Christophe Verdier (#3200134)

Country France
State Île-de-France
City Paris
Constructed Rating 16 (Ranked 1838)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
Quickness Standard Constructed 2024-04-21 26 0 0.0 82 0.0 5
BODY OF SUN 2 Standard Constructed 2023-09-23 13 0 1.5 90 0.0 11
Fall of the Camarilla 2 Standard Constructed 2021-10-16 2 1 4.0 106 0.0 60
QCF Courbevoie à T2J (PARIS) National Qualifier 2012-04-14 8 1 2.5 102 0.0 23