Release Date: September 4, 2006
The bad boys of vampire society lead the rest in their nocturnal world, reveling in their immortality and superiority to the mortal herd. Backstabbing and treachery are expected at every turn, just to keep eternity from getting predictable. Let the games begin.
Third Edition
White Wolf's eleventh expansion for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle is a stand-alone base set. It is called Third Edition (after the Camarilla Edition, which is reckoned as the second edition).
Each booster pack contains 11 cards randomly selected from a set of 390 cards consisting of 90 rares, 100 vampires, 100 uncommons, and 100 commons, including 136 new cards (100 vampires and 36 library cards).
The set also features 4 non-random preconstructed decks, Brujah antitribu, Malkavian antitribu, Tremere antitribu, and Tzimisce, which contain even more cards and are designed to get beginning players started right away. Each preconstructed deck contains 6 new vampires that aren't found in the boosters, many of which are included twice in their respective starters.
In addition to the regular preconstructed decks above, this expansion also features a quick-start package called The Player's Kit. The kit is designed for four players who don't know the game to jump right in a learn the game by playing. It includes everything a group of four needs to play: four 50-card decks (for the same clans as the precons, enabling the players who discover the game to quickly expand their decks), blood counters, a full rulebook, and a scripted example of play to walk the players through the mechanics of the game using the four decks.
New Rules
Remember that updated rules don't go into effect until the set is legal for play.
- Trifles: This set updates the trifle rules both to remove the restriction against playing more than one trifle in each master phase (although only the first one grants an additional master phase action), and to handle out-of-turn trifles (which function just as you would expect).
- Draft effects: New to this set, some of the booster cards (reprints included) that require a Discipline or clan to use have additional texts on them which give them an alternate way of being used in draft and sealed tournaments. Sometimes this alternate use is the same effect as the normal usage, but with a different requirement. Other times, it is a different usage (and often both). The alternate uses are clearly labeled with "DRAFT:" text and set apart from the normal card text. The alternate effect is only usable in draft and sealed play. In standard constructed play, the draft text is ignored.
Updated Cards
- bandoning the Flesh may be played by a vampire in torpor.
- Ventrue Investment is an investment.
- Visit from the Capuchin burns counters when cards would be replaced, rather than when they are played or discarded.
The DRAFT effect of Claws of the Dead uses an Animalism icon when refering to the basic level effect of the card. It means the basic Protean effect, of course.
Printing Errors
Due to an error in printing, the Third Edition cards are all printed with the card backs "upside down" from all the other V:TES expansions.
Additionally, the quick-start decks' cards appear in the reverse order from the order used in the script. So, to use the script, first invert the both the library and the crypt (deal out the deck face down one card at a time to make a new deck) of each deck. To repeat the scripted session (or simply verify the order of your decks), check the Player's Kit Deck Listing.
We apologize for not catching the errors earlier. The errors will be corrected in any subsequent print runs of the Third Edition.
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See the Player's Kit Deck Listing for the contents and ordering of the decks in the Player's Kit.
Crypt |
Clan |
Advanced? |
Aaron Bathurst | Nosferatu antitribu | |||
Aksinya Daclau | Gangrel antitribu | |||
Alessandro Garcia | Brujah antitribu | |||
Andrew Emory | Lasombra | |||
Antonio d'Erlette | Tremere antitribu | |||
Antón de Concepción | Lasombra | |||
Apache Jones | Malkavian antitribu | |||
Armin Brenner | Brujah antitribu | |||
Axel Von Anders | Brujah antitribu | |||
Beauregard Krueller | Malkavian antitribu | |||
Bela Kardoza | Brujah antitribu | |||
Bill Butler | Gangrel antitribu | |||
Blister | Nosferatu antitribu | |||
Bloodfeud | Malkavian antitribu | |||
Caroline Bishops | Pander | |||
Charlie Tyne | Gangrel antitribu | |||
Conrad Adoula | Lasombra | |||
Count Vladimir Rustovitch | Tzimisce | |||
Darvag, The Butcher of Rus | Tzimisce | |||
DeSalle | Brujah antitribu | |||
Dominique Santo Paulo | Toreador antitribu | |||
Dr. Julius Sutphen_2 | Lasombra | Adv | ||
Droescher One-Eye | Tzimisce | |||
Drusilla Euphemia | Malkavian antitribu | |||
Duality | Tzimisce | |||
Eric Kressida | Tremere antitribu | |||
Ermenegildo, The Rake | Lasombra | |||
Esoara | Tremere antitribu | |||
Fabrizia Contreraz | Malkavian antitribu | |||
Father Juan Carlos | Brujah antitribu | |||
Frank Litzpar | Nosferatu antitribu | |||
Frondator | Tremere antitribu | |||
Frère Marc | Gangrel antitribu | |||
Gabriel de Cambrai | Toreador antitribu | |||
Gravitnir | Malkavian antitribu | |||
Greensleeves | Nosferatu antitribu | |||
Guedado | Tzimisce | |||
Harold Zettler, Pentex Director | Malkavian antitribu | |||
Hektor | Brujah antitribu | |||
Hukros | Gangrel antitribu | |||
Humo | Nosferatu antitribu | |||
Icarus, The Manchurian | Nosferatu antitribu | |||
Ilias cel Frumos | Tzimisce | |||
Isouda de Blaise | Toreador antitribu | |||
Jackie | Malkavian antitribu | |||
Jacques Molay | Brujah antitribu | |||
Jaggedy Andy | Pander | |||
Janine | Tremere antitribu | |||
Jefferson Foster | Ventrue antitribu | |||
Jephta Hester | Ventrue antitribu | |||
Jonathan Gursel | Toreador antitribu | |||
Joseph Cambridge | Nosferatu antitribu | |||
Justine Chen, Innocent | Toreador antitribu | |||
Kai Simmons | Pander | |||
Keith Moody | Tremere antitribu | |||
Klaus Konrecht | Toreador antitribu | |||
Konrad Fleischer | Ventrue antitribu | |||
Lady Zara Slatikov | Tzimisce | |||
Laika | Tzimisce | |||
Laszlo Mirac | Ventrue antitribu | |||
Lectora | Tremere antitribu | |||
Leila Monroe | Lasombra | |||
Leo Washington | Gangrel antitribu | |||
Lernean | Tremere antitribu | |||
Little Willie | Ventrue antitribu | |||
Loonar | Toreador antitribu | |||
Lord Aaron Wesley Wilkshire | Brujah antitribu | |||
Lord Vauxhall | Lasombra | |||
Louis de Maisonneuve | Ventrue antitribu | |||
Luc | Malkavian antitribu | |||
Luca Italicus | Lasombra | |||
Lucubratio | Tremere antitribu | |||
Lucy Markowitz | Lasombra | |||
Lukas | Nosferatu antitribu | |||
Luke Fellows | Gangrel antitribu | |||
Lula Burch | Gangrel antitribu | |||
Malabranca | Toreador antitribu | |||
Malgorzata | Tremere antitribu | |||
Margarite | Pander | |||
Mariel St. John | Ventrue antitribu | |||
Marta | Malkavian antitribu | |||
Mary Johnson | Pander | |||
Melinda Galbraith | Lasombra | |||
Melinda Galbraith_2 | Toreador antitribu | Adv | ||
Monique Kim | Toreador antitribu | |||
Morrow the Sage | Gangrel antitribu | |||
Mosfair | Tremere antitribu | |||
Mowgli | Gangrel antitribu | |||
Mugur Sabau | Gangrel antitribu | |||
Neighbor John | Ventrue antitribu | |||
Nickolai, The Survivor | Tremere antitribu | |||
Nostoket | Gangrel antitribu | |||
Old Neddacka | Nosferatu antitribu | |||
Orlando Oriundus | Tremere antitribu | |||
Patrick | Brujah antitribu | |||
Paul Cordwood | Tremere antitribu | |||
Paulo de Castille | Lasombra | |||
Persephone Tar-Anis | Malkavian antitribu | |||
Polly Kay Fisher | Ventrue antitribu | |||
Radu Bistri | Tzimisce | |||
Rain | Toreador antitribu | |||
Randel, The Coward | Ventrue antitribu | |||
Raphael Catarari | Nosferatu antitribu | |||
Redbone McCray | Toreador antitribu | |||
Rico Loco | Ventrue antitribu | |||
Rodrigo | Brujah antitribu | |||
Ryszard | Gangrel antitribu | |||
Schuyler | Pander | |||
Servius Marius Pustula | Nosferatu antitribu | |||
Sha-Ennu | Tzimisce | |||
Smash | Brujah antitribu | |||
Stavros | Malkavian antitribu | |||
Stick | Nosferatu antitribu | |||
Tears, The Dark Pierrot | Toreador antitribu | |||
Terrifisto | Tzimisce | |||
Titus Camille | Ventrue antitribu | |||
Ulrike Rothbart | Ventrue antitribu | |||
Urraca | Brujah antitribu | |||
Uta Kovacs | Tremere antitribu | |||
Virginie, Prodigy | Lasombra | |||
White Lily | Malkavian antitribu | |||
Xendil Charmer | Gangrel antitribu | |||
Ysador the Foul | Nosferatu antitribu | |||
Yuri Kerezenski | Tzimisce |
Library |
Rarity |
Abandoning the Flesh | R | |
Abbot | U | |
Ablative Skin | R | |
Acrobatics | C | |
The Admonitions | U | |
Aid from Bats | C | |
Anarch Revolt | U | |
Anarchist Uprising | C | |
Apportation | C | |
Archon Investigation | U | |
Art Scam | R | |
The Art of Love | U | |
The Art of Pain | R | |
Assault Rifle | U | |
Auto-da-fé | U | |
Awe | R | |
Backstab | U | |
Bang Nakh -- Tiger's Claws | C | |
Banshee Ironwail | R | |
Bauble | R | |
Black Forest Base | R | |
Black Gloves | R | |
Black Metamorphosis | R | |
Black Spiral Buddy | U | |
Blade of Enoch | R | |
Blood of the Sabbat | R | |
Bloodbath | R | |
Blow Torch | C | |
Blur | C | |
Body Flare | R | |
Bomb | U | |
Boxed In | C | |
Brass Knuckles | C | |
Burning Wrath | U | |
Burst of Sunlight | U | |
Cardinal Benediction | U | |
Cardinal Sin: Insubordination | U | |
Carrion Crows | C | |
Catatonic Fear | U | |
Changeling | C | |
Cheval de Bataille | U | |
Chiropteran Marauder | C | |
Claws of the Dead | C | |
Codex of the Damned | R | |
Coma | U | |
Combat Shotgun | C | |
Command of the Beast | U | |
Command | U | |
Communal Haven: Cathedral | U | |
Confusion | C | |
Consanguineous Boon | C | |
Conservative Agitation | C | |
Corrupt Construction | C | |
Courier | U | |
Cracking the Wall | R2 | |
Creation Rites | U | |
Cryptic Rider | U | |
Cull the Herd | R | |
The Damned | U | |
Danse Macabre | C | |
Daring the Dawn | R | |
Darkness Within | U | |
Darksight | C | |
Dauntain Black Magician (Changeling) | R | |
Decapitate | U | |
Delaying Tactics | U | |
Demonstration | U | |
Deploy the Hand | C | |
Depravity | U | |
Derange | R | |
Direct Intervention | U | |
Disarm | R | |
Dissolution | U | |
Dodge | C | |
Dogs of War | U | |
Dragon's Breath Rounds | U | |
Dreams of the Sphinx | R2 | |
Drum of Xipe Totec | R | |
Elder Impersonation | C | |
Elysian Fields | U | |
Enchant Kindred | C | |
Enhanced Senses | C | |
Esbat | C | |
Escaped Mental Patient | U | |
Eternal Vigilance | U | |
Faceless Night | C | |
Far Mastery | R2 | |
Fiendish Tongue | C | |
Flamethrower | U | |
Flurry of Action | C | |
Force of Will | C | |
Foreshadowing Destruction | C | |
Forger's Hammer | U | |
Forgery | C | |
Forgotten Labyrinth | U | |
Form of Mist | C | |
Freak Drive | U | |
Frenzy | C | |
Frontal Assault | U | |
Gang Tactics | R | |
Gang Territory | R | |
Gangrel Conspiracy | R | |
Garrote | C | |
Giant's Blood | R | |
Glancing Blow | C | |
Grooming the Protégé | C | |
Guard Dogs | C | |
Guardian Angel | C | |
Gurchon Hall | R2 | |
Harass | C | |
Harvest Rites | U | |
Haven Affinity | R | |
Heart of Nizchetus | R | |
Helicopter | U | |
Hexaped | U | |
Hidden Pathways | R | |
High Ground | C | |
Honor the Elders | C | |
Horrid Form | U | |
The Hungry Coyote | R | |
IR Goggles | U | |
Immortal Grapple | U | |
Improvised Flamethrower | U | |
Inconnu Tutelage | R | |
Infernal Familiar | R | |
Infernal Pact | R | |
Information Highway | U | |
Information Network | R | |
Instability | U | |
Instinctive Reaction | C | |
Intimidation | R | |
Ivory Bow | R | |
J. S. Simmons, Esq. | R | |
Keep It Simple | C | |
Kindred Manipulation | R | |
Kindred Segregation | U | |
Kindred Spirits | C | |
King's Rising | C | |
Kraken's Kiss | C | |
Leather Jacket | C | |
Left for Dead | R | |
Legacy of Caine | R | |
Legwork | C | |
Living Manse | R | |
Lobotomy | R | |
Lost in Crowds | C | |
Lunatic Eruption | R | |
Lupine Assault | R | |
Magic of the Smith | R | |
Major Boon | U | |
Marijava Ghoul | U | |
Marked Path | R | |
Martial Ritus | C | |
Martinelli's Ring | R | |
Media Influence | C | |
Meld with the Land | C | |
Minor Irritation | C | |
Mirror Walk | C | |
Mob Connections | U | |
My Enemy's Enemy | U | |
Mylan Horseed (Goblin) | R | |
NRA PAC | R | |
Nephandus (Mage) | R | |
New Management | R2 | |
Nosferatu Kingdom | R | |
Obedience | U | |
On the Qui Vive | C | |
Oubliette | U | |
Palla Grande | R | |
The Parthenon | U | |
The Path of Metamorphosis | U | |
The Path of Night | U | |
The Path of the Feral Heart | U | |
Patronage | U | |
Patterns in the Chaos | R | |
Peace Treaty | C | |
Pentex(TM) Loves You! | U | |
Pentex(TM) Subversion | U | |
Perfect Clarity | R2 | |
Perpetual Care | C | |
Pier 13, Port of Baltimore | U | |
Political Antagonist | R | |
Political Stranglehold | U | |
Political Struggle | R | |
Power Structure | R | |
Powerbase: Mexico City | U | |
Powerbase: Montreal | R | |
Precognition | C | |
Private Audience | C | |
Propaganda | U | |
Protected Resources | R | |
Psyche! | U | |
Pulse of the Canaille | U | |
Pursuit | C | |
Pushing the Limit | C | |
Quick Meld | C | |
Quickness | R | |
Rabble Razing | C | |
The Rack | U | |
Rafastio Ghoul | C | |
Rapid Change | C | |
Raptor | U | |
Rave | C | |
Read the Winds | U | |
Reality Mirror | R | |
Recruiting Party | R | |
Recure of the Homeland | U | |
Redirection | C | |
Regent | R | |
Resilience | U | |
Restoration | C | |
Restructure | R | |
Revelations | U | |
Revenant | U | |
Rolling with the Punches | C | |
Rooftop Shadow | C | |
Rumble | C | |
The Rumor Mill, Tabloid Newspaper | U | |
Sabbat Inquisitor | U | |
Sabbat Priest | C | |
Sacrament of Carnage | C | |
San Nicolás de los Servitas | R | |
Saturday-Night Special | C | |
Scorpion Sting | C | |
Scouting Mission | C | |
Scrounging | U | |
Sermon of Caine | C | |
Shadow Court Satyr (Changeling) | R | |
Shadow Play | C | |
Shadow Step | R | |
Shadow Strike | C | |
Shadow of the Beast | U | |
Shattered Mirror | U | |
Shroud of Night | C | |
Sibyl's Tongue | R2 | |
Sire's Index Finger | R | |
Skin Trap | U | |
Slaughtering the Herd | U | |
Slave Auction | R | |
Song of Serenity | C | |
Soul Burn | C | |
Soul Gem of Etrius | R | |
Special Report | C | |
Spirit Summoning Chamber | U | |
Sport Bike | U | |
Spying Mission | U | |
Staredown | C | |
Stealth Ritus | C | |
Stunt Cycle | C | |
Succubus | R | |
Sunrise Service | R | |
Superior Mettle | C | |
Survivalist | U | |
Swallowed by the Night | C | |
Sword of Judgment | R | |
Talons of the Dead | R | |
Telepathic Misdirection | C | |
Telepathic Tracking | U | |
Telepathic Vote Counting | R2 | |
Templar | C | |
Tension in the Ranks | R2 | |
Theft of Vitae | C | |
Thoughts Betrayed | C | |
Tier of Souls | R | |
Tithings | R | |
Total Insanity | C | |
Transfer of Power | R | |
Trap | C | |
Tribute to the Master | C | |
Uncontrollable Rage | U | |
Undead Strength | C | |
Using the Advantage | R | |
Vagabond Mystic | U | |
Vast Wealth | U | |
Vendetta | R2 | |
Ventrue Investment | U | |
Vial of Garou Blood | C | |
Visit from the Capuchin | R | |
Voter Captivation | U | |
Walk of Flame | C | |
War Ghoul | R | |
War Party | U | |
Wash | U | |
Waste Management Operation | U | |
Weighted Walking Stick | U | |
White Phosphorus Grenade | U | |
Wooden Stake | U | |
Yawp Court | R | |
Young Bloods | R | |
Zillah's Tears | C |