file Praxis Seizure: La La Land

09 Feb 2017 06:52 #80634 by direwolf
Praxis Seizure: La La Land
Requires: :malk: / !malk!
Chose a vampire. If this vote is successful, that vampire gains the title "Prince of La La Land." The Prince of La La Land has 0 votes and is Independent.

:tore: :pre: :tem: :aus: Independent Futurist. Contrarian (titled, X votes where X is the number of votes as the acting minion.) Target Vitals is always the better combat card.

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09 Feb 2017 10:56 #80636 by cordovader
I would add something funny for the prince of La La Land.

"During your untap phase, if this vampire is ready, you may choose a vowel. Methuselahs may only use the chosen vowel as they speak as long as this vampire is ready. Any Methuselah not respecting this rule burns 1 pool for each non-authorized vowel."

A example:

Darang yar antap phas, af thas vampar as rada, ya maa chas a vawal. Mathasalahs ma anla as tha chasan vawal as thaa spaak as lang as thas vampar as rada. Ana Mathasalah nat raspactang thas ral barns 1 pal far ach nan-atharazd vawal.

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09 Feb 2017 13:56 #80637 by ur_vampire
Reminds me a little bit at "Madness of the Bard".

Those where funny times!

One vote in Favor!


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10 Feb 2017 10:32 #80648 by Serazahr
Replied by Serazahr on topic Praxis Seizure: La La Land

I would add something funny for the prince of La La Land.

"During your untap phase, if this vampire is ready, you may choose a vowel. Methuselahs may only use the chosen vowel as they speak as long as this vampire is ready. Any Methuselah not respecting this rule burns 1 pool for each non-authorized vowel."

A example:

Darang yar antap phas, af thas vampar as rada, ya maa chas a vawal. Mathasalahs ma anla as tha chasan vawal as thaa spaak as lang as thas vampar as rada. Ana Mathasalah nat raspactang thas ral barns 1 pal far ach nan-atharazd vawal.

One pool would get it banned immediately. How about:
Any Methusalh not respecting this rule moves one blood from a vampire he controls to this vampire.

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10 Feb 2017 20:22 #80651 by Hakuron
Replied by Hakuron on topic Praxis Seizure: La La Land
Great, the title is non-unique.
Can every title-holder choose vowel, making it diphthongs, triphthongs etc.?

Dau(i)rau(i)ng yau(i)r au(i)ntau(i)p phau(i)s(aui), au(i)f thau(i)s vau(i)mpau(i)r(aui) au(i)s rau(i)dau(i) ... :silly:

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nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de

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21 Feb 2017 07:45 #80772 by direwolf
Replied by direwolf on topic Praxis Seizure: La La Land
Oops, Prince titles are only unique if the vampire is Camarilla.

:tore: :pre: :tem: :aus: Independent Futurist. Contrarian (titled, X votes where X is the number of votes as the acting minion.) Target Vitals is always the better combat card.

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