Victor Bosatelli (#3800013)

Country France
State Picardie
City Soissons
Constructed Rating 9 (Ranked 2045)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
The Unacceptable Appearance of Profile Standard Constructed 2024-01-28 12 0 1.0 90 0.0 9
OctoGônes 2022 Standard Constructed 2022-10-02 11 1 4.0 108 0.0 29
Fall of Lugdunum Standard Constructed 2022-10-01 24 0 0.0 66 0.0 5
Coupe de Paris Standard Constructed 2020-03-07 11 0 1.5 96 0.0 11
Aplocalypse Standard Constructed 2016-02-07 17 0 0.0 76 0.0 5
Ignore the Searing Flames Standard Constructed 2015-08-22 11 0 0.5 82 0.0 7
Vanish from the Mind's Eye Standard Constructed 2015-07-26 12 0 1.0 84 0.0 9
French National Championship 2015 National Championship 2015-07-05 2 1 5.0 120 0.0 85
Last Chance French Championship 2015 National Qualifier 2015-07-04 17 0 2.0 90 0.0 13
French National Qualifier LILLE National Qualifier 2015-04-04 2 1 5.0 126 0.0 69
MQF SBN : The Unaligned Unsanctioned Tournament 2015-02-14 2 2 6.5 156 0.0 72
Young Bloods National Qualifier 2014-06-28 10 0 2.0 112 0.0 13
MCQ Powerbase Paris Unsanctioned Tournament 2014-05-24 18 0 0.0 42 0.0 5
Coupe de Paris Standard Constructed 2014-02-22 9 0 1.0 96 0.0 9