Rolando Nuñez (#6060017)
Country | Chile |
State | Bío-Bío |
City | Concepción |
Constructed Rating | 107 (Ranked 976) |
Online Constructed Rating | 0 |
Limited Rating | 0 |
Online Limited Rating | 0 |
Prince | ID# 840 |
Participated Events
Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating Twilight Camp: Descent into Darkness Standard Constructed 2024-08-31 12 1 4.0 126 0.0 29 Legion's End Part 1 Standard Constructed 2024-02-10 6 1 3.0 78 0.0 25 VTES South American Championship 2023 - Santiago, Chile Continental Championship 2023-10-27 8 1 6.0 132 0.0 37 Twilight Camp Standard Constructed 2023-08-26 25 0 1.5 96 0.0 11 GP Rancagua 2023 - Road to Brazil - Round 4 Grand Prix 2023-06-17 21 0 0.0 72 0.0 5 Reunion Kamut Standard Constructed 2023-02-11 9 0 2.0 96 0.0 13 Cruzada Quilpue Standard Constructed 2022-11-26 11 0 2.0 120 0.0 13 South American cup 2022 Grand Prix 2022-10-08 12 0 2.0 114 0.0 13 GP Rancagua 2022 Grand Prix 2022-09-03 2 1 7.0 156 0.0 85 Atlantic Cup Online Standard Constructed 2022-05-21 38 0 0.0 60 0.0 5 Eye of Unforgiving Abordaje Standard Constructed 2022-05-07 14 0 1.0 84 0.0 9 nacional 2021 National Championship 2021-12-04 2 1 6.0 138 0.0 93 SAC 2021 Continental Championship 2021-11-13 23 0 0.0 66 0.0 5 Atlantic Cup Online Standard Constructed 2021-06-05 62 0 1.0 94 0.0 9 SAC 2020 On-Lackey Online Continental Championship 2021-03-20 60 0 0.0 66 0.0 5 Paso a Paso, Camino al Nacional Online Standard Constructed 2020-09-26 15 0 1.0 96 0.0 9 Primer Clasificatorio para el nacional: Taste of Death National Qualifier 2007-02-17 6 0 0.0 0 0.0 5 Tasting new year's vitae Standard Constructed 2007-01-13 2 1 3.0 0 0.0 44 Organized Events
Event Type Country State City Venue Date Participants Twilight Camp: Descent into Darkness Standard Constructed Chile Valparaíso El Tabo Cooperativa El Tabito 2024-08-31 40 Twilight Camp Standard Constructed Chile Valparaíso El Tabo Cooperativa El Tabito 2023-08-26 35 Rancagua Grand Ball Standard Constructed Chile Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins 2023-02-25 14 Reunion Kamut Standard Constructed Chile Valparaíso Quilpue Vtes Conce Sede Quilpue 2023-02-11 15 Helg Turnering Standard Constructed Sweden Umeå Umeå Universitet 2006-06-18 0 Nights of Recconing Prerelease Launch Event Sweden Umeå Umeå Universitet 2006-04-09 0 NA Standard Constructed Sweden Umeå Umeå Universitet 2006-03-05 0 Imported VTES Event Storyline Sweden Umea Humanisthuset 2005-11-26 0 Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Sweden Umea Humanisthuset 2005-10-21 0 Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Sweden Umea Humanisthuset 2005-06-05 0 Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Sweden Umea Humanisthuset 2005-05-08 0 Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Sweden Umea Humanisthuset 2005-04-04 0 Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Sweden Umea Snocon 2005-01-07 0 Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Sweden Umea Humanisthuset 2004-12-05 12 Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Sweden Umea Humanisthuset 2004-11-07 0 Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Sweden Umea Humanisthuset 2004-10-10 8 Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Sweden Umea Umea Universitet 2004-08-29 8 Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Sweden Umea Umea Universitet 2004-06-20 12 Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Sweden Umea Humanisthuset 2004-04-18 16 Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Sweden Umea Humanisthuset 2004-02-29 0 Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Sweden Umea Bloodwork Umea 2004-01-18 0 Imported VTES Event Standard Constructed Sweden Umea snocon Umea 2004-01-03 0