Daniel Fernández Sanvisens (#4200018)

Country Spain
State Catalunya
City Barcelona
Constructed Rating 107 (Ranked 935)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
Eat the rich Standard Constructed 2024-04-06 15 0 1.0 72 0.0 9
Marato TV3 2023 Standard Constructed 2023-12-16 2 1 5.5 162 1.0 98
La Marató 2021 Standard Constructed 2021-12-19 31 0 0.0 42 0.0 5
Campeonato Nacional 2021 (Alicante) National Championship 2021-11-27 81 0 1.0 90 0.0 9
The return to Innocence Standard Constructed 2021-06-19 27 0 0.5 78 0.0 7
Torneig Invitacional Lliga Catalana 2019-2020 Standard Constructed 2020-10-03 15 0 1.5 96 0.0 11
The edge Standard Constructed 2019-11-16 18 0 0.0 54 0.0 5
Cryptic Hunting Ground 2019 Standard Constructed 2019-09-07 2 1 7.0 138 0.0 77
The Deb of night Radio III Standard Constructed 2019-07-21 9 0 1.5 84 0.0 11