For the first time in three years, players gathered for the Aussie & NZ Continental Championships this year in Melbourne. Joining the locals were travellers from Townsville, Brisbane, Sydney, Perth, Wellington and Auckland. The games were all played in excellent spirit with a general vibe of everyone enjoying being able to gather again to play. Wins were spread around with a total of 10 players gaining a game win and a coin toss being required to decide fifth place – Alistair the most unlucky 6th player.
In the end the final table was nothing short of brutal with almost no intercept on display, in a little over an hour Ke Carlton emerged triumphant taking the final with 4 victory points.
Check out both the video of the game and the comment video of the game. Also read Ke´s full tournament report at VEKN.net forum.
Ke´s tournament winning deck: “Baalicious Barons”
Comments: Mutes + Arishat + Barons for vote lock and attrition. Fairly light stealth. Added 2x Organised Resistance and 2x Monkey Wrench for a bit more flexibility. 6x Bait and Switch likely better than Organised Resistance however prey jamming on bounces works. Xeper for anti ally/legionnaries. Museum for Recursion. Thanks to Karl Schaefer for convincing me on the power of Eat the Rich.
Crypt (12)
4x Arishat 6 DAI OBF PRE Baali:6
2x Xeper, Sultan of Lepers 7 ani dai pro OBF PRE Baali:6
1x Jacques Rouge 6 ani pot pre OBF Nosferatu:6
1x Atiena 6 pot pre obf CEL Brujah:6
2x Elisha Tucker 6 cel obf pro PRE Ministry:6
2x Vivian VI 7 obf tha PRE PRO Ministry:6
Library: 73
Master (16)
1x Anarch Railroad
2x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
3x Information Highway
6x Villein
2x Wider View
1x Creepshow Casino
1x Direct Intervention
Action (8)
3x Unleash Hell's Fury
5x Condemnation: Mute
Political Action (19)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancilla Empowerment
11x Kine Resources Contested
3x Reckless Agitation
3x Eat the Rich
Action Modifier (20)
2x Faceless Night
5x Forgotten Labyrinth
5x Lost in Crowds
2x Monkey Wrench
2x Bewitching Oration
4x Voter Captivation
Combat (4)
4x Majesty
Reaction (6)
4x Bait and Switch
2x Organized Resistance
All the finalists decks: Ke, Shan, Stu, Nathaneal and Craig.
Thanks to Stu “Disco” MacLeod for organising, Steve Harris for running and judging on the day, MotS Imports for prize support, and our host Midaan Games for the tables as well as the streaming service.

Crypt (12 cards)
2x Massimiliano 7 ANI FOR pro baron Gangrel:6
2x Casey Snyder 6 PRO ani cel for baron Gangrel:6
2x Kuyén 6 ANI PRO baron Gangrel:6
1x Martina Srnankova 6 FOR PRO ani Gangrel:6
1x Kamile Paukstys 5 PRO ani for Gangrel:6
1x Hanna Nokelainen 4 ani for pro Gangrel:6
1x Nathan Turner 4 PRO ani Gangrel:6
1x Indira 3 PRO Gangrel:6
1x Joaquín de Cádiz 3 for pro Gangrel:6
Library (87 cards)
Master (14; 4 trifle)
1x Anarch Free Press, The
1x Anarch Railroad
1x Backways
1x Carfax Abbey
1x Ecoterrorists
1x Ennoia's Theater
1x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
1x Powerbase: Los Angeles
1x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
1x Society of Leopold
4x Vessel
Action (14)
1x Constant Revolution
2x Rewilding
4x Shattering
7x Thing
Equipment (3)
1x Camera Phone
2x Sniper Rifle
Political Action (1)
1x Revolutionary Council
Retainer (4)
4x Raven Spy
Action Modifier (3)
3x Earth Control
Action Modifier/Reaction (4)
4x Form of the Bat
Combat (14)
10x Earth Meld
4x Form of Mist
Reaction (30)
10x Bait and Switch
5x Deep Ecology
6x Eyes of the Wild
9x Organized Resistance

Finalists: Antti, Robert, Erik, Jyri and Jonas.
This tournament was played in the bar of at the excellent game store Alphaspel in Stockholm on November 26. 33 Methuselahs turned up, including 6 Finnish ones.
Standings after the three preliminary rounds:
1. Robert Doktorow 2 GW 10 VP
2. Erik Mossberg 2 GW 9,5 VP
3. Jyri Puhakka 2 GW 6 VP
4. Jonas Ståhle 1 GW 7,5 VP
5. Antti Penttilä 1 GW 6 VP

Crypt (12)
2x Kasim Bayar 9 CEL OBF THA aus pot justicar Banu Haqim:6
2x Farah Sarroub 7 CEL THA aus obf prince Banu Haqim:6
3x Kassandra Tassaki 6 CEL THA obf prince Banu Haqim:6
1x Khadija Al-Kindi 6 CEL OBF THA primogen Banu Haqim:6
2x Warmaksan 5 THA cel obf prince Banu Haqim:6
1x Nayarana 4 THA cel Banu Haqim:6
1x Bijou 3 cel tha Banu Haqim:6
Library (79)
Master (16; 8 trifle)
1x Giant's Blood
4x Haqim's Law: Retribution
1x Market Square
1x Papillon
3x Priority Contract
1x Underworld Hunting Ground
5x Villein
Event (1)
1x Narrow Minds
Action (6)
2x Hunter's Mark
4x Magic of the Smith
Equipment (4)
1x .44 Magnum
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x IR Goggles
1x Kevlar Vest
Political Action (5)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancilla Empowerment
3x Parity Shift
Action Modifier/Combat (10)
5x Resist Earth's Grasp
5x Swallowed by the Night
Combat (24)
11x Hunger of Marduk
7x Pursuit
3x Quickness
1x Walk of Flame
2x Zip Gun
Reaction (13)
2x On the Qui Vive
11x Second Tradition: Domain
Thanks to organisers, sponsors and players!

2. Joaquim Correia 1 GW 6 VP
3. Joel Monteiro 1 GW 5,5 VP
4. Adriano Miranda Gangrel Wall 1 GW 5 VP
5. Sérgio Martins 1 GW 4,5 VP

To my surprise, I reached the finals with 5.5 VPs, 4 of which were collected during round 3 where my Banu Haqim took by surprise an ever-bloating Girls deck sitting at 12 pool, followed by Legionnaires, and, finally, a very hard-to-take-down Helena (Adv) with reactions for days. I must have spent 4 or 5 turns hurling 4 vampires at the Helena player, which kept blocking everything.
For the finals, I chose the Mak S&B as my prey since that deck focus on quickly taking out their prey, often plays few intercept cards and its deflections could be mitigated by the single copy of Narrow Minds if I ever drew it. To my right was a player I had faced a couple of times during the tournament, always as my prey, running a Gangrel Anarchs Wall. The wall is very good at blocking but needs time to build its board presence, so this was a position that favored both of us, although mostly him if the game ran long enough. My crypt was Kassandra, 2x Warmaksan and Bijou. Not ideal since CEL is the deck’s backbone, but I had to manage.
I started by influencing Kassandra, which I took out the following turn. My prey took out Alexander Silverson, a cap 8 and his largest vampire. The Nosferatu player had a great start, influencing Alonso Petrodon thanks to a turn 1 Information Highway. The Legionnaires player started summoning the namesake allies by turn 2, a problem far from my radar since I was running 14 copies of Hunger of Marduk. The Gangrel had a great start, as usual, using his 3 and 4 caps to influence larger vampires with Thing. I drew the game’s first blood with my Kassandra and thanks to Second Tradition: Domain I blocked a Constant Revolution, a card that took me out on Round 2 of this tournament. After Kassandra, I spent 4 transfers on Warkmaksan and the following turn took him and Bijou out. By this time, both my prey and predator also had 3 vampires out, with the Gangrel building his board faster than expected while denying the Legionnaires player. I needed an extra vampire to block the Gangrel horde, so the next turn I spent 4 transfers to draw a card from my crypt. Another Kassandra. I did the same the following turn - a third Warmaksan. I couldn’t believe my bad luck, which was obvious to anyone at the table. By the time I finally drew a new vampire - Khadija - I was already at 7 pool, thanks to an Army of Rats I didn’t block because I was eyeing my prey’s diminishing pool. Thanks to Haqim’s Law: Retribution and Swallowed by the Night, I had been steadily bleeding my prey for 2 for the past turns. I had Narrow Minds out so he didn’t bother deflecting such low bleeds. Eventually, when his pool went to single digits, he started deflecting or blocking. I always used the same trick during combat: Hunger of Marduk coupled with a maneuver and additional strikes. Blur, in particular, allowed me to clear the way for future bleeds by sending a couple of his vampires to torpor, although the cap 8 Alexander remained in play.
With my prey at 5 pool, I could almost taste that extra 6 pool that would help me influence Khadija, but a Political Stranglehold from the Nosferatu player let everyone but me recoup 3 pool, which set me back a couple of turns. The following turn I got a bleed through, but my prey had a deflection that sent me fighting the Legionnaires player, which still wasn’t putting any pressure on the Gangrel. I started the following turn at 6 pool after a Smiling Jack joined the army of Rats and 4 Gangrels at the table. I had only 1 Second Tradition: Domain in my hand so without Khadija, I wouldn’t last more than a couple of turns. I really needed that 6 pool so decided to risk an alpha strike with my 3 vampires. At this point, I had 3 Haqim’s Law Retribution out so all I needed was a single bleed to go through. I tapped Dreams of the Sphinx to increase my hand size and started bleeding. The first was blocked and I finally left Silverson dry, but not in torpor. Not enough. The second bleed was deflected. With only Bijou left, I locked her, hoped my prey didn’t have an On the Qui Vive and went for it. The bleed went through and I discarded 3 combat cards to Haqim’s Law: Retribution to increase the bleed to 4. I got the 6 pool and brought Khadija to the table. With her and Second Traditions for both Kassandra and Warmaksan, I was confident I could hold the incoming bleeds for the time remaining in the game.
Aware that the time was running out, the Gangrel player, which had 4 or 5 vampires out and somewhere between 15 and 20 pool, started bleeding me with everything. I blocked 2 vampires and let another one through. When my turn started, I only had time to attempt to bleed the Nosferatu player once, which deflected to the Legionnaires. He blocked, time for the round ran out, I maneuvered to long and we waved at each other (hand strike at long). I was the new Portuguese National Champion.
2x Farah Sarroub
3x Kassandra Tassaki
1x Khadija Al-Kindi
3x Warmaksan
1x Greg Mazouni
1x Nayarana
1x Bijou
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
6x Haqim's Law: Retribution
1x Khabar: Community, The
1x Market Square
3x Priority Contract
4x Villein
1x Wider View
4x Hunter's Mark
4x Judgment: Camarilla Segregation
1x Heart of Nizchetus
4x Resist Earth's Grasp
5x Swallowed by the Night
2x Blood Rage
5x Blur
2x Fast Hands
14x Hunger of Marduk
5x Psyche!
8x Pursuit
4x Quickness
4x Rego Motum

I’d like to thank everyone who made the trip to Porto to play in the Portuguese National Championship, Smartmove Games for hosting our event, and Ultra Pro and Black Chantry for sponsoring it. We hope to see everyone next year at Grand Prix Lisbon 2023!

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2nd table: I did what I came for: I managed to convince Tara (my first vampire of the game) to abandon the futile and shallow efforts of the Camarilla and join the revolution as the Baron of San Diego (Anarch Secession) Aline, the baroness of Mannheim did not fail me with her super ability this time either. With the vote lock and repeated multi action bleed-vote combos I quickly managed to oust Matt. Marcin laid heavy pressure of continuous bleeds on Mark. By the time the stream roller of the Brujah revolution gobbled up the Malkavian horde, Mark was already on his knees, but even in his weakened state he managed to put up quite a resistance for a surprisingly long time. 4Vp 1 GV
3rd table (the unfortunate game): James sat in front of me with weenie AUS blocker. The maximum I could master was 2 stealth (having the Anach Railroad in play) and these attempts gave no challenge to the blocker deck. Mark had his deck rolling, so he was going forward full throttle. Michael wanted me to commit myself against James’s deck (which I did valiantly), and he did not go fully medieval on my backside with his Baali minions. In retrospect I think it was a mistake, he should have vanquished me earlier, because he would have had more chances against James with Unnamed’s quality aggravated damage than I had with my Majesties... I pressed James hard, Michael weakened me. Mark ousted Michael and James was desperate to strike a bargain against Mark, but I had nothing (reasonable) to offer to either of them in a game of three. Marked swept the table for a 4Vp 1 GV. 0Vp for me.
1. Mark Hammond 2 GW 8 VP
2. Tibor Mórocz 2 GW 7 VP
3. Warren Clarke 2 GW 7 VP
4. Simmy Singh Rayat 1 GW 5 VP
5. Marcin Jankiewicz 1 GW 4 VP
Tibor´s comments on the final:
When I saw the 3 mini-stealth bleed and Mark’s Cybelle and Co deck, I knew the game will be a quick and intense. I decided to roll a die to determine between which 2 low cap bleeder would I sit. Mark chose to be my grand-prey. We sat down and Mark started the game. Warren had no bleed protection, only pool gain from Kindred Spirits bleeds. Somehow with the help of the „Heart of Cheating” I managed to cycle my hand enough to be able to get a Reckless Agitation through (vote lock again), which was the final nail to the Malkavian antitribu’s coffins. To my surprise I managed to oust Warren with only two vampires at my disposal. Not too much later I managed to oust Mark, who was under heavy pressure from Warren previously, and about the same time Marcin ousted Simmy despite the bleed reductions he played. Marcin managed to start the game with a Specialization that brought him countless pool and the opportunity to cycle the unnecessary stealth out of his hand. He had more minions than me, but I had the multi-action capability of 3 vampires that was enough that turn to oust him, despite my mistake of overlooking Persia, The Beautiful Statue’s special ability for +1 intercept for a blood.
Congratulations Tibor, winning the final with 4 VP (Marcin got 1).
Tibor´s tournament winning deck: “Brand New Carthage 2022 UK Nat [by Badgerfun]”
Comment: The heart of the deck was the New Carthage, luckily I managed to draw and play it in time during all the matches I played (no wonder there are 5 of it in the deck). I kept discarding even from perfect-looking hands until I could play it. Aline Gädeke’s (4 in the crypt) special ability, the bleeds with Illegalism and Power of One ensured me to be able to pull the votes off during the same turn with my barons which had 3 votes each. The Bait and Switch bounce was excellent choice and the Voter Captivations saved me in the finals too. Since it was a deck that I had in mind since a while but only assembled the day before the tournament and was untested, there were some cards that I would swap out: Grooming the Protégé for Blood Dolls, and since the 2x Field Training does not work on titled vampires, I would just ditch them. The deck’s main aim is to go forward with Illegalism bleeds, Kine Resources Ccontested and Reckless Agitations, while regaining pool with the numerous Villeins and Voter Captivations, „tank” the small bleeds, bounce the big ones. Majesty is not only a combat solution, but more preferably an unlock option too.
Crypt (12)
1x Carlak 8 CEL PRE dom pot prince Brujah:5
4x Aline Gadeke 7 POT PRE cel baron Brujah:6
2x Valeriya Zinovieva 7 POT cel pre pro baron Brujah:6
2x Atiena 6 CEL obf pot pre baron Brujah:6
2x Leumeah 6 PRE cel for pot baron Brujah:6
1x Tara 6 POT PRE cel prince Brujah:5
Library (90)
Master (20; 8 trifle)
1x Anarch Railroad
1x Anarch Troublemaker
1x Carfax Abbey
1x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
2x Grooming the Protégé (was a bad idea – include Blood Doll instead)
5x New Carthage
1x Powerbase: Los Angeles
6x Villein
2x Wider View
Action (12)
1x Anarch Secession
2x Field Training (Misread, useless in this deck – remove this!!!)
9x Illegalism
Equipment (1)
1x Heart of Nizchetus
Political Action (19)
1x Anarchist Uprising
4x Consanguineous Boon
1x Firebrand
7x Kine Resources Contested
1x My Kin Against the World
1x Patsy
3x Reckless Agitation
1x Revolutionary Council
Action Modifier (18)
1x Perfect Paragon
10x Power of One
7x Voter Captivation
Action Modifier/Reaction (2)
2x Scalpel Tongue
Combat (8)
8x Majesty
Reaction (10)
6x Bait and Switch
4x On the Qui Vive
Thanks to organisers, sponsors and players!

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Standings before the final:
1. Thomas Stellmach 2 GW 8 VP
2. Robert Ingenlath 2 GW 7 VP
3. Marius Iscru 1 GW 7 VP
4. Jan Etzel 1 GW 6 VP
5. Roy Opitz 1 GW 5,5 VP

Marius own comments:
I didn't have much of a choice for seating since I entered the final 4th, missed a game win and 4 victory points by just 1 pool during the 2nd round. So my predator was a rushing Assamite, but he had no rush cards in his hand for ages. I didn't want to cycle his Second Traditions, so I went full forward on my prey, Cybele/Great Beast – I was able to make the oust with luck on Ashur Tablets and Wash on a Villein.
My new prey was a Malkavian stealth-bleeder who was putting a decent amount of pressure on his prey; Emerald Legionnaires with Erlik. The Banu Haqim stole a Powerbase: Montreal and kept it for ages. The Emerald Legionnaires hadn't enough defense to resist the rushes of the Banu Haqim and the Malkavian's bleeds and got ousted.
We were then in a 3-player configuration, and I felt I could not resist the Banu Haqim combat and the Malkavian's bleeds. I asked the Malkavians if they could destroy the 13 pool of Banu Haqim, and the Malkavian player said he could. With this information, I was OK to let them kill the Banu Haqim, but I wanted to lower his pool with some bleeds so I could have a chance in the final duel. But to my surprise he decided to block my bleeds and go to torpor with one vampire. Therefore he could not oust his prey anymore. I had no other choices than ousting him, even if I knew the duel against the Banu Haqim would be very hard.
In the face to face that followed I took 17 pool damage in one turn which left me at 1 pool. The next turn I stayed full unlocked to block the bleeds, and all my vampires but 2 were burned or torporized. I survived thanks to a wake blocking the last bleed and the time limit got reached. One more turn would have meant I was dead! Thomas, the Banu Haqim player, would have also deserved to win since he is a nice person inside and outside the game.
I had a very good time seeing old players and talking with some others. I think most of the players had a good time playing this tournament. German players are nice!
Marius' tournament winning deck: “Bleeding Anson”
Crypt (13)
5x Anson 8 CEL PRE aus dom prince Toreador:1
1x Gideon Fontaine 3 PRE Ventrue:1
1x Jazz Wentworth 5 PRE dom for Ventrue:1
1x Mariana Gilbert 4 PRE cel Toreador:1
1x Rake 6 PRE aus cel pot prince Brujah:1
1x Ramiel DuPre 5 PRE aus cel dom Toreador:1
1x Ranjan Rishi, Camarilla Scholar 5 DOM PRE for Ventrue:2
1x Victoria Ash 6 PRE aus cel dom primogen Toreador:2
1x Violette Prentiss 4 PRE dom Ventrue:1
Library (90)
Master (43; 7 trifle)
2x Anarch Troublemaker
15x Ashur Tablets
1x Barrens, The
1x Coven, The
1x Direct Intervention
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Golconda: Inner Peace
1x Jake Washington
2x Life in the City
5x Liquidation
1x Misdirection
3x Parthenon, The
2x Pentex(TM) Subversion
2x Wash
2x Wider View
Event (1)
1x Scourge of the Enochians
Action (17)
9x Enchant Kindred
4x Entrancement
1x Intimidation
3x Mind Numb
Action Modifier (7)
6x Aire of Elation
1x Conditioning
Action Modifier/Combat (3)
3x Force of Personality
Combat (8)
7x Majesty
1x Staredown
Reaction (11)
7x Deflection
2x Delaying Tactics
2x On the Qui Vive

Crypt (12)
2x Genevieve 10 aus dom ANI FOR PRO Gangrel antitribu:2
2x Hartmut Stover 10 dom for CEL OBF PRO Gangrel antitribu:3
1x Iliana 7 tha DOM FOR PRO Gangrel:2
2x Ingrid Rossler 9 dom ANI FOR PRO Gangrel:2
1x Mark Decker 8 ani for obf pot CEL PRO Gangrel:3
4x Stanislava 11 ANI CEL DOM FOR PRO Gangrel:2
Library: 90
Master (21)
2x Information Highway
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Papillon
5x Villein
5x Zillah's Valley
1x Zoo Hunting Ground
1x Campground Hunting Ground
1x City Gangrel Connections
1x Coven, The
2x Dominate
1x Ecoterrorists
Action (9)
9x Govern the Unaligned
Political Action (15)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
1x Ancilla Empowerment
6x Kine Resources Contested
4x Parity Shift
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
Equipment (1)
1x Signet of King Saul, The
Action Modifier (17)
1x Enkil Cog
3x Freak Drive
3x Instantaneous Transformation
2x Seduction
1x Beast Meld
2x Conditioning
5x Earth Control
Action Modifier/Combat (2)
2x Rapid Change
Combat (11)
7x Form of Mist
4x Earth Meld
Reaction (14)
2x Obedience
4x On the Qui Vive
2x Rat's Warning
6x Deflection
Thanks to Hobby Master games for hosting us and providing prize support as well as special thanks for being the first store in NZ to have VTES products on shelves after many years! Thanks also to Ke Carlton for the custom play mats which were prize support for all players making the final table, and to Jason Farley for organising the event.

• USA - Atlanta: Sean O´Brian
• Brazil - Visconde do Rio Branco: Igor Castro de Souza
• Norway - Vestby: Jon Martin Fjeld
• Spain - San Pedro Alcántara: Fernando Delgado Gómez
• Mexico - Coacalco: Alberto Brown y Mier
• It´s been a bit quiet since Fall of London, but don´t worry, a lot of things are happening in the BCP workshop! The big thing is of course the next set of preconstructed decks (Ravnos, Salubri and Tzimisce) that has been on one round of playtesting and soon will be ready for the next round. Three rounds of testing are needed, so even though most art is completed, a 2022 release is impossible. Now it looks more like a early Q2 release, let´s hope for that.
• Playtesters also have had a look at some suggested rules changes and card errata. Those reports are in, so now relevant powers are thinking deep and hard about what to do. If test results are not very clear, more testing and discussions will be needed. More about that when something can be said!
• Not one, but TWO new promo packs are being prepared. These will have the "lost" ten cards from the Berlin Anthology that were not in Anthology 1 (André the Manipulator, Joseph Fischer, etc.) together with some other much sought after cards that don´t seem to fit in any normal upcoming products. These will be announced as soon as the content is nailed.
• More content for VTES Legacy Card Singles are ready, but launch has been delayed just a bit. You know it´s soon Christmas? :)
Currently these Black Chantry products are available through Drivethrucards.com and other stores:
- Lost Kindred bundle
Keepers of Tradition Reprint Bundle 1
Keepers of Tradition Reprint Bundle 2
Heirs of the Blood Reprint Bundle 1
Heirs of the Blood Reprint Bundle 2
Den of Fiends Preconstructed Deck (Also Spanish, French)
Libertine Ball Preconstructed Deck (Also Spanish, French)
Pact with Nephandi Preconstructed Deck (Also Spanish, French)
Parliament of Shadows Preconstructed Deck (Also Spanish, French)
Anthology I bundle
VTES Card Creator (Drivethrucards only)
25th Anniversary
First Blood: Malkavian (Also Spanish, French)
First Blood: Nosferatu (Also Spanish, French)
First Blood: Toreador (Also Spanish, French)
First Blood: Tremere (Also Spanish, French)
First Blood: Ventrue (Also Spanish, French)
VTES Legacy Card Singles (Drivethrucards only)
Promo Pack 1 (Drivethrucards only)
Promo Pack 2 (Event promos only)
VTES "Parity Shift" playmat
VTES card sleeves
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition (Stores only)
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition Latin (Drivethrucards only)
Fifth Edition: Malkavian (Also Spanish, French)
Fifth Edition: Nosferatu (Also Spanish, French)
Fifth Edition: Toreador (Also Spanish, French)
Fifth Edition: Tremere (Also Spanish, French)
Fifth Edition: Ventrue (Also Spanish, French)
Promo Pack 3 (Event promos only)
Fifth Edition: Banu Haqim (Also Spanish, French)
Fifth Edition: Brujah (Also Spanish, French)
Fifth Edition: Gangrel (Also Spanish, French)
Fifth Edition: The Ministry (Also Spanish, French)
New Blood: Malkavian (Also Spanish, French)
New Blood: Nosferatu (Also Spanish, French)
New Blood: Toreador (Also Spanish, French)
New Blood: Tremere (Also Spanish, French)
New Blood: Ventrue (Also Spanish, French)
The Fall of London (Also Spanish, French)
Do you have opinions or questions for Black Chantry? Start a topic on the VEKN forum, or contact the company by e-mail, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Our favorites to highlight this month:
• The official Vampire: The Masquerade Fifth Edition wiki is now online! Great to keep up to date with current lore, and good easily accessible help on the game rules too. Check it out at vtm.paradoxwikis.com/VTM_Wiki
• "Milan Uprising" is a new interesting blend of physical and digital games - it´s a board game with digital support, to put it simple. And it´s set in Italy - we all love Italy! Learn more at Teburu.net
Subscribe to the World of Darkness News show for more news!
Upcoming tournaments for the coming month (registered so far) are in:
Brazil x4
Spain x4
USA x3
For details about these events, see the VEKN Event Calendar.
Remember: Online tournaments are possible - just check the box "Online tournament" when you add the event to the calendar!
You can contact the V:EKN Inner Circle members using contact forms at V:EKN.net. Also follow the official V:TES Facebook page Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and the official V:EKN Twitter account @VEKN_VTES
Don´t be afraid. You are not that dangerous.