Advancing Disciplines: If a base vampire has a Discipline card on him and is merged with his Advancement who has the Discipline at superior printed on the card, the Discipline remains at superior and the vampire's capacity is still increased by 1 for the Discipline card. In effect, a level 3 (double-superior) or higher Discipline is treated exactly the same as a superior Discipline. (Similar to a vampire with a Potence Discipline card equipping with the Hand of Conrad, for example.)
Car Bomb: An anarch who plays a Car Bomb for -1 stealth can still block the action if he plays a Wake (before or after the Car Bomb), per the normal rules.
Cry Wolf: The ally cannot act the turn he is brought into play. The action to enter combat is mandatory, and so must be done before any non-mandatory actions. It is a card-based action, however, so if the ally untaps (by whatever method), he cannot perform that action again in the same turn, so he'd be stuck and can take no other action (but at least he'd be untapped).
Delivery Truck: Face down cards are out of play. They do not contest.
Ghouled: Cannot be used on a superior The Summoning action, since the type of the ally isn't defined at announcement.
Jeremy Talbot: His special ability can be ordered among your other untap phase events, per the normal rules.
Magazine: A card in play isn't burned until some effect says to burn it. See also Shadow Court Satyr.
Michael Luther: Must tap to use his voting special. Wake won't suffice.
Sword of Nuln and aggravated damage: If the Sword does aggravated damage for whatever reason, the vampire pays the normal amount of blood to prevent destruction. Aggravated damage cannot be healed by definition.
Sword of Nuln and Taste of Vitae: The Taste will count the amount of blood burnt healing the damage.
Sword of Nuln and Regenerative Blood: The vampire with Regenerative Blood heals two damage from the Sword for each two (double the normal amount of one) blood he spends. So if the Sword does 1 damage, the vampire burns 2 blood to heal it. If it does 2, he burns 2 blood to heal it (that's twice the amount he would normally burn). For 3 or 4 damage, he burns 4 blood. And so on.
Repo Man: If the retrieved equipment costs blood, the recipient (not the Repo Man) pays the cost.