Stéphane Vens (#8377012)

Country Belgium
State Namur
City Namur / Charleroi
Constructed Rating 5 (Ranked 2188)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 16 (Ranked 153)
Online Limited Rating 0
Prince ID# 514

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
Belgian Limited Championship, Mechelen, 20 July 2024 Limited National Championship 2024-07-20 15 0 1.0 90 0.0 9
Brussels GP Grand Prix 2023-07-16 43 0 0.0 66 0.0 5
Belgian Limited Championship 2023 Limited National Championship 2023-07-15 29 0 0.5 84 0.0 7
Belgian National Championship 2022 National Championship 2022-07-10 9 1 3.5 120 0.0 27
Belgian National Championship 2021 National Championship 2021-11-06 7 0 3.5 138 0.0 19
Aura Reading Online VEKN France Online Standard Constructed 2021-03-21 24 0 0.0 60 0.0 5
Vampiric Disease, France Online Standard Constructed 2021-01-04 28 0 0.0 60 0.0 5
EC 2019 - Day 1 Continental Championship 2019-08-17 58 0 2.5 120 0.0 15
Belgian National Championship 2019 National Championship 2019-07-21 19 0 0.0 80 0.0 5
Belgian National Championship 2018 National Championship 2018-07-14 18 0 0.5 82 0.0 7

Organized Events

Event Type Country State City Venue Date Participants
Rumble Standard Constructed Belgium Jodoigne Le Rêve d'émeraude 2009-01-31 12
Twilight rebellion Launch Event Belgium Jodoigne Le Rêve d'émeraude 2008-06-01 0
FCQ Bruxelles 2008 Mini-Qualifier Belgium Bruxelles 3rd fantastic conv. 2008-03-23 13
Fourth tradition: the accounting Standard Constructed Belgium Jodoigne Le Rêve d'émeraude 2008-03-15 0
Finding the path Standard Constructed Belgium Jodoigne Le Rêve d'émeraude 2007-09-01 0
Summer Night Standard Constructed Belgium Jodoigne Le Rêve d'émeraude 2007-07-28 0
Come back from hell Standard Constructed Belgium Jodoigne Le Rêve d'émeraude 2007-06-30 0
Hunting at New Orleans Standard Constructed Belgium Jodoigne Le Rêve d'émeraude 2007-06-03 0
Nergal's apparition Storyline Belgium Jodoigne Le Rêve d'émeraude 2006-05-20 0