20011018]
Casting votes and ballots:
- The first thing that happens during a referendum is the setting of terms. All the other effects are played during the polling step. This includes cards that are used "before votes and ballots are cast". (This is errata to [], making the setting of terms the only thing done in that step.) [RTR 20040501]
- All votes and ballots from a single source must be cast in agreement. A single source is a minion or a single non-minion source (like Ventrue HQ). All the votes a single vampire casts must be cast in agreement. All the votes and ballots from a given non-minion source must be cast in agreement (you cannot tap the Ventrue HQ and cast 2 in favor and 1 against). [LSJ 20020126]
- If a referendum will pass automatically (e.g., Cryptic Rider, Charming Lobby, Malkavian Rider Clause, Día de los Muertos), then no casting votes or ballots occurs during the automatic referendum, and most "during a political action" and "during a referendum" effects cannot be used. E.g., Delaying Tactics cannot be used to cancel the referendum. Any effects that operate on the number of votes that the referendum passed by have no effect. [LSJ 19980107]
- An effect that cancels a referendum (Telepathic Vote Counting, Gangrel Conspiracy, etc.) may be played at any time during the voting process - before, during, or after votes and ballots have been cast. [LSJ 19980130]
- An effect that cancels a minion's votes and/or ballots (Telepathic Vote Counting, Pulling Strings, etc.) may be played at any time during the voting process - before or after that minion casts his votes and/or ballots. [RTR 19950530] [LSJ 19990723]
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