Report by Kleber Bertazzo, VEKN National Coordinator of Brazil:
On the weekend of June 8th 2024, the Brazilian VTES Championship 2024 took place at the Garagem do Nerd store, located in the city of Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais. This championship was marked by being the 20th Brazilian VTES Championship as well as the cardgame's 30th anniversary championship.
Although there were some problems during the final table of the event, the preliminary tables took place calmly and harmoniously, with very few interventions from the judges. The players behaved in an exemplary manner and at the end of each table everyone interacted with each other, exchanging different experiences.
The championship was attended by 48 players and set the mark for the biggest Brazilian championship of all time. Several states were represented at the event, Ceará, Distrito Federal, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Pará, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and several meta games fought in the biggest national clash in history.
Check out this VERY cool video from the event by Garagem do Nerd TV:
The final table was attended by the following players:
Alan Winter (São Paulo) with 3 GWs and 10 VPs
Márcio Pinheiro (Fortaleza) with 2 GWs and 10 VPs
Guilherme Pereira (Viçosa) with 2 GWs and 9 VPs
Anderson Silva (Guarulhos) with 2 GWs and 8 VPs
Vinícius Costalonga (Vila Velha) with 2 GWs and 8 VPs
Highlight for Guilherme Pereira, who reached the final playing only his second presencial tournament!
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After Márcio and Vinícius had won 1 VP, Alan was forced to make a deal with Vinícius to remove Márcio from the table. With the objective achieved, and with 2 VPs, Vinícius did not need to honor the agreement since, as a rule, all agreements are canceled 1 vs 1 game. Therefore, it was easy for Vinícius to eliminate Alan, winning the 2024 Brazilian title, with 4 VPs in the final. Congratulations to CHAMPION Vinícius Costalonga!!!
The tournament winning deck: Old But Good
Crypt (12 cards)
4x Arika 11 DOM FOR OBF PRE aus cel inner circle Ventrue:2
2x Lucinde, Alastor 10 DOM FOR PRE obf pot tha justicar Ventrue:3
2x Marcus Vitel 10 DOM FOR OBF OBT PRE prince Ventrue:3
2x Queen Anne 10 DOM FOR PRE aus obf prince Ventrue:2
1x Greger Anderssen 7 AUS OBF dom pro prince Malkavian:2
1x Catherine du Bois 5 DOM for obf pre Ventrue:3
Library (90 cards)
Master (18; 5 trifle)
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
2x Information Highway
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Ventrue Headquarters
5x Villein
5x Zillah's Valley
Event (1)
1x Scourge of the Enochians
Action (10)
2x Entrancement
8x Govern the Unaligned
Political Action (14)
1x Ancient Influence
3x Banishment
4x Kine Resources Contested
4x Parity Shift
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
Action Modifier (25)
3x Conditioning
3x Forgotten Labyrinth
8x Freak Drive
4x Into Thin Air
3x Perfect Paragon
4x Voter Captivation
Action Modifier/Combat (3)
3x Swallowed by the Night
Action Modifier/Reaction (2)
2x Murmur of the False Will
Combat (6)
6x Majesty
Reaction (11)
6x Deflection
3x On the Qui Vive
2x Second Tradition: Domain
I would like to record my thanks to Mozart and Felipe for both organizing the event and organizing the physical structure of the store. Finally, I would like to thank all the players present and those who were unable to attend for all the support given during my period of national organization.
Now I pass the scepter to Baron Márcio, who has once again prepared himself to direct our beloved cardgame nationally. GOD SAVE THE KING!!!