Head Hunter Tournament 2011

25 June 2011, 17:00


As the name says, the objective of this tournament is hunt and decapitate heads, vps have not been worth almost nothing on the tables and make the GW who get more heads by, burning in combat, diablerie, votes, blood hunt and any other cards that burn minions. See more details and addtional rulings in above website.

Organizer N/A (6020033)
Piratininga's Beach House
Av Almirante Tamadaré 4698 - Piratininga
24350-380, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
2 + Final
Time Limit 2hrs
Proxies are NOT allowed
Fee R$ 5,00
Phone 55 21 8833-9041
Website http://t.co/IIcBdGZ