Lázaro Rodrigues (#7050001)

Country Brazil
State Minas Gerais
City Visconde do Rio Branco
Constructed Rating 48 (Ranked 1367)
Online Constructed Rating 240 (Ranked 18)
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
Liga Vtes VRB Junho Standard Constructed 2024-06-29 2 0 2.5 108 1.0 25
Breath of the Dragon Online Standard Constructed 2024-06-02 9 0 1.5 90 0.0 11
Atlantic Cup Online Standard Constructed 2024-03-02 22 1 3.0 84 0.0 25
Companion Unleashed 2024 Online Standard Constructed 2024-02-04 8 0 3.0 102 0.0 17
Campeonato Brasileiro Online Online National Championship 2023-11-11 2 2 4.0 144 0.0 80
Majesty Online Standard Constructed 2023-08-27 2 1 5.5 114 0.0 76
SchreckNETwar Online Standard Constructed 2023-07-02 9 0 0.0 24 0.0 5
New Blood VRB Standard Constructed 2023-05-13 2 0 0.5 66 0.0 23
Rumo ao BR 4 Online Standard Constructed 2023-02-06 2 0 0.0 58 0.0 26
Rumo ao BR 3 Online Standard Constructed 2023-01-16 11 0 0.5 54 0.0 7
Rumo ao BR 2 Online Standard Constructed 2022-12-19 2 1 5.0 108 0.0 61
The Embrace Limited 2022-11-20 2 1 4.5 96 0.0 47