1. Contact your local Prince (optional):
The V:EKN has a list of Princes (volunteers who help promote the game in their local areas) worldwide. One of them would be happy to help you organize your tournament, aror, if there's no Prince in your area, you could become a Prince yourself. A prince can only be appointed by the national coordinator of his or her country or a member of the Inner Circle. For contact information, please visit the National Coordinator list or the Inner Circle list.
2. Contact your local retailer (optional):
Coordinate with your local game retailer to arrange the time, place and prizes for the tournament.
3. Register your event:
Fill out the event form sufficiently in advance of the event date. Once submitted, your event will appear on the Event Calendar.
4. Advertise!:
To ensure that as many players as possible attend your event (and because it is required by the V:EKN Tournament Rules), advertise your tournament (with fliers, etc.) sufficiently in advance. Tournament Flier (1MB jpg).
5. Ready your resources:
You'll want to have a copy of the latest Game Rules, Tournament Rules, and Rulings and Errata on hand. If you'll have access to a computer on-site, you'll also want to make use of The Archon, a tournament tracking spreadsheet for Excel.
6. Register your players:
At the start of your tournament, collect the V:EKN number of each player. If a player doesn't have a V:EKN number, contact the Website Coordinator and send him the following information:
1) Player's full name:
2) City:
3) State/province (optional):
4) Country:
5) E-mail address (optional):
5) VEKN ID# provided by his or her Prince (which is the general Prince prefix followed by 4 digits):
7. Run Your Event:
(This is the fun part.)
8. Report the results:
Follow these Guidelines.