Due to a printing error, three cards were accidentally swapped in Black Hand with their base or advanced counterparts. White Wolf is pleased to announce a free exchange program for any players who received any of these cards in error. (In addition, the correct copies of these cards are also being included in tournament prize support packs, while supplies last.)
To receive your replacements cards, send your original Black Hand versions (only cards with the Black Hand expansion symbol will be accepted) of Jessica (base), Hannibal (base), and/or Yong-Sun (advanced) in good, playable condition and a Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope (SASE) or international equivalent (that is: a self-addressed envelope and as many international reply coupons as are needed to cover return postage - contact your local post office for details) to: White Wolf Card Exchange ProgramYou may exchange any number of these cards in a single shipment. All replacement cards will be packaged in the same materials (hard plastic card holders, etc.) in which the original cards are received. The original cards will not be returned. Cards received without a self-addressed return envelope with either US postage or international reply coupon(s) will not be processed. A list of these shipments is available. See the Dead Letter list. Not responsible for lost or misdirected mail or for damaged shipments. |