Constructed deck

Each player must bring a standard constructed deck to play for the tournament as per standard VEKN tournament rules. That is, a 12+ card crypt, and a 60-90 card library.

Clan based deck

The crypt must contain a minimum of 75% of a single clan chosen by the player.



Up to 3 crypt cards with the 'slave' designation can be counted as belonging to the chosen clan for the crypt, where those slave vampires are slaves to that clan.

Banned cards

In addition to the standard VEKN tournament banned list, Recalled to the Founder and The Uncoiling are banned.



Each player will be given a copy of Global Financial Crisis, which they may add to their deck if they so choose, even if this would make a 91 card library.

Each player is also given a copy of Foul Thirst. This card may not be added to a player's deck for this tournament. Instead, each round one player will lend their copy of Foul Thirst to the table to be used as in First infection, below.


Foul ThirstEventTransientWhile this card is not on a vampire, the next time a vampire gains a blood, put this card on that vampire. This vampire has +1 strength and cannot act as normal. He or she must either hunt by stealing a blood off another vampire as a +1 stealth (D) action, or diablerise a vampire in torpor as a +1 stealth (D) action. Blood Hunts cannot be called on this vampire. When a vampire gains blood from a Taste of Vitae in combat with, diablerises, or steals blood from, this vampire, move this card to that vampire (before the Blood Hunt referendum, if any). Global Financial Crisis Event Transient Burn 1 pool from each Investment in play when you play this card. Locations and non-unique equipment cost 1 less pool (min 0). Whenever a location or non-unique equipment enters play, add 1 counter to this card. When it has 10 counters, burn this card and move up to 3 counters from it to each Investment in play. You choose where each counter goes, but you must put at least 1 on each Investment, where possible. Excess counters are burned.


First infection

At the start of each game, a Foul Thirst is placed in the centre of the table, in play but not controlled by any Methuselah. If Foul Thirst is burned or removed from the game, place it back in the centre of the table in play instead (although it still counts as being burned or removed from the game for scoring, below). In this tournament, Foul Thirst will be considered to be controlled by the controller of the vampire it is on.




Each time a vampire you control burns or removes from the game a Foul Thirst on a vampire controlled by another Methuselah (by burning the vampire it is on or otherwise), you gain one Purity Point for the tournament.



Each time a vampire you control with Foul Thirst diablerises a vampire controlled by another Methuselah, you gain one Taint Point for the tournament. Each time you control the vampire with Foul Thirst when you gain a Victory Point, you also gain one Taint Point for the tournament.

At the end of the final round, each player takes the greater of their tournament total Purity or Taint scores, and subtracts the other from it. The resulting number is your net Faction Score.


Aftermath and reporting

Tournament organizers should report both the winning clan and the winning player's net Faction Score. The winning player should also nominate a 'key minion' for the event. This 'key minion' must have been controlled by the player at some point in the tournament.

After all results are collected, the clan that won the most tournaments is declared the winner. Then, all the net Faction Scores for that clan for each Faction are added. Which ever Faction has the higher total score (Purity or Taint) determines the fate of the Curse.

If the winner had more Purity than Taint, the Curse is defeated and all kindred are in debt to the winning clan for its efforts in keeping the blood pure.

If the winner had more Taint than Purity, then the Curse finishes gestating and becomes...something else. Something the clan had been working towards all along.

(Story to be completed depending on winning clan)



Q: My vampire has Foul Thirst, can I steal a blood off one of my own vampires?

A: Yes. However, if you're targeting your own vampire, the action becomes undirected. The (D) symbol is just there to denote the typical usage of the action. It is not intended as a restriction.

Q: If I oust the player who has Foul Thirst, do I get a Purity Point?

A: Yes, if it is the direct result of one of your vampires doing something. eg: bleeding with a vampire, calling a vote with a vampire, putting their Famed vampire in torpor with one of your vampires. It is up to the judge to determine whether it is a 'direct result' or not. If in doubt, the judge should err on the side of no Purity Points being allocated.

Q: Even if that player is not my prey?

A: Yes. But remember, you still need GWs and VPs to win, and you only get those by ousting your prey.

Q: What if my Nephandus ally burns the vampire with Foul Thirst? A: You do not get a point. Only the activities of vampires can score Purity or Taint points. Feel free to nominate a Nephandus as your key minion if you'd like, though.

Q: I somehow burned Foul Thirst while it was in the centre of the table. Do I get a Purity Point?

A: No. Foul Thirst was not on a vampire, as required by the rules.

Q: Scoring example. I have 1 Purity and 4 Taint from prior rounds, and get 1 additional Taint in the final round from ousting my prey when I controlled the Foul Thirst. I won the final round. What is my net Faction Score?

A: Your net Faction Score is 4 Taint (4 Taint + 1 Taint - 1 Purity = 4).