file Reckless Flurry

30 Apr 2015 16:19 #70787 by Jyhad
Reckless Flurry was created by Jyhad
As I mentioned in other thread. Here is a deck that doesn't require as much tooling up. With most everyone able to play everything in the deck out the gate. The lone exception being Suzanne who can go anarch in order to be able to play Reckless if necessary. Key is pacing yourself so you don't look to threatening too fast.

Crypt: (12)
4x Aziz, Dammar of Istanbul(G2)
3x Melek(G2)
2x Husamettin(G2)
2x Qufur am-Heru(G2)
1x Suzanne Kadim(G3)
Library: (90)
Master: (10)
4x Minion Tap
2x Villein
1x Alamut
1x Obfuscate
1x Presence
1x The Khabar: Community
Action: (16)
8x Flurry of Action
4x Blithe Acceptance
4x Khabar: Glory
Action Modifier: (32)
6x Aire of Elation
6x Bewitching Oration
6x True Love's Face
6x Voter Captivation
2x Cloak the Gathering
2x Faceless Night
2x Forgotten Labyrinth
2x Lost in Crowds
Action Modifier/Combat: (2)
2x Swallowed by the Night
Action Modifier/Reaction: (4)
4x Scalpel Tongue
Combat: (12)
12x Majesty
Political Action: (7)
7x Reckless Agitation
Reaction: (7)
7x Lost in Translation

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30 Apr 2015 19:08 #70792 by Hakuron
Replied by Hakuron on topic Re: Reckless Flurry
Crypt: (12)
4x Aziz, Dammar of Istanbul(G2)
3x Melek(G2)
2x Husamettin(G2)
2x Qufur am-Heru(G2)
1x Suzanne Kadim(G3)

Maybe Enam is an alternative to Suzanne. He gives you 2 additional votes, and can do all the stuff except for using Reckless Agitation.

Library: (90)
Master: (10)
4x Minion Tap
2x Villein
1x Alamut
1x Obfuscate
1x Presence
1x The Khabar: Community

Villein AND Minion Tap is not a good choice. Change the Villeins to Minion Taps (or to Blood Dolls), you don't need the trifle effect.
Change the Obfuscate skill card to Presence, that is what your minions need on superior level.
Maybe consider 2x Archon Investigation.
Usually, with your vamps being rather big, some crypt acceleration would be reasonable (Zillah's Valley, Information Highway, Dreams of the Sphinx).
One or two Wider View might help, too.

Action: (16)
8x Flurry of Action
4x Blithe Acceptance
4x Khabar: Glory

4 x Blithe is too much for my taste. Haqim's Law: Leadership is a great pool-gain card for the Assamites. Entrancement is great against allies.

Action Modifier: (32)
6x Aire of Elation
6x Bewitching Oration
6x True Love's Face
6x Voter Captivation
2x Cloak the Gathering
2x Faceless Night
2x Forgotten Labyrinth
2x Lost in Crowds

I would skip True Love's Face at all. At least 2x Elder Impersonation should go in.

Action Modifier/Combat: (2)
2x Swallowed by the Night


Action Modifier/Reaction: (4)
4x Scalpel Tongue

Fine. Scalpel Tongue is great, since it can also be used to tap a voting blocker during anybody's referendum.
Also, Blood Awakening might help your game, too, since it allows you to block some nasty (undirected) actions with only +1 stealth.

Combat: (12)
12x Majesty

Too much for my taste, but maybe a decision based on your meta.

Political Action: (7)
7x Reckless Agitation

I would diversify the votes. Else, one Delaying Tactics spoiles one turn of voting. Plus, you have big cap vampires that benefit from Ancient Influence and Political Stranglehold.

Reaction: (7)
7x Lost in Translation

Too much, since it is not a reliable bounce card (only against allies and younger vampires, plus, you have to be untapped).

I hope, this is of some use for you. Good games!

National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de

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01 May 2015 06:52 #70795 by Borrelstein
Replied by Borrelstein on topic Re: Reckless Flurry
Regarding ousting, perma-bleed is great with flurry.
Heart of the city and Enkil Cog come to mind.

How about adding a Loss or two to remove locations/equipment?

I agree on cutting the majesties and lost in translations, maybe 3 lost in translation + 3 OtqV as reaction package and 6-8 majesties for combat would do.
With that much stealth you may not need them that much.

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01 May 2015 16:49 #70809 by Hakuron
Replied by Hakuron on topic Re: Reckless Flurry
On the Qui Vive does not combine with Lost in Translation, since you have to be untapped to use it. Eluding the Arms of Morpheus could help.

National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de

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02 May 2015 18:41 #70854 by Jyhad
Replied by Jyhad on topic Re: Reckless Flurry
Sound suggestions for tweeks before a tourney should one happen round. However my meta is very aggressive. Often over aggresive which I try to explain is bad. But some refuse to listen. It's also Superstar crazy so many decks are built around that. That aside, I'd only argue for the True Love's Face if I wanted to argue.

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03 May 2015 03:20 #70863 by Ke.
Replied by Ke. on topic Re: Reckless Flurry

On the Qui Vive does not combine with Lost in Translation, since you have to be untapped to use it. Eluding the Arms of Morpheus could help.

I don't believe this to be the case. It's not a cost as it doesn't say tap x to do y.

Both Deflection and Telepathic Misdirection also have "Tap this reacting vampire" which again isn't a cost.

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