file Trophy Diablerie

07 Oct 2011 15:10 #11619 by Megabaja
Trophy Diablerie was created by Megabaja

Trophy: Diablerie
Type: Master
Master. Trophy.
The vampire with this card gets +2 stealth when attempting diablerie. Blood hunts cannot be called against this vampire. If this vampire successfully diablerizes another vampire, burn this card at the end of the action.

Say I have a vampire A that diablerizes red list vampire B. I announce the action, and if there was no block attempts vampire successfully does it, gaining blood and/or trophies. Then after action ends blood hunt is called. Or am I wrong and blood hunt is a part of the same action, and only when the referendum is conducted action ends?

I am asking because Trophy above says that the card is burned if the action is successful, but at the time you gain trophies action is already over.

Or in short - does your trophy stay for another diablerie or is it burned before blood hunt is conducted after the first one?

Rules clearly state that the referendum is separate part of the diablerie.

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07 Oct 2011 21:46 #11638 by Juggernaut1981
Replied by Juggernaut1981 on topic Re: Trophy Diablerie
The action is successful when it is not blocked and not caused to fail by some effect. The fact that you ate them means it was successful (the action resolved with the Red List minion dead) and as part of resolving that action you gained the Trophies, including Trophy Diablerie which protects you from the current blood hunt referendum.

When your vampire would be the subject of the next bloodhunt referendum, they are again immune to it but you burn this card instead (after the bloodhunt referendum has been completed since the bloodhunt is part of the action but not a political action).

:bruj::CEL::POT::PRE::tha: Baron of Sydney, Australia, 418

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07 Oct 2011 22:42 #11641 by technobabble66
Replied by technobabble66 on topic Re: Trophy Diablerie
So just quickly, does that mean u could diablerise the 1st Red List minion, draw the Trophy: Diablerie out of ur library & place it on the diablerist, be immune to the blood hunt & keep the T:D. Then when u next diablerise a minion (assuming it was Red List also) the T:D burns instantly, but u can then search ur ash heap for that same T:D, placing it back on the diablerist to make them immune to the Blood hunt that is about to be called??

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08 Oct 2011 00:11 #11643 by Juggernaut1981
Replied by Juggernaut1981 on topic Re: Trophy Diablerie
1. Eat Red List (successful diablerie action)
2. Gain Trophies (assume this includes Trophy: Diablerie)
3. Bloodhunt is cancelled because you have Trophy: Diablerie
4. Go eat "Insert Chump A"
5. Be immune to bloodhunt from Trophy: Diablerie, burn Trophy: Diablerie


:bruj::CEL::POT::PRE::tha: Baron of Sydney, Australia, 418

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08 Oct 2011 01:11 #11644 by Vlad
Replied by Vlad on topic Re: Trophy Diablerie
I believe that the Trophy : Diablerie is burnt during the first "eating" done... (but then you can get it back from your ash heap after the death of another Red List minion...)

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08 Oct 2011 05:22 #11649 by Pascal Bertrand
Rulebook 6.5.5 wrote:

6.5.5. Diablerie

Diablerie is the act of sending another vampire to Final Death by drinking his blood. Only ready vampires can commit diablerie. Vampires marked as Blood Cursed cannot commit diablerie. The vampire committing diablerie is called the diablerist. Diablerie is resolved as follows:

  1. All blood on the victim is moved to the diablerist. Blood in excess of his capacity drains off as normal.
  2. The diablerist may take any equipment on the victim.
  3. The victim is burned (sent to his owner's ash heap). Any cards and counters on him are also burned.
  4. If the victim was older (had a higher capacity) than the diablerist, the diablerist can be given a Discipline. His controller may go through her library, ash heap and hand to get a master Discipline card to put on the diablerist and then reshuffle her library or draw back up to her hand size as necessary. This may increase the diablerist's capacity by 1, but does not automatically give the diablerist a blood to fill that new capacity.
  5. If the victim was Red List, the diablerist may receive trophies (see section 11).

The steps of diablerie are treated as a single unit. No effects can be used to interrupt the diablerie; effects may be played either before or after, as appropriate. After diablerie, a blood hunt may be called on the diablerist.

Note that the blood hunt referendum is held "outside the action" but as part of its resolution. It merely means you can't play action modifiers or reactions during that referendum.

Now, regarding the OP's question, here's a ruling by LSJ, that you can find in the Rulings page :

Trophy: Diablerie:
May be retrieved when diablerizing a Red List vampire (either in combat via Amaranth or as a (D) action) prior to the blood hunt referendum; it protects the vampire in that referendum. It (all copies, if more than one are on the diablerist) is then burned at the end of that action. [LSJ 20050222]

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