VTES Benidorm GP 2022 finalists
Grand Prix Benidorm finalists Jaddou, César, Javier, José Juan and Tero.

Greetings fellow Methuselahs,
98 players attended this tournament at Hotel Melia Benidorm on October 22.
VTES GP Benidorm 2022 floor
VTES GP Benidorm 2022 prizes
The prize support for this tournament was fantastic!
Standings before the final round:
1. Javier Naranjo Ortiz 2 GWs 9.0 VPs
2. José Juan Ortiz Fuentes 2 GWs 8.5 VPs
3. Jaddou Nasra 2 GWs 8.0 VPs
4. César Ruipérez 2 GWs 7.0 VPs
5. Tero Aalto 2 GWs 7.0 VPs
VTES Benidorm GP 2022 final table

In spite of the interesting mix of decks in the final, it timed out with no ousts, so each player received 0.5 VPs. As the top seed, Javier Naranjo is the champion, congratulations!

The final is available on stream at www.twitch.tv, and if you would like the standings and statistics, check out bcncrisis.com.

Javier´s tournament winning deck: "Malk '22"

Crypt (12)
2x Alexander Silverson  8 AUS DOM OBF pre  prince  Malkavian:6
2x Jason "Son" Newberry  7 AUS DOM OBF pre  primogen  Malkavian:6
1x Gilbert Duane  7 AUS DOM OBF  baron  Malkavian:6
1x Nathaniel Bordruff  7 DOM OBF POT ani  Nosferatu:6
1x Andi Liu  6 DOM aus obf pre  prince  Malkavian:6
1x Gelasia Fotiou  6 AUS DOM obf pre  Malkavian:6
1x Colette  5 AUS OBF dom  Malkavian:6
1x Evan Klein  5 OBF aus dom pre  Malkavian:6
1x Sully  4 aus dom obf  Malkavian:6
1x Ashley  3 dom obf  Malkavian:6

Library (76)
Master (14; 4 trifle)
1x Asylum Hunting Ground
1x Barrens, The
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Jake Washington
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
2x Sudden Reversal
3x Vessel
1x Wider View

Action (14)
14x Govern the Unaligned

Ally (2)
1x Carlton Van Wyk
1x Muddled Vampire Hunter

Equipment (2)
2x Heart of Nizchetus

Action Modifier (26)
4x Bonding
5x Conditioning
2x Elder Impersonation
3x Faceless Night
2x Foreshadowing Destruction
3x Lost in Crowds
4x Seduction
3x Spying Mission

Action Modifier/Combat (2)
2x Swallowed by the Night

Combat (4)
4x No Trace

Reaction (12)
8x Deflection
2x Eyes of Argus
2x On the Qui Vive
Thanks to all players, organisers and sponsors. Hope to see you in Bologna in December! (see below)

VTES Grand Prix Italy 2022 
The second event in the 2022-2023 European Grand Prix series is Grand Prix Bologna, Italy, to be held on December 10th. More information will soon be available in all kinds of social media and on the Italian blog Death by The Coven, and we will update the VEKN.net Grand Prix page when we know more about coming events.

VTES Italy 2022 finalists
Ivan, Danilo, Alessandro, Giulio and Diego (kneeling).
A report by Alessio Bianchi, Prince of Bologna:
On 15th October was the Italian national tournament, attended by 40 players and held at Circolo Barbanera in Bologna. The metagame was pretty balanced, as you can see in the graphic below. We came out from a tournament season dominated by combat decks, so this could be a physiological response.
VTES Italy 2022 decks

After three rounds, the final standings were:
1. Giulio De Cicco – Deck: Lo famo strano - Cesewayo Wall 2 GW 6 VP
2. Ivan Candioli – Deck: Zlegion - Erlik&The Legionaries - Ally 1 GW 7 VP
3. Danilo Torrisi – Deck: ***-> <-*** - Malkavian Reversal of Fortune - Political 1 GW 6.5 VP
4. Alessandro Donati – Deck: The Asylum - Weenie Dementation – Stealth & Bleed 1 GW 5.5 VP
5. Diego Di Nicolantonio – Deck: Ghosts of Bath - Matthias &The Legionaries - Ally 1 GW 5.5 VP
VTES Italy 2022 final vamps
VTES Italy 2022
From the very beginning, worried by the annihilating power of Danilo's deck, all finalists took efforts to stop Reversal of Fortunes by any means (playing Direct Intervention or Delaying Tactics). Giulio also played a quick Smiling Jack the Anarch to prevent people from having too much pool, especially the two Legionnaires decks with Liquidation.

Eventually all players were able to have at least one minion in play, except from Alessandro who had 3 due to their very low capacity.

After a long talk, there was an agreement on Alessandro ousting Danilo cross table, because no one wanted the dreaded Reversal deck to even have a chance. After some thoughts, Alessandro accepted the table deal, asking wisely that no one was to burn Smiling Jack...

And so, with Danilo out, and helped by the Smiling Anarch grown to 6 counters, Alessandro started his bleed hammering, first against Ivan who was ousted after two turns, then against Diego who resisted a little more thanks to a couple of Liquidations, but eventually unable to stop the wave of Dementation.

Giulio had lack of Eagle's Sights. He tried to pull out another big cap vampire to stop Alessandro, but it was too late: without enough wakes he fell under Alessandro's bleeding machine. When you have to deal with more than one “Monster” deck the risk of unbalance in the table is really high, and Alessandro was there to catch the opportunity of a great swing.

Final results: Alessandro Donati 4 VP and Ivan Candioli 1 VP.
Alessandro´s tournament winning deck: The Asylum
Crypt (12 cards)
1x Apache Jones 5 DEM aus for obf  Malkavian antitribu:4
1x Persia, The Beautiful Statue  5 DEM aus obf  Malkavian:3
1x Uncle George  5 DEM aus dom obf  Malkavian antitribu:3
2x Jackie  3 DEM  Malkavian antitribu:4
2x Midget  3 DEM obf pre  Malkavian antitribu:3
1x Marta  3 aus dem  Malkavian antitribu:4
2x Cassandra Langely, The Waif  2 dem  Malkavian:4
2x Eddie Gaines  1 dem pot  Caitiff:3

Library (90 cards)
Master (14; 3 trifle)
1x Anarch Troublemaker
4x Dementation
1x Direct Intervention
3x Effective Management
1x Misdirection
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
2x Wash
1x Wider View
Event (1)
1x Bitter and Sweet Story, The

Action (31)
1x Aranthebes, The Immortal
30x Kindred Spirits

Action Modifier (32)
16x Confusion
14x Eyes of Chaos
2x Mind Tricks

Action Modifier/Combat (8)
8x Deny

Action Modifier/Reaction (4)
4x Touch of Clarity

VTES Italy 2022 Prizes
Thanks to organisers, sponsors and players!

South American Cup 2022 finalists 
South American Cup 2022 prizes
The grand final of the South American Cup was played on October 8 in Santiago, Chile. Sadly none of the qualified Brazilian players could attend this year, so it was played with only players from Chile.
South American Cup 2022 final table
Hernán Rodríguez got 3 victory points in the final, Walbert Ibarra got 2. Congratulations Hernán!
The tournament winning deck:
3 Kassandra Tassaki
3 Warmaksan
2 Kasim Bayar
2 Farah Sarroub
1 Kalinda (G6)
1 Khadija Al-Kindi

5 Villein
4 Haqim's Law: Retribution
3 Priority Contract
2 Dreams of the Sphinx
1 Alamut
1 Khabar: Community, The
1 Market Square
1 Vessel
1 Wider View

4 Hunter's Mark
2 Magic of the Smith

1 Heart of Nizchetus
1 Reliquary: Shango Remains
1 Sport Bike

3 Parity Shift
2 Anathema
1 Ancilla Empowerment

5 Resist Earth's Grasp
4 Swallowed by the Night

12 Hunger of Marduk
6 Pursuit
4 Psyche!
4 Quickness
4 Rego Motum
2 Blur
2 Soul Burn

10 Second Tradition: Domain
Thanks to players, organisers and sponsors!

VTES VEKN Finland transfer of power
 VEKN Finland transfer of power - Janne and Jani. Photo: Marko Saari.

Firstly: BIG thanks to Janne Lönnqvist, the former National Coordinator of Finland, for many, many years of excellent service to the VEKN and the game. You are one of the players who have done most for this game in many ways, with the 2022 European Championship in Helsinki as a final, brightly shining jewel in your crown of achievements!
Janne is succeeded by Jani Malmi, so we decided to ask him some questions.

Hello Jani! Lets take it from the beginning: When did you start playing VTES?
- I started playing VTES in 2011 when I started studying in university. I was told that this would be “a casual and fun party game”. Maybe a bit of lies!

My first deck was a Keepers of Tradition Ventrue starter, which I bought from the local game store, Fantasiapelit. Hardestadt caught my eye and I also bought blue blood tokens, because aristocrats have blue blood, right? I had a bit of troubles to get my first game win, as most other players were playing stealth-bleed. I was euphoric when I caught Marconius with three intercept and mowed his pointy ears to the ground!

What do you like most about the game?
- VTES is the best game I have ever played. The game changes drastically from table to table. New allies, new enemies, new situations. Different deck types, counters to different metas. Change and evolution of the game is what keeps me playing and trying to solve the puzzle of winning the table time and time again.

With different people the meta changes in swings. In our last tournament we had five combat decks duking it out. In this year´s EC there were many stealth-bleed or voting decks. Constant change keeps the game alive and the people playing the game are the best community I have ever met. Tournaments are also gatherings of friends!

Do you have a special “style” of playing?
- I usually play combat-oriented decks. My reasoning is that your predator can not oust you if he or she is too afraid of you or has no minions. And your prey has to use more pool for minions if minions tend to go to torpor or ash heap.

Still, combat decks are tough to play. With wrong choices you just make a “meteor crater” around you and give the table to someone else. You have to be careful with your rushes. And even if you can beat everyone else, you still have to have some way to rapidly oust a player that chooses not to bring out new minions.

Another type of deck I like to play are political decks. I like to talk at the table and interact with other players. As it is, I tend not to make pure stealth-bleed decks as I think they usually have no other game plan than to oust their prey as quickly as possible without thinking about anything else.
Salubri antitribu cardsWhat is your favorite deck?
- My all-time favourite is “Die By The Blade”, and my variants of the deck. Salubri antitribu vampires with burning swords, the best rush card in the game and a way to get constant bleeds of three is a good game plan for most situations. And I have never contested a minion with my deck. A combat deck with solid plan to oust is a deck most opponents have to be very careful with. And they can not even trust their combat cards to work in critical moments because of Death Seeker!

In tournaments I have heard players saying things like “it’s always going to be aggravated damage”. I take that as a compliment. That is what other players should be afraid of.

Any other decks do you currently like playing?
- In my last tournament I played Al-Ashrad, Amr of Alamut -deck with Hunger of Marduk and Haqim's Law: Retribution. Quietus shenanigans in combat with damage prevention and blood stealing was good way to strike a lot of damage without getting hit back.

New Gangrel and Brujah barons have been an interest of mine, especially the latter with Fall of London and Chun Hei. Maybe my next big thing is Finnish politics with Potence!

You are the newly appointed National Coordinator for Finland – congratulations on this honorable assignment! What do you do to spread VTES in your country?
- Thank you very much! It has been an honour to have been elected as National Coordinator for Finland. We even had the ceremony of transferring power in most Finnish way possible. In sauna! We also destroyed the sauna with superior potence while at it (sorry about that).

Communicating with Princes is the number one priority to keep tournaments going. Organizing tournaments is the way people keep playing and brewing new decks. Maybe we should think something like the Czech “Road to Pulled Fang” to spice things up.
Biggest concern for success in VTES is of course to keep our current player base and attract new neonates to local playgroups. Finland is a country of long distances and local area playgroups are the most important communities for new players and old timers alike. Tournaments are something that gathers people from different playgroups to compete against each other.

Now that Black Chantry is printing new cards and there are regular tournaments, I feel that VTES community in Finland is like an Antediluvian that has risen and having a never-ending thirst for new games!
We wish Jani good luck with this and all kinds of "Finnish politics"!

Black Chantry logo


The Fall of London is in stores! The official release date was October 14, so it will be legal for use in normal tournaments on November 15. Many play special Fall of London storyline events, and for that the cards of course are legal - you actually need a copy of the new group 6 Mithras and a Ritual Goblet to play storyline games. Please report such games to the storyline coordinator Mike Nudd!

• Note that the storyline rules now have a FAQ to help sort some things out.

• Black Chantry could not attend Spiel 2022 game fair in Essen this year, but the German VTES distributor Blackfire was kind enough to hand out some VTES promo cards in their "demo bag" - hopefully some of you who attended got some before they ran out!

• CEO Hugh Angseesing and Art Director Ginés Quiñonero had the pleasure to attend Grand Prix Benidorm. Really nice to meet the lovely players, as usual!

• A brand new layout are being tried for VTES promo cards. They are "full art", showing as much as possible of the art. The first one will be quite rare (at least for now), awarded only to the organisers of this summer´s excellent European Championships in Helsinki. Do you have opinions about this layout? Please talk to Black Chantry by mail, Discord or any social media!

VTES Maila full art promo

• The second round of playtesting of the next preconstructed decks (Ravnos, Salubri and Tzimisce) is being prepared, but in the meantime the playtesters have been asked to review a bunch of rule changes and errata suggestions. Exciting times!

VTES Fifth Edition

Black Chantry Products 2022 October

Currently these Black Chantry products are available through Drivethrucards.com and other stores:

Do you have opinions or questions for Black Chantry? Start a topic on the VEKN forum, or contact the company by e-mailFacebookInstagram or Twitter.


Werewolf The Apocalypse Fifth EditionRECENT NEWS IN THE WORLD OF DARKNESS

Wow! Just like last year, the World of Darkness crew over at Paradox saved up for a "Month of Darkness" in October, with announcements and other fun stuff every day. This is what we found most interesting:

• Big news about Werewolf: The Apocalypse Fifth Edition, including what tribes are "dropped" or changed. The coming version of the game will be a "re-imagining" of the original game, not a continuation of previous editions, so there will be plenty of changes of both setting and system. The first article is about tribes and renown, the second is about auspices and forms. Creative Lead Justin Achilli is interviewed about all this in an episode of the World of Darkness News show (continued at discord.gg/worldofdarkness).

"Hunter Garage" is a new actual play steaming show, this time with Hunter: The Reckoning being played. It premiered on October 8 and airs every Saturday.

• The "Storyteller System Expanded Mechanics and Permutations" is a free download document with expanded options and guidelines for the rules system - very handy!

• The Daughters of Cacophony return to Vampire: The Masquerade! Kind of. At least there is now a loresheet for free download.

• There will be a new, official Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition wiki! It will appear in November on Paradox Wikis.

Subscribe to the World of Darkness News show for more news!



Upcoming tournaments for the coming month (registered so far) are in:
Brazil x8

Czech Republic
Poland x3

Spain x4
UK x2

For details about these events, see the VEKN Event Calendar.

Remember: Online tournaments are possible - just check the box "Online tournament" when you add the event to the calendar!

You can contact the V:EKN Inner Circle members using contact forms at V:EKN.net. Also follow the official V:TES Facebook page Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and the official V:EKN Twitter account @VEKN_VTES 


We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.

VTES Czech 2022 players
Czech National Championship 2022 players.

Greetings fellow Methuselahs,

VTES CZ 2022 playmatThe Czech National Championship 2022 playmat. Art by Markéta Munduchová.
A report by Jan Kočí:

48 players from four countries came to fight for the trophy of the Czech Nationals 2022 "Pulled Fang #11". The tournament was held on the 3rd of September in Sázava, Czech Republic.
VTES CZ 2022 trophy
The trophy.
VTES CZ 2022 prize table
Prize table.
After 3 rounds, 5 best players made it to the final round:
1. Zsolt Cziráki 2 GW 8 VP
2. Vratislav Kučera 2 GW 7 VP
3. Gyula Erdos 2 GW 6,5 VP
4. Ondrej Marek 2 GW 6,5 VP
5. Michal Drahokoupil 1 GW 7 VP
VTES CZ 2022 final decks
Czech 2022 final table

Ondrej was the first one to die after pressure of Zsolt with a little help of Gyula’s bounced bleeds. After that, Michal started to push with bleed, Gyula wasn’t able to defend and he died second. The situation didn’t look well for Vratislav, because three of his allies were stolen. Zsolt had a lot of pool but Michal´s handsize was 20 with Ossian, Carlton and grapple combat ready, so after some time he finished both of his opponents. Congratulations Michal!
Michal´s tournament winning deck: "Giovanni are Rich"

Crypt (12)
4x Guillaume Giovanni    9 CEL DOM NEC POT obt    Giovanni:4
2x Baldesar Rossellini   8 DOM POT aus for nec    Giovanni:4
1x Almodo Giovanni    3 dom pot       Giovanni:4
1x Don Michael Antonio Giovanni 7 DOM NEC POT   2 votes Giovanni:4
1x Keith Moody     3 DOM        Tremere antitribu:4
1x Nunzio Giovanni    3 nec pot       Giovanni:4
1x Primo Giovanni     4 dom nec pot      Giovanni:4
1x Virginie, Prodigy    6 DOM POT obt   bishop Lasombra:4
Library (90)
Master (21)
1x Barrens, The
1x Dummy Corporation
1x Giant's Blood
1x Haven Uncovered
2x Information Highway
1x KRCG News Radio
1x Life in the City
1x Metro Underground
1x Morgue Hunting Ground
3x Parthenon, The
1x Powerbase: Cape Verde
1x Powerbase: Chicago
1x Rumor Mill, Tabloid Newspaper, The
1x Therbold Realty
1x Vessel
1x Villein
1x WMRH Talk Radio
1x Wider View

Action (12)
1x Bum's Rush
2x Divine Sign
1x Far Mastery
4x Govern the Unaligned
1x Preternatural Strength
1x Scouting Mission
2x Sudario Refraction

Ally (4)
1x Carlton Van Wyk
2x Mylan Horseed
1x Ossian

Equipment (2)
1x Gran Madre di Dio, Italy
1x Palatial Estate

Action Modifier (7)
2x Bonding
1x Call of the Hungry Dead
3x Conditioning
1x Foreshadowing Destruction

Action Modifier/Reaction (2)
2x Spectral Divination

Combat (24)
1x Blur
2x Disarm
2x Glancing Blow
5x Immortal Grapple
5x Roundhouse
1x Street Cred
1x Target Vitals
4x Taste of Vitae
1x Thrown Sewer Lid
2x Torn Signpost
Reaction (18)
4x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics
4x On the Qui Vive
4x Redirection
4x Wake with Evening's Freshness 
VTES CZ 2022 finalists
Thanks to everyone who came, and see you on the 2nd of September 2023 at "Pulled Fang #12"!


Some words from Lukáš Simandl:

We just played this year's Czech Nationals (called Pulled Fang #11), and it was the biggest in history: 48 people! Not bad for a tournament somewhere in the woods in the middle of Europe. I'd like to share with you the three main things I think were behind this success (besides our Facebook page and Youtube channel, which we started a year before).

The first thing is location. Yes, even for Czechs it´s hard to find, but once you get there it´s hard to leave. A nice inn in the middle of the woods, where basically just the community gathers for the whole weekend, and you are not disturbed by the surrounding town or foreign guests. Plus, the option of staying overnight on site or nearby gives you the chance to enjoy a few games and associated beers, before and after the main tournament.

The second thing is our Discord. We launched that for a year or so after our Facebook page and I have to say that especially for the Czech community, it´s key now. It´s where games are announced for the different cities, card swapping, help for newbies, chat about anything and other good-natured activities. All this in a clear format and in Czech, which can be essential for many players.

Last, and perhaps most important, is something we call Road to Pulled Fang. It's basically an attempt at organized play with some meaning. The rules are very simple:
- Over the course of a year, there will be 5 Road to Pulled Fang tournaments in the country, 1-2 months apart.
- From the results of each tournament, a table is created (so it's basically a league), from which the top five players will play the finals the night before Nationals (Pulled Fang).
- The GWs and VPs from the top three tournaments of each player are counted in the table.

And that's basically it. At the beginning we thought about how to make the table as fair as possible and different combinations with ratings, but in the end, we found that basically all formats would come out the same, so if you want to start something similar, don't worry about it like we did.

I have to say that while we didn't have high expectations for such an experiment, we did manage to add something extra to the regular tournaments, and for example at the last Road to Pulled Fang tournament in Brno there was a lot of discussion about who had how many points and who still needed to play what compared to someone else. At the same time, we managed to pull a few players out of torpor, which was a nice bonus. Plus, it gives the community confidence that there will always be something going on and tournaments coming up throughout the year.

The icing on the cake was that an artist made us a picture for a playmat with the favorite clans of the organizers of each Road to Pulled Fang and Pulled Fang tournament, which was then given to all the participants of the main tournament.

We're continuing with Road to Pulled Fang this year and hope to break the mystical fifty player mark at Nationals (Pulled Fang #12) next September.

VTES GP Warsaw 2022
This weekend 24-25 September Ochota Academic Kampus in Warsaw, Poland, had two tournaments; on Saturday the Grand Prix tournament and on Sunday the Polish National Championship.
VTES GP Warsaw 2022 floor
GP Warsaw 2022 
GP Warsaw 2022 floor
The GP had 31 players from Poland, Lithuania, Belarus and Serbia. The standings after round 3 were:
1.  Bartosz Kalinczuk 2 GW 8,5 VP
2.  Maciej Bernart 2 GW 7 VP
3.  Michał Rapacz 1 GW 6,5 VP
4.  Nikola Bubanja 1 GW 5 VP
5.  Konrad Rajngruber 1 GW 3 VP
VTES GP Warsaw seating
Congratulations Bartosz Kalinczuk, Grand Prix champion with 4 victory points in the final. Nikola got 1 point.
GP Warsaw 2022 finalists
The champion second from the left.
Bartosz´s tournament winning deck:"~> Shalmath [by Heappl]"

Crypt (12)
6x Shalmath   10 POT PRE TEM   True Brujah:6
5x La Viuda Blanca   6 AUS NEC for obf   Harbinger of Skulls:6
1x Anarch Convert   1   Caitiff:ANY

Library (90 cards)
Master (5; 2 trifle)
1x Archon Investigation
1x Fame
1x Perfectionist
2x Villein

Event (1)
1x Unmasking, The

Action (22)
4x Ambush
3x Big Game
4x Bum's Rush
3x Harass
8x Summon History

Ally (6)
5x Emerald Legionnaire
1x Ponticulus

Equipment (1)
1x Talbot's Chainsaw

Retainer (1)
1x Corpse Minion

Action Modifier (13)
10x Domain of Evernight
3x Enkil Cog

Combat (41)
6x Disarm
8x Majesty
19x Outside the Hourglass
8x Taste of Vitae
The Polish Nationals had 27 players from Poland, Serbia and Belarus. The standings after round 3 was:
1. Maciej Broniarz 2 GW 6 VP
2. Marcin Szybkowski 2 GW 6 VP
3. Michal Rapacz 1 GW 6 VP
4. Alek Idzjak 1 GW 5,5 VP
5. Michal Kochanowski 1 GW 5 VP
Congratulations Michal Kochanowski, Polish National champion 2022! He got 1,5 vp in the final, while Maciej, Michal and Marcin got 0,5 each.
Poland 2022 VTES champion

Michal´s tournament winning deck: "Anson Ashurs"

Crypt (12)
4x Anson       8 aus dom CEL PRE   Toreador:1
2x Marcellus      8 pro AUS CEL    Toreador:2
1x Sarah Brando     3 CEL      Brujah antitribu:2
3x Volker, The Puppet Prince  5 pot CEL     Brujah:2
1x Constanza Vinti    8 CEL DOM POT    Brujah:2
1x Donal O'Connor    8 CEL DOM POT    Brujah:2

Library: 88
Master (34)
1x Erciyes Fragments, The
2x Fame
1x Giant's Blood
6x Haven Uncovered
1x Monster
2x Parthenon, The
9x Ashur Tablets
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
1x Secure Haven
1x Tension in the Ranks
5x Villein
2x Wider View
1x Dark Influences

Event (1)
1x Dragonbound

Equipment (7)
7x .44 Magnum

Combat (36)
8x Infernal Pursuit
6x Psyche!
6x Pursuit
2x Sideslip
5x Taste of Vitae
2x Blur
7x Concealed Weapon

Reaction (10)
8x Second Tradition: Domain
2x Deflection
Thanks to the sponsors (Ultra Pro, VTES Store, Black Chantry Productions, others) and thanks to organizers and players. The next Grand Prix tournament is in Benidorm, Spain on October 22!

Anarch Convert 2022 Harmen Greven
This month Black Chantry Productions honored Harmen Greven, a Nederland player who suffers from serious health problems. The first batch of the card was given to Harmen and other players of a recent tournament in Montfoort, but now it is available for anyone on Drivethrucards.com.

Grand Prix Benidorm

We want to highlight these upcoming (hopefully) big tournaments – maybe time to book a trip?

Italy National Championship 2022 – October 15 in Bologna
More information

Grand Prix Benidorm, Spain – October 22, 2022
More information

Portugal National Championship 2022 – November 5 in Porto
More information

Germany National Championship 2022 – November 19 in Mainz
More information

Black Chantry logo


• All spoilers for The Fall of London are done and Hugh Angseesing is bogged down in administration of all the preorders. We now have a release date: 14th October. That means the tournament legality date for these new cards will be the 13th of November 2022.

• Don´t miss to run some storyline events for The Fall of London - rules are at www.blackchantry.com.

• Black Chantry is working on a number of new promo cards for various purposes - stay tuned for more news on that!

• Ginés Quiñonero´s main workload this month has been the Spanish translation of all the single cards currently available on Drivethrucards.

• BCP love Brazil! Product director and main designer Ben Peal is working on trying to get all the Brazilian playtesters into Discord. Also, round one of playtest of the Ravnos, Salubri and Tzimisce preconstructed decks is now over. Playtest coordinators are now assembling data from all test groups, so that a round two version of the cards can go out for testing as soon as possible.

VTES Fifth EditionVTES Products 2021-11

Do you have opinions or questions for Black Chantry? Start a topic on the VEKN forum, or contact the company by e-mailFacebookInstagram or Twitter.


Month of Darkness 


This month´s highlights from the World of Darkness crew and licensees:

• Season 2 of New York by Night actual play show has started! Check it out at Twitch.tv/worldofdarkness

• The interactive novel Vampire: The Masquerade - Parliament of Knives has a new expansion called “What Stares Back”, adding the Malkavian and Lasombra clans.

• The Month of Darkness has begun! This year you get both #vamptober and #huntober, packed with various sweets for and/or by Vampire: The Masquerade and Hunter: The Reckoning fans. For the official calendar of content, check out www.worldofdarkness.com

Subscribe to the World of Darkness News show for more news!



Upcoming tournaments for the coming month (registered so far) are in:
Australia x2
Brazil x7
Finland x2
France x4
Spain x7
USA x2

For details about these events, see the VEKN Event Calendar.

Remember: Online tournaments are possible - just check the box "Online tournament" when you add the event to the calendar!

You can contact the V:EKN Inner Circle members using contact forms at V:EKN.net. Also follow the official V:TES Facebook page Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and the official V:EKN Twitter account @VEKN_VTES 

Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.

Valerie Diaz, Antigen Commander - Mitch Mueller VTES
Valerie Diaz, Antigen Commander - Preview art by Mitch Mueller from The Fall of London.

Greetings fellow Methuselahs,

Norway 2022 VTES


A Special report by Jon Martin Fjeld:

Saturday 6th of August saw the rebirth of the Norwegian Nationals tournament. For the first time in 11 years the Norwegian (and some Swedish) Methuselahs gathered to establish dominance over this remote, cold domain.

The tournament was held at Tabletopbattle in the city of Moss, in southeastern Norway, and 22 players were ready to compete. Boosters and promo cards were handed out, and a local brewer even made a special-brew that was served at the event.
Norway 2022 VTES Norway 2022 VTES
Norway 2022 VTES Norway 2022 VTES
Norway 2022 VTES
After 3 nail-biting rounds, where the last table to finish was so exciting it had 15 spectators, the final seating was determined. 3 Norwegians and 2 Swedes… With everything at stake, could this get more tense?!

The seeding into the final looked like this:
Martin Svenneryd 1
Johnas Johansson 2
Ole Andreas Gresholt 3
Marius Ramstad 4
Håvard Skjevling 5

And with that, this is how the final seating ended up:
Norway 2022 VTES
Martin Svenneryd was the first player, with his Followers of Set. Håvard Skjevling, the second player, with his version of the “8-ball madness” Malkavian deck. The third player, Johnas Johansson, played his Presence-deck with the legendary Jost Werner and friends. Marius Ramstad, the fourth player, made his own “Ventrue Stickmen” variant the night before the tournament. And finally, Ole Andreas Gresholt with his “Nanamalism” deck in the fifth slot, playing the same deck he used to win the first tournament he ever played. All in all, a group of experienced players and a nice spread of play-styles.
Norway 2022 VTES
After only 1 hour and 20-or-so minutes, there were only 2 Methusalas remaining. Both Håvard Skjevling and Marius Ramstad had eliminated their preys, and were squaring off to determine who would be walking home with the trophy.

By using Revelations to regain the upper hand, Håvard managed to oust his prey and was declared the Norwegian national champion of 2022. Congratulations!!

(PS: how many V:TES card names can YOU spot in the text above?)
Norway 2022 VTES
Håvard´s tournament winning deck: "Homunculi Network"

Crypt (13)
5x Rachel Brandywine 10 ani AUS DEM OBF PRO prince Malkavian:3
3x Philip van Vermeer IV 7 dom pro AUS DEM OBF Malkavian:2
2x Greger Anderssen 7 dom pro AUS OBF prince Malkavian:2
1x Quentin King III 7 obf pre AUS DEM prince Malkavian:3
1x Victoria 5 cel obf AUS  Malkavian:2
1x Zöe  3 cel obf AUS  Malkavian:2

Library (90)
Master (19)
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Guardian Angel
4x Madness Network
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
3x Perfectionist
1x Rack, The
1x Secure Haven
3x Villein
1x Wash

Event (1)
1x Uncoiling, The

Action (5)
1x Anima Gathering
1x Blessing of Chaos
1x Revelations
2x Shadow of the Beast

Ally (1)
1x Carlton Van Wyk

Equipment (3)
1x Bowl of Convergence
2x Camera Phone

Retainer (6)
5x Homunculus
1x Mr. Winthrop

Action Modifier (15)
2x Crocodile's Tongue
3x Elder Impersonation
1x Enkil Cog
3x Faceless Night
3x Lost in Crowds
3x Spying Mission

Action Modifier/Combat (5)
5x Swallowed by the Night

Combat (17)
3x Disengage
11x Earth Meld
3x Form of Mist

Reaction (18)
4x Eyes of Argus
2x On the Qui Vive
7x Second Tradition: Domain
5x Telepathic Misdirection

Thanks to organisers, sponsors and players!

Brazil 2022 VTES


20 players turned up for the Brazil national championship in Rio de Janeiro on July 30.
Brazil 2022 VTES
Standings before the final:
1. Desso Alastor 2 GW 8 VP
2. Ricardo Molina Sobreira 2 GW 7 VP
3. Junior 1 GW 6 VP
4. Jonathan da Silva Goudard 1 GW 5,5 VP
5. Itamar G. Jr. 1 GW 5 VP

Unfortunately we don’t have details on what decks were played or the seating.
Brazil 2022 VTES
Congratulations Ricardo Molina Sobreira (center above), victorious with 3 VP in the final. Desso and Jonathan had one each.

Ricardo´s tournament winning deck: “Tzimisce ludymilan“

Crypt (12)
3x Lady Vadislava 9 ANI AUS DOM VIC nec priscus Tzimisce:5
3x Xipe Totec 9 ANI AUS PRO VIC archbishop Tzimisce:5
3x Ludmijla Rakoczy 7 ANI AUS VIC bishop Tzimisce:5
3x America Johnson 4 AUS vic Tzimisce:5

Library (90)
Master (17; 2 trifle)
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Carver's Meat Packing and Storage
1x Smiling Jack, the Anarch
1x Library Hunting Ground
1x Powerbase: Barranquilla
2x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
1x Rötschreck
1x Tension in the Ranks
3x Villein
2x Vessel

Action (13)
1x Aranthebes, the Immortal
2x Army of Rats
4x Deep Song
3x Fiendish Tongue
3x Under Siege

Ally (3)
1x Carlton Van Wyk
2x Asanbonsam Ghoul

Equipment (1)
1x Bowl of Convergence

Action Modifier (4)
4x Changeling

Combat (28)
7x Aid from Bats
3x Breath of the Dragon
8x Carrion Crows
6x Chiropteran Marauder
4x Taste of Vitae

Reaction (24)
2x Enhanced Senses
6x Eyes of Argus
6x Read the Winds
3x Sense the Savage Way
7x Telepathic Misdirection

Thanks to organisers, sponsors and players!


Some words from Ben Peal, Product Director of Black Chantry Productions:

Darby Keeney has stepped down as Playtest Coordinator for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle.  For the past four years, Darby has helped guide us through our Sabbat pre-constructed decks, the Fifth Edition box set, the First Blood demo decks, the recent Anarch and Banu Haqim decks, the New Blood demo decks, and The Fall of London.  The waters were tough to navigate at times - especially with Fifth Edition - but Darby handled them excellently.  Many, many, many thanks, Darby!

Moving onward, we're taking a new approach by having multiple Playtest Coordinators, one for each language the game is currently printed in.[*]  The goal is to lighten the workload on each coordinator and to encourage more communication and feedback by removing a possible language obstacle.  

French language coordinator: Serge Cirri
Spanish language coordinator: Darío Canto
English language coordinator: Norman Brown
Portuguese language coordinator: TBD

[*] Ginés Quiñonero can be the Playtest Coordinator for Latin, if he likes.  :)

If you're a native Portuguese speaker and would like to participate in our playtest program, as a playtest group or as the Playtest Coordinator for Portuguese, please email me at .

Kindred Restructure Quinton Hoover VTES 
By Aldo Fernández.
A lot of people ask me how I get the excellent tournament results that I usually get. And I always reply: “with a lot of work and dedication.”

This is usually not enough to satisfy the curiosity of the person who asks me, so I normally continue explaining that I prepare the tournament from all fronts, as a deck builder, as a VTES player and as a connoisseur of the cards and their interactions and of the game rules.

I think that anyone who wants to face a tournament with guarantees has to delve into these three facets of the game: deck builder, player and ruler.

I am not going to differentiate between how I approach a large tournament and a small one, because I understand that a small tournament, although it is easier to prepare, and even more so if it is an environment where you know the existing metagame, can be prepared in the same way as a big tournament, although in some aspects you oversize the previous work.

Previous study of the tournament. Number of participants and expected metagame.

The first thing I do is to see where the tournament will be held and the expected turnout it will have. A tournament of 20 people is not the same as a tournament of 200. And a tournament played in your usual environment is not the same as an international tournament.

Having made these distinctions, I usually start my journey to try to win the tournament.

For this, I start to study the expected metagame in said tournament.

If it's a local tournament, the metagame and the players are usually more defined and you have more knowledge of what to expect from the tournament.

You can anticipate what local players are going to play and to what extent, if you are a person who regularly follows the game in the area, either because you are interested in it or because you play actively.

If it is an international or very large tournament (National or Continental Championship, Grand Prix...), then you have to study which are currently the most played decks and the decks with the best tournament results.

Many times, and more so if the environment where you play is competitive with a large number of experienced players who want to win (and not just play to test decks), both metagames can coincide.

It is important to explain that there are tools that empower you to do this kind of study, from compendiums of winning decks such as the Tournament Winning Deck Archive (TWD), to WhatsApp groups, social media groups, in addition to knowledge of the game, the cards and/or decks that dominate the metagame.

The ability to make this forecast will lead you to have an approximate analysis of what you can expect in the tournament you are preparing, being fully aware that in this game and on the table you can find anything.

If you got it right, and you don't get a false positive, the next decision will be whether you play for the metagame or against the metagame.

My opinion is that a skillful and dominant player can play both ends of this decision.

You can play in favor of the metagame because you are a better player and, consequently, in an environment where the expectation is that there are dominant decks and/or strategies, you will play them better. Therefore, it is always an option to play in favor of the metagame.

If you are a better player, you can also play against the metagame, that is, play a deck that strategically dominates the expected decks in the metagame forecast you made.

If the forecast of the metagame is not clear, because the previous study has not been decisive or we have not been able to read it clearly, the choice of deck should always be either a very extreme deck or a very balanced one.

In the first case, we will want to play an extreme deck regardless of the environment: a deck that works autonomously and with as little interaction as possible with other decks, generally due to speed or its ability to "combo" (Khazaar's Diary, Emerald Legionnaires, Tupdogs, Girls will find…)

In the second case, we will want to look for a very balanced deck that allows us to face all facets of the game with certain guarantees and adapt to the table with resources to fight against any strategy (Grinder Ventrue antitribu, Tremere toolbox based on Magic of the Smith...)

Finally, there is an extra factor in international tournaments. If your level of English, or in general, your ability to communicate with players from different countries can be a handicap, you should play decks that allow you to play without having to get into big discussions, primarily disregarding political and/or high table-control decks.

The choice and construction of the deck, a phase prior to success. The deck builder.

When I have already determined the expected metagame or I assume that I cannot have a clear idea of ​​what I am going to find, I choose the deck. In my case, I don't care if I play for or against the metagame, in both situations I'm comfortable.

Normally, and in my case, I put together four decks: a political, a wall, a combat, and a bleed deck. And, when I have them assembled, knowing what I have foreseen, or knowing that I have not been able to foresee, I pick one based on what I think will best suit the tournament, without forgetting that it has to be a deck with which I have a certain affinity, because playing a deck you don't feel comfortable with is always a worse option.

The deck builder facet is absolutely decisive in the functioning of the deck and in the development of your player facet during the tournament.

At this time more tournaments are lost than are normally won.

This is because people tend to build decks with a "certain" fantasy, without taking into account issues such as the speed of card cycling, the number of master cards, the amount of blood or blood pool that is spent, the consistency and the speed of your vampires coming into play… Many issues that are currently impossible to explain in a comprehensive way, but it is possible to point them out in a generic way.

Your deck is your tournament tool. The better your tool is, the better you can play, and for that purpose you have to have a series of clear rules:

1. Play only essential cards. Do not play good cards and obviously either bad or regular cards. When your deck only has essential cards, you always draw a card that you want to play.

2. When building your deck, look for similar decks to take ideas from and, if you like them and they are good, implement them (even so, you will see many small tournament decks whose construction is more than questionable. Learn to discern what is good and what is bad for your deck. We're only interested in must-have cards.)

3. Study the clan or discipline cards, know all the cards you can play and choose with all the information available.

4. If you know a good player of the archetype you are going to play, ask him, share the knowledge, soak up.

5. Test the deck in two ways:
a. Against the wall: Draw and play dummy hands, dummy situations, and watch it cycle. If the deck does not withstand this test, it must be rebuilt (master cards clogging your hand, lack of cycling to obtain resources, vampires are put in play too slowly...)
b. Play a couple of games with friends or your gaming group, try it out in a controlled environment, see how it performs in a “real” test.

6. Adapt the deck to the sort of the tournament you expect, adapt it to the metagame you expect, always without dirtying the deck (if you expect a lot of politics, you can include one more copy of Delaying Tactics or Direct Intervention in exchange for a prevention card, for example). The adaptation of the deck does not mean changing the structure or the game plan you have, you shall always include essential cards.

7. If you are going to include silver bullets to adapt it to the metagame, you should be aware that either you are going to look for cards via tutors (Magic of the Smith, Summon History...) or you are going to have to toss in cards that can be useful at any time and/or easily disposable without affecting your card cycling or your game strategy. Some of these cards can be Fear of Mekhet, Gran Madre de Dio, Italy, Scourge of the Enochians…)

For me, this is the most complicated facet of the game. People understand that my decks are good and they regularly borrow them from me, and I hand them to them without any problem. But you have to understand that all my decks have a lot of work behind them and a lot of micro decisions about how to build them and why I include copies of certain cards or why I don't include them.

In the last tournament (I got 3 game wins out of 3 with a new-crypt Gangrel deck). I spent two days considering if I needed to include 2 copies of Smiling Jack and 1 of Constant Revolution, 1 and 1, 2 and 0 and, after two days of work, I decided to change those cards for 1 more Bait and Switch, 1 more Direct Intervention and an additional Protection Rack. Those changes were a success and took me to the first place in the tournament.

And, although it appeared to be a meaningless decision, I thought about it a lot. I tested that several times and, in all situations, those cards seemed to be bad cards to me for what I intended. I understand that some people may disagree with me on this, but I simply refer to my results.

Generally, those are very thoughtful and well-worked decisions.

As I always say, my decks are public, but they don't usually come with an instruction manual, and deckbuilding is an extraordinarily complex and deep facet, beyond merely sheathing good cards for the deck.

The study of the rules and interactions of the chosen cards, cards that can give a clear advantage in the game. The ruler.

If you are not a person who usually plays combat and you have still decided to play combat, you should carefully study that facet of the game that may be more unknown to you. Does the press step come before or after Taste of Vitae? If both combatants have a card that determines range, how are the effects prioritized (Brick by Brick vs Terror Frenzy)?

It is important to be clear about the rules of the game, but it is also very important to review certain mechanics, especially if you are going to play around them.

Also, if you have conflicting cards that generate complicated interactions, it is good to review not only the rules regarding them, but also the clarifications that may have been given for them.

There are cards that are highly conflictive in this game, such as: Unleash Hell's Fury, Determine (and imbued cards in general), Direct Intervention... and if we are going to play them, it is important to be clear about how they are going to influence the table if our adversaries generate interactions with them.

In general, reviewing the rules of the game, the tournament rules and the specific rules of some cards, is something that I usually do before a tournament, with special attention to questions I have doubts or insecurities about.

This gives you depth in making decisions where these cards are going to be involved, depth that your opponents may not have and this gives you a two-fold advantage:
1. In the analysis of your move, when you decide to make it, because you know perfectly well the scope of the move with the interactions that you can foresee.
2. In the execution of the move, that you will always do it with greater precision.

In addition, not making mistakes in certain mechanics and interactions frees you from negative game factors by having made a bad or suboptimal move (which can even cost you your permanence at the table).
The day of the tournament. How to face it. The player.

Although it is a cliché, there are things that have to be done on the day of the tournament and that I always do, because they are extremely important:
1. Sleep well the day before.
2. Get up on time and do not be in a hurry or under stress. Have your deck list ready beforehand, have your deck, play mat and counters ready, as well as the money on hand... anything that makes it easier for you not to have to be under stress before the tournament.
4. Be on time for the tournament, have a good breakfast, but not a hearty one.
5. Do not make any excesses the day before, neither before nor during the tournament.
6. Be confident and with some adrenaline, the desire to play and win are important.
If you've got your metagame forecast right and built your deck properly, you will have a great place to start, but you still have to play the game.

These are some constants that I try to keep at a table whenever I play, and that have worked well for me:
1. At the tables you must not lose your temper, ever. You have to try to communicate effectively with the rest of the table, you don't have to protest continuously or talk systematically about the movie you saw yesterday or about the restaurant you went to last week, because when you want to say something interesting, people will pay little attention to you.

There are players who are greatly harmed because they do not stop talking, they comment on all the plays, they put discord in all the actions, their own or others. That makes people less willing to talk to them out of sheer saturation.

2. At the table you have to be firm with your decisions, which must be oriented to your style of play, and people must be clear that you are at the table developing your own game, whatever it may be.

Your game plan is set in stone. Your way of developing can be adapted to the table, if necessary. This becomes very complex to explain, but you have to be clear about what you want, and you have to play your deck in a certain way, although you can adapt to how you develop that game (which will always be the same).

As an example, and putting an extreme case, if you are going to play a deck with 8 First Tradition, you have to go out playing a First Tradition and then adapt your game development to the table, but not play the First Tradition when it is your only game plan and that makes you not develop any game and be ousted. Be firm in your game plan, adapt to its development.

3. You have to think through your moves, not only on your turn but on other people's turns, so that your turn is fluid and consistent, leaving little to the imagination or randomness. As I always say, there is a good move and all the others are worse.

If you give yourself time to think about your moves, because you are focused and you actively play the two hours of the game (and you don't disconnect when someone else is playing…), you’ll minimize bad moves a lot.

4. You have to establish a game plan in the first turns to gain access to victory at the table. You have to detect not only the player who is going to be your biggest rival at the table, but also the cards that can be played against you by your prey and/or predator, and also those that can be played cross-table.

This was typical when you played Sabbat against Camarilla many years ago and, you had an Inner Circle cross-table. You knew that sooner or later Protect Thine Own would affect you, and you had to anticipate that move, counter it and then dominate the game.

Anticipating those moves that can take you off the table is the key to having an effective response to them and being able to stay on the table.

5. You have to be patient and thoughtful, and you don't have to rush the play of key cards (such as, Direct intervention, Scourge of the Enochians, Fear of Mekhet, Club Illusion…), and you have to assume, as soon as possible, the fate of those cards (for example, if they cancel cards, what cards are going to have to be canceled, and if they are cards that will be relevant on the table, whether or not they should come into play or be discarded).

6. And, of course, don't make game mistakes, that's the basics. Although, with everything that’s been explained so far, you can probably minimize those mistakes.

If you finally manage to carry out all this, it is possible that you can play a great role in the tournament, but one thing must be clear: facing a tournament and wanting to win it has a great depth, and winning games is also extremely difficult.

The winner wins because he works hard and also plays well. If you are not one of them, I will give you the last piece of advice:
The problem is you. Games are not always lost by your rivals because they played badly, and games are not always won by them by chance or because their friends gave them to them. Be critical, review your game, your decks, your developments and adaptation to the games, your analysis of the environment, your concentration... and you will realize, if you are honest with yourself, that you have done something wrong. Improve it and start winning.

However, if you've done everything right... The only thing left is to win all the rounds and the final!!!

We thank Aldo for sharing his wisdom. Do you also want to contribute to the newsletter? Contact .

Mitch Mueller Catalina Vega VTES Mitch Mueller Mitch Mueller Lenny Burkhead VTES

Finally another artist interview! This time we had a talk with Mitch Mueller of Sydney, Australia, who have illustrated Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards since Black Chantry took over production in 2018.

Hi Mitch! How are you doing today?
- Busier than ever. Due to the C-word pandemic more people are in need of illustrators. Last month was my first week off in two years. And our first baby is on its way and due in two months. A new part of my life begins and we are looking forward to it.

How about your background as an artist? Are you educated or self-taught?
- Like most, I guess, started from early age to doodle. But back in the day the Internet didn't have as much to offer in regards to tutorials for inspiration. Watching Dragonball and meeting Akira Toriyama kept me inspired throughout childhood but I never knew you could make money working as an illustrator. I didn't turn "professional" and pursue an actual career until 2014. I went to the Bali Illustration Workshop and that really changed my life. Obtaining first-hand advice from artists like Dave Rapoza and Kekai Kotaki helped create a different perception about the vast possibilities in this industry. After that, I spent 2 years sitting at my tablet late at night honing my skills after work before I even got a foot in the door. But once things got into motion, all the studying paid off.
Mitch Mueller Show of Force VTES Bear's Skin Mitch Mueller VTES

What artistic techniques do you prefer?
- It varys from illustration to illustration and client to client. I used to love pencil sketches and for any artist in their first years of learning this skill, pen and paper should be essential. I currently only use Photoshop for painting from scratch. I don't have time for sketches atm. But hopefully in due time I will get back to the traditional process. Usually I would start out with sketches and see what the client leans towards and refine it until we have a clear direction and go from there to flat colors and then rendering.

How do you work with models and photos?
- I only used photos as reference for poses and lighting. Your visual library can only hold that much. In earlier days, my ego would tell me reference is cheating but I know now that we need to refer to something in order to make it look realistic or according to the style.

We guess many who read this have seen your recent work for VTES. What else have you worked with? What of your art are you most proud of?
- I think the last two pieces I worked on for VTES came out really well. I´m not sure when the “The Fall of London” will be released but I am happy with that. I am usually happy with my work when the clients are and also when I see it being used in games. It's very satisfying. Probably Gods Unchained by Immutable, an online card game like Hearthstone, was a lot of fun to work on.
Valerie Diaz, Antigen Commander Mitch Mueller art
Card preview from The Fall of London.

What other work do you have upcoming?
- Uhhhhh... there are lots of projects I keep working on. Bantam West, a wild west boardgame by Ike Brunicardi, is probably one of my favorites.

We thank Mitch Mueller for this chat. Check out more of his work at his Artstation page. If you like artist interviews, these are our previous ones:

Black Chantry logo


• The 54-card mini-expansion The Fall of London is being printed, expected to ship for stores in late September. Most cards have been previewed in various places, including Gaming with Brett S. There will be a storyline tournament format with rules that will be published soon.

• A first draft of the next preconstructed decks (Ravnos, Salubri and Tzimisce) have been sent to the playtesters (see Ben Peals message above).

• Other parts are moving on, with focus on new promos and other event support, planning/designing future sets, preparing more reprint cards for print-on-demand, updating the rulebook and new translations.

VTES Fifth EditionVTES Products 2021-11

Do you have opinions or questions for Black Chantry? Start a topic on the VEKN forum, or contact the company by e-mailFacebookInstagram or Twitter.


NY by Night Season 2 


Jason Carl and the rest of the World of Darkness crew are doing something really cool and different with New York By Night, the Vampire: The Masquerade actual play show. We talked about its first season in the previous newsletter, and guess what - that season is already over! But fear not, season 2 is airing in September! The cool thing is that there´s a new cast for season 2, with clans Lasombra, Nosferatu, Toreador and Ventrue of the Camarilla sect. So with the first season characters being of the Anarch sect, this means we get to see two sides of the Eternal Struggle in New York. Exciting!

Subscribe to the World of Darkness News show for more news!



Upcoming tournaments for the coming month (registered so far) are in:
Brazil x6
Czech Republic
Poland x3
Spain x6
United Kingdom

For details about these events, see the VEKN Event Calendar.

Remember: Online tournaments are possible - just check the box "Online tournament" when you add the event to the calendar!

You can contact the V:EKN Inner Circle members using contact forms at V:EKN.net. Also follow the official V:TES Facebook page Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and the official V:EKN Twitter account @VEKN_VTES 

He who cannot obey himself will be commanded.