Ales Pavelka (#2370007)

Country Czech Republic
City Jablunka
Constructed Rating 11 (Ranked 1976)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
3rd Road to PF - Lichnov Standard Constructed 2023-03-04 12 0 1.5 106 0.0 11
Pulled fang #4 National Championship 2015-08-22 12 0 0.0 66 0.0 5
Council In the Woods Day 1 Standard Constructed 2015-05-01 2 1 6.0 156 0.0 62
Blood of Camarilla Standard Constructed 2015-04-11 9 0 1.5 96 0.0 11
Anarchist Uprising Standard Constructed 2015-02-07 7 0 1.0 96 0.0 9
Closed Session Day 2 Limited 2013-10-13 6 0 3.0 130 0.0 17
Open War - Ostrava Standard Constructed 2013-02-02 14 0 0.0 64 0.0 5
Rumors of Gehenna National Championship 2010-10-17 6 0 2.0 0 0.0 13
6 0 3.0 130 0.0 0