Marciej, Emiliano, Marius, Marcus and Nina.
Report by Maciej Broniarz, VEKN National Coordinator of Poland:
On Friday September 27, 153 players participated in the so-called “Last Chance Qualifier” tournament in Warsaw, Poland. The name might be confusing, as it is a remnant of ye-olde-days when players had to qualify in order to play in the main European Championship’s events. This was actually the first event of the EC which gave you a chance to compete in the Day 2 tournament of the EC, all you had to do was become one of the finalists :)
All good photos by Markos Saari.
The event was held in two rooms of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw.
Standings after three rounds:
1. Emiliano Imeroni 2 GW 8.5 VP
2. Marius Iscru 2 GW 7.5 VP
3. Nina Nilsson 2 GW 7 VP 162 TP
4. Marcus Berg 2 GW 7 VP 144 TP
5. Maciej Frankowiak 2 GW 7 VP 144 TP
Congratulations Marius Iscru of France, winning with timed-out 1.5 victory points in the final. Marcus Berg, Maciej Frankowiak and Nina Nilsson each got 0.5 vp.
Marius tournament-winning deck: “Sunshine Dogs”
Crypt (12 cards)
1x Massimiliano 7 ANI FOR pro baron Gangrel:6
3x Kuyén 6 ANI PRO baron Gangrel:6
2x Casey Snyder 6 PRO ani cel for baron Gangrel:6
1x André the Manipulator 6 FOR PRO Gangrel:5
1x Martina Srnankova 6 FOR PRO ani Gangrel:6
1x Kamile Paukstys 5 PRO ani for Gangrel:6
1x Nathan Turner 4 PRO ani Gangrel:6
1x Indira 3 PRO Gangrel:6
1x Joseph Fischer 3 PRO Gangrel antitribu:5
Library (80 cards)
Master (20; 6 trifle)
1x Anarch Free Press, The
1x Carfax Abbey
2x Club Illusion
2x Direct Intervention
1x Ecoterrorists
1x Erciyes Fragments, The
1x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
1x Life Boon
1x Powerbase: Montreal
1x Rack, The
1x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
2x Vessel
3x Villein
1x Wider View
1x Zoo Hunting Ground
Action (7)
1x Constant Revolution
1x Rewilding
5x Thing
Political Action (1)
1x Reckless Agitation
Equipment (4)
2x Heart of Nizchetus
2x Sniper Rifle
Retainer (4)
4x Raven Spy
Action Modifier (1)
1x Monkey Wrench
Action Modifier/Reaction (5)
5x Form of the Bat
Combat (15)
11x Earth Meld
4x Form of Mist
Reaction (23)
5x Bait and Switch
5x Deep Ecology
2x Eyes of the Wild
9x Organized Resistance
2x Protection Racket
The other finalists’ decks:
“Bill's Tzimisce” by Bill Troxel, played by Emiliano Imeroni
“Shameless ripoff of Bill Troxel's NAC winning deck - even including one of his suggested changes.”
Crypt (12 cards)
4x Adrino Manauara 8 ANI DOM PRO pot baron Tzimisce:6
3x Ángel Guerrero 7 ANI DOM PRO baron Tzimisce:6
1x Branimira 6 ANI dom pre pro baron Tzimisce:6
1x Kuyén 6 ANI PRO baron Gangrel:6
1x Clara Hjortshøj 5 PRO ani aus dom Tzimisce:6
1x Kamile Paukstys 5 PRO ani for Gangrel:6
1x New Blood 2 san Blood Brother:any
Library (85 cards)
Master (15; 4 trifle)
1x Carfax Abbey
1x Direct Intervention
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
2x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
1x Giant's Blood
1x Papillon
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Montreal
2x Villein
2x Wider View
Action (15)
3x Deep Song
12x Govern the Unaligned
Political Action (2)
2x Eat the Rich
Action Modifier (8)
4x Conditioning
4x Earth Control
Action Modifier/Reaction (3)
3x Form of the Bat
Combat (17)
1x Donnybrook
9x Earth Meld
7x Form of Mist
Reaction (25)
4x Bait and Switch
5x Deep Ecology
4x Deflection
3x Delaying Tactics
1x On the Qui Vive
6x Organized Resistance
2x Protection Racket
“EC Friday final” by Marcus Berg
Crypt (12 cards)
3x Adrino Manauara 8 ANI DOM PRO pot baron Tzimisce:6
1x Giovanni del Georgio 8 DOM NEC POT PRO Giovanni:5
3x Ángel Guerrero 7 ANI DOM PRO baron Tzimisce:6
1x Branimira 6 ANI dom pre pro baron Tzimisce:6
2x Clara Hjortshøj 5 PRO ani aus dom Tzimisce:6
1x Kamile Paukstys 5 PRO ani for Gangrel:6
1x Marialena 5 DOM PRO ani Tzimisce:6
Library (90 cards)
Master (14; 4 trifle)
1x Anarch Troublemaker
1x Barrens, The
2x Carfax Abbey
1x Elder Library
1x From a Sinking Ship
1x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
1x Giant's Blood
2x Papillon
2x Villein
2x Wider View
Action (17)
3x Deep Song
1x Dominate Kine
1x Far Mastery
12x Govern the Unaligned
Political Action (2)
2x Eat the Rich
Retainer (1)
1x Mr. Winthrop
Action Modifier (8)
4x Conditioning
4x Earth Control
Action Modifier/Combat (4)
4x Obedient Flesh
Action Modifier/Reaction (9)
4x Form of the Bat
5x Murmur of the False Will
Combat (14)
7x Earth Meld
7x Form of Mist
Reaction (21)
2x Deep Ecology
6x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics
4x One With the Land
7x Organized Resistance
“Valkyries” by Nina “Kimbo” Nilsson
Crypt (12 cards)
2x Brunhilde (ADV) 8 ANI FOR PRO pre baron Gangrel:3
1x Brunhilde 8 ANI FOR PRO pre Gangrel:3
9x Valkyrie 4 for pre pro Gangrel:3
Library (80 cards)
Master (16)
1x Archon Investigation
1x Backways
1x Ecoterrorists
5x Effective Management
1x Ennoia's Theater
3x Gangrel Revel
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
3x Tribute to the Master
Action (19)
1x Aranthebes, The Immortal
1x Legal Manipulations
1x Rewilding
16x Thing
Ally (2)
1x Carlton Van Wyk
1x Double Deuce
Equipment (4)
2x Camera Phone
2x Sport Bike
Retainer (1)
1x J. S. Simmons, Esq.
Action Modifier (13)
6x Enchanting Gaze
7x Revelation of the Serpent
Action Modifier/Reaction (2)
2x Form of the Bat
Combat (11)
3x Earth Meld
3x Hidden Strength
3x Soak
2x Taste of Vitae
Reaction (12)
2x Delaying Tactics
10x Eyes of the Wild
“Shalmath combat” by Maciej “Grim” Frankowiak
Crypt (12 cards)
5x Shalmath 10 POT PRE TEM True Brujah:6
1x "Coach" Tyrone Soros 3 obf pre Ministry:6
1x Adisa 3 cel obf Banu Haqim:6
1x Kalila 3 aus obf Malkavian:5
1x Alu 2 obf Banu Haqim:5
1x New Blood 2 san Blood Brother:any
1x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:any
1x Walker Grimes 1 ani Caitiff:5
Library (90 cards)
Master (11; 2 trifle)
1x Archon Investigation
1x Carver's Meat Packing and Storage
1x Direct Intervention
1x Fame
1x Giant's Blood
1x Guardian Angel
2x Perfectionist
1x Tabriz Assembly
2x Vessel
Event (2)
1x Narrow Minds
1x Unmasking, The
Action (15)
2x Ambush
2x Big Game
2x Bum's Rush
8x Summon History
1x Vaticination
Ally (4)
1x Carlton Van Wyk
1x Ossian
1x Tye Cooper
1x Veneficti
Equipment (4)
1x Eye of Hazimel
1x Signet of King Saul, The
1x Sport Bike
1x Starshell Grenade Launcher
Retainer (2)
1x Mr. Winthrop
1x Omael Kuman
Action Modifier (13)
10x Domain of Evernight
3x Enkil Cog
Combat (38)
4x Decapitate
6x Disarm
8x Majesty
16x Outside the Hourglass
4x Taste of Vitae
Reaction (1)
1x Rewind Time