V:TES Rulebook

Version 1.1, October 2023

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle is a customisable card game in which four or five players take on the roles of ancient vampires known as Methuselahs. The game is set in a shadowy, alternate reflection of our own reality called the World of Darkness. Methuselahs are considered to be mere legend by younger vampires. Younger vampires think that they pursue their own ends, even as they are being used by one Methuselah to undercut the influence of another. Throughout the world, Methuselahs manipulate their minions to frustrate the designs of the other Methuselahs, just as they have for as long as anyone can remember. These eternal struggles are sometimes covert and subtle, sometimes open and spectacular.

This set of rules includes all the rules needed to play Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. To make it easier to learn the rules, some of them appear in "Advanced rules" sections. Although they are an integral part of the game, we recommend new players to skip them whilst they learn the basic game.


Object of the Game

Your goal is to accumulate the most victory points by destroying the influence held by rival Methuselahs. You accomplish this goal by using your influence to gain control of younger vampires and using those to perform actions to reduce the influence of rival Methuselahs. Influence is represented by pool counters, the main currency of the game. If a Methuselah runs out of pool, they are ousted from the game. As Methuselahs are ousted, other Methuselahs will earn victory points; the winner is the Methuselah with the most victory points at the end of the game.

Cards: Each Methuselah’s deck has two components: a crypt and a library.

The cards in your crypt represent the vampires you hope to control; they have oval portraits on the front and amber marble backs.



The cards in your library represent the wider World of Darkness and allow you or your minions to operate in that world; they have square illustrations on the front and green marble backs.



The crypt and library form two independent stacks from which crypt cards and library cards are drawn during the game (see Game Setup, Drawing cards, and Influence Phase). Library cards drawn are moved to their owner's hand. Crypt cards drawn are moved to their owner's uncontrolled region (see Play Area).



Each Methuselah must have at least 12 cards in their crypt and between 60 and 90 cards in their library. There is no maximum limit on the number of cards Methuselahs can have in their crypt. 

A Methuselah can include any number of copies of a given card in either their library or crypt within the limits indicated above.


Each vampire belongs to a specific group, identified by a number above the upper left corner of the text box. A Methuselah’s crypt must be built using vampires from a single group or from two consecutive groups.


Counters: Counters are an integral part of the game. Each Methuselah needs about 40 counters: 30 for their starting pool and extra counters, to represent the blood bank. The counters used to represent pool, blood or life are the same but are named differently when they are in your pool, on vampires (blood) or on allies (life). For instance, if you move a counter from your pool to a vampire, it becomes a blood. Similarly, a blood stolen from a vampire by an ally becomes a life. When you burn, pay, or spend 1 blood or pool counter, you return it to the blood bank. If you would gain 1 blood or pool counter you gain it from the blood bank. When blood is added to a vampire, it is added from the blood bank. Blood and pool counters can be any convenient items, such as coins, glass beads, or stones. Single-item methods of keeping track of changing numbers (for example, dice) are discouraged, due to the frequent need to move counters from one place to another.



The Edge: The Edge is a symbol showing that your minions have temporarily given you an advantage over the other Methuselahs. Choose an object to represent the Edge. Any small, distinctive object, such as a figurine, trinket or a glove will do.




Each crypt card has a set of elements that define the vampire as described below.

Name: Each crypt card is unique, so only one copy of each can be in play at a time.


A second Methuselah could contest control of the vampire (see Contested Cards), which means that the Methuselahs are struggling for control of them.


Blood Capacity: The number in the red circle in the lower right corner of the card is the vampire’s capacity.



This number represents many things: the vampire’s relative age, the amount of pool a Methuselah must invest in the vampire in order to bring them under their control, and the maximum ability they have to mend wounds or play cards (some cards cost blood to play). A vampire with a larger capacity than another is said to be older, and one with a smaller capacity is younger. A vampire cannot have more blood than their capacity; if an effect puts more blood on them than their capacity allows, the excess is always moved to the blood bank immediately.

An uncontrolled vampire will have blood counters stacked on them representing the amount of pool that has been invested in them. During the influence phase, if that stack equals or exceeds their blood capacity, you can reveal the vampire and place them in the ready region. They retain the pool counters used to influence them on their card to serve as their blood, any blood counters in excess of the capacity drain back to the blood bank (see Influence Phase).

Clan: Each vampire belongs to a clan, identified by the symbol at the top of the attribute bar (the marble stripe on the left side of the card).



See the Quick Reference page for a list of the clan symbols. Some library cards require a member of a particular vampire clan to play, while other library cards may affect only vampires of a particular clan.

Disciplines: These are supernatural powers that vampires possess. The Disciplines possessed by the vampire are represented by the group of symbols at the bottom of the attribute bar.



The vampire’s Disciplines determine which library cards they can play. If a library card requires a Discipline (noted by a Discipline symbol on the attribute bar of the library card), then only vampires who have that Discipline can play it.



Each of a vampire’s Discipline symbols is in the shape of either a square or a diamond. A square-shaped Discipline symbol means that the vampire has the basic level of that Discipline and they can use only the basic (plain text) effect listed on a card that requires that Discipline.



A Discipline symbol within a diamond signifies that the vampire has the superior level, and therefore may opt to use either the basic (plain text) or the superior (bold) effect listed on the card (but not both).



Some library cards have multiple Discipline symbols on the attribute bar (see Requirements for Playing Cards).




Group: Each vampire belongs to a specific group, identified by a number above the upper left corner of the text box. A Methuselah’s crypt must be built using vampires from a single group or from two consecutive groups. This does not restrict a Methuselah from stealing vampires from other groups through play, however.




Advanced: An advanced card is a type of vampire card for your crypt. An advanced card looks just like a regular crypt card except that it has an Advanced icon under the clan icon. The advanced card is a vampire card in all respects, so it can be influenced in the normal manner (see Advanced).



Text box: The area containing a vampire’s sect (Camarilla in this case), title, special abilities or other attributes.

Expansion symbol: This symbol indicates the expansion set in which the crypt card was released, and has no impact on the game.

Illustration: Denotes the artist who produced the artwork for this card.

Copyright: Denotes the copyright of the game which belongs to Paradox Interactive AB (publ).

Note: Some advanced expansions include other types of crypt cards — to learn about those, check the Appendix.



Card Types

There are two main types of library cards:

Master Cards: Master cards are played by Methuselahs. Master cards have no icon at the top of the attribute bar while the other cards have an icon there that indicates what type of card they are.



Minion Cards: Minion cards are played by the minions (vampires and allies) the Methuselah controls.


Event Cards: Event cards are put into play during the discard phase to represent events that affect the World of Darkness as a whole (see Event Card).


Playing a Card

A card is played by announcing its effects, showing the card and placing it from the hand in the ash heap upon resolution. Sometimes a card will state to put it into play, you should announce its effects and place the card in the play area upon resolution. Some cards such as action cards are not resolved immediately; in that case, they are temporarily out of play between the moment they are played and the moment they reach resolution.



Some effects can cancel a card “as it is played.” These effects, as well as wake effects, are the only effects allowed during the “as played” time period of another card. Even drawing to replace cards, comes after this time period.


Drawing Cards

Whenever you play a card from your hand, you draw another from your library to replace it (unless card text says otherwise). If your library is empty, then you do not draw to replenish your hand, but you do continue to play. The number of cards in your hand should always match your hand size (cards that are replaced later reduce your hand size for the duration of the effect). The starting default hand size is seven cards in hand. Whenever an effect changes your hand size or adds or removes cards from your hand, immediately discard down to or draw up to match your hand size.

Requirements for Playing Cards

Each library card has symbols on the attribute bar (the marble stripe on the left side) for the card type (except for master cards), the clan, or Discipline (if any) required to play the card, and the cost (if any) of playing that card.



Some cards will have other requirements (such as capacity or title) stated in the card text. Only a minion who meets the requirements given on a minion card can play it, whereas only a Methuselah who controls a ready minion who meets the requirements of a master card can play it.

Some of the effects listed on cards may require one of the Disciplines listed, while other effects require another listed Discipline, and some effects may require the vampire to possess several Disciplines. Each effect shows the icon(s) of the Discipline(s) required.

A number in a red drop represents blood cost (the amount of blood the vampire must burn). Only a vampire with enough blood on them can play a card with a blood cost. A number in a white diamond with a skull represents pool cost (the amount of pool the Methuselah must burn). Only a Methuselah with enough pool can play a card with a pool cost.



Costs may only be paid with the Methuselah's or the minion's own resources. For instance, some cards or effects have an alternative cost such as burning the Edge or discarding a card; the Methuselah must control the Edge to burn it for a cost, or discard one of their own cards in hand. Minions controlled by a Methuselah have access to that Methuselah's resources in order to pay costs: for instance, a minion can discard a card from their controller's hand.

Optional cost reducers can be used when the card is played (in order to play the card) or upon resolution (you may wait until you know the action is successful). If the card is cancelled, then the effect is not used.


Targeting of Cards

If a card is played on another card, or targets another card, the target card must be in play (that is, controlled). Vampires in the torpor region are eligible targets by default, but vampires in the uncontrolled region and contested cards are not.



If two or more Methuselahs want to play a card or effect, the acting Methuselah plays first. At every stage, the acting Methuselah always has the opportunity (called "impulse") to play the next card or effect. So after playing one effect, they may play another and another. Once they are finished, the impulse passes to the next Methuselah in the following order: during combat or an action directed at a single Methuselah, the defending Methuselah first; during an action directed at a set of Methuselahs, those Methuselahs in clockwise order; during an undirected action, the prey first and the predator second. Then every other Methuselah in clockwise order gets the impulse until everyone passes. Note that if at any point any Methuselah uses a card or effect, the acting Methuselah again gets the impulse back.


Master Cards

Master cards are cards you play in your role as a Methuselah. There are two categories of master cards: regular and out-of-turn master cards.

Regular master cards are played during your master phase as master phase actions. At the start of each of your master phases, you get one master phase action, which you can use to play a regular master card. Out-of-turn master cards can only be played during other Methuselahs’ turns. By playing an out-of-turn master card, you are using a master phase action from your next master phase, playing the card now instead of waiting until your next master phase.

A master card in play is controlled by the Methuselah who played it, even if it is played on a card controlled by another Methuselah.

The general types of master cards are as follows:

Locations: A location card represents a place (that is a building, a city, or a designated gathering place) that a Methuselah or their minions control. A location card stays in play and may be used repeatedly, even on the turn it is played. Some game effects can burn them.



Trifle: Some master cards are identified as trifles. When a Methuselah successfully plays a trifle, they gain an additional master phase action. For an out-of-turn trifle, they gain a master phase action in their next master phase. A Methuselah can gain only one master phase action from trifles in a given master phase; any subsequent trifles act like regular master cards.



Other master cards: Any master cards not explained here have their effects described on them.


Disciplines: A Discipline card is played on a controlled vampire to give them an additional level of a Discipline, either giving a vampire the basic level of a new Discipline or increasing the level of a Discipline from basic to superior. Most of them also increase the capacity of the vampire by 1 (the “+1” in the red circle in the bottom right corner of the card indicates this in that case) along with the Discipline granted, but they do not automatically gain an extra blood to fill the new capacity.

Trophy: A trophy may be put into play using a master phase action (or can be retrieved as described in traits: Red List). It has no effect until it is moved to a vampire. Once placed on a vampire, a trophy is controlled by the controller of the vampire it is on, and it cannot be awarded again.

Out-of-turn: You may play an out-of-turn master card whenever appropriate during another Methuselah’s turn. Doing so counts against the allotted number of master phase actions you receive in your next master phase, even if the out-of-turn master card is cancelled (see Master Phase).

Regardless of the number of master phase actions you normally have, you cannot play a second out-of-turn master card before your next master phase. You cannot play an out-of-turn master card on your own turn.


Minion Cards

Minion cards are cards that your vampires and allies (collectively referred to as “minions”) play.




A minion card in play is controlled by the controller of the minion it is on. If a minion card is just in play and not on another controlled card, then it is controlled by the Methuselah who played it.


In many cases, a minion card will have a Discipline symbol, a clan symbol and/or a blood cost; in these cases, the card can only be played by a vampire who meets the requirements.

The general types of minion cards are as follows. It is possible for a minion card to be of multiple types.

Action cards: A ready unlocked (see Important Terms of the Game) minion can play an action card to perform an action other than the default actions. Only one action card can be played for the action. Action cards cannot be used to modify other actions.



Ally cards: These cards are put into play with their starting life from the blood bank, and remain independent from the acting minion.



Equipment cards: These cards are put into play on the acting minion. Equipment cards are burned when the minion they are played on (usually referred to as “the bearer”) is burned.





Allies are minions other than vampires that you as a Methuselah can control. Some allies have the ability to play certain cards “as a vampire.” In these cases, the ally is treated as a vampire for all effects generated by the play of the card, including duration effects (like “for the remainder of combat”). The ally’s life represents their blood (to pay costs etc.). Any blood they gain or lose as a vampire equates to a gain or loss of life for the ally. For purposes of that card, the ally has a capacity of 1 for use if the card requires an older vampire or a vampire of a given capacity. If the ally gains life in excess of their capacity, it does not drain off, and if the effect inflicts aggravated damage on the ally, they burn life as normal. However, if the effect would send the ally to torpor, then they are burned instead. The ally is treated as a vampire only for the effect generated from playing the card. In particular, the ally is not treated as a vampire for effects the card has from being in play (like “the vampire with this card” effects).


Retainer cards: These cards are put into play on the acting minion, with their starting life from the blood bank. Retainer cards are burned when their last life is burned, or when the minion they are played on (usually referred to as “the employer”) is burned.



Political action cards: A political action card can be played to call a referendum as an action, or it can be burned during a referendum to gain a vote. Only vampires can play political action cards.



Action modifier cards: The acting minion can play these cards to modify their action at any time before action resolution. A minion cannot play the same action modifier card more than once during a single action (even if using a different Discipline level).



Some action modifier cards are played by minions “other than the acting minion”. Only minions controlled by the same Methuselah can play those cards.


Combat cards: These are played by minions when in combat (see Combat).



Reaction cards: A ready unlocked minion can play a reaction card in response to an action taken by a minion controlled by another Methuselah.



A minion cannot play the same reaction card more than once during a single action (even if using a different Discipline level). A reaction card does not lock the minion playing it.


Reflex cards

A minion can play a reflex card to cancel a specified kind of card played against them as it is played (see Playing a Card).




Event Cards

Event cards are played to represent events that affect the World of Darkness as a whole. Once each discard phase, a Methuselah may use a discard phase action to put an event card in play. Each event can only be played once in a game. An event card is controlled by the Methuselah who played it.




Order of Play

Seating order can be determined by whatever method the Methuselahs choose. Randomly determine a Methuselah to act as first Methuselah. For each Methuselah, the Methuselah to your left is your prey (1). They are the Methuselah you hope to oust from the game. The Methuselah to your right is your predator (2). They are the Methuselah who hopes to oust you from the game. When your prey is ousted, the next Methuselah to your left becomes your new prey.

Blood Bank

Each Methuselah takes 30 blood counters to form their starting pool (3). The remaining blood counters are placed in the central area to form the blood bank (4). The number of blood counters in the blood bank can never run out, just use additional counters, coins, stones etc as needed.

The Edge

The Edge (5) begins the game uncontrolled and is placed in the central area as well.

Play Area

The area in front of each Methuselah is divided into two regions: the uncontrolled region (6), and the controlled region (7). The controlled region is further divided into two areas: the ready region (8) and the torpor region (9). Torpor is a special area for wounded vampires. As the game progresses, you will gain control of some of your minions, moving them to the ready region, face up.

To begin, separate your crypt cards (10) from your library cards (11). Shuffle both decks and allow your predator to cut both. Place both decks in front of you. Draw the top seven library cards to form your hand (12) and deal the top four crypt cards face down into your uncontrolled region (6). You can look at the cards in your hand and in your uncontrolled region at any time during the game.




Burn: When a card is burned, it is placed into its owner’s ash heap (discard pile). The ash heap can be examined by any Methuselah at any time. When a counter is burned, it is returned to the blood bank. Sometimes, an instruction may say to remove a card from the game. While some cards and effects can retrieve cards from the ash heap, cards that are removed from the game cannot be retrieved or affected in any way. When a card is burned or removed from the game, any counters or other cards on it are burned.

Control: Vampires put into play by a Methuselah are controlled by that Methuselah.

A master card in play is controlled by the Methuselah who played it, even if it is played on a card controlled by another Methuselah.

A minion card in play is controlled by the controller of the minion it is on. If a minion card is just in play and not on another controlled card, then it is controlled by the Methuselah who played it.

Control can change through game effects and this is clearly noted when using those effects.

Locking and Unlocking: During play, you will turn cards sideways 90º to lock them, indicating that the cards have been used for some particular purpose or effect. Unlocking a card restores it to its original position, indicating that the card is reset and will be able to be locked again later. Only unlocked minions can perform actions or block the actions of other minions.

Rules of Card Ownership: The cards you start the game with are referred to as “owned”. Your cards can become controlled by other Methuselahs but are never owned by them. At the end of the game, the cards you own are returned to you. If you are ousted before the end of the game, any cards that you own that other Methuselahs control remain in play until burned as normal.

The Golden Rule for Cards: Whenever the cards contradict the rules, the cards take precedence.


Wording templates

“During X, do Y”: The “during X do Y” template is used in several cards. When this template is used, only one Y can be done per X with this card. For instance, you may move blood from your vampire to your pool with Vessel only once per unlock phase.

“Lock X to do Y”: These effects require an unlocked minion to be used, they cannot be used by locked minions.

“Search”: Some effects have you search your library or crypt. You do not have to announce the card you are searching, and searching can result in not finding the card. If you search your library or crypt, you must shuffle it afterwards.


“Cancel a card”: A cancelled card has no effect, but it is still considered played.

If an action card is cancelled, the minion does not lock (they do not pay for the action card), and they can play the same action card again.

If a non-action card is cancelled, its cost should be paid as normal.

If a combat card used for a strike is cancelled, the minion who played it must choose a strike which may come from another strike card.


Each of the phases is described in full detail in the following sections.



You start your turn with your unlock phase. At the beginning of your unlock phase, you must unlock all of your cards. Any cards or effects that require or allow you to do something during your unlock phase take effect after you have unlocked your cards. You may choose the order in which these effects take place. Along with effects generated by cards, there are other effects that are resolved during the unlock phase:

If you have the Edge, you may gain 1 pool from the blood bank.


Some cards have a burn option icon.

This icon means that a Methuselah who does not control a minion who meets the requirements of this card who does not control a minion who meets the requirements of this card or who is a legal target for it, may discard it during ANY Methuselah’s unlock phase and replace it. Each Methuselah is limited to one such discard each unlock phase.



Contested Cards

Some of the cards in the game represent unique resources, such as specific locations, equipment, or people. These cards will be identified as “unique” in their card text. In addition, all crypt cards represent unique minions. If more than one unique card with the same name is brought into play, that means control of the card is being contested. For the duration of the contest, all of the contested cards are turned face down and are out of play. If another unique card with the same name is brought into play, it is immediately contested and turned face down as well.

The cost to contest a card is 1 pool, which you pay during each of your unlock phases. Instead of paying the cost to contest the card, you may choose to yield the card. A yielded card is burned. Any cards or counters stacked on the yielded card are also burned. If all other cards contesting your unique card are yielded, then the card is unlocked and turned face up during your next unlock phase, ending the contest.



CAUTION: Be careful about putting duplicates of the same unique cards in your deck. You cannot control more than one of the same unique card at a time, and you cannot voluntarily contest cards with yourself (if some effect would force you to contest a card with yourself, then you simply burn the incoming copy of the unique card). On the other hand, you may wish to have a second copy handy in case the first is burned.



Contested Titles

Some titles are unique. For example, there can be only one prince or baron of a particular city (see Vampiric Sects). If more than one vampire in play claims the same unique title, then the title is contested. While the title is being contested, the vampires involved in the contest are treated as if they have no title, but they remain controlled and may act and block as normal.

The cost to contest a title is 1 blood, which is paid by the vampire during each of their unlock phases. Instead of paying the cost to contest the title, the vampire may choose to yield the title (or may be forced to yield, if they have no blood to pay). Only ready vampires can contest titles. Vampires in torpor must yield during the unlock phase.

If all other vampires contesting a title with your vampire have yielded the contest, then your vampire acquires the title during your next unlock phase, ending the contest.

The vampire yielding the title will now have no title and loses the benefits of the title for the remainder of the game.




You receive master phase actions during your master phase. A master phase action represents your personal activity during the turn as a Methuselah.

By default, you receive only one master phase action, but some cards may change this amount. You may use a master phase action to play a master card, and some cards can give you alternate ways to use your master phase actions.

If other effects happen during your master phase, you choose the order in which these effects and your master phase actions are performed.

It is not compulsory to use your master phase actions. However, you cannot save master phase actions for later; master phase actions not used during this phase are lost.


You can use a master phase action to mark a Red List minion (see Red List).

If you’ve played an out-of-turn master card against this master phase (even if it was cancelled), then you gain one fewer master phase actions than normal (see Master Cards).




Most of the activity in the game occurs in the minion phase. During your minion phase, you may have your minions perform actions. Only ready unlocked minions can perform actions, and taking an action locks the acting minion. Ready unlocked minions, controlled by other Methuselahs, may attempt to block your action, and blocking locks the blocking minion (see Resolve Any Block Attempts). An action is successful only if it is not blocked. Each action must be resolved (successful or blocked) before another action can be performed.

If a minion manages to unlock (due to a card or an effect) during this phase, it is possible for them to perform another action.

Some actions are mandatory. Any of those actions must be performed before any nonmandatory actions. If you have two or more minions with mandatory actions, they may be done in the order you choose. A minion required to take a mandatory action cannot perform any other action. For example, a ready vampire with no blood must hunt as a mandatory action.

If a single minion has two or more different mandatory actions or one mandatory action they cannot take, then they are “stuck” and cannot perform any action (this does not prevent your other minions from performing actions, however).


Types of Actions


The actions described below are either directed or undirected, depending on their targets (see Who May Attempt to Block).

As a convenience, when a card describes an action that is typically directed at another Methuselah, the card’s text will usually include a (D) symbol as a reminder that the action is typically directed. If not it is considered undirected.



The success of an action is determined by two things:

Stealth represents the measures the acting minion is taking to conduct their business while not been detected by their enemies.

Intercept represents the blocking minion’s efforts to detect and counter an acting minion’s attempts to avoid them.


Any ready unlocked minion you control can perform an action. The procedure for resolving an action is described in the following sections. Note that action modifiers and reaction cards can be played at any time in this process as appropriate, subject to the restrictions on adding stealth and intercept listed below. The same minion cannot play the same action modifier or reaction card more than once during each action (see Minion Cards). All cards must follow the same sequencing structures of all effects (see Sequencing).

A ready vampire may generally perform one of two basic actions which do not require the play of action cards: bleed or hunt, whereas a ready ally may perform only one basic action which does not require the play of action cards: bleed.

Instead of performing a basic action, a ready minion could play an action card to perform the action indicated on the card. Some action cards are enhanced versions of the basic bleed or hunt actions, while others are original types of actions.

Ready minions can also use actions to bring different types of permanent resources into play. These three actions are very similar, although the cards they bring into play are not:


Equipment: such as computers, guns, and exotic artefacts. An equipment card is brought into play with an equip action. Equipment can also be moved from one minion to another by performing an action.

Retainers: henchmen, attendants, or animals commanded into the service of the minion. A retainer is brought into play with the employ retainer action. Retainers cannot be moved from one minion to another.

Allies: non-vampire minions, such as mages, werewolves, or ordinary mortals. An ally is brought into play with the recruit ally action.


A minion cannot play (unless cancelled) the same named action card more than once each turn, even if they unlock. A minion cannot perform each action via the same copy of a card in play (including from the minion’s own card text) more than once each turn, even if they unlock.



Performing a bleed action represents the efforts of your minion to undermine the power and pool of the target Methuselah. You might picture bleeding as paying bribes, changing bank records, spreading rumors, or the like.

A bleed can be made with an action card or through the basic bleed action. During a bleed action, an action modifier card cannot be played to increase the bleed if the bleed amount is already being increased by another action modifier card (unless any of them does not count against that limit). This rule is reminded on those cards by the “(limited)” card text.

Who can bleed: Any ready minion. A minion cannot perform more than one bleed action each turn, even if they unlock.

Default cost: None.

Default target: Your prey. Directed action. However some cards or effects may allow or force you to bleed a Methuselah other than your prey. You can never bleed yourself.

Default stealth: 0 stealth.

Effect: If the action succeeds, the target Methuselah burns an amount of pool equal to the bleed amount. By default, all vampires have a bleed amount of 1. If the action succeeds and the bleed amount is 1 or more, then the bleed is successful and the controller of the acting minion gets the Edge, taking it from the Methuselah who has it, if any.







Hunting is a vampire’s means of satisfying their hunger for blood.

A hunt can be made with an action card or through the basic hunt action.

Who can hunt: Any ready vampire. Note that hunting is a mandatory action for a ready unlocked vampire with no blood. During your minion phase, none of your minions can perform any non-mandatory actions if any of your ready unlocked vampires have hunt actions yet to perform. If you have two or more vampires with mandatory hunt actions, they may be done in the order you choose.

Default cost: None.

Default target: None. Undirected action.

Default stealth: +1 stealth.

Effect: The acting vampire gains an amount of blood counters from the blood bank equal to the hunt amount. By default, all vampires have a hunt amount of 1. If this causes the vampire’s blood to exceed their blood capacity, then (as always) the excess is immediately returned to the blood bank.




Who can equip: Any ready minion.

Cost: As listed on the equipment card, when playing that card from your hand; or none, when equipping from another minion you control.

Default target: None. Undirected action.

Default stealth: +1 stealth.

Effect when equipping from your hand: Equipment cards are action cards that give minions special abilities. If the action to equip with an equipment card from your hand is successful, the equipment card is placed on the acting minion. There is no limit to the number of equipment cards a minion can have.

Effect when equipping from another minion you control: Equip with an equipment card currently possessed by one of your other minions. More than one equipment card can be taken from a minion in a single action, but the equipment you wish to take must be announced as the action is announced. If the action is unsuccessful, the equipment remains where it is.




If equipping the equipment requires a Discipline and the equipment is put into play by some means other than equipping, use the basic version of the equipment.


Employ Retainer

Who can employ a retainer: Any ready minion.

Cost: As listed on the retainer card.

Default target: None. Undirected action.

Default stealth: +1 stealth.

Effect: Retainers are action cards that give minions special abilities. If the action is successful, the retainer is placed on the acting minion. There is no limit to the number of retainers a minion can have. Unlike equipment, a retainer cannot be transferred. When a retainer is brought into play, it receives blood counters from the blood bank to represent its life (listed on the retainer’s card). When a retainer loses their last life counter, they are burned.




If employing the retainer requires a Discipline and the retainer is put into play by some means other than employing, use the basic version of the retainer.


Recruit Ally

Who can recruit an ally: Any ready minion.

Cost: As listed on the ally card.

Default target: None. Undirected action.

Default stealth: +1 stealth.

Effect: Allies are action cards that become minions in their own right, capable of acting and blocking independently of the minion that recruits them. If the action is successful, the ally is placed in your ready region, but they cannot act this turn. When an ally is brought into play, they receive blood counters from the blood bank to represent their life (listed on the ally’s card). When an ally loses their last life counter, they are burned.




Note that allies brought into play by other means are able to act on the same turn. If recruiting the ally requires a Discipline and the ally is put into play by some means other than recruiting, use the basic version of the ally.


Political Action

Who can take a political action: Any ready vampire. A vampire cannot perform more than one political action each turn.

Cost: As listed on the political action card.

Default target: None. Undirected action.

Default stealth: +1 stealth.

Effect: A political action is an action that is used to call a referendum. If the action is successful, the terms of the referendum are chosen and votes are cast and tallied to see if the referendum passes or fails (see Politics).



Leave Torpor (See Torpor)

Who can leave torpor: A vampire in torpor.

Default Cost: 2 blood.

Default target: None. Undirected action.

Default stealth: +1 stealth.

Effect: If the action is successful, the acting vampire moves from the torpor region to the ready region. If this action is blocked, there is no combat (vampires in torpor cannot enter combat). Instead, if the blocker is a vampire, they get the opportunity to diablerise the acting vampire (see Diablerie). If they choose not to, or if they are an ally, then the action simply fails (the acting vampire remains in torpor, and no cost is paid). A vampire leaving torpor is no longer wounded.



Rescue a Vampire from Torpor

Who can rescue a vampire from torpor: Any ready vampire.

Default Cost: 2 blood, which can be paid by the acting vampire or the rescued vampire, or the cost may be split between them (this is an exception to the rule that states that costs must be paid with the vampire's own resources).

Default target: A vampire in torpor.

◼ Undirected action, if the acting vampire and the vampire in torpor have the same controller.

◼ Directed action, if the acting vampire and the vampire in torpor have different controllers.

Default stealth:

◼ +1 stealth, if the acting vampire and the vampire in torpor have the same controller.

◼ 0 stealth, if the acting vampire and the vampire in torpor have different controllers.

Effect: If the action is successful, the vampire in torpor is moved to the ready region. The rescued vampire does not lock or unlock as a result of being rescued. If the action is blocked, the acting vampire and the blocking minion enter combat as normal. A vampire rescued from torpor is no longer wounded.



Diablerise a Vampire in Torpor

Who can diablerise: Any ready vampire.

Default cost: None.

Default target: A vampire in torpor.

◼ Undirected action, if the acting vampire and the vampire in torpor have the same controller.

◼ Directed action, if the acting vampire and the vampire in torpor have different controllers.

Default stealth:

◼ +1 stealth, if the acting vampire and the vampire in torpor have the same controller.

◼ 0 stealth, if the acting vampire and the vampire in torpor have different controllers.

Effect: If the action is successful, the victim is diablerised (see Diablerie). If the action is blocked, the acting vampire and the blocking minion enter combat as normal.



Action Card (or Card in Play)

Who can perform an action by default: Any ready minion. A minion cannot perform an action with the same action card from hand or in play more than once each turn, even if they unlock.

Cost: As listed on the card.

Default target: As listed on the card.

Default stealth: Unless otherwise noted on the card, these actions are at 0 stealth.

Effect: If the action is successful, it resolves as indicated on the card. If the card describes a special version of a basic action, then all the rules that apply to the basic action apply, except as otherwise noted on the card.




Become Anarch

◼ Who can become Anarch: Any ready untitled non-Anarch vampire.

◼ Cost: 2 blood, or 1 blood if the controller controls at least 1 other ready Anarch.

◼ Default target: None. Undirected action.

◼ Default stealth: +1 stealth.

◼ Effect: If the action is successful, the acting vampire is now of the Anarch sect.




1. Action is announced: Play the card for the action or indicate another effect (card in play, basic bleed or hunt) used to announce the action and lock the minion who is performing the action. Some cards are played "as the action is announced", those cards must be played before regular action modifier cards and reaction cards.

2. Target Methuselah(s) may try to block the action with any of their ready unlocked minions or if the action does not target another Methuselah, or targets a card controlled by the acting Methuselah, then the minions of the prey and predator may try to block.

◼ If a block attempt is unsuccessful, another attempt can be made.

◼ If a block attempt is successful, then the blocking minion locks and enters combat with the acting minion.

3. If no attempt is successful and no more attempts are made, then the action is successful, and the cost of the action is paid.

Action modifiers and reaction cards can be played at any time before resolution during an action, with the acting Methuselah getting the opportunity to play first. Only the acting minion can play action modifiers, while only other Methuselahs’ ready unlocked minions can play reaction cards. The effect of an action modifier or a reaction card lasts for the duration of the current action. Also remember that the same minion cannot play the same action modifier or reaction card more than once per action.



1. Announce the Action

All details of the action are defined when the action is announced, including the target(s), the cost, the effects, and so on. Any card required for the action is played (face up) at this time, but is temporarily set aside (out of play) until the action resolves. Lock the acting minion (only ready unlocked minions can perform actions).

EXCEPTION: Any decisions to be made for a referendum are not announced until the action succeeds (see The Political Action).

During Sarah’s minion phase, she decides that one of her unlocked minions, Belinde, will take an action to bleed her prey, Alexis. Sarah locks Belinde and says, “Belinde bleeds Alexis for 1 (meaning 1 pool).”

After resolving that action (successful or not), Sarah decides that another of her unlocked minions, The Dowager, will recruit an ally, the Underbridge Stray, from her hand. She locks The Dowager and plays the Underbridge Stray, announcing: “The Dowager recruits the Underbridge Stray at +1 stealth, costing The Dowager 1 blood.” (The blood is not paid until the action succeeds.)


2. Resolve Any Block Attempts

Who May Attempt to Block

If the action targets one or more other Methuselahs or things controlled by other Methuselahs, then the action is called directed, and only the Methuselahs who are targeted may use their ready unlocked minions to attempt to block the action. If more than one Methuselah has been targeted by the action, block attempts are made in a clockwise order.

If the action is not directed at another Methuselah or at something controlled by another Methuselah, then the action is called undirected and can be blocked by the acting Methuselah’s prey or predator, with the prey getting the first opportunity to block.

A minion can attempt to block as many times as they wish as long as another minion is not already blocking.

If one attempt to block fails, another can be made as often as the blocking Methuselah wishes.

Once a Methuselah decides not to make any further attempts to block, that decision is final.

If the target of the action is changed (e.g. a bleed action is redirected), this will reopen block attempts, following the normal rules.

As a reminder, when a card describes an action that is typically directed at another Methuselah, the card’s text will usually include a (D) symbol as a reminder that the action is typically directed.



Remember, political actions are always undirected.

Belinde’s action to bleed Alexis is directed at Alexis, so only Alexis’s ready unlocked minions can attempt to block. If one block attempt fails, another can be made.

The Dowager’s action to recruit the Underbridge Stray, an ally, is not directed at another Methuselah, so it is undirected. It can be blocked by the ready unlocked minions of Sarah’s prey or Sarah’s predator. If her prey’s first attempt fails, another can be made and so on until her prey declines to make any further attempts, at which point her predator may begin attempting to block.


Stealth and Intercept

Stealth represents the measures that the acting minion is taking to conduct their business discreetly, to avoid attracting the attention of those who would oppose them. Intercept represents the blocking minion’s efforts to discover the plans of the acting minion and to stalk or chase them in order to detain them (by fighting with them) before they can accomplish their goal.

To see if a block attempt succeeds, compare the acting minion’s stealth to the blocking minion’s intercept. The action is blocked if the blocker’s intercept is equal to or greater than the acting minion’s stealth. By default, minions have 0 stealth and 0 intercept. So a block attempt will normally succeed unless the action has inherent stealth (such as hunting) or a card or effect is used to increase the acting minion’s stealth.

Some actions have an inherent stealth, as noted in the action list and on some action cards. The minion taking such an action starts with greater stealth than normal.

Additionally, some cards and other effects can be used to increase or decrease (even below 0) a minion’s stealth or intercept, as noted on card text.

Stealth can be added during an action only when needed, that is, only if the action is currently being blocked and the blocking minion has enough intercept to block the acting minion. Likewise, intercept can be added during an action only when needed, only by a blocking minion when the acting minion’s stealth exceeds their intercept.

Note that all modifications made to a minion’s stealth or intercept remain in effect for the duration of the action. Increased stealth and intercept return to normal after the action is resolved.

Sarah announces that Wauneka is hunting and locks Wauneka. The action is undirected and has a default of +1 stealth. Her prey declines to block.

Her predator, however, plays a reaction card to give +1 intercept to one of her ready unlocked minions, Ayelech. Sarah has no cards to play to increase Wauneka’s stealth, so the action is blocked. Ayelech is locked, and combat begins.

If a block attempt fails, either another attempt is made or the defending Methuselah declares that they will not make any further attempts to block the action. Once all Methuselahs have declined to block, the impulse goes back to the acting Methuselah (then the other Methuselahs following the order previously given) to play more cards and effects before resolving the action.

Sarah announces that Sully is bleeding Alexis. Sarah has no effects that she wishes to play before Alexis decides whether to block, so Sarah says “Do you block?” Alexis decides not to block, so then Sarah plays Bonding (an action modifier that adds 1 to the bleed). Alexis is bled for 2 pool.


Detailed course of an action
The action has been announced and:

A. There is no current block attempt
The sequencing rule applies as normal.
2. In addition to any effect that can be used during an action (playing an action modifier or reaction card, using effects of cards in play etc.), a Methuselah who can block (see Who May Attempt to Block, p. 25) can declare a block attempt, switching to "B. There is an ongoing block attempt".
3. If a Methuselah passes, that Methuselah cannot declare any block attempt until the end of the action unless the target of the action changes.
4. Once every Methuselah has passed, switch to "C. Blocks have been declined by all

B. There is an ongoing block attempt
1. The sequencing rule applies as normal.
2. The target of the action cannot be changed.
3. The Methuselah who has declared the current block attempt may use effects that force the minion who is currently blocking to attempt to block (no other minion can attempt to block until this block attempt is resolved).
4. Once every Methuselah has passed, the block attempt is resolved: if it is successful, the action is unsuccessful and blocked. Otherwise, switch back to "A. There is no current block attempt".

C. Blocks have been declined by all Methuselahs
1. The sequencing rule applies as normal.
2. If the target of the action is changed, switch to "A. There is no current block attempt".
3. Once every Methuselah has passed, the action is successful and resolves


3. Resolve the Action

If the action is successful (all block attempts were unsuccessful), then the cost of the action is paid and the effects of the successful action take place.

If the action is blocked, then any card played to perform the action is burned and the block is resolved with these two simultaneous consequences: the blocking minion is locked and enters combat with the acting minion (see Combat). If an effect ends the action before the block resolution or one of these two consequences (such as entering combat), neither consequence occurs. The effects of the action do not take place when the action is blocked. Note that the action’s cost, if any, is only paid if the action succeeds; the cost is not paid if the action is blocked. The costs of action modifiers and reaction cards are always paid when the cards are played, regardless of the success of the action.



Politics and diplomacy are as critical to vampires as hunting and feeding. Like mortal society, Kindred society has its own laws, creeds, and customs. Politics come into play when a vampire performs a political action or when a blood hunt is called (see The Blood Hunt).

The Political Action

Important: The specific terms of the referendum (the choices to be made, if any, by the Methuselah who calls the referendum) are not chosen until the action itself is successful.

The Referendum

If a political action is successful, its cost is paid, and the referendum is called. The referendum consists of three steps:

1. Choose the terms, if any, of the referendum.

2. Polling: Cards that are usable “during the polling step” but “before votes and ballots are cast” are used at this time. Then, all Methuselahs may now cast any votes and ballots they have (see below) at this time, in any order. They call out their votes and ballots freely, and there is no obligation to cast votes or ballots. Once a vote or a ballot has been cast, however, it cannot be changed. The polling stage is completed only when all Methuselahs are finished casting votes and ballots. If you need a time limit, the Methuselahs can agree to wait 15 seconds after the last vote or ballot cast to close the polling stage.

3. Resolve the Referendum: If there are more votes for the referendum than against, it passes, and the effects take place. Otherwise, the referendum fails and has no effect. Tied referendums fail.


Gaining Votes

Methuselahs have no inherent votes or ballots. Votes and ballots must be gained, and there are a variety of ways to do so. Once gained, a vote or a ballot need not be cast right away, if at all. Each vote or ballot cast is cast either “for” or “against” the referendum, and a Methuselah may cast some of their votes and ballots in favour and some against, as they choose, with the restriction that all of the votes and ballots from any given vampire or other source must be cast in agreement as a group. Once cast, a vote or a ballot cannot be changed. Methuselahs can gain votes and ballots in the following ways:

Political Action Cards: Each Methuselah may gain 1 vote by using a political action card. These cards say “1 vote” to indicate this. If a political action card was used to call the referendum, that card provides 1 vote for the acting vampire’s controller. Other political action cards used for votes are simply burned without regard to the text on the cards. Each Methuselah can gain no more than 1 vote from political action cards.

Titled Vampires: For each ready titled vampire a Methuselah controls, they gain extra votes. The number of votes gained depends on the title.

A Methuselah gains:

1 vote for each ready primogen
2 votes for each ready prince or baron
3 votes for each ready justicar
4 votes for each ready Inner Circle member

Other minions may have a title worth votes or ballots (as listed on card text) without holding one of the titles listed above (see Other Vampire Sects). A minion may have a special ability granting additional votes or ballots without being titled themselves. A minion’s votes and ballots can be used only when the minion is ready. Whether or not a minion is locked or unlocked does not have any impact on their ability to vote.

The Edge: The Methuselah who has the Edge can burn it (return it, uncontrolled, to the central area) to gain 1 vote.

Other Cards: Action modifiers, reaction cards, cards in play, etc. that grant more votes or ballots can all be used subject to the normal rules of playing cards. Only the acting minion can play action modifiers and only ready unlocked minions controlled by Methuselahs other than the acting minion’s controller can play reaction cards.



Combat results when a minion blocks the action of a ready minion. Also, some cards may cause combat. Whatever caused the combat, it is important to remember that only ready minions can participate in combat and that your minions cannot enter combat with other minions you control.

Being locked or unlocked does not matter for combat. Locked minions fight just the same as unlocked minions.

The two minions being involved in combat are called combatants; each one of them is considered to be opposing the other one.

Note: The only minion cards that can be played during combat are combat cards.



Some combat cards are played by minions "not involved in the current combat". Minions controlled by ANY Methuselah can play
those cards.



Combat Sequence

Combat occurs in a series of one or more rounds. Each round of combat has seven steps:

1. Before Range: Play cards before range is chosen.

2. Determine Range: Use maneuvers to change the range to close or long.

3. Before Strikes: Play cards before strikes are chosen.

4. Strike: Announce and resolve strikes.

5. Damage Resolution: Prevent and mend damage.

6. Press: Use presses to continue into another round or to end combat.

7. End of Round: End of round cards and effects are played here.


The acting minion always gets first opportunity to use cards or effects before the opposing minion at every stage of combat.


1. Before Range

Some cards or effects will be played before range is determined. This is clearly stated upon those cards.

Note: Effects that are played “before range is determined” must be played before the acting minion decides whether or not to play a maneuver.


2. Determine Range

Each round of combat is fought at either close range or long range. Close range is the default for each round. The range determines which strikes and other strike resolution step effects can be used. Some effects can only be used at close range, some only at long range, and the rest at either close or long range.

A minion in combat can use a maneuver to get to long range, or they can maneuver to get back to close range if their opponent maneuvers to long. The two combatants can continue playing maneuvers to keep offsetting the effects of their opponent’s last maneuver for as long as they wish. A minion cannot play two maneuvers in a row, which would effectively cancel each other.

A minion has no maneuvers by default; they must use a card or other effect to gain a maneuver. The ability to maneuver can come from combat cards, weapons, or other cards in play. To use a maneuver from a strike card, the minion plays the strike card during this step instead of during the choose strike step. If a minion uses the maneuver from a strike card or a weapon, they are effectively choosing their strike as well. As such, they cannot use a second strike card or weapon to maneuver again in the same round.

If a combat card played by a minion has a maneuver as part of an effect, the maneuver must be used that round of combat. If a combat card played by a minion has an “optional maneuver” as part of the effect, then the minion may decline to use the maneuver.

Typically, a minion that can attack at long range will want to maneuver to long range against an opponent that they suspect can only attack at close range.

Ayelech has just blocked Colette, and combat ensues. Ayelech has a .44 Magnum that allows her to strike for 2 damage at either close or long range, and gives her an optional maneuver. Colette, as the acting minion, declines to maneuver. Ayelech uses the maneuver from the gun to move to long range, where she cannot be harmed by Colette’s hand strike. Colette plays a maneuver card to get back to close range. However, Ayelech has another maneuver card as well, and she plays it to move back to long range. Colette has no more maneuvers to play, so the range is set to long.


3. Before strikes are chosen

Some combat cards are only playable after range has been set but before strikes have been chosen.


4. Strike

During the strike step, the minions strike each other or make an effort to avoid being struck.

Note that not all strikes are aggressive. Defensive effects such as dodges are also considered strikes (see Strike Effects).

Normally, each minion gets only one strike per round. One strike from each minion is considered a “pair”.


Some cards may allow a minion to get additional strikes during a round of combat, these are resolved after the normal pair of strikes. If only one minion has additional strikes these are resolved on their own after the normal pair of strikes.

During each pair of strikes, the minions first choose their respective strikes (the acting minion first, then their opponent), and then the strikes are resolved. Strike resolution occurs simultaneously, except for a few special cases (see Strike Effects).

Choose Strike: Each minion chooses their strike. The strike can be from a combat card, from a weapon the minion possesses, by default from a hand strike, or can be from any other card providing this minion a strike. If a minion has used a maneuver from a strike (either a strike card or a weapon) this round, then they cannot choose any other strike for their initial strike of the round.


For additional strikes, any strike can be chosen, even if a maneuver of a strike card or a weapon has been used.

 ◼ Resolve Strike: The effects of the strikes from both minions are resolved simultaneously. Most strikes are effective only at close range, unless the strike is identified as ranged, does “R” damage, or is a defensive strike such as dodge or combat ends. Ranged strikes and strikes that do “R” damage can be used at any range, close or long.

When a minion or retainer takes damage (either from a strike or from other means), they must burn blood or life, as appropriate (see Damage Resolution). Note that the effects of a strike are applied and then damage is resolved. This timing is important for some special strikes. If one or both of the combatants are no longer ready, because one has taken too much damage, for instance, then the round and the combat end immediately.

This is true at any point during combat, not just during strike resolution.


If a strike card is cancelled, the minion who played it must choose a strike, which might come from another strike card.

Additional Strikes: Some cards and effects allow a minion to make additional strikes during the current round of combat. Additional strikes are announced and performed only after the first pair of strikes is completed. The acting minion decides whether or not to gain additional strikes before the opposing minion, as usual.

Additional strikes are handled by having another choose strike step and resolve strike step in which only the minions with additional strikes may play strike cards. All additional strikes take place at the same range. This is repeated as necessary. A minion cannot use more than one card or effect to gain additional strikes per round of combat. This rule is reminded on those cards by the “(limited)” card text.

Wauneka is blocked by Flávio Gonçalves, and they enter combat. Neither of them maneuvers, so the round is at close range. Wauneka announces he is using a Roundhouse card, which allows him to inflict 4 damage, as his strike. Flávio Gonçalves uses his special ability to dodge as his strike, so no damage is dealt by either vampire.

Next, Wauneka plays a card giving him 1 additional strike. Flávio Gonçalves plays a card giving him 2 additional strikes. These additional strikes are resolved at the same range, which is close in this case.

Wauneka uses his hand strike for the second strike. Flávio Gonçalves uses his hand strike also. Both take 1 damage. Flávio Gonçalves then uses his hands one more time, and Wauneka cannot use a strike because he had only 1 additional strike. Wauneka takes 1 more damage.


5. Damage Resolution

Damage resolution has two steps: prevent damage and mend damage.

First, the minion taking damage can play combat cards that prevent damage. These damage prevention cards are played one at a time until all the damage is prevented or until the minion chooses not to play any more. Any unprevented damage is successfully inflicted. The damage is then mended, if the victim is a vampire, or burns life counters, if the victim is an ally or a retainer.

For each point of damage successfully inflicted on a vampire, they must burn 1 blood to mend the damage. A vampire can burn all of their blood if needed, and doing so does not have any other negative effects on the vampire. If a vampire cannot mend all the damage (that is, more damage is successfully inflicted than they have blood with which to mend), they burn blood to mend what damage they can, and the unmended damage leaves them wounded.

A wounded vampire goes to torpor after all remaining damage is handled (see Torpor).

Environmental damage: Any damage not inflicted by a minion either as a strike, or by an explicit effect (“this minion inflicts...”) is environmental. Environmental damage can have no source (such as the damage inflicted by a Carrion Crows) or a non-minion source (such as the damage inflicted by a retainer).

Note that damage that is not inflicted by a strike (such as environmental damage from Carrion Crows or Murder of Crows) cannot be dodged, since dodging only protects from the opponent’s strike.

Aggravated damage: Some damage is described as aggravated damage, such as damage from fire, sunlight, or from the claws or fangs of some other supernatural creatures, including some vampires. Aggravated damage differs from normal damage in two ways: Aggravated damage cannot be mended, and aggravated damage can burn a vampire if that vampire is already wounded. Since it cannot be mended, the vampire does not burn any blood to mend it, but instead becomes wounded (goes straight to torpor), unless the damage has been prevented.

Aggravated damage done to a wounded vampire can burn the vampire outright. A wounded vampire is one that has taken damage that they failed to mend or one that is in torpor or on their way to torpor.

For each point of aggravated damage that is successfully inflicted on a wounded vampire, they must burn 1 blood to prevent their destruction. If they do not have enough blood, they are burned. Destruction by this method does not constitute diablerie (see Diablerie).

If both regular damage and aggravated damage are successfully inflicted on a vampire at the same time, the normal damage is handled first. This only applies to unprevented damage; damage prevention effects can be used to prevent the aggravated damage before the normal damage. If a vampire is wounded, they go to torpor after all the damage is handled (see Torpor). If aggravated damage burns them, they go directly to the ash heap. They do not go through torpor first.

Nassir is ready and has 1 blood when he receives 1 point of aggravated damage. He cannot mend this damage, so he is wounded and goes to torpor with 1 blood.

Tamoszius is ready and has 2 blood when he receives 3 points of aggravated damage. He cannot mend any of it. He becomes wounded by 1 point, and so he must burn 2 blood to prevent destruction from the other 2 points (1 blood per point), leaving him empty and in torpor.

Ryan is ready and has 1 blood when he receives 2 normal damage and 1 aggravated damage. He burns 1 blood to mend the first point of normal damage. He does not have enough blood to mend the second point and becomes wounded. The aggravated damage burns him, since he already is wounded and cannot burn 1 blood to prevent his destruction.


Allies and retainers treat aggravated damage the same as normal damage. For each point of damage successfully inflicted on an ally or retainer, they burn 1 life counter. An ally or retainer who loses all of their life counters is burned.


Immune to damage: if a minion is immune to damage from a source, any unprevented damage from that source that is inflicted on the minion is inflicted unsuccessfully: the minion does not have to burn blood or life to mend the damage or to prevent destruction, nor does the minion become wounded because of damage. 


6. Press

At the end of a round of combat, if both combatants are still ready, the combatants will either go their separate ways or one of them will give chase. Presses can be used to continue combat or to end combat by cancelling a press to continue. This is similar to the way maneuvers are used to determine range.

The two combatants can continue playing presses, to keep offsetting the effects of their opponent’s last press, for as long as they wish. A minion cannot play two presses in a row (which would effectively cancel each other).

If there is an uncancelled press to continue, then another round of combat begins.


7. End of Round

In this step you use the combat cards or other effects that are only usable at the end of a round of combat, after the press step.

Note that this step also occurs even if combat ends prematurely.


Retainers and Combat

A retainer is not normally harmed in combat, unless the minion employing it is burned. However, an attacker can choose to target one of the opposing minion’s retainers with a strike rather than striking at the opposing minion. This can only be done at long range. To target a retainer with a ranged strike, the striking minion must announce their intended target when the strike is announced.



Strike Effects

Hand Strike: The default strike is a hand strike. When a minion strikes with a hand strike at close range, they do an amount of damage equal to their strength to the opposing minion. Vampires have a default strength of 1.

Dodge: A dodge strike deals no damage, but it protects the dodging minion and their possessions from the effects of the opposing strike. Retainers are not protected, however. A dodge is effective at any range. A dodge protects even from the effects of a strike done with first strike (see First Strike). A dodge is a strike, even though it is solely defensive. It represents the activity of the minion during that pair of strikes.

Combat Ends: This effect ends combat immediately. This type of strike is always the first to resolve, even before a strike done with first strike (see First Strike), and it ends combat before other strikes or other strike resolution effects are resolved. Combat ends is effective at any range. Combat ends is not affected by a dodge, since dodge only cancels effects that are directed at the dodging minion.

Steal Blood: This effect moves blood counters or life counters from the target to the striking minion. This does not count as damage, so the effect cannot be prevented with damage prevention effects. This effect occurs before the mend damage step of damage resolution, so the stolen blood can be used to mend damage even if the damage is inflicted simultaneously. If the stolen blood causes the striking vampire to have more blood than their capacity, the excess drains off immediately.

Chrysanthemum enters combat with an Underbridge Stray ally. Chrysanthemum has a capacity of 5 and has 4 blood. The ally has 2 life. After determining range, Chrysanthemum steals 2 blood as her strike. The ally strikes for 1 damage. During the strike resolution 2 life counters are moved to Chrysanthemum from the ally, and Chrysanthemum takes 1 damage. Chrysanthemum has 6 blood, but her capacity is only 5, so 1 blood is moved to the blood bank. The Underbridge Stray has no life counters remaining, so the ally is burned. Chrysanthemum has 1 damage to deal with and does not prevent any, so she burns 1 blood to mend the damage, leaving her with 4 blood.


Destroy Equipment: This effect burns an equipment card of the opposing minion. If there is more than one piece of equipment on the opposing minion, the striking minion chooses which one is burned. The equipment can still be used up to the point at which the destroy equipment strike resolves. The effect may specify destroy weapon instead of equipment, in which case a weapon must be chosen.

Steal Equipment: This effect is like destroy equipment, except that instead of being burned, the equipment card is moved to the striking minion. The stolen equipment may not be used by the bearer during the current round of combat. The equipment is kept by the stealing minion after combat ends.

First Strike: A strike done with first strike is resolved before a normal strike. Thus, if the opposing minion is burned or sent to torpor by a strike done with first strike, their strike will not be resolved at all. If the opposing minion was striking with a weapon that is stolen or destroyed with first strike, then the opposing minion simply loses their strike altogether. If both minions strike with first strike, then the strikes are resolved simultaneously. A strike done with first strike will still not resolve before a combat ends effect (which always resolves first), and a dodge still works against the effects of a strike done with first strike.



When a vampire cannot mend their wounds, they enter into a deep sleep known as torpor. A vampire in torpor is particularly weak and vulnerable to attacks from others of their kind. A vampire in torpor may be burned by a vampire through the act of diablerie (see Diablerie below).

If a vampire cannot mend their wounds, they go into torpor. Vampires in torpor are placed in an area to one side of the uncontrolled region. Any retainers, equipment, and other cards on the vampire stay with the vampire when they go into torpor.

A vampire in torpor can perform no action except the “leave torpor” action and cannot block or play reaction cards. They can play action modifiers during their actions.

A vampire in torpor is still considered controlled but is not ready. They still unlock at the start of the unlock phase.

A vampire in torpor cannot cast any votes or ballots (they must abstain).



By committing diablerie, the diablerist drains the victim of their blood and grows stronger, and may take whatever equipment the victim had. Vampiric society condemns this act, however, so the risk may outweigh the reward.

Diablerie is the act of sending another vampire to final death by drinking their blood. Only ready vampires can commit diablerie. The vampire committing diablerie is referred to as the diablerist. Diablerie is resolved as follows:

1. All blood on the victim is moved to the diablerist. Blood in excess of their capacity drains off as normal.

2. The diablerist may take any equipment on the victim.

3. The victim is burned. Any cards and counters on them are also burned.


4. If the victim was older (had a higher capacity) than the diablerist, the diablerist can be given a Discipline: their controller may go through their library, ash heap, and hand to get a master Discipline card to put on the diablerist and then shuffle their library or draw back up to their hand size as necessary. If the Discipline card increases the diablerist’s capacity, the diablerie does not give 1 blood to fill that new capacity.

5. If the victim was Red List, the diablerist may receive trophies (see Trophy). The steps of diablerie are treated as a single unit. No effects can be used to interrupt the diablerie; effects may be played either before or after, as appropriate.


The Blood Hunt

Vampiric society condemns the act of diablerie. The penalty for committing this act is death, and the method of justice is a blood hunt, in which the diablerist is hunted down and destroyed by others of their kind. In practice, however, this brand of justice is not always meted out fairly, depending on the connections that the diablerist has.

When a vampire commits diablerie, a referendum is automatically and immediately conducted to determine if a blood hunt will be called on the diablerist. If the referendum passes, a blood hunt is called, and the diablerist is burned. This referendum is not an action, so it cannot be blocked, and action modifiers and reaction cards cannot be played. Otherwise, this referendum is handled just like any other.




Methuselahs vehemently strive to dominate vampire society, but most younger vampires are reluctant to defer to the whims of the ancients. Methuselahs must apply their resources skilfully to entice their younger brethren to do their bidding (often with the vampires not even realising that they are being manipulated).

Your influence phase allows you to devote some of your pool to gaining control of the vampires in your uncontrolled region. This phase can also be used to move new vampires from your crypt to your uncontrolled region. The activities conducted in this phase are administered through a type of “influence phase action” called a transfer.

Transfers, like master phase actions, are not represented by counters and cannot be saved for later use.

Each Methuselah normally receives 4 transfers at the start of their influence phase. To balance the advantage of going first, however, Methuselahs do not receive the full allotment of transfers during the first three turns of the game. Instead, the Methuselah who has the first turn receives only 1 transfer on their first influence phase. The Methuselah who plays second gets 2 transfers on their turn, and the Methuselah who takes the third turn gets 3 transfers. Thereafter, each Methuselah receives the standard 4 transfers during their influence phase.

During your influence phase you may spend transfers as follows:

◼ Spend 1 transfer to move 1 pool counter from your pool to a vampire in your uncontrolled region.

◼ Spend 2 transfers to move 1 blood counter from a vampire in your uncontrolled region to your pool.

◼ Spend 4 transfers and burn 1 pool to move a vampire from your crypt to your uncontrolled region.




At any time during this phase, if a vampire has at least as many blood counters as their capacity, the Methuselah can move that vampire face up to the ready region, unlocked. The counters are kept on them to represent their blood. Counters in excess of his capacity drain off immediately as usual. If the vampire grants additional transfers, those cannot be used on this turn because transfers are gained at the start of the influence phase. Other types of crypt cards are handled similarly.

Nora comes to her influence phase. She has 4 transfers to spend, but only 2 pool. She sees that she has built up 6 blood counters on a vampire named Alexa Draper with a blood capacity of 8, and she thinks she can win the game if she gets that vampire into play. However, she cannot use both counters in her pool to put that vampire into play because that would put her out of the game. She had invested 2 counters in a vampire named Sybren van Oosten with a blood capacity of 7 on a previous turn, so she spends 2 of her 4 transfers to take back 1 of those counters and put it in her pool. Now she has 3 pool and 2 transfers left to spend. She spends the 2 transfers by moving 2 of the 3 counters from her pool to Alexa Draper and moves her to the ready region.


Advanced: An advanced card is a type of vampire card for your crypt. An advanced card has a special icon under the clan icon. The advanced card is a vampire card in all respects, so it can be influenced in the normal manner. In addition, if you already control the advanced or the associated regular “base” vampire and the other version of the vampire is in your uncontrolled region, then you can spend 4 transfers and 1 pool counter to move the vampire card from your uncontrolled region to the controlled vampire card (place the advanced card on top of the base card). The two cards effectively merge to form a single vampire.

The particulars of this merge are as follows. The counters and cards on the vampire already in play remain, but any counters or cards (if any) on the vampire coming from the uncontrolled region are burned. The advanced and the base card are treated as a single vampire card, even if sent to the uncontrolled region somehow, until the vampire is burned. Any effects in play that targeted the vampire now target the merged version.

When merged, the text on the base card still applies, but the rest of the card is ignored (capacity, Disciplines, etc.). The advanced card applies in full. If the advanced card conflicts with the base card (a different sect, for example), the advanced card has precedence. Some merged cards have an additional effect that only applies if the card is merged with its base card. Such an effect is identified in the card text by a merged icon.



The advanced vampire (merged or not) will contest other copies of the same vampire (advanced or not) in play, as usual.




In your discard phase you receive by default one discard phase action. You can use a discard phase action to discard a card from your hand and draw to replace it. Discard phase actions not used are lost; they cannot be saved for later.


You may use a discard phase action to put an event card into play but no more than one per phase. Some effects may change the number of discard phase actions you receive or may give you alternate ways to use your discard phase actions.

Each event card may only be played once each game.



When a Methuselah runs out of pool counters, they are ousted from the game. If you are ousted, all the cards you control are removed from the game. Any of your rivals’ cards you control are returned to them at the end of the game. Any of your cards controlled by other Methuselahs remain in play as normal. The game continues until only one Methuselah is left.

You get 1 victory point and 6 pool counters from the blood bank whenever your prey is ousted (no matter how or by whom your prey was ousted). You receive an additional victory point if you are the last Methuselah remaining. At the end of the game, the winner is the Methuselah with the most victory points, even if they have been ousted.

In the case of a tie there is no winner of the game.

EXCEPTION: If a Methuselah is ousted at the same time that their prey is ousted, the Methuselah gets the victory point but does not gain 6 pool counters.

When your prey is ousted, the next Methuselah to your left (the ousted Methuselah’s prey) becomes your new prey, and you become their new predator.

Justine, Lisa, Richard, Scott, and Steve are seated clockwise around a table in that order. Steve is ousted first. Steve is Scott’s prey, so Scott gains 6 pool and 1 victory point. Scott is ousted next by Richard. Since now Scott is Richard’s prey, Richard gets 6 pool and 1 victory point. Lisa is ousted next, so Justine gains 6 pool and 1 victory point. Now, Justine and Richard are the only ones left, and so each is prey of the other. All the pool Richard earned does not save him from falling, and Justine gets 6 pool and another victory point. Since Justine was not ousted at all, she gets an additional victory point. The final score is that Justine wins with 3 victory points, with Richard and Scott having 1 victory point, and Lisa and Steve with 0 victory points.


Withdrawing from the Game

You can also end your participation in the game by declaring your intent to withdraw from it. If you have exhausted your library and begin your turn with less than a full hand, you have the option to withdraw from the game. To exercise this option, you must announce your intent to withdraw during your unlock phase. For the withdrawal to succeed, you must meet the following conditions:

◼ None of your minions enter combat until your next unlock phase.

◼ None of your minions lose (or spend) any blood until your next unlock phase.

◼ You do not lose (or spend) any pool until your next unlock phase.

If you have met these conditions when you would start your unlock phase, you successfully withdraw. The withdrawal fails if you lose a single blood or pool counter, even if you also gain enough to make up for the loss.

If you successfully withdraw, you receive 1 victory point to add to any victory points you have already gained. Your predator does not get 1 victory point or any pool for your withdrawal.



Some of the various clans of vampires have grouped themselves into sects. Each sect represents clans with similar philosophies and goals. Each sect has its own codes of conduct and its own political structure and titles.

A vampire always belongs to one and only one sect. If a vampire changes sect, they no longer belong to their old sect but belong to the new sect instead.

No matter what sect, a vampire cannot have more than one title. If a vampire with a title gains another, they lose the first title, even if the new title would be a demotion. If a vampire with a contested title (see Contested Titles) gains a title, they immediately yield the contested title.

A vampire must belong to the appropriate sect to receive a title. If a vampire with a title changes clans or sects to a clan or sect inappropriate for their title, they lose the benefit of the title until their clan or sect changes appropriately. If they receive a new title, or if their title is contested (see Contested Titles), they immediately yield the old title.


Only Camarilla vampires can hold the Camarilla titles primogen, prince, justicar, and Inner Circle member. Additionally, each clan’s justicar and Inner Circle titles are unique (see Contested Titles) and can only be held by vampires of that clan. The title of prince is associated with a particular city and can be contested by another vampire who claims any title to the same city. The title of primogen is not unique and cannot be contested.


Some vampires are by default Anarch as written on them. An untitled non-Anarch vampire can become an Anarch as a +1 stealth undirected action that costs 2 blood, or 1 blood if the controller controls at least 1 other ready Anarch. A vampire can also be made an Anarch by certain card effects. Becoming Anarch constitutes a change of sect (see above). Like other sects, being Anarch has no effect on game play except as defined by cards and effects in play.  Some cards can only be played by Anarch vampires.

Baron is a title that can only be held by an Anarch. The title of baron is associated with a particular city and can be contested by another vampire who claims the title of prince, archbishop, or baron of the same city. If a baron changes sect, they lose the benefit of the title until they become Anarch again, as usual for titles.


Any vampire not aligned with any of the major sects is an Independent vampire. These vampires are identified simply as “Independent” in card text. Some Independent vampires may start with votes, as listed on card text. Treat these vampires as if they had titles of their own. These titles are not tied to a sect.

The rules detailed below in “Other Vampire Sects” and “Traits” relate to cards released in sets prior to Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition.

These card sets are completely compatible with Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition, but many of the stories told with those cards are in the past of the World of Darkness as Kindred face new threats and allegiances change.




Only Sabbat vampires can hold the Sabbat titles bishop, archbishop, priscus, cardinal, and regent. Like Camarilla princes, the title of archbishop is associated with a particular city and can be contested by another vampire who claims any title to the same city. The title of regent is unique (see Contested Titles). The other Sabbat titles are not unique and cannot be contested.

During the polling step of a referendum, a Methuselah gains:

1 vote for each ready bishop
2 votes for each ready archbishop
3 votes for each ready cardinal
4 votes for the ready regent

The Prisci Block: The prisci as a group have 3 votes. During a referendum, the prisci block of 3 votes is cast “for” or “against” the referendum according to the prisci sub-referendum. Each ready priscus provides 1 ballot for this sub-referendum, and votes may not be used in this sub-referendum. Each ballot cast is either “for” or “against” the main referendum. Whichever side has the greater number of ballots in the sub-referendum gains 3 votes in the main referendum. If the sub-referendum is tied, the prisci block abstains from the main referendum. As vampires cast their ballots in the sub-referendum, the prisci block of 3 votes might shift between “for”, “against”, and “abstain” (as the majority in the subreferendum changes). A vampire must cast all of their votes and ballots in agreement.

For the purpose of these rules, the antitribu clans are distinct from their non-antitribu counterparts. A vampire of one of the antitribu clans does not qualify to play a card that requires the counterpart, and vice versa. Likewise, if a vampire changes sect, their clan does not automatically change.

For example, a Malkavian that becomes Sabbat via Into the Fire is still a Malkavian, not a Malkavian antitribu. A Lasombra who becomes Camarilla is a Camarilla Lasombra.



Only Laibon can hold the laibon titles kholo and magaji. The magaji title is not unique and cannot be contested. Clan kholo titles can only be held by a vampire of the appropriate clan, and each is unique to that clan (see Contested Titles).

During the polling step of a referendum, a Methuselah gains 2 votes for each ready kholo or magaji they control.



Traits are attributes minions can have that interact with other game effects. These traits may allow minions to play certain cards that require a specific trait or be affected by certain in game effects.

Black Hand: This trait allows a minion to play or use cards requiring Black Hand minions.

Blood Cursed: A vampire who is Blood Cursed cannot commit diablerie.

Circle: Each Blood Brother is identified with a particular circle. A vampire without a circle designation is their own circle. Inner Circle is not a Blood Brother circle.

Infernal: An infernal minion does not unlock as normal in the unlock phase. During its controller’s unlock phase, they may burn 1 pool to unlock that Infernal minion.

Flight: This Trait allows a minion to play or use cards requiring Flight.

Red List: Any Methuselah may use a master phase action to mark a Red List minion for the current turn. Any ready vampire they control may enter combat with a marked Red List minion as a +1 stealth {} action that costs 1 blood. Each vampire can perform this action only once each turn. If a vampire burns a Red List minion in combat or as a directed action (including diablerie), their controller may search their library, ash heap, and/or hand for a master trophy card to put on that vampire and then reshuffle their library or draw back up to her hand size as necessary. Other trophies in play that have not been awarded yet may be moved to this vampire as well, as the controller of each trophy wishes. This is done before the blood hunt referendum is called, if any.

Scarce: When a Methuselah moves a scarce vampire from their uncontrolled region to their ready region during their influence phase, they must burn 3 pool for each vampire of the same clan they already control.

Slave: Some minions are identified as slaves to a specified clan. A slave cannot perform a directed action if their controller does not control a ready member of the specified clan. Also, if a member of the specified clan controlled by the same Methuselah is blocked, the controller can lock the slave to cancel the combat and to unlock the acting vampire and have the slave enter combat with the blocking minion instead.

Sterile: Sterile vampires cannot perform actions to put other vampires in play.

There may be other Traits that allow vampires and minions to play cards.







    Blood Brother
    Brujah antitribu
    Daughter of Cacophony
    Followers of Set
    Gangrel antitribu
    Harbinger of Skulls
    Malkavian antitribu
    Nosferatu antitribu
    Salubri antitribu
    Toreador antitribu
    Tremere antitribu
    True Brujah
    Ventrue antitribu




    Blood Cost
    Pool Cost





Acting Minion: The minion performing the current action.
Action Card: A card that a minion can play to perform a special action.
Action Modifier: A card that the acting minion can play to modify the action they are performing.
Add: By default, blood counters are added from the blood bank.
Additional Strike: Allows a minion to strike an additional time in the same round of combat, at the same range as the initial strike.
Aggravated Damage: Type of damage that vampires cannot mend. It can even burn a wounded vampire.
Ally: A non-vampire minion. Brought into play by a recruit ally action, they act independently of the minion who recruited them, but cannot act on the turn they are recruited.
Ash Heap: The discard pile. Cards that are burned or discarded are returned to their owner’s ash heap. An action that targets an ash heap is always considered to be undirected.
Attached: If a card is put on another card, both are considered attached to each other.
Assamite: Banu Haqim.
Bearer: The minion an equipment is put on. If the equipment refers to a type of bearer (for instance, “the bearer with Auspex”), then the equipment can be used only by that type of bearer.
Bleed: An action that attempts to burn another Methuselah’s pool. By default, it can only be attempted against a Methuselah’s prey.
Block: The successful attempt of a minion to prevent the action of another minion. Typically concluded with combat.
Blocking Minion: The minion currently attempting to block an action, or the minion who has successfully blocked the current action.
Blood (also Blood counter): A token representing a vampire’s capability to mend himself or to perform certain feats.
Blood Bank: Inexhaustible repository of blood counters not in use.
Blood Hunt: The act of burning a vampire that committed diablerie. A referendum is conducted to see if a blood hunt is called.
Burn: Move a card in play to the ash heap. A burned card goes to its owner’s ash heap. A burned counter or token is returned to the blood bank.
Capacity: The maximum number of blood counters a vampire can have. It is also a relative measure of the vampire’s age.
Combat Card: A card that a minion can play in combat.
Combat Ends: A strike that ends combat before any damage or other strike effects happen.
Combatant: A minion involved in a combat.
Contest: The struggle for control of a unique card or title.
Controlled Region: Area containing a Methuselah’s controlled cards.
Crypt: The deck of cards containing a Methuselah’s vampires.
Diablerie: The act of burning a vampire in torpor. Can be used to gain a Discipline.
Diablerist: A vampire who commits diablerie. A blood hunt can be called to burn a diablerist.
Directed Action: An action of one Methuselah’s minion that targets one or more other Methuselahs, or the minions or cards they control.
Discard: Move a card in hand to the ash heap.
Discard Phase Action: During your discard phase, you receive a discard phase action you can use to discard a card from your hand, or play an event card, for example.
Dodge: A strike that protects a minion and the cards on him from an opposing minion’s strike. Retainers are not protected.
Draw: Library cards are drawn from the top of the Methuselah's library into their hand. Crypt cards are drawn from the top of the Methuselah's crypt into their uncontrolled region.
Edge, The: A token symbolising who has the upper hand at any given moment.
Equipment: An object a minion uses for a special bonus or ability.
Employer: The minion a retainer is put on.
Environmental damage: Damage not coming from a minion.
Event Card: A library card that can be played as a discard phase action.
First Strike: An offensive strike done faster than normal, so that the strike resolves before a normal offensive strike would.
Follower of Set: Ministry.
Group: A number on a crypt card restricting crypt construction. A crypt card with the group “any” is not subject to the group restriction.
Hunt: The action that a vampire performs to regain blood.
Immune to damage: If a minion is immune to damage from a source, any unprevented damage from that source that is inflicted on the minion is inflicted unsuccessfully: the minion does not have to burn blood or life to mend the damage or to prevent destruction, nor does the
minion become wounded because of damage.
Impulse: The opportunity to play the next card or effect. If two or more Methuselahs want to play a card or effect, the acting Methuselah plays first. At every stage, the acting Methuselah always has the impulse. So after playing one effect, they may play another and another. Once they are finished, the impulse passes to the next Methuselah in the following order: during combat or an action directed at a single Methuselah, the defending Methuselah first; during an action directed at a set of Methuselas, those Methuselahs in clockwise order; during an  undirected action, the prey first and the predator second. Then every other Methuselah in clockwise order gets the impulse until everyone passes. Note that if at any point any Methuselah uses a card or effect, the acting Methuselah again gets the impulse back.
Intercept: A measure of how well a minion can block the action of another minion. If it equals or exceeds the acting minion’s stealth, the minion’s block is successful. Intercept cannot be played unless it is needed.
Library: The deck containing a Methuselah’s, master, minion, and event cards from which their hand is drawn.
Life (also Life Counter): A token representing a retainer’s or an ally’s health.
Limited: Some cumulative effects are forbidden by the rules. For instance, during a bleed
action, an action modifier card cannot be played to increase the bleed if the bleed amount is already being increased by another action modifier card (unless any of them does not count against that limit). Similarly, a minion cannot use more than one card or effect (a source) to gain additional strikes per round of combat. Those rules are reminded on those cards by the “(limited)” card text. (See Bleed and Additional Strikes).
Lock: Turn a card sideways. Typically done to indicate that the card has been activated for some purpose.
“Lock X to do Y” effects: Such effects cannot be used by locked minions under a wake effect. “Lock X. Do Y” effects are usable by locked minions under a wake effect.
Maneuver: The efforts of a minion in combat to move away from or to close in on the opposing minion.
Master Card: A library card that can be used as a master phase action.
Master Phase Action: The Methuselah’s personal activity for the turn.
Minion: A vampire or ally.
Minion Card: Any library card that is not a master, or event card. A card that a minion can play.
Monster: Any minion or retainer who is neither a mortal nor an animal. Vampires are monsters.
Opposing minion: From the point of view of any of the two minions involved in combat, the other one.
Out-of-Turn Master Card: A type of master card that can only be played during another Methuselah’s turn, using the next master phase action of the Methuselah playing it. A Methuselah can never play more than one out-of-turn master card between two of their turns, even if they regain a master phase action.
Performing an action: An action is being performed from the moment it is announced to the moment it is resolved.
Polling: The step of a referendum during which votes are cast.
Pool: A token or collection of tokens representing a Methuselah’s influence. A Methuselah is ousted if their pool is empty.
Predator: The person to a Methuselah’s right.
Press: The efforts of a minion in combat to escape from or to give chase to the opposing minion.
Prey: The person to a Methuselah’s left. A Methuselah receives 1 victory point and 6 pool when their prey is ousted.
Reaction Card: A card played by a Methuselah’s ready, unlocked minion in response to an action taken by a minion controlled by another Methuselah.
Ready minion: A minion in the ready region who can therefore perform actions and attempt to block actions.
Ready Region: Area containing a Methuselah’s minions that are not in torpor.
Referendum: The part of a political action or a blood hunt referendum, during which the terms are set, the votes and ballots are cast and the effects are applied (if it passes).
Retainer: A mortal creature or being that serves a minion. Brought into play by an employ retainer action, they remain with the minion who employed them and cannot act independently.
Sect: Clans do not have a default sect. This means that if a vampire changes clan, they keep their sect. New vampires take by default the sect of their the vampire creating them.
Steal (a card): A Methuselah who steals a card takes permanent control of it. The card stays in the same region as it was before (for instance, if a vampire in torpor is stolen, it stays in torpor). If the stolen card is attached to another card, the Methuselah who steals it can attach the stolen card to a card of the same type they control (for instance, a location that is attached to a minion will be moved to another minion they control). You cannot steal a card from yourself.
Stealth: A measure of how well a minion evades other minions’ attempts to block their action. If it exceeds the blocking minion’s intercept, the block fails.
Strength: The amount of damage a minion inflicts with a basic hand strike.
Strike: The effort of a minion in combat to harm their opponent or to avoid being struck by their opponent.
Target: A Methuselah or a card being affected by another card or effect (usually an action) that is not a referendum. Many cards or effects will have one or more targets, and the specific eligible targets are defined in their card texts. By default if a card targets another card, the target card must be in play (that is, controlled). Vampires in the torpor region are eligible targets by default, but vampires in the uncontrolled region and contested cards are not. Targeting a card attached to another card does not target the latter, it is therefore possible to target a card on a vampire with a directed action, even when the vampire cannot be the target of directed actions. Sets of counters on a card (such as blood on a vampire) or possessed by a Methuselah (such as pool) are never targeted directly: they can only be targeted as a quantity via the card or the Methuselah. The card or Methuselah does not need to have that exact quantity: if they do not have enough of these counters, then as many counters as possible are affected. For instance, a card that steals 2 blood from a vampire targets that vampire, whatever quantity of blood they have, and moves as much blood as possible if there is 1 or 0 blood  counters.
Thaumaturgy: Blood Sorcery.
Title: A title card is a placeholder for a title. If the title is yielded or lost, the card is burned. If the title is unique, contests are paid with vampire blood, as normal for titles.
Torpor: See Torpor Region.
Torpor Region: The Area where vampires are placed when they cannot mend damage done to them. A vampire in torpor is vulnerable to diablerie attempts. A vampire in torpor is not ready but is still considered controlled.
Transfer: Influence phase action used to move pool to or from an uncontrolled vampire or to move a card from the crypt to the uncontrolled region.
Uncontrolled Region: Area containing a Methuselah’s uncontrolled vampires.
Undirected Action: An action that is not directed. An undirected action can be blocked by the prey or the predator.
Unique: Only one copy of a unique card can be in play at a time. If another Methuselah puts a copy of the card into play, the copies will be contested (and out of play) until all but one is yielded (see Contested Cards). Vampires are unique, by default.
Unlock: Restore a card to the normal, upright, position.
Victory Point: The measure of a Methuselah’s ranking. A Methuselah receives 1 victory point when their prey is ousted and for being the last Methuselah in the game. The Methuselah with the most victory points at the end of the game wins.
Wake: A vampire that wakes during an action can attempt to block that action and/or play reaction cards as though unlocked for the duration of the action. Wake effects can always be played during the “as a card is played” window, in order to play other reaction cards that must be played in that window. A reaction card that unlocks a vampire but does not wake it is not considered as a wake effect and cannot be played during the “as a card is played” window.
Withdraw: An attempt to leave the game by a Methuselah who has run out of cards in their library.
Wounded: A vampire who has received damage that they have not mended or a vampire in torpor or on their way to torpor is said to be wounded.



The following is a glossary of some of the relevant terms of Vampire: The Masquerade.

Amaranth: The act of killing a vampire by drinking all of their blood. Commonly known as diablerie.
Anarchs: A sect of vampires who fall outside of the Camarilla and rebel against its authority.
Antediluvian: An ancient vampire, a grandchilde of Caine. Most of the major clans of the Camarilla were created by the Antediluvians.
Archon: A powerful vampire who travels from city to city, in the service of a justicar.
Baron: An Anarch ruler of a domain.
Beast, The: The drives and desires that pull Kindred away from their humanity and turn them into monsters.
Blood Bond: A mysterious link that forms between Kindred that drink one another’s blood. The blood bond can give the donor control of the recipient.
Blood Hunt: A system of punishment for vampires who disregard the laws of the Masquerade. The hunted vampire is slain by those who heed the call.
Book of Nod, The: The sacred book of the Kindred, which allegedly traces their origins and history. Most of it has been lost to time.
Caine: The first vampire, from whom all other vampires are allegedly descended.
Camarilla, The: A sect made up of several clans that have banded together and are governed by the Traditions.
Canaille: Mortals, especially referring to the most unsavory elements of mortal society.
Clan: A group of vampires that share certain mystical and physical characteristics.
Consanguineous: Belonging to the same clan (usually used to refer to a younger member).
Domain: The fiefdom (usually a city) claimed by a vampire, most often a prince.
Elysium: The name given to a place where Camarilla elders meet.
Embrace: The act of transforming a mortal into a vampire.
Gehenna: The impending Armageddon in which the Antediluvians will rise up and devour all Kindred.
Ghoul: A mortal who drinks the blood of a vampire but has not been drained beforehand.
Haven: A vampire’s “home”; where they find sanctuary from the sun.
Inner Circle: The group of vampires who comprise the ruling body of the Camarilla.
Justicar: A vampire who serves as judge, jury and executioner of Camarilla vampires who have broken the Traditions.
Kindred: The term that vampires use to refer collectively to their kind. Sabbat vampires scorn the term.
Kine: A term for mortals, largely contemptuous.
Masquerade, The: The Tradition of keeping mortals ignorant of the existence of vampires, essential to survival.
Methuselah: A powerful vampire, thousands of years old (but still a few generations younger than the Antediluvians), involved in the Eternal Struggle from afar or in complete anonymity.
Praxis: The right of a prince to rule a domain.
Primogen: A council of vampires in a city that supports the city’s ruling prince.
Prince: A Camarilla vampire who rules a city and enforces the Traditions upon the city’s vampire population.
Retainer: A mortal or creature that serves a vampire master.
Sabbat, The: A violent sect of vampires bent on destroying the Antediluvians.
Sect: A group of Kindred arguably united under a common philosophy.
Traditions, The: The six laws of the Camarilla. These Traditions are laws that protect the vampires from mortals and from one another.
Vitae: Blood of a vampire.





      Blood Sorcery (Thaumaturgy)



  Banu Haqim (Assamite)
    Ministry (Followers of Set)



  Action Modifier





    Blood Cost
  Burn option
    Directed Action
    Pool Cost






1. Imbued

Imbued are new crypt cards. An imbued is considered a mortal ally, not a vampire. Imbued have 1 strength and 1 bleed, by default. Their cost is also their starting life, and it is specified on each card individually (like capacity). They have creeds (like clans). They have virtues (like Disciplines, but only one level). When they have zero life, they are incapacitated (like torpor) instead of being burned (see 5 below). Any "burn ally" effect will still burn an imbued, however.

2. Conviction


Conviction is a new card type. It is played in the unlock phase, so it is an "unlock" card, not a master or minion or discard (event) card. During your unlock phase, you may play 1 conviction on each of your imbued. You may play these conviction cards from your hand or from your ash heap.

When an imbued enters play with no conviction, they may gain 1 conviction from your library, hand or ash heap. In addition to their own effects, conviction cards may be spent (burned) to pay the conviction costs which some cards require. Each imbued has a limit of 5 conviction. Any conviction gained above five is burned instead.


3. Power

Power is a new minion card type, only playable by imbued. An imbued may get a power as a +1 stealth action, like equipment or retainers.



The imbued unlocks if the action is successful. An imbued may not have two copies of the same power. Some effects or powers are "always on". Others have a card type icon (action, combat, etc.) indicating when and how the effect can be used. To use one of those effects, you must lock the power card (and pay whatever cost the effect requires). Standard rules for using such effects apply (e.g., a reacting minion must be ready and unlocked). "Always on" effects are still on while the power card is locked.

4. Terms and Icons

Imbued: a new minion type which counts as a mortal ally.
Monster: any vampire or non-mortal, non-animal ally or retainer.

  Creeds   Virtues
iconcreavenger Avenger iconvirtuevengeance Vengeance
iconcredefender Defender iconvirtuedefense Defense
iconcreinnocent Innocent iconvirtueinnocence Innocence
iconcrejudge Judge iconvirtuejustice Justice
iconcremartyr Martyr iconvirtuemartyrdom Martyrdom
iconcreredeemer Redeemer iconvirtueredemption Redemption
iconcrevisionary Visionary iconvirtuevision Vision













5. Incapacitatedcardnor5_tn

When an imbued has no life, they are placed in the incapacitated region (controlled but not ready). Effects which are not usable by an ally being burned are not usable by an imbued being incapacitated. Any minion may burn an incapacitated imbued and take their equipment as a (D) action. If that action is successful, then each ready imbued may burn 1 conviction to inflict 1 unpreventable damage on that acting minion. An imbued may leave the incapacitated region and gain a life (not to exceed their starting life) by burning 3 conviction during their unlock phase.
Note that an imbued gains a life (not to exceed their starting life) if they leave the incapacitated region by any other effect, as well.

Card Rulings

In earlier sets, card effects that deal with crypt cards have generally assumed that crypt cards were all vampires. Now that this is no longer true, some questions arise.

In general, if you (the Methuselah playing the card or activating the effect) can look at the crypt card (e.g., because it is in your uncontrolled region or in any ash heap or in play, or if you're "searching" your crypt), then the target crypt card must match the parameters given by the effect. This usually means that imbued cannot be targets of these effects.

If you target a crypt card "blind" (either an unseen card from the crypt or an unseen card in some other Methuselah's uncontrolled region), then work with whatever you find. If the effect only checks/compares the card's "capacity", then treat the imbued's cost (starting life) as its capacity for that comparision.

Those two guidelines should clear up all the ways of interacting with imbued who aren't in play. But for clarity, individual cases are shown below.

The following effects are imbued-compatible:

  • Bear-Baiting (checking cost as capacity from crypt OK).
  • Brainwash (targeting unknown uncontrolled card OK).
  • Cairo Int'l Airport (targeting unknown uncontrolled card OK).
  • Clotho's Gift at [obf] (moving card from crypt OK).
  • Effective Management (moving card from crypt OK).
  • Gemini (targeting unknown uncontrolled card OK).
  • Gisela Harden (targeting unknown uncontrolled card OK).
  • Goodnight, Sweet Prince (moving card from crypt OK).
  • Innocent Bystander (removing card from crypt OK).
  • Kindred Intelligence (moving card from crypt OK).
  • Lázár Dobrescu (targeting unknown uncontrolled card OK, but the recipient must be a vampire).
  • Memory's Fading Glimpse (moving unknown uncontrolled card OK).
  • Petra's Resonance (checking cost as capacity from crypt OK).
  • The Portrait (checking cost as capacity from crypt OK).
  • San Lorenzo de El Escorial (targeting unknown uncontrolled card OK).
  • The Soul Gem of Etrius (can retrieve an imbued, and will even put them in play if they are "younger" than the bearer, but they get no blood or life).
  • The Trick of the Danya (targeting unknown uncontrolled card OK, but the recipient must be a vampire).

The following effects are not imbued-compatible:

  • Chain of Command (cannot put imbued into play)
  • Clotho's Gift at [tem] (cannot target imbued in uncontrolled region)
  • Dreams of the Sphinx (cannot move blood to imbued in uncontrolled region)
  • Illusions of the Kindred (if the bottom card is an imbued, no new combat begins and the imbued is removed from play)
  • Might of the Camarilla (won't force a Methuselah to burn an uncontrolled imbued)
  • Recruitment (search as indicated: vampire)