Filipe Menezes (#7060038)

Country Brazil
State Rio de Janeiro
City Itaocara
Constructed Rating 123 (Ranked 848)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
Goodnight, Sweet Baron Standard Constructed 2024-06-23 2 2 6.0 120 0.0 64
Patsy Standard Constructed 2024-04-21 2 1 4.0 78 0.0 45
Psyche! Standard Constructed 2024-03-10 8 0 0.0 42 0.0 5
Itaocarense - 2023 Standard Constructed 2023-12-17 7 0 1.0 60 0.0 9
Rise of the Fallen Standard Constructed 2018-05-27 7 0 0.5 54 0.0 7
Ebony Fox Hunt Standard Constructed 2017-03-19 2 0 1.0 66 0.0 28
Black Hand Ritual Standard Constructed 2017-02-19 2 1 4.0 84 0.0 50
Shatter the Gates Standard Constructed 2015-11-15 11 0 0.0 36 0.0 5
Year of fortune MMXV Standard Constructed 2015-02-08 2 1 4.0 126 0.0 54
WFT_ITAOCARA 2ª CONTENDA Storyline 2014-06-29 2 0 1.0 72 0.0 25
CARTA NA MESA Standard Constructed 2014-06-28 2 0 1.0 72 1.0 32
WFT_Itaocara_1ª Contenda Storyline 2014-03-16 6 0 0.0 64 0.0 5