Infernal Law Firm
Deck Name : Infernal law firm
Author : Lazoth
Description :
Baali vote deck using a combo of Annazir, Xepher and Arishat.
Using Con Ag, KRC for ousting and Exclusion and Voter Cap for regaining pool.
Ideal crpy start up is 1 of each. Bring Annazir out first then using Tend and Enchant to discount the others.
Combat is defensive in nature with fear stopping most pot decks without man. Majesty to ce with untap.
Vote control is achieved with a combo of Knotted cord, Arishat and condemnation: Mute, either canceling their votes or
neutering them.
Hordes are there to throw in the way and also eat any torpored minions oh and the occsional bleed.
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 3 max: 9 average: 6.25
3x Annazir 9 DAI OBF POT PRE 2 votes Baali:5
3x Xeper, Sultan of L 7 OBF PRE ani dai pro Baali:6
3x Arishat 6 DAI OBF PRE 1 vote Baali:6
3x Horde, The 3 dai obf pre Baali:6
Library [90 cards]
Action [14]
4x Condemnation: Mute
4x Enchant Kindred
6x Unleash Hell's Fury
Action Modifier [30]
8x Awe
8x Bewitching Oration
6x Lost in Crowds
8x Voter Captivation
Action Modifier/Reaction [6]
6x Knotted Cord
Combat [12]
6x Fear of the Void Below
6x Majesty
Master [8]
4x Path of Evil Revelations
4x Tend the Flock
Political Action [20]
6x Conservative Agitation
6x Exclusion Principle
6x Kine Resources Contested
2x Year of Fortune
Crafted with : Anarch Revolt Deck Builder. [Tue Mar 01 03:45:34 2011]
So how do you intend to survive?
Bleed faster
When plumbing the depths of depravity, I must remember to come up for air.
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Definitely.Why no Reckless Agitation?
I'm no fan of Year of Fortune and I'd go down with the Exclusion Pr..
Didn't you forget about the Minion Tap/Villeins? I mean you're just on 8 Masters. Why that? Tend the Flock is AWEsome. Either more of them or Villein. You refill the minions with Voter Cap anyway.
Baron of Frankfurt
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- When playing a single clan, Consanguineous Boon is strictly better than Exclusion Principle, unless you want to give away free pool to other players.
- Villein is a must if play Voter Captivation anyhow.
- I have cut the deck somewhat, while adding more stealth at the same time.
- I have diversified the political actions (damaging votes) a bit. Reckless Agitation has already been mentioned, but Neonate Breech is also
- 6 Unleash Hells Fury are way too much. Unless you suffer many, many rushes each and every turn.
- I dropped the Enchant Kindred, because I think the Baali have better things to do. If the Path of Evil Revelations is not in play, it's only a net gain of one pool. Instead your Baali should vote, or steal Allies, ..
Here's the modified version of the deck:
Deck Name: Infernal law firm
Crypt (Capacity min=3 max=9 avg=6.25; 12 cards)
3x Annazir 9 DAI OBF POT PRE Baali:5
3x Arishat 6 DAI OBF PRE Baali:6
3x Horde, The 3 dai obf pre Baali:6
3x Xeper, Sultan of Lepers 7 ani dai pro OBF PRE Baali:6
Library (80 cards)
Master (10 cards)
4x Path of Evil Revelations
3x Tend the Flock
3x Villein
Action (8 cards)
4x Condemnation: Mute
2x Entrancement
2x Unleash Hell's Fury
Political Action (16 cards)
2x Consanguineous Boon
2x Conservative Agitation
6x Kine Resources Contested
2x Neonate Breach
4x Reckless Agitation
Ally (2 cards)
1x Mylan Horseed (Goblin)
1x Veneficti (Mage)
Action Modifier (30 cards)
6x Awe
6x Bewitching Oration
4x Forgotten Labyrinth
4x Lost in Crowds
4x Psychomachia
6x Voter Captivation
Combat (10 cards)
4x Fear of the Void Below
6x Majesty
Combo (4 cards)
4x Knotted Cord
Created with Secret Library v0.9.3. (Feb 28, 2011 22:30:08)
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