Asian Championship
English: No. 52, Lane 80, Section 4, Chengde Rd, Shilin District, Taipei City, 111
Chinese: 台北市士林區承德路四段80巷52號
Date: Sunday Oct 4th, 2015
Location: CaCaCity Boardgame store, JianTan Branch
Format: Standard Constructed, 3R+F (Might reduce to 2R+F depends on time)
Entry fee: FREE
Australian Championship
Melbourne (Australia): Oct 3rd and 4th 2015
Location: GateKeeper Games; 323-327 St Georges Road, Fitzroy North (Melbourne), Victoria
Last Chance Qualifier
Saturday, October 3rd
11am registration, Entry Fee $10
Australian Continental Championship
Sunday, October 4th
11am registration, Entry Fee $10
European Championship
Warsaw (Poland): 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th of August, 2015
Venue: Warsaw Plaza Hotel
North American Championship
Columbus (Ohio): 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th of June, 2015
Venue: Greater Columbus COnvention Center
- Thursday, June 4th
- Last Chance Qualifier — 11 AM
- Last Chance Qualifier (Late Night Edition) — 7 PM
- Last Chance Qualifier — 11 AM
- Friday, June 5th
- NAC Day 1 (qualification) — 11 AM
- Shadow Twin (for non-qualified players)
- Saturday, June 6th
- NAC Day 2 (championship) — 11 AM
- Shadow Twin (for non-qualified players)
- Sunday, June 7th
- First Chance Qualifier — 11 AM
- First Chance Qualifier — 11 AM
South American Championship
Fortaleza (Ceará): 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th of October, 2015
Address: Rua Félix Kogempa, 318, Planalto Icaraí, Caucaia, Ceará, Brasil. CEP 61620120
Organizers: Francisco Márcio Pinheiro and Roberto Mautone Jr.
Telephones: +55 85988476766 or +55 11996604263
Email: Tel : +55 11 99660-4263
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