file Target cards and Cancelling strikes

28 Mar 2014 21:19 #60398 by Franz
What happens if I choose a strike (let's say Undead Strength) with Target Vitals and the opposing minion cancels the Strike Card with a Charismatic Aura for instance. Do I loose my target vitals? Is that even possible, or the "as it is played" window comes before the "when choosing a strike" window?

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28 Mar 2014 22:10 #60399 by Juggernaut1981
Target Vitals
Type: Combat
Aim. Play when choosing a strike.
If any damage from this strike is successfully inflicted on the opposing minion, he or she takes an additional 2 damage from this strike, and he or she cannot press this round. The opposing minion may discard two combat cards [COMBAT] to cancel this card. A minion may play only one aim each strike.

Charismatic Aura
Type: Combat
Requires: Auspex & Presence
 Burn 1 blood to cancel the opposing minion's strike card or grapple card as it is played (no cost is paid). A vampire may play only one Charismatic Aura at inferior each round.
 Strike: combat ends.

IANPB but, the Strike must be successfully played for you to add a Target Vitals to it. So, before you replace the strike and before you play the Target Vitals, the Charismatic Aura should be played. Then you play the Target Vitals (after replacing the Strike).

The clause on Target Vitals suggests that you couldn't, for instance, play Bone Spur between the Strike and the Target Vitals.

:bruj::CEL::POT::PRE::tha: Baron of Sydney, Australia, 418

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28 Mar 2014 23:26 #60400 by Franz

Target Vitals
Type: Combat
Aim. Play when choosing a strike.
If any damage from this strike is successfully inflicted on the opposing minion, he or she takes an additional 2 damage from this strike, and he or she cannot press this round. The opposing minion may discard two combat cards [COMBAT] to cancel this card. A minion may play only one aim each strike.

Charismatic Aura
Type: Combat
Requires: Auspex & Presence
 Burn 1 blood to cancel the opposing minion's strike card or grapple card as it is played (no cost is paid). A vampire may play only one Charismatic Aura at inferior each round.
 Strike: combat ends.

IANPB but, the Strike must be successfully played for you to add a Target Vitals to it. So, before you replace the strike and before you play the Target Vitals, the Charismatic Aura should be played. Then you play the Target Vitals (after replacing the Strike).

The clause on Target Vitals suggests that you couldn't, for instance, play Bone Spur between the Strike and the Target Vitals.

First, thanks for the quick reply. Your logic is solid, but I think I'll need PB's official rulling on that one.

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29 Mar 2014 20:54 #60426 by ReverendRevolver
Bone spur, wolf claws, and flaws or the dead all are worded

"For the remainder of (this round on all but superior bone spur, which is this combat) this vampires hand strikes are aggravated"

So, this seems to be an irrelevant to "when" type of thing. Could do it as a pre, i suppose. But, i think hes saying you do this:

Declare yoir strike: hands.

As you declare said strike, or choosing it, rather, you have to play target vitals, as it says you play it when choosing a strike.

So, if your strike is a strike card, and its cancelled, the timing is explained.

You can, AFAIK, play the cards that just say "this happens to this trait for this duration" whenever you feel.
So, skin of night at basic or fortitude pentient resilience says treat agg as normal. Basic adaptability says the samegeneral thing, as far as timing being not mentioned.
So, anytime between combat starting and the minion no longer being in combat, you can in theory play said cards.

Now, superior adaptability has to be a strike to be preventing the agg from opposing minions strike, plainly.

So, ive always declared my strike as hands, and then before we resolve/deal with damage (after both minions choose strikes though) is when i play agg poke modifier.

So maybe hes saying you have passed your time to play target vitals by playimg another card after anniuncing a strike?

But neither here nor there,

Aim card is played after choosing strike.

Agg hand modifiers are played whenever its combat still and cost can be paid, same as agg treatment gwneral cards.

So im pretty sure you can agg target vitals, and card order is what he was talking about.

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29 Mar 2014 21:37 #60427 by Juggernaut1981
The reason for not being able to Bone Spur between the Strike and the TV is not the text on Spur, but the text on TV. "Play when choosing a strike"

:bruj::CEL::POT::PRE::tha: Baron of Sydney, Australia, 418

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29 Mar 2014 22:55 #60431 by Squidalot

First, thanks for the quick reply. Your logic is solid, but I think I'll need PB's official rulling on that one.

You don't need PB's official ruling - it's quite simply how you play cards with a 'dummy' pause for cancelling after each play - you play unread strength it gets cancelled before you can add the target vitals just the same was as your govern being DI would mean you wouldn't get to play your seduction on it.

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