VTES Poland 2024

A report by Maciej Kozłowski, VEKN Prince of Lublin:

18 of May turned out to be a beautiful day, especially since as many as 38 players from most distant corners of Poland, as well as Lithuania and Belarus, came to compete for the title of the Polish VTES Champion of 2024.

Owing to a great local School of English, Linguaton, we had a great venue at our disposal - I don't think I could have dreamed of a better place to hold such an event, with separate rooms for 1-2 tables, a secluded room for the final table (where believe me, you could hear EVERY rustle and whisper ?), kitchen facilities, as well as a garden?.

VTES Poland 2024 VTES Poland 2024 VTES Poland 2024
VTES Poland 2024 VTES Poland 2024

First of all, we had amazing prize support from Black Chantry Productions - Mythic Form & Mythic Form full-bleed promos, most recent promo pack no. 4 (awesome content, by the way! :) ) as well as the Kickstarter decks. Also, BCP shared with us the Anita Wainwright and Eyes of the Wild illustrations, which we used to create custom event card sleeves, playmats and bookholders. Thanks again to Hugh Angseesing and everyone else at BCP who made it happen!

The main championship trophy, a glass statue with an engraved 3D model of a hand with the trisnake logo, created by mongrel (available at Printables.com), was sponsored by Alis Games, our Polish VTES distributor and publisher of Polish translations of WoD sourcebooks and tabletop games, ran by one of our fellow Methuselahs, known to most under his nickname Szewski :) We also received a very generous package of their great products, such as the Music for the Polish Vampires CDs, and the tarot cards set for the Kult RPG.

VTES Poland 2024 VTES Poland 2024 VTES Poland 2024 VTES Poland 2024

VTES Poland 2024
We also had some great individual contributions, from our NC Maciej Broniarz and Stanisław Szczepaniak, ranging from game accessories through precons, to WoD sourcebooks. Many thanks to all the sponsors!

Standings before final (top 5 players + their GWs and VPs from the first rounds)
1. Marcin Zakrzewski 3 GWs, 12 VPs
2. Alexander Roman 2 GWs, 10.5 VPs
3. Maciej Bernart 2 GWs, 8 VPs
4. Lech Ivanov 1 GW, 6 VPs
5. Michał Sokołowski 1 GW, 6VPs

VTES Poland 2024

VTES Poland 2024 final table

After 3 rounds, the final turned out to be a clash of three nations - Lech from Vilnius playing Lutz, Alex from Minsk playing Nizzam, Marcin (playing The Unnamed) & Michał (playing Ravnos V5 bleed) from Warsaw and Maciek (playing a Relentlessly Reaping Mambo Jeanne). The final game was at the highest level, it did not end with a time limit, and yet its result was long weighed between Lech, Maciek, and Marcin – you could really feel the tension in the room.

VTES Poland 2024

If you didn't get a chance to see it streamed live, can watch the video:

Final result: Marcin Zakrzewski 3 VPs, Maciej Bernart 2 VPs.

The winning deck list: ”Do you deny the evil?”

Crypt (12)
5x unnamed, The 10 CEL DAI OBF PRE PRO Baali:6
1x Gathii 5 ANI PRE obf Ravnos:7
1x Phaibun 5 OBF PRE ani Ravnos:7
1x Jean-François 4 ani obf pre Ravnos:7
1x Zafira 4 PRE obf Ravnos:7
1x Oleg Kaprizov 3 obf pre Ravnos:7
2x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:ANY

Library (90)
Master (14; 4 trifle)
1x Anarch Railroad
2x Dabbler
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
1x Golconda: Inner Peace
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
2x Rötschreck
1x Secure Haven
1x Villein
1x Week of Nightmares
1x Wider View

Event (1)
1x Narrow Minds

Action (14)
1x Contagion
1x Illegalism
9x Platinum Protocol, The
3x Unleash Hell's Fury

Ally (4)
3x Infernal Servitor
1x Veneficti

Retainer (2)
2x Homunculus

Action Modifier (39)
2x Aire of Elation
1x Cloak the Gathering
2x Elder Impersonation
1x Enchanting Gaze
4x Enkil Cog
4x Faceless Night
4x I am Legion
9x Instantaneous Transformation
4x Lost in Crowds
5x Memory Rift
2x Spying Mission
1x True Love's Face

Action Modifier/Combat (1)
1x Swallowed by the Night

Action Modifier/Reaction (3)
3x Sense the Sin

Combat (5)
3x Form of Mist
2x Majesty

Reaction (7)
6x Party Out Of Bounds
1x Visions of Zapathasura

The released decklists for all the decks in the finals and many others can be found here.

Thank you to everyone who graced the event with their presence, in many cases traveling adventurously several hundred kilometers - without you, nothing would have come out of it, and it was the tournament with the highest turnout in Lublin so far, also you set the bar high for future ones. It's awesome that we have such an amazing community, and I hope that it will grow, bringing so much fun to play and meet more players ? See you at the next one!