file Bleed mods

05 Jul 2013 22:00 #51031 by delangen
Bleed mods was created by delangen
Hi I'm teaching a new player and had some basic questions come up:

During the bleed, then block attempt, then stealth then intercept, ok then blocker denies (or) can't block...does she then have to declare intent to deflect/misidrect/bounce before declaring the bleed successfull??? Prior to any bleed mods??

or after the bleeder plays modifiers does it open a new window to attempt block or deflect/misdirect/bounce???

thank you kindly

:aus: :dom: :tha: :for: :trem:

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05 Jul 2013 22:38 - 05 Jul 2013 22:44 #51032 by Jeff Kuta
Replied by Jeff Kuta on topic Re: Bleed mods
Impulse is key. The controller of the acting minion always declares what they are going to do first. If they pass "impulse" then the controller of the reacting minion gets to play cards. Also key is that you may only play a card which redirects the target of a bleed *after* you decline blocks.

In your example, after the block is declined, then the acting minion may play modifiers like Threats or Conditioning. The block has still been declined. There is no chance to block again. However, the bleed may then be "bounced" with a Deflection.

After the target of the action (bleed) changes, the new target Methuselah has a chance to try to block the action, if they can attempt to do so and have the required intercept.

If a Methuselah declines to block a bleed, and then bounces it with a Deflection, but then the Deflection is canceled (e.g. by a Direct Intervention), the block has still been declined and no further attempts can be made to block it.

Practically speaking, here's how the players talk it out:

A: I bleed for 1 with VampA.
B: I block with VampB.
A: VampA plays a card for +1 stealth.
B: VampB plays a card for +1 intercept.
A: VampA plays a card for +2 more stealth.
B: I decline to block. How much total?

Then A has two possibilities:
A: Just 1 total.
A: VampA plays a card for +1 bleed. Total 2 bleed.

Then B has two possibilities:
B: I take the bleed for 1 or 2. (Burns 1 or 2 pool, A gets the Edge)
B: VampB plays a card to bounce the bleed to C.
A: C, do you block? I am bleeding for 1 or 2 at 2 stealth.
Repeat as needed...

Also note that at any time during this sequence, when B has impulse, they can play a card like Telepathic Counter which reduces the bleed amount.

When you are anvil, be patient; when a hammer, strike.
Last edit: 05 Jul 2013 22:44 by Jeff Kuta.

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05 Jul 2013 23:10 #51034 by delangen
Replied by delangen on topic Re: Bleed mods

another quickie... lets say vamp has a pulse of canaille/heart o'the city and knows through some aura reading or something that his prey has the bleed bounce, and his grand prey (is it?) prey's prey is on the brink...said vamp can't opt to not have his/her bleed bonus, it is inherent now and pretty much permanent, correct..same for retainer use??

:aus: :dom: :tha: :for: :trem:

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05 Jul 2013 23:30 #51035 by Jeff Kuta
Replied by Jeff Kuta on topic Re: Bleed mods
Correct. Pulse of the Canaille, Heart of the City, Tasha Morgan, J.S. Simmons, Esq, and Laptop Computer work just like any vampire who has +1 bleed or +2 bleed as a special ability.

Virginie, Prodigy has the special "Once per action, Virginie may burn 1 blood to get +1 bleed." Her special is used like an action modifier.

Lastly, the equipment Camera Phone is different than Laptop Computer. If you have a Camera Phone, you can't use it simultaneously with a Computer Hacking bleed card---both say (D) Bleed at +1 bleed so you have to choose one or the other. But a Computer Hacking and Laptop Computer work just fine together.

When you are anvil, be patient; when a hammer, strike.

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06 Jul 2013 05:16 #51037 by Ohlmann
Replied by Ohlmann on topic Re: Bleed mods

Virginie, Prodigy has the special "Once per action, Virginie may burn 1 blood to get +1 bleed." Her special is used like an action modifier.

(note that using this ability don't prevent you from playing an action modifier to get +1 bleed, and can be used after an action modifier that prevent you from playing another bleed action modifier. So you can use her ability, then Conditioning, or Conditioning, then her ability)

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06 Jul 2013 06:51 #51040 by KevinM
Replied by KevinM on topic Re: Bleed mods

Impulse is key. The controller of the acting minion always declares what they are going to do first. If they pass "impulse" then the controller of the reacting minion gets to play cards.

NIT: This isn't completely true.

The actor always has priority -- the "impulse" -- to play cards until the actor gives up the impulse, at which time the controller of a reacting minion is allowed to play A SINGLE CARD, at which point the impulse goes back to the actor.

Typically, the actor and the reactor will go back and forth on a 1-to-1 ratio of card-played, but the rule is that the actor gets to play as many cards as wanted, then the impulse is passed to the appropriate reactor, who may play A SINGLE CARD, and then the impulse goes back to the actor, until the actor again gives up the impulse...repeat as needed until the resolution of the action.

Kevin M., Prince of Las Vegas
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