André Custódio (#7790016)

Country Brazil
State Espírito Santo
City Vila Velha
Constructed Rating 65 (Ranked 1214)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
SIX ROUNDS Standard Constructed 2024-06-30 6 0 1.0 64 0.0 9
Hostile Takeover Standard Constructed 2024-05-19 2 1 3.0 78 0.0 46
Crazy Saturday Standard Constructed 2024-03-30 6 0 0.0 54 0.0 5
Goodbye 2023 Standard Constructed 2023-12-23 8 0 0.0 56 0.0 5
GP SULAMERICANO 2022 - ETAPA VILA VELHA - ES Standard Constructed 2022-08-20 2 1 5.0 138 0.0 64
ARCHON OR NOT Standard Constructed 2022-04-24 DQ 1 4.5 120 0.0 31
Foundation Exibit Standard Constructed 2018-06-10 2 0 1.0 76 0.0 30
Rebirth Standard Constructed 2016-12-29 2 1 4.0 78 0.0 56
CAPIXABÃO MMXVI Continental Qualifier 2016-12-17 2 0 2.0 90 0.0 40
Conservative Agitation Standard Constructed 2016-10-01 2 0 0.0 52 1.0 34
Ashes to Ashes Standard Constructed 2016-07-10 7 0 0.0 48 0.0 5
Blood Awakening Standard Constructed 2016-06-11 12 0 0.0 42 0.0 5
Brazilian NAT'16 National Championship 2016-05-28 25 0 1.0 84 0.0 9
WARM UP EPISÓDIO III - Pré BR'16 Standard Constructed 2016-05-27 19 0 1.0 94 0.0 9
Warm up para o BR - Torneio Extra #1 Standard Constructed 2016-05-07 8 0 0.0 42 0.0 5
Rise of the Fallen Standard Constructed 2016-04-23 6 0 1.5 78 0.0 11
Make the Misere Standard Constructed 2016-03-12 9 0 0.0 46 0.0 5
White Nights Massacre Standard Constructed 2016-01-23 11 0 0.0 46 0.0 5
Marked Terriroty: Vila Velha Standard Constructed 2015-11-14 6 0 0.5 66 0.0 7
BLIGHT: VILA VELHA Standard Constructed 2015-10-17 2 0 1.0 72 0.0 30
SENSE THE SIN: VILA VELHA Standard Constructed 2015-09-26 2 0 1.0 66 0.0 30
Aversion: Vila Velha Standard Constructed 2015-08-15 8 0 0.0 42 0.0 5
CAPIXABÃO MMXV Continental Qualifier 2015-07-18 12 0 0.0 70 0.0 5
Burnt Offerings: Vila Velha Standard Constructed 2015-03-15 2 0 1.5 84 0.0 27
6 0 2.0 90 0.0 0