VTES EC 2023 Day 1

We have a new tournament attendance record for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle! 269 Methuselahs showed up to play Day 1 EC tournament on Saturday October 14 in Barcelona, Spain.

The primary goal for the players this day is to qualify for the Day 2 event, which was only the top 30 percent (82 players).

Largest deck category: "Bleed" 38 % (103 decks)
Largest clan: Gangrel 9 % (23 decks)
Largest nation: Spain 45 % (121 players)
More statistics is at BCNcrisis.com

VTES EC Day 1 floor

VTES EC Day 1 Round 2

VTES EC 2023 floor

VTES EC 2023 floor

Standings after round 3:
1. Pedro Obrador Cruz 3 gw 11 vp
2. Ivan Marin-Rivas 3 gw 10 vp
3. Otso Saariluoma 3 gw 9 vp
4. Lech Ivanov 2 gw 10 vp
5. Gianluca Bianco 2 gw 9 vp

VTES EC 2023 final table
Congratulations Otso Saariluoma (who won the EC last year, and two times before that), collecting 3 victory points in the final. Pedro and Gianluca got 1 each.

The final can be streamed on the Infernal Forge Youtube channel.

VTES EC 2023 Day 1 finalists

Otso Saariluomas tournament winning deck: "Usurper High Council"

Crypt (12)
3x Mistress Fanchon 11 AUS CEL DOM OBF THA VIC inner circle Tremere:4
2x Gabrielle di Righetti 10 ANI AUS DOM THA obf pot justicar Tremere:5
2x Orlando Oriundus 9 AUS DOM THA obf bishop Tremere antitribu:4
1x Dr. John Dee 9 ANI AUS DOM THA chi prince Tremere:4
1x Gerald Windham 9 AUS DOM FOR THA Tremere:5
1x Troius 8 AUS DOM THA cel prince Tremere:4
1x Graham Gottesman 7 DOM FOR obf pre tha prince Ventrue:5
1x Johannes Worringen 6 AUS THA dom archbishop Tremere antitribu:5

Library (76)
Master (32; 9 trifle)
1x Archon Investigation
6x Ashur Tablets
1x Coven, The
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
2x Information Highway
1x Metro Underground
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Papillon
3x Parthenon, The
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
7x Villein
1x Wider View
3x Zillah's Valley

Event (1)
1x Scourge of the Enochians

Action (6)
4x Govern the Unaligned
2x Magic of the Smith

Equipment (2)
1x Bowl of Convergence
1x Heart of Nizchetus

Political Action (12)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
1x Ancilla Empowerment
3x Banishment
3x Parity Shift
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
1x Rumors of Gehenna

Action Modifier (9)
1x Enkil Cog
2x Forgotten Labyrinth
6x Mirror Walk

Reaction (14)
4x Deflection
3x Eyes of Argus
1x My Enemy's Enemy
4x Obedience
1x Second Tradition: Domain
1x Telepathic Misdirection

Thanks to all players, organisers and sponsors!

VTES EC 2023 sponsors

VTES EC 2023 LCQ champion

(The VEKN is trying a new routine for official Vampire: The Eternal Struggle event reports. The reports will be published as separate articles on VEKN.net – only a short summary with a link to the full article will appear in the newsletter. In this way we lift some stress from the newsletter writing at the end of each month and get more room for other fun stuff in the newsletter. But still, please remember: If you organise a tournament of National Championship level or higher, it is important that you send in the requested event information to the newsletter editor. Do it at the same time that you upload The Archon!)

On Friday October 13, 221 players turned up for this years “Last Chance” tournament in sunny Barcelona, Spain. All the tournaments of the EC weekend took place at the excellent Centro cívico Casino de Hostafrancs close to Estació de Sants.

As qualification no longer is needed for the actual EC, the top five players from this tournament instead are automatically qualified for the Day 2 tournament played on Sunday the same weekend (ie, they can play some funny annoying durdle deck on Day 1!)

Largest deck category: “Bleed” (27 % of the decks, according to the self-classification)
Largest clan: Gangrel (9 % of the decks)
Largest nation: Of course Spain (38 %)
More statistics is at BCNcrisis.com

Standings after three rounds:
1. Teemu Sainomaa 3 gw 10 vp
2. Alain Greiner 2 gw 10.5 vp
3. Otso Saariluoma 2 gw 9.5 vp
4. Milan Matthes 2 gw 9 vp
5. Kristofer Åkesson 2 gw 8.5 vp

VTES EC 2023 ECQ finalistsKristofer, Alain, Otso, Teemu and Milan.

VTES EC 2023 LCQ final floor

VTES EC 2023 LCQ final seating

Congratulations Milan Matthes of Germany, winning with 1.5 victory points in the final. Kristofer got 1 vp and Teemu and Alain both got 0.5.

A video of this final can be streamed at the BCNcrisis Youtube-channel.

Milan Matthes tournament winning deck:

1x Alan Sovereign
2x Catherine du Boise
1x Edward Vignes
1x Gracis Nostinus
1x Horatio Ballard
1x Katarina Kornfeld
1x Lucinde, Alastor
2x Marcus Vitel
2x Victorine Lafourcade

3x Blood Doll
1x Creepshow Casino
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Elysium: the Arboretum
2x Obfuscate
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Uptown Hunting Ground
1x Ventrue Headquarters
3x Villein
3x Wider View

5x Enchant Kindred
5x Govern the Unaligned
5x Restoration
6x Scouting Mission

1x Conservative Agitation
4x Kine Resources Contested
1x Parity Shift
1x Reins of Power

3x Bonding
3x Cloak the Gathering
16x Freak Drive
1x Kiss of Ra
3x Spying Mission
2x Voter Captivation

6x Majesty

5x Deflection
3x Second Tradition: Domain

Thanks to all players, sponsors and organisers!

VTES EC 2023 sponsors