Art by Mark Kelly for the upcoming Tzimisce preconstructed deck.
Greetings fellow Methuselahs,
We are delighted to announce the first rough schedule for the VTES European Championship 2023, played in Barcelona, Spain. This is what we know so far:
• October 9-12: For four days there will be 2 rounds + final tournaments every afternoon/evening.
• Friday, October 13: 3 rounds + final tournament
• Saturday, October 14: EC Day 1
• Sunday, October 15: EC Day 2
There will be an official EC website up soon with more details, which we, of course, will return to in these newsletters and all other channels too. Hope to see you ALL in Spain!
The next installment in the current VTES European Grand Prix circuit will be played in Liverpool, England on May 20. For more information about this, keep an eye on:
• The Grand Prix Facebook page
• The VEKN Event announcement forum
• The VEKN European Grand Prix page
Among the many upcoming events we want to spotlight the following larger ones:
• Spanish National Championship in Seville, March 25
• Belgian National Championship in Mechelen, May 7
• France National Championship in Vitrolles, June 3
• Swiss National Championship in Geneva, July 1-2
• Norwegian National Championship in Moss, August 5

The Ethics Committee met on 29th January 2023 to discuss an incident involving two players at an event in Joensuu, Finland, that took place on Wednesday 28th December 2022. As a result of the discussion and submission of statements from attendees, both players are suspended from organised events for 180 days, until the end of Thursday 27th July 2023.
The Ethics Committee wants to remind organisers and players of their individual responsibilities to treat others with respect, and furthermore recommends organisers and players break / timeout games where needed to allow tempers to cool and civility to return.

A solid sign of that the VTES community is growing is the steady influx of new volunteer organisers. Below is a bunch that has signed up since last time we reported about it, in November. Thanks guys - you make tournament play possible!
• Chile - Prince of Providencia: Pablo Cabrera
• Chile - Prince of Santiago: Cristian Gutiérrez (Yes, there can be multiple Princes without contest!)
• Italy - Prince of Bologna: Alessio Bianchi
• USA - Prince of Dallas: Chris Franklin
• United Kingdom - Prince of Norwich: James Freimuller
• Italy - National Coordinator: Miro Albertazzi
• Spain - Prince of Móstoles: Miguel Porras Benito
• Brazil - Prince of Itaocara: Paulo José Aragão Picinini
• Black Chantry celebrates the first year of its webshop with a special bundle for anyone that missed the Unleashed Kickstarter. It includes two decks of each of Danse Macabre, The Unaligned 1, The Unaligned 2 and Anarchs Unbound, as well as 8 each of the Kickstarter promo cards Double Deuce, Ashlesha, Len Kanopka and Vivienne Geroux. That is not all! You also get two New Blood: Ventrue decks and promo cards Gilbert Duane, Okulos, Victoria Ash, Karl Schrekt, and Fiorenza Savona. All this with free worldwide shipping. How can anyone resist?
• Not to brag, but according to this summary on, 42 of the 50 most sold products in the store are VTES cards or bundles. The most selling one is Direct Intervention with that sassy new art by Ginés Quiñonero. YES, a new batch is on its way, its just a matter of physical proofs being printed and (hopefully) approved in the second try.
• Black Chantry are still investigating the possibility of an EU print-on-demand option. Recently there was some print tests done. However, nothing has worked out yet and it may be that it is not feasible due to price and quality. Never stop hoping!
• The second round of playtesting of the next three preconstructed decks (Ravnos, Salubri, Tzimisce) has been concluded and massive reports has been compiled by the test coordinators. Those are now being digested by the design team prior to a third round of playtesting. Thanks to all testers for your work!
Currently these Black Chantry products are available through and other stores:
- Lost Kindred bundle
Keepers of Tradition Reprint Bundle 1
Keepers of Tradition Reprint Bundle 2
Heirs of the Blood Reprint Bundle 1
Heirs of the Blood Reprint Bundle 2
Den of Fiends Preconstructed Deck (Also Spanish, French)
Libertine Ball Preconstructed Deck (Also Spanish, French)
Pact with Nephandi Preconstructed Deck (Also Spanish, French)
Parliament of Shadows Preconstructed Deck (Also Spanish, French)
Anthology I bundle
VTES Card Creator (Drivethrucards only)
25th Anniversary
First Blood: Malkavian (Also Spanish, French)
First Blood: Nosferatu (Also Spanish, French)
First Blood: Toreador (Also Spanish, French)
First Blood: Tremere (Also Spanish, French)
First Blood: Ventrue (Also Spanish, French)
VTES Legacy Card Singles (Drivethrucards only)
Promo Pack 1 (Drivethrucards only)
Promo Pack 2 (Event promos only)
VTES "Parity Shift" playmat
VTES card sleeves
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition (Stores only)
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Fifth Edition Latin (Drivethrucards only)
Fifth Edition: Malkavian (Also Spanish, French)
Fifth Edition: Nosferatu (Also Spanish, French)
Fifth Edition: Toreador (Also Spanish, French)
Fifth Edition: Tremere (Also Spanish, French)
Fifth Edition: Ventrue (Also Spanish, French)
Promo Pack 3 (Event promos only)
Fifth Edition: Banu Haqim (Also Spanish, French)
Fifth Edition: Brujah (Also Spanish, French)
Fifth Edition: Gangrel (Also Spanish, French)
Fifth Edition: The Ministry (Also Spanish, French)
New Blood: Malkavian (Also Spanish, French)
New Blood: Nosferatu (Also Spanish, French)
New Blood: Toreador (Also Spanish, French)
New Blood: Tremere (Also Spanish, French)
New Blood: Ventrue (Also Spanish, French)
The Fall of London (Also Spanish, French)
Do you have opinions or questions for Black Chantry? Start a topic on the VEKN forum, or contact the company by e-mail, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
As usual the World of Darkness team over at Paradox Interactive has a lot of things going on:
• Vampire: The Masquerade Players Guide is now available for preorder over at Renegade Game Studios. This book will be a collection of all the seven clans not in the Fifth Edition core book, but also with much new stuff, including new predator types, a new system for coteries, new merits and flaws, new alternative Banes for every clan, additional guidelines for many mechanics, clarifications of some rules and no less than 40 new discipline powers! (Imagine what this means for new VTES cards!)
• Hunter: The Reckoning gets several new things, of which we think "Lines Drawn In Blood" is most exciting. It´s a book with four stories that can be played stand alone or connected into a larger game chronicle. This is also available for preorder now.
• Vampire: The Masquerade: Rivals, also known as "That other Vampire card game" gets a new expansion soon, called "Justice and Mercy", adding Banu Haqim and Salubri to the game.
Subscribe to the World of Darkness News show for more news!
Upcoming tournaments for the coming month (registered so far) are in:
Brazil x8
Chile x3
Great Britain
Hungary x2
Online x3
Poland x2
Singapore x2
Spain x7
USA x5
For details about these events, see the VEKN Event Calendar.
Remember: Online tournaments are possible - just check the box "Online tournament" when you add the event to the calendar!
You can contact the V:EKN Inner Circle members using contact forms at Also follow the official V:TES Facebook page Vampire: The Eternal Struggle and the official V:EKN Twitter account @VEKN_VTES
Don´t be yourself. Be the one that you want to be.