A report from April 20 by Christophe Baltazar, VEKN National Coordinator of France:
57 players gathered for three rounds for this Grand Prix tournament, a mix of old and new players, both French and international players – thanks to everyone!
To welcome early risers, we offered pastries, and during the tournament bottles of water were at disposal of everyone. Players received many promos including the Grand Prix special Sense the Savage Way and also a playmat.
Standings after third round:
1. Martin Weinmayer 2 GW - 9.5 VP - 174 TP (Won dice roll for 1st seed)
2. Karim Baloul 2 GW - 9.5 VP 174 TP
3. Frédéric Pin 2 GW - 7.5 VP – 156 TP
4. Selim Ammouche 2 GW - 7.5 VP – 138 TP
5. Julien Guerri 2 GW - 6.0 VP – 162 TP
Congratulations Martin Weinmayer, who won the final with 3 VP. Selim and Julien made 1 VP each. It was Juliens first tournament ever!
Martin´s tournament winning deck: “Antonio sees colors and shapes for the first time”
Crypt (12)
3x Carna, The Princess Witch 7 AUS DOM THA primogen Tremere:3
1x Ladislas Toth, The Torch 7 AUS DOM THA for archbishop Tremere antitribu:3
1x Selena 6 AUS DOM THA Tremere antitribu:3
5x Antonio d'Erlette 5 THA dom for pot Tremere antitribu:4
1x Andrew Stuart 5 AUS DOM THA Tremere:4
1x Martin Franckel 3 AUS tha Tremere:3
Library (90)
Master (20; 5 trifle)
1x Barrens, The
2x Direct Intervention
1x Erciyes Fragments, The
1x Fragment of the Book of Nod
1x Giant's Blood
2x Infernal Pact
1x Information Highway
1x Jake Washington
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
3x Shard, London, The
4x Villein
1x Wider View
Event (2)
2x Unmasking, The
Action (4)
4x Magic of the Smith
Ally (10)
9x Nephandus
1x Ponticulus
Equipment (4)
1x Bowl of Convergence
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Ivory Bow
1x Sniper Rifle
Action Modifier (10)
2x Conditioning
8x Mirror Walk
Reaction (40)
4x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics
4x Eagle's Sight
10x Eyes of Argus
4x My Enemy's Enemy
6x On the Qui Vive
4x Redirection
4x Telepathic Misdirection
2x Wake with Evening's Freshness
I think everyone enjoyed this event and it would be a pleasure to do it again!
On a personal point of view, I'm very proud to have organized this tournament because it was the biggest since the previous EC Paris in 2019. It was also a test in a new location, the engineer school EPITA, maybe it will be useful for other GP, FC or EC... so... see you soon guys ? The French National Championship will be played on October 19 during a weekend of games in the Octogones festival – more information about that will follow.
The event was sponsored by Black Chantry Productions ans Ultra Pro. Thanks!