Andrea Poli (#4740025)

Country Italy
City Barga
Constructed Rating 91 (Ranked 1032)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
Secure Haven Standard Constructed 2023-11-26 18 0 0.0 36 0.0 5
Italian Tour 2023 - Barga Standard Constructed 2023-09-03 2 1 3.5 144 0.0 72
Italian National Championship National Championship 2023-04-30 44 0 0.0 66 0.0 5
Italian Tour 2023 - Bologna Standard Constructed 2023-04-29 24 0 1.0 60 0.0 9
Italian Tour 2023 Prato Standard Constructed 2023-01-22 28 0 0.0 42 0.0 5
UNLEASH THE HOUNDS Standard Constructed 2022-11-20 10 0 1.0 66 0.0 9
[VEG] Italian Gran Prix 2019/20 Standard Constructed 2019-11-23 42 0 0.5 78 0.0 7
New Blood Standard Constructed 2019-10-13 18 0 0.5 60 0.0 7
Deploy the Hand Standard Constructed 2013-09-19 2 0 2.0 72 0.0 34
Cybele Mini-Qualifier 2012-04-01 19 0 0.0 36 0.0 5
Harbingers of Skulls Mini-Qualifier 2011-09-11 18 0 0.0 48 0.0 5
The Bitter And Sweet Story Standard Constructed 2011-02-13 2 0 0.5 54 0.0 28
Last Stand Continental Qualifier 2010-09-19 6 0 0.5 0 0.0 7
The Hunt For Tariq Mini-Qualifier 2010-05-02 6 0 0.0 0 0.0 5