Las Vegas 2011 NAQ and Constructed tournament
22 Mar 2011 20:38 - 22 Mar 2011 21:41 #2727
by KevinM
Kevin M., Prince of Las Vegas
"Know your enemy and know yourself; in one-thousand battles
you shall never be in peril." -- Sun Tzu, *The Art of War*
"Contentment...Complacency...Catastrophe!" -- Joseph Chevalier
Please visit VTESville daily!
Las Vegas 2011 NAQ and Constructed tournament was created by KevinM
Ok, here's the two Archons and the winning decks from
the Third Annual Las Vegas NAQ tournaments:
Las Vegas Constructed Tournament 2011
Las Vegas, NV (USA)
March 19th, 2011
23 players
Rank Name GWs VPs TPs
1 David Litwin 1 4.5 108
2 David Tatu 1 4 84^
2 Matt Strehlow 1 4 84
2 Mike Courtois 1 4 78
2 Edward McGlynn 2 6 120
6 Robert Scythe 1 3 102
7 Nat Hammond 1 3 88
8 Cameron Domer 0 3 102
9 Robert Goudie 0 2.5 108
10 Robyn Tatu 0 2 72
11 Mike Zajac 0 1 72
12 James Messer 0 1 66
12 César Bravo 0 1 66
14 Norman Brown 0 1 60
14 Matt Wedge 0 1 60
16 Nebojsa Trivanovic 0 0.5 66
17 James Lin 0 0.5 60
18 Dennis Lien 0 0.5 48
19 Lex Pike 0 0 48
20 Damon Stoll 0 0 46
20 Aaron Clark 0 0 46
22 John McGlynn 0 0 36
22 Fred Scott 0 0 36
^ = won the die roll (i.e. "Kevin somehow screws Strehlow yet again")
Final round:
Litwin: 4vp
Edward: 1vp
David Litwin's winning deck:
Deck Name: Armin Hammer
Deck Author: David Litwin
The deck plays generally the same as any stealth/vote deck with a more
interesting stealth module. Ideally Armin Brenner is your first
minion and should always be first unless he isn't in your opening
crypt. He is the only minion in the crypt that can maximize the use
of all cards in the crypt and his 1 pool/vote adds up over the course
of the game. The deck will play quite a few cards each turn and
maximizing cards like Forced March for stealth and untap is key.
The deck can generally bloat fast enough to handle a moderately fast
bleeding predator and Majesty or Resist Earth's Grasp will slow down
Animalism rush significantly while accepting that a Grappling foe will
kill the deck. Undele is key for late game antics to make sure your
two other actions/turn are exactly what you want them to be.
While it never showed, gaining potentially 5 pool calling a Black
Forest Base action is rather nice. The changes I would make after
playing it outside of the local playgroup would be two fewer KRCs and
another Neonate Breach and then some other damage vote or maybe even
a utility vote like Snipe Hunt/Permanent Vacation to take out late
threats that can be brought back. Delaying Tactics recycled in the
finals against me slowed down my offense several turns.
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 8 max: 10 average: 9.16667
4x Armin Brenner 10 CEL FOR POT PRE obf archbishop !Brujah:4
3x Undele 9 CEL FOR pre obf magaji Ishtarri:5
3x Hektor 9 CEL for POT PRE priscus !Brujah:4
2x Klaus Konrecht 8 CEL for pot PRE cardinal !Toreador:4
Library [90 cards]
Master [15]
5x Villein
1x Black Forest Base
1x Giant's Blood
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Papillon
1x Wider View
1x Creepshow Casino
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Powerbase: Madrid
Action [7]
6x Enchant Kindred
1x Entrancement
Action Modifier [31]
1x Alacrity
3x Forgotten Labyrinth
7x Forced March
4x Freak Drive
5x Iron Glare
5x Perfect Paragon
6x Voter Captivation
Action Modifier/Combat [5]
5x Resist Earth's Grasp
Action Modifier/Reaction [4]
4x Scalpel Tongue
Ally [2]
1x Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
1x Mylan Horseed (Goblin)
Combat [5]
5x Majesty
Political Action [21]
11x Kine Resources Contested
1x Neonate Breach
1x Ancilla Empowerment
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Banishment
1x Ancient Influence
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
3x Honor the Elders
Las Vegas North American Qualifier 2011
Las Vegas, NV (USA)
March 19th, 2011
23 players
Rank Name GWs VPs TPs
1 David Tatu 2 5.5 138
2 Matt Wedge 2 5 138
2 Matt Strehlow 1 4.5 144
2 Dennis Lien 1 5.5 150
2 David Litwin 1 6 144
6 Robyn Tatu 1 4.5 132
The above players qualified for the NAC 2011 at Origins in Columbus.
7 Nebojsa Trivanovic 1 3.5 120
7 Robert Goudie 1 3.5 120
9 Mike Zajac 1 3.5 114
10 Cameron Domer 1 3 102
11 James Messer 0 4 138
12 Robert Scythe 0 3.5 126
13 John McGlynn 0 3 118
14 Nat Hammond 0 2.5 132
15 Fred Scott 0 2 96
16 Aaron Clark 0 1.5 102
17 Mike Courtois 0 1 78
18 Edward McGlynn 0 0.5 82
19 James Lin 0 0.5 72
20 Norman Brown 0 0 66
21 César Bravo 0 0 60
22 Lex Pike 0 0 58
23 Damon Stoll 0 0 54
Final round:
Tatu: 3vp
Strehlow: 2vp
David Tatu's winning deck:
Deck Name: Ira
Deck Author: Matt Guinn, modified by David Tatu
Matt Guinn gave me this deck that he won Guide and Mentor: Atlanta
with last month. I made a few changes but the cards I put in never
saw play or did not make any difference during the event. So his
original version is probably better. It is a very good deck, much
stronger than what I typically build and play and it was a lot of fun
to run. Thanks Matt for the deck and thanks to Kevin for another great
event in Las Vegas. Wish we did not have to wait another year for the
next one.
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 17, Max: 39, Avg: 7)
5 Ira Rivers ani AUS CEL pre 7 Toreador
1 Alexandra ANI AUS CEL PRE 11 Toreador
1 Francois Villon AUS CEL PRE 10 Toreador
1 Madame Guil AUS CEL PRE 10 Toreador
1 Marcellus AUS CEL 8 Toreador
1 Michael Luther aus pre 4 Toreador
1 Isabel de Leon AUS 3 Toreador
1 Zoe AUS cel 3 Malkavian
Library: (90 cards)
Master (25 cards)
3 Villein
3 Blood Doll
1 Powerbase: Montreal
1 Rack, The
1 Art Museum
9 Ashur Tablets
1 Papillon
1 Wash
1 Bleeding the Vine
1 Life Boon
1 Pentex Subversion
2 Parthenon, The
Action (2 cards)
2 Fleetness
Action Modifier (3 cards)
2 Aire of Elation
1 Crocodile`s Tongue
Reaction (31 cards)
3 Forced Awakening
2 On the Qui Vive
3 Second Tradition: Domain, The
6 Quicken Sight
6 Eyes of Argus
5 Eagle`s Sight
1 My Enemy`s Enemy
5 Telepathic Misdirection
Combat (20 cards)
5 Concealed Weapon
1 Blur
2 Flash
6 Pursuit
2 Side Strike
1 Taste of Vitae
3 Psyche!
Retainer (1 cards)
1 Owl Companion
Equipment (7 cards)
5 .44 Magnum
1 Sniper Rifle
1 Kevlar Vest
Event (1 cards)
1 Uncoiling, The
Thank you to everyone for coming, many of you from across the country,
just to play VTES. I know that the additional fun of Las Vegas has
been a great help to me in running this now-annual tournament, but
I'm sure the gambling, restaurants, tourist attractions, and naked
ladies (of which we will not comment) were secondary to the drawing
power of a couple of awesome VTES tournaments.
Kevin M., Prince of Las Vegas
"Know your enemy and know yourself; in one-thousand battles
you shall never be in peril." -- Sun Tzu, *The Art of War*
"Contentment...Complacency...Catastrophe!" -- Joseph Chevalier
Please visit VTESville daily!
the Third Annual Las Vegas NAQ tournaments:
Las Vegas Constructed Tournament 2011
Las Vegas, NV (USA)
March 19th, 2011
23 players
Rank Name GWs VPs TPs
1 David Litwin 1 4.5 108
2 David Tatu 1 4 84^
2 Matt Strehlow 1 4 84
2 Mike Courtois 1 4 78
2 Edward McGlynn 2 6 120
6 Robert Scythe 1 3 102
7 Nat Hammond 1 3 88
8 Cameron Domer 0 3 102
9 Robert Goudie 0 2.5 108
10 Robyn Tatu 0 2 72
11 Mike Zajac 0 1 72
12 James Messer 0 1 66
12 César Bravo 0 1 66
14 Norman Brown 0 1 60
14 Matt Wedge 0 1 60
16 Nebojsa Trivanovic 0 0.5 66
17 James Lin 0 0.5 60
18 Dennis Lien 0 0.5 48
19 Lex Pike 0 0 48
20 Damon Stoll 0 0 46
20 Aaron Clark 0 0 46
22 John McGlynn 0 0 36
22 Fred Scott 0 0 36
^ = won the die roll (i.e. "Kevin somehow screws Strehlow yet again")
Final round:
Litwin: 4vp
Edward: 1vp
David Litwin's winning deck:
Deck Name: Armin Hammer
Deck Author: David Litwin
The deck plays generally the same as any stealth/vote deck with a more
interesting stealth module. Ideally Armin Brenner is your first
minion and should always be first unless he isn't in your opening
crypt. He is the only minion in the crypt that can maximize the use
of all cards in the crypt and his 1 pool/vote adds up over the course
of the game. The deck will play quite a few cards each turn and
maximizing cards like Forced March for stealth and untap is key.
The deck can generally bloat fast enough to handle a moderately fast
bleeding predator and Majesty or Resist Earth's Grasp will slow down
Animalism rush significantly while accepting that a Grappling foe will
kill the deck. Undele is key for late game antics to make sure your
two other actions/turn are exactly what you want them to be.
While it never showed, gaining potentially 5 pool calling a Black
Forest Base action is rather nice. The changes I would make after
playing it outside of the local playgroup would be two fewer KRCs and
another Neonate Breach and then some other damage vote or maybe even
a utility vote like Snipe Hunt/Permanent Vacation to take out late
threats that can be brought back. Delaying Tactics recycled in the
finals against me slowed down my offense several turns.
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 8 max: 10 average: 9.16667
4x Armin Brenner 10 CEL FOR POT PRE obf archbishop !Brujah:4
3x Undele 9 CEL FOR pre obf magaji Ishtarri:5
3x Hektor 9 CEL for POT PRE priscus !Brujah:4
2x Klaus Konrecht 8 CEL for pot PRE cardinal !Toreador:4
Library [90 cards]
Master [15]
5x Villein
1x Black Forest Base
1x Giant's Blood
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Papillon
1x Wider View
1x Creepshow Casino
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Powerbase: Madrid
Action [7]
6x Enchant Kindred
1x Entrancement
Action Modifier [31]
1x Alacrity
3x Forgotten Labyrinth
7x Forced March
4x Freak Drive
5x Iron Glare
5x Perfect Paragon
6x Voter Captivation
Action Modifier/Combat [5]
5x Resist Earth's Grasp
Action Modifier/Reaction [4]
4x Scalpel Tongue
Ally [2]
1x Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)
1x Mylan Horseed (Goblin)
Combat [5]
5x Majesty
Political Action [21]
11x Kine Resources Contested
1x Neonate Breach
1x Ancilla Empowerment
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Banishment
1x Ancient Influence
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
3x Honor the Elders
Las Vegas North American Qualifier 2011
Las Vegas, NV (USA)
March 19th, 2011
23 players
Rank Name GWs VPs TPs
1 David Tatu 2 5.5 138
2 Matt Wedge 2 5 138
2 Matt Strehlow 1 4.5 144
2 Dennis Lien 1 5.5 150
2 David Litwin 1 6 144
6 Robyn Tatu 1 4.5 132
The above players qualified for the NAC 2011 at Origins in Columbus.
7 Nebojsa Trivanovic 1 3.5 120
7 Robert Goudie 1 3.5 120
9 Mike Zajac 1 3.5 114
10 Cameron Domer 1 3 102
11 James Messer 0 4 138
12 Robert Scythe 0 3.5 126
13 John McGlynn 0 3 118
14 Nat Hammond 0 2.5 132
15 Fred Scott 0 2 96
16 Aaron Clark 0 1.5 102
17 Mike Courtois 0 1 78
18 Edward McGlynn 0 0.5 82
19 James Lin 0 0.5 72
20 Norman Brown 0 0 66
21 César Bravo 0 0 60
22 Lex Pike 0 0 58
23 Damon Stoll 0 0 54
Final round:
Tatu: 3vp
Strehlow: 2vp
David Tatu's winning deck:
Deck Name: Ira
Deck Author: Matt Guinn, modified by David Tatu
Matt Guinn gave me this deck that he won Guide and Mentor: Atlanta
with last month. I made a few changes but the cards I put in never
saw play or did not make any difference during the event. So his
original version is probably better. It is a very good deck, much
stronger than what I typically build and play and it was a lot of fun
to run. Thanks Matt for the deck and thanks to Kevin for another great
event in Las Vegas. Wish we did not have to wait another year for the
next one.
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 17, Max: 39, Avg: 7)
5 Ira Rivers ani AUS CEL pre 7 Toreador
1 Alexandra ANI AUS CEL PRE 11 Toreador
1 Francois Villon AUS CEL PRE 10 Toreador
1 Madame Guil AUS CEL PRE 10 Toreador
1 Marcellus AUS CEL 8 Toreador
1 Michael Luther aus pre 4 Toreador
1 Isabel de Leon AUS 3 Toreador
1 Zoe AUS cel 3 Malkavian
Library: (90 cards)
Master (25 cards)
3 Villein
3 Blood Doll
1 Powerbase: Montreal
1 Rack, The
1 Art Museum
9 Ashur Tablets
1 Papillon
1 Wash
1 Bleeding the Vine
1 Life Boon
1 Pentex Subversion
2 Parthenon, The
Action (2 cards)
2 Fleetness
Action Modifier (3 cards)
2 Aire of Elation
1 Crocodile`s Tongue
Reaction (31 cards)
3 Forced Awakening
2 On the Qui Vive
3 Second Tradition: Domain, The
6 Quicken Sight
6 Eyes of Argus
5 Eagle`s Sight
1 My Enemy`s Enemy
5 Telepathic Misdirection
Combat (20 cards)
5 Concealed Weapon
1 Blur
2 Flash
6 Pursuit
2 Side Strike
1 Taste of Vitae
3 Psyche!
Retainer (1 cards)
1 Owl Companion
Equipment (7 cards)
5 .44 Magnum
1 Sniper Rifle
1 Kevlar Vest
Event (1 cards)
1 Uncoiling, The
Thank you to everyone for coming, many of you from across the country,
just to play VTES. I know that the additional fun of Las Vegas has
been a great help to me in running this now-annual tournament, but
I'm sure the gambling, restaurants, tourist attractions, and naked
ladies (of which we will not comment) were secondary to the drawing
power of a couple of awesome VTES tournaments.

Kevin M., Prince of Las Vegas
"Know your enemy and know yourself; in one-thousand battles
you shall never be in peril." -- Sun Tzu, *The Art of War*
"Contentment...Complacency...Catastrophe!" -- Joseph Chevalier
Please visit VTESville daily!
Kevin M., Prince of Las Vegas
"Know your enemy and know yourself; in one-thousand battles
you shall never be in peril." -- Sun Tzu, *The Art of War*
"Contentment...Complacency...Catastrophe!" -- Joseph Chevalier
Please visit VTESville daily!
Last edit: 22 Mar 2011 21:41 by KevinM.
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22 Mar 2011 21:20 #2733
by extrala
Replied by extrala on topic Re: Las Vegas 2011 NAQ and Constructed tournament
Thanks for the extensive reporting. What did the other players (in both tournaments) play?
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22 Mar 2011 21:51 #2740
by KevinM
TBH I don't pay that much attention.
I will suggest to the players involved that they post here.
Kevin M., Prince of Las Vegas
"Know your enemy and know yourself; in one-thousand battles
you shall never be in peril." -- Sun Tzu, *The Art of War*
"Contentment...Complacency...Catastrophe!" -- Joseph Chevalier
Please visit VTESville daily!
Kevin M., Prince of Las Vegas
"Know your enemy and know yourself; in one-thousand battles
you shall never be in peril." -- Sun Tzu, *The Art of War*
"Contentment...Complacency...Catastrophe!" -- Joseph Chevalier
Please visit VTESville daily!
Replied by KevinM on topic Re: Las Vegas 2011 NAQ and Constructed tournament
Thanks for the extensive reporting. What did the other players (in both tournaments) play?
TBH I don't pay that much attention.

I will suggest to the players involved that they post here.
Kevin M., Prince of Las Vegas
"Know your enemy and know yourself; in one-thousand battles
you shall never be in peril." -- Sun Tzu, *The Art of War*
"Contentment...Complacency...Catastrophe!" -- Joseph Chevalier
Please visit VTESville daily!
Kevin M., Prince of Las Vegas
"Know your enemy and know yourself; in one-thousand battles
you shall never be in peril." -- Sun Tzu, *The Art of War*
"Contentment...Complacency...Catastrophe!" -- Joseph Chevalier
Please visit VTESville daily!
The following user(s) said Thank You: extrala
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22 Mar 2011 22:42 - 22 Mar 2011 22:47 #2743
by Dorrinal
Replied by Dorrinal on topic Re: Las Vegas 2011 NAQ and Constructed tournament
First Tournament:
Evil Eye
NAQ: Black Magic Woman
My brother Edward made first seed in the first tournament playing a Tremere Tradition-based breed/boon deck. NAQ he played a Toreador Meddling of Semsith deck. I'll see if he wants to post his deck list(s) here.
NAQ: Black Magic Woman
My brother Edward made first seed in the first tournament playing a Tremere Tradition-based breed/boon deck. NAQ he played a Toreador Meddling of Semsith deck. I'll see if he wants to post his deck list(s) here.

Last edit: 22 Mar 2011 22:47 by Dorrinal.
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22 Mar 2011 22:49 - 23 Mar 2011 09:42 #2745
by Pagan
Replied by Pagan on topic Re: Las Vegas 2011 NAQ and Constructed tournament
I have some random notes I took that when I get a chance I'll collect them into something coherent.
The few pictures taken of the weekend.
LV NAQ 2011 Pics
The few pictures taken of the weekend.
LV NAQ 2011 Pics
Last edit: 23 Mar 2011 09:42 by Pagan.
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23 Mar 2011 20:33 #2781
by Wedge
Replied by Wedge on topic Re: Las Vegas 2011 NAQ and Constructed tournament
Las Vegas North American Qualifier 2011
Las Vegas, NV (USA)
March 19th, 2011
23 players
Rank Name GWs VPs TPs
1 David Tatu 2 5.5 138
2 Matt Wedge 2 5 138
2 Matt Strehlow 1 4.5 144
2 Dennis Lien 1 5.5 150
2 David Litwin 1 6 144
Final round:
All I can say is I had four rounds of crypt failure. I thought I would get one of the four copies of my secondary vampire in at least one of the games.
I chose my seating because I knew Tatu was going to sit as my prey and Dennis would wait until it was a three player before going forward.
Dennis was playing Theo Bell/Beast rush deck.
Strehlow grp 4-5 bruj/vent voter
Litwin grp 4-5 Khyasid stealth bleed with tricks
Me grp 3-4 tor/vent deflector/voter
Dennis brought out two 1 caps first turn and proceeded to bleed me until Strehlow got his first vamp up. Theo bell hits the table a goes back but fails to draw IG, Strehlow enters majesty phase. Tatu blocks my Helena's Epiphany which is a nut punch to my deck. Litwin is able to get Strehlow to about 6 pool even with all the deflected bleeds, but can not seal the deal for the most part because he stopped bleeding at stealth so Dennis could block. Strehlow votes Dennis out of the game. I have been bleeding for one at zero stealth to try and jam Tatu on intercept, but all I got for my troubles after a few turns is my vampires in torpor. Me and Litwin fall in short order. I walk in disgust after a fourth round of crypt failure. Not that I had any chance since I failed to pull the scalpe's tongues needed to pass a couple of votes.
Well played David, congratz
Las Vegas, NV (USA)
March 19th, 2011
23 players
Rank Name GWs VPs TPs
1 David Tatu 2 5.5 138
2 Matt Wedge 2 5 138
2 Matt Strehlow 1 4.5 144
2 Dennis Lien 1 5.5 150
2 David Litwin 1 6 144
Final round:
All I can say is I had four rounds of crypt failure. I thought I would get one of the four copies of my secondary vampire in at least one of the games.
I chose my seating because I knew Tatu was going to sit as my prey and Dennis would wait until it was a three player before going forward.
Dennis was playing Theo Bell/Beast rush deck.
Strehlow grp 4-5 bruj/vent voter
Litwin grp 4-5 Khyasid stealth bleed with tricks
Me grp 3-4 tor/vent deflector/voter
Dennis brought out two 1 caps first turn and proceeded to bleed me until Strehlow got his first vamp up. Theo bell hits the table a goes back but fails to draw IG, Strehlow enters majesty phase. Tatu blocks my Helena's Epiphany which is a nut punch to my deck. Litwin is able to get Strehlow to about 6 pool even with all the deflected bleeds, but can not seal the deal for the most part because he stopped bleeding at stealth so Dennis could block. Strehlow votes Dennis out of the game. I have been bleeding for one at zero stealth to try and jam Tatu on intercept, but all I got for my troubles after a few turns is my vampires in torpor. Me and Litwin fall in short order. I walk in disgust after a fourth round of crypt failure. Not that I had any chance since I failed to pull the scalpe's tongues needed to pass a couple of votes.
Well played David, congratz
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