This event was held at the Ropecon games convention in Helsinki, Finland on July 20. Reported by organiser Petri Wessman, VEKN Prince of Espoo. All good photos by Marko Saari.
We had a nice turnout, with a total of 54 players, of whom 20 were from outside Finland – a record number of foreign players for this tournament! The tournament went very smoothly, and a big part of that is due to the players, who helped keep things in schedule. Also a big thanks to Black Chantry, Ultra Pro and the Ropecon convention for sponsoring tournament prizes and other support. Games started at around 11:00, and we wrapped up the finals around 21:30. A long (but fun!) day for everyone involved.
As usual for this tournament, the “meta” was all over the place. We had some top-tier players, and then some players who only play VTES a few times per year, all mixed up in the same tournament. All this results is a huge variety of deck types, and I did not see any one archetype really dominate this year. Quite a few new Anarch decks of course, but maybe less than I was expecting. If I had to guess the most popular deck, it would be the new Tzimisce – but that’s only because I saw more than 2 of them. As typical for Finland, there were a lot of combat decks around, and decks with no combat defense tended to be easy pickings unless they were extremely efficient otherwise.
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The finalists were as follows (Lasse and Teemu had identical scores, order was determined by coin flip):
1. Bram Van Stappen (2 GW, 7 VP) - celerity guns
2. Michael Holmström (2 GW, 6 VP) - Typhonic Beast rush
3. Lasse Pöyry (2 GW, 5.5 VP) - Ghede + Theo combat
4. Teemu Sainomaa (2 GW, 5.5 VP) - Lutz & friends politics
5. Nina Nilsson (1 GW, 7 VP) - animalism anarchs
The following is a (very) condensed summary based on my quick notes (which may or may not be accurate).
First couple of rounds, nothing much happened, just general setup. Round 3, Michael’s Nana rushes Nina’s Massimiliano and sends him to torpor. After that a quiet round, with just some “bleed for 1” stuff.
Round 5, Michael’s Nangila Were rushes Teemu’s Unmada, a lot of damage but no torpor. Round 5, Bram’s Asguresh bleeds for 1 and gets blocked by Lasse’s Theo Bell, which results in poor Theo hitting torpor after getting shot full of .44 lead. Nina rescues Theo on her turn.
Round 7, Teemu triggers Ashurs, and Asguresh rushes Theo back to torpor. “And stay down!”. Things are looking grim for Lasse at this point, Bram’s gun+cel combat is a bad match for his more close-range combat package. Next round, Teemu’s Lutz calls Ancient Influence, which ousts Lasse. At this point we have 1:22 left on the game clock.
After the oust, there’s a lot of table talk about who does what (and honestly, at this point the table seems to be going to Bram, his combat demolishes anything else on this table). After lots of discussion, Michael’s Nangila rushes Bram, Asguresh blocks, and Nangila ends up in torpor. Michael to Bram: “I can’t win the game if you’re alive.”
Round 9, Teemu continues to bloat with Minion Tap (he played Giant’s Blood earlier). Nina tries to convince Bram to kill Michael, and after a lot of talk Bram decides to go for it (at least for this round). Bram rushes Nangila (to torpor). Nina does lots of bleeds for 1. Michael brings out Enkidu.
Round 10, Teemu Banishes Nina’s Kuyen and rescues Nangila. 1 hour left on game clock. Bram does nothing much, Nina bleeds and gets blocked by Nangila, sending poor Nangila back to torpor. Next round, Teemu brings out Adana de Sforza (after discussion with Bram about it), Bram and Nina do nothing much, and Michael’s Enkidu rushes Nina’s Branimira with not much effect.
Round 12, nothing much happens, Teemu and Bram both try to convince Nina to do different things. Lots of tabletalk, at the end of which there are 38 minutes left on clock. Next round, Teemu decides to make his move, and Banishes Bram’s Asguresh, Omer and Asmin Kobane. After this, Bram only has New Blood left active. On his turn, Bram brings Asguresh & Asmin back out.
Round 14, Teemu calls Neonate Breach, uses Undele to retrieve two Banishments, and Banishes Asguresh and Asmin again. Michael triggers Ashurs for some much-needed pool, and his Enkidu rushes Teemu’s Undele to torpor.
Round 15, 18 minutes left. Teemu’s Lutz calls Reins of Power, to which Bram chooses no vampire giving Nina 6 pool. Teemu calls KRC. Bram’s New Blood diablerizes Undele (and burns in the blood hunt). Asguresh rushes Adama to torpor. Michael’s Enkidu rushes Unmada, who manages to avoid torpor.
Round 16, Teemu Minion Taps once again, Lutz bleeds ousting Bram (with 8:30 left on clock). Political Stranglehold is called, Delaying from Nina. Teemu rescues Nana. Nina’s Kuyen rushes Unmada to torpor, and then Nina tries to oust Micheal via bleed but Michael has enough wakes to block the attempt (Nana goes to torpor though). Michael plays Golconda on Nana.
Round 17, Teemu triggers Ashurs once again, and the game times out leaving Teemu the winner. Overall, it was a very tight and interesting final round, with lots of surprises.
Teemu: 1.5 VP
Bram: 1 VP
Nina: 0.5 VP
Michael: 0.5 VP
The tournament winning deck: ”Lutz vote” by Teemu Sainomaa and tweaked with Michael Holmstrom.
Crypt (12 cards)
3x Lutz von Hohenzollern 11 AUS DEM OBF PRE pot inner circle Malkavian:4
1x Adana de Sforza 11 CEL OBF POT PRE PRO aus inner circle Brujah:4
1x Rafael de Corazon 11 AUS CEL DOM OBF PRE inner circle Toreador:4
1x Armin Brenner 10 CEL FOR POT PRE ani obf archbishop Brujah antitribu:4
1x Unmada 10 AUS DEM OBF VIC cel for justicar Malkavian:5
3x Undele 9 CEL FOR obf pre ser magaji Ishtarri:5
1x Dmitra Ilyanova 9 CEL FOR POT PRE obf justicar Brujah:5
1x Stavros 7 AUS OBF PRE dem priscus Malkavian antitribu:4
Library (76 cards)
Master (37; 2 trifle)
9x Ashur Tablets
1x Coven, The
1x Creepshow Casino
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Information Highway
6x Minion Tap
1x Monastery of Shadows
4x Parthenon, The
4x Protected Resources
1x Secure Haven
1x Wider View
6x Zillah's Valley
Action (1)
1x Entrancement
Political Action (15)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
1x Ancilla Empowerment
4x Banishment
1x Disputed Territory
3x Kine Resources Contested
1x Neonate Breach
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
1x Rumors of Gehenna
Action Modifier (21)
2x Approximation of Loyalty
1x Awe
1x Bewitching Oration
4x Forgotten Labyrinth
3x Into Thin Air
2x Lost in Crowds
2x Perfect Paragon
6x Voter Captivation
Action Modifier/Combat (2)
2x Force of Personality
Congratulations to Teemu, and thanks to all players, organisers and sponsors!