Patryk Sowa (#5270016)

Country Poland
State Lubelskie
City Lublin
Constructed Rating 193 (Ranked 595)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
Polish National V:tES Championship 2024 National Championship 2024-05-18 34 0 0.0 76 0.0 5
Vilnius by Night National Championship 2024-02-24 16 0 1.0 90 0.0 9
Fee Stake: Warsaw #15 Standard Constructed 2024-01-20 1 1 5.5 138 1.5 158
Bloodstorm of Lublin Standard Constructed 2023-10-28 13 0 0.0 66 0.0 5
Polish Nationals National Championship 2023-09-23 36 0 0.5 78 0.0 7
The Rocky Road to Lublin Standard Constructed 2023-04-22 9 0 1.0 82 0.0 9
Fee Stake: Lublin 2022 Standard Constructed 2022-12-03 6 0 2.0 114 0.0 13