
2nd V:TES Tournament of the Spanish Grand Slam Circuit

Storyline Lucita d’Aragón (Sabbat Flavour)


Date: April 19th, 2008

City: Zaragoza (Spain)

Address: Freakland; Calle Sevilla 12, Zaragoza

Fee: 11,00 Euros (Only 5,00 Euros for the members of the Association Cónclave Hispánico)



Round 0: Building the Crypt and the Library

The crypt of the deck must contain at least 75% vampires that belong to the Sabbat, the remaining 25% can be completed with vampires from other Sect: Camarilla, Independent or Laibon. As any “Non Sabbat” vampire enters the game, she or he will lose the title and the votes.

The Library can not contain any card that require a different sect than the Sabbat: Traditions, Parity Shift, Blood hunt, Anarch cards, Laibon,… can’t be included on the deck.


Round 1: Legacy of Caine

Vampires can hunt as usual from the Blood Bank or Stealing a blood from a younger vampire as Direct Action with 0 Stealth. Doing so, the blood of the target vampire (the victim) will be considered as the “Blood Bank”, then, any effect of a card that gives a bonus for hunting will mean extra points stolen from the victim (Succulent Vitae, Inbase Discotek, Aaron’s Feeding Razor,…). Imagine what happens when the master card Festivo dello Estinto is played…


Round 2: Lucita’s welcome

In additon to previous round rule, an improved-merged Lucita will be in the middle of the table, full of capacity at the start of the round. Any Metuselah can take control of her during the Master phase till her or his predator’s discard phase. The cost to do so is to burn the edge, paying 2 pool and renouncing to the master phase (complete, no matter if the Metuselah has got extra master phases, all of them should be spent).

When the control of Lucita is over, she returns to the middle of the table, getting one blood from the Blood bank. Any equipment, retainer or any other card played or her is burned. In case Lucita is burned or sent to torpor she will return to the middle instead, gaining 1 blood from the Blood Bank.


Round 3: Vykos comes to the party

In the same way than the previous Round, but this time with a customized version of Sascha Vykos.


Final Round: Clash of Queens

For the final round, both Lucita d’Aragón and Sascha are in the middle of the table to support the Metuselah’s plots.



Every Metuselah participating in the event will receive a Deck Box tuned with the FdE II Logo, together with a nice pack of the new Promo cards and one Marianna Gilbert. In case this is first time the Metuselah is coming to Zaragoza for an V:TES tournament or it’s the first time playing an official V:TES tournament, she or he will receive our exclusive Edge; as this is the Tradition in Zaragoza since the ECQ 2006. Here you have got the pictures of both gifts:


During the event, players will get one booster per Victory Point. The winner of the game will be tittled as Regent of the Sabbat, receiving the Regent Ring:


The other four finalists will be tittled as Seraphs, getting the Diploma and a black gauntlet with the Black Hand Crescent Moon stamped on the palm:


Both, the Regent and the Serafins, will receive additional boosters and starter decks depending on the number of players and the money collected.

By the other side, the players who burned more vampires during the game, in combat or by diablerie, she or he will become Sabbat Inquisitor, whose price is the following Lucita miniature:


More information about the event, flavour story (In Spanish), hotels, maps, preinscription list, etc in our forum