Art by Javier Santos
Since my re-election I have been in talks with several V:TES enthusiasts willing to devote their time to promoting the game, in order to restructure the Inner Circle and make it a more active and operational body.
With that intention in mind, the Scribe and Marketing Director positions have been unified into a single one:
Community Manager: Shall manage the Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Facebook, Twitter, etc. pages. Shall write and post V:EKN announcements in social media, V:EKN forums, etc. Shall answer questions related to V:EKN announcements in social media, forums, etc. And shall write the monthly V:EKN Newsletter.
And a new position (actually not so new) has been created:
Organized Play Coordinator: Shall be in charge of promoting VTES play through National Coordinators, so that the playerbase grows and the game looks more attractive to the companies willing to publish it.
In addition, White Wolf's representative Dhaunae De Vir has accepted the Inner Circle position of Counselor.
Therefore, as of now the Inner Circle is going to be restructured as follows (new members are in red):
Chairman and Website Coordinator: Ginés Quiñonero
Vice Chairman: Hugh Angseesing
Rules Director: Pascal Bertrand (until he finishes the new qualification system he is working on for the European Championships). After that he'll step down and Vincent Ripoll will take over.
Ratings Coordinator: Vincent Ripoll
Design Team Leader: Ben Peal
Community Manager: Henrik Klippström
Organized Play Coordinators: Orian Gissler and Desso Alastor
Counselors: David Tatu and Dhaunae de Vir (White Wolf)
Chairmen Emeriti: Robert Goudie, Johannes Walch
Ginés Quiñonero
VEKN Chairman