Steffen Waschul (#8580064)

Country Germany
State Nordrhein-Westfalen
City Herne
Constructed Rating 340 (Ranked 319)
Online Constructed Rating 0
Limited Rating 0
Online Limited Rating 0
Prince ID# 557

Participated Events

Event Type Date Pos. GW VP TP Final Rating
Belgian National championship 2024 National Championship 2024-07-21 28 0 0.5 96 0.0 7
God Damn The Sun Standard Constructed 2024-06-22 12 1 3.5 120 0.0 27
Haranni Madness Volume II Standard Constructed 2024-05-11 2 0 2.5 96 1.0 49
Redemption Event (EC-2023 Bcn) Standard Constructed 2023-10-15 17 1 5.0 120 0.0 33
VtES European Championship Day 1 Continental Championship 2023-10-14 125 0 2.0 126 0.0 13
VtES European "Last Chance" Qualifier 2023 Continental Qualifier 2023-10-13 177 0 0.5 84 0.0 7
Succubus Club Standard Constructed 2023-06-10 2 2 4.5 150 2.0 89
Haranni Madness Standard Constructed 2023-05-13 10 0 1.0 66 0.0 9
Belgian National championship 2023 National Championship 2023-05-07 2 2 8.0 156 0.0 111
Rise of the Neonate Standard Constructed 2023-01-28 11 0 1.0 90 0.0 9
We Only Come Out At Night Standard Constructed 2022-10-08 2 1 4.0 114 0.0 64
Cross-Table Enemies 2022 Standard Constructed 2022-08-27 13 0 1.0 94 0.0 9
Belgian National Championship 2022 National Championship 2022-07-10 14 0 3.5 144 0.0 19
Atlantic Cup Online Standard Constructed 2021-06-05 12 2 6.0 144 0.0 45
V5 for Vendetta (Online) Online Standard Constructed 2021-01-30 22 0 0.0 54 0.0 5
Beware Of Light Standard Constructed 2019-10-26 16 0 0.0 52 0.0 5

Organized Events

Event Type Country State City Venue Date Participants
Haranni Madness Volume II Standard Constructed Germany Nordrhein-Westfalen Herne Kulturzentrum Herne 2024-05-11 15
Grand Prix Germany 2023 Grand Prix Germany Nordrhein-Westfalen Essen White Rabbit - Community Game Store 2023-09-17 35
Haranni Madness Standard Constructed Germany Nordrhein-Westfalen Herne Kulturzentrum Herne 2023-05-13 15
Rise of the Neonate Standard Constructed Germany Nordrhein-Westfalen Bochum Spielkunst e.V. VereinsHeim 2023-01-28 17
Cross-Table Enemies 2022 Standard Constructed Germany Nordrhein-Westfalen Bochum Spielkunst e.V. VereinsHeim 2022-08-27 18