Andrea Paderni (#3020016)

Country Italy
City Bologna
Constructed Rating 683 (Ranked 91)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
Unleashing the Standard Constructed 2024-05-12 2 1 5.5 168 2.0 73
Organized Resistance - Bologna Standard Constructed 2024-04-14 6 1 3.0 84 0.0 25
Aemilia by night - episode 1 Standard Constructed 2024-01-28 1 1 6.0 162 5.0 189
Vambeer: the Eternal Stout Standard Constructed 2023-10-01 11 0 2.0 78 0.0 13
Vtes Open Series Standard Constructed 2023-07-23 2 2 9.0 168 1.0 97
Italian National Championship National Championship 2023-04-30 1 2 10.0 162 4.0 275
Italian Tour 2023 - Bologna Standard Constructed 2023-04-29 13 0 1.5 78 0.0 11
Campionato Nazionale Italiano 2022 National Championship 2022-10-15 18 0 3.0 138 0.0 17
Foreshadowing Destruction 5 Standard Constructed 2022-07-10 2 2 4.5 144 0.5 76
Foreshadowing Destruction 4 Standard Constructed 2022-06-12 2 1 5.0 132 0.0 66
Foreshadowing Destruction III Standard Constructed 2022-04-10 2 1 5.0 126 0.0 68
Foreshadowing Destruction 2 Standard Constructed 2022-03-06 6 1 4.0 126 0.0 29
First tradition: Masquerade I Standard Constructed 2021-11-07 2 1 5.0 138 1.0 67
Sixth tradition: Destruction Standard Constructed 2019-11-24 1 0 2.0 84 1.5 163
[VEG] Italian Gran Prix 2019/20 Standard Constructed 2019-11-23 2 2 8.0 144 0.0 110
Happy Birthday, NC! Standard Constructed 2019-07-14 1 1 4.0 108 3.0 189
Oper War - Tappa cittadina Bologna Standard Constructed 2019-04-28 23 0 0.0 40 0.0 5
VEG 2019 - ITALY Standard Constructed 2018-12-02 15 0 3.5 144 0.0 19
Friendly Saturday Tournament II Standard Constructed 2018-12-01 17 0 0.0 42 0.0 5
European Gran Prix - Italy Standard Constructed 2017-12-10 14 0 4.5 150 0.0 23
Friendly Warm Up Standard Constructed 2017-12-09 8 1 4.5 132 0.0 31
last call 3 Standard Constructed 2016-11-01 7 0 0.0 46 0.0 5
last call 2 Standard Constructed 2016-10-29 2 0 1.0 66 0.0 25
last call 1 Standard Constructed 2016-10-27 2 1 2.0 78 2.0 45
Italian Qualifier Tour Bologna Standard Constructed 2016-01-10 2 1 2.5 108 0.5 56
Torneo Cittadino Bologna Standard Constructed 2015-10-04 DQ 1 3.0 108 0.0 25
Italian QT Tappa di Bologna Standard Constructed 2015-05-03 1 0 1.5 78 1.5 110
Italian National Championship 2014 National Championship 2014-06-01 2 2 7.5 156 0.5 101
Italian Qualifier Tour 7th step Standard Constructed 2014-05-31 6 1 3.0 78 0.0 25