file The Devastators without Rock (GoAnarch!)

02 Mar 2015 16:44 - 02 Mar 2015 16:44 #69599 by Szewski
Deck Name: The Devastator`s without Rock!
Created By: Szewski
Description: Kill`em All!!! (simply and clever... :))

This is my new deck for 2015 :)

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 4, Max: 28, Avg: 4,5)
4 Anarch Convert none 1 Caitiff
3 Beast ani cel OBF POT7 Nosferatu Antitribu
2 Jimmy Dunn CEL for POT 4 Pander
3 Theo Bell cel dom POT pre7 Brujah

Library: (79 cards)
Master (18 cards)
3 Anarch Revolt
1 Dark Influences
1 Depravity
2 Fame
3 Fortitude
1 Monster
1 Pentex Subversion
1 Secure Haven
1 Sudden Reversal
1 Tension in the Ranks
2 Vessel
1 Villein

Reaction (2 cards)
2 On the Qui Vive

Combat (57 cards)
1 Death of My Conscience, The
4 Disarm
11 Diversion
7 Flash
10 Immortal Grapple
4 Target Vitals
6 Taste of Vitae
4 Thrown Sewer Lid
10 Torn Signpost

Ally (1 cards)
1 Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)

Event (1 cards)
1 Dragonbound

Any thoughts?
Last edit: 02 Mar 2015 16:44 by Szewski.

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03 Mar 2015 05:39 - 03 Mar 2015 05:46 #69611 by Jussi
I think, that two vampires rushing is not enough if you can't rush multiple times with them.

You also need more taste of vitae - otherwise you'll run out of blood. In this kind of deck Life in the City is golden too.

I'd drop fortitude angle.

I'd add groundfighting to replace some Diversions.

I'd add some rush enablers (Haven Uncovered and Bum's Rushes) so Jimmy can join the bruise party. I'd replace one Jimmy with another almost as good vampire, perhaps with Agatha or Hugo. I'd remove Death of My Concience and up Torn Signpost count to 12 or more (you can play multiple Torn Signposts, even if they don't stack).

Edit: Anarch convert can become a ridicilous kill machine with that master which you can play on a 1-cap (don't remeber the card name).

Edit: You'd probably benefit from couple of wider views too - and replace one Jimmy with Agatha and Theo or Beast with Hugo. Then you could have some bleed power too to obtain the edge (don't forget to make outrageous threats to others who want the edge themselves ;) ).

!bruj! :CEL: :POT: :PRE: :cap6:
Banging trashcans, breaking windows
We'll wake you up tonight

We like the good time, we scream and shout
And that's what fun's about
Last edit: 03 Mar 2015 05:46 by Jussi.

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03 Mar 2015 12:02 #69618 by cordovader

I think, that two vampires rushing is not enough if you can't rush multiple times with them.

You also need more taste of vitae - otherwise you'll run out of blood. In this kind of deck Life in the City is golden too.

I'd drop fortitude angle.

I'd add groundfighting to replace some Diversions.

I'd add some rush enablers (Haven Uncovered and Bum's Rushes) so Jimmy can join the bruise party. I'd replace one Jimmy with another almost as good vampire, perhaps with Agatha or Hugo. I'd remove Death of My Concience and up Torn Signpost count to 12 or more (you can play multiple Torn Signposts, even if they don't stack).

Edit: Anarch convert can become a ridicilous kill machine with that master which you can play on a 1-cap (don't remeber the card name).

Edit: You'd probably benefit from couple of wider views too - and replace one Jimmy with Agatha and Theo or Beast with Hugo. Then you could have some bleed power too to obtain the edge (don't forget to make outrageous threats to others who want the edge themselves ;) ).

It's Inceptor.

Pretty similar to this deck:

Points to take into account:

-Don't go for Groundfighting, since it's not replaced.
-I would go for 4x Fortitude, since it saves you from a lot of stuff.
-Take out Carlton, you don't have actions to lose to bring him out, all you want to do is rush.
-You don't really need the lids, I would switch to Improvised Tactics (it's a pre-range, so you can just cycle it, and you can do some ranged combat in combination with flash if needed).
-You need to find room for a Carver's Meat Packing and Storage.
-Too many masters and very few triffles (in only 79 cards), you're going to get your hand jammed a lot.
-This kind of deck cycles really fast. I remember once I had a combat with Beast against Una full equiped and I cycled 18 combat cards in 1 single combat. It finished with Una burned. You should go for a 90-card deck.
-You don't need Monster (since you dont have any rushes besides Theo/Beast), so just trop it out.
-You play no reactions, so you can just drop the OtQVs or pack in some The Mole (you can use the 3 effects).
-A Garibaldi Meucci Museum is really good on this deck. I would pack it in for the Secure Haven and include 1 Smash and Grab (it's like Arson, but anarch tech, so you can get it back with the museum).
-Pack in 4-6 Hell-for-leather. It gives you some extra-punch and can save you from nasty stuff with Beast. Way better than Target Vitals.

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