Pavel Simek (#3790004)

Country Czech Republic
City Chlumec nad Cidlinou
Constructed Rating 487 (Ranked 172)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
Road to Pulled Fang #13: Additional Strike Standard Constructed 2024-07-20 1 2 9.5 174 2.0 155
6th Road to Pulled Fang #13 Standard Constructed 2024-06-15 9 1 3.5 120 0.0 27
5th Road to Pulled Fang #13 Standard Constructed 2024-04-27 14 0 3.0 108 0.0 17
Christmass Bloodsucking II Standard Constructed 2023-12-30 2 1 3.5 114 1.5 58
1st Road to Pulled Fang #13 Standard Constructed 2023-11-04 1 2 6.5 138 3.0 176
Pulled fang #12 National Championship 2023-09-02 12 1 4.0 138 0.0 29
4th Road to Pulled Fang #12 Standard Constructed 2023-04-15 13 1 3.0 126 0.0 25
Pulled fang #11 National Championship 2022-09-03 23 1 2.5 102 0.0 23
5th Road to Pulled Fang #11 Standard Constructed 2022-06-04 9 0 3.0 132 0.0 17
4th Road to Pulled Fang #11 Standard Constructed 2022-05-14 2 1 7.0 142 0.0 78
3rd Road to Pulled Fang #11 Standard Constructed 2022-02-26 13 0 1.0 96 0.0 9
The 2nd Road to Pulled Fang #11 Standard Constructed 2022-01-15 2 1 5.5 138 0.0 69
Christmas bloodsucking Standard Constructed 2019-12-28 2 1 4.5 114 0.0 56
Pulled fang #8 National Championship 2019-08-31 10 1 3.0 114 0.0 25
Pulled fang #7 National Championship 2018-09-08 11 0 2.5 102 0.0 15
Karak V:tES Standard Constructed 2008-11-29 1 1 5.0 0 0.0 70
EQ 2008 Prague Continental Qualifier 2008-02-23 6 0 0.0 0 0.0 5
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed 2005-07-23 6 1 5.0 0 0.0 33
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed 2005-05-28 2 1 4.0 0 0.0 64
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed 2005-03-19 2 1 3.0 0 0.0 41
Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed 2004-08-07 2 0 4.0 0 0.0 46
Imported VTES Event Continental Qualifier 2004-06-12 6 0 3.0 0 0.0 17