Can Dual Form work?
22 Jul 2015 07:30 #72149
by Malachy
Adana cannot multiact with Freak Drive nor play Beast Meld or any sabbat related cards, she might be a good pick in another concept though. Fakir has no votes, and just like before, he cannot enjoy the benefits of sabbat cards. Banishment is a tricky one, I can imagine a Dual Form deck based of Fakir but yet again, that's another concept.
House of Sorrow would be a bit redundant, I could only use it with 6 cards and none of those are essential (except the early dreams and heidelberg maybe).
The deck cycles insanely fast, especially after the first Dual is drawn.
NC of Hungary
Replied by Malachy on topic Re: Can Dual Form work?
To go for a vote strategy with !gangrel seems a bit cumbersome, though, Maybe combine with Adana de Sforza instead of Una for more permanent votes? Fakir al Sidi to stop banishments easier?
Also, have you considered using House of Sorrow to decks like this?
Adana cannot multiact with Freak Drive nor play Beast Meld or any sabbat related cards, she might be a good pick in another concept though. Fakir has no votes, and just like before, he cannot enjoy the benefits of sabbat cards. Banishment is a tricky one, I can imagine a Dual Form deck based of Fakir but yet again, that's another concept.
House of Sorrow would be a bit redundant, I could only use it with 6 cards and none of those are essential (except the early dreams and heidelberg maybe).
I do agree that with only five copies of each of those key cards, a 90-card library is much too large.
The deck cycles insanely fast, especially after the first Dual is drawn.
NC of Hungary
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22 Jul 2015 14:22 #72156
by jamesatzephyr
The reliance on the Dual Form and the Cardinal Benedictions as fairly key cards to make things work does give me cause for concern. In the later stages of a tournament, and particularly in a final, I'd expect people to target the Dual Forms and Cardinal Benedictions with card cancellation (DI etc.), counter-vote, vote cancellation etc. Possibly hit the Bewitching Oration during a Cardinal Benediction with a DI, or Scalpel Tongue, so that both cards are wasted.
Una (Archbishop) + vote card + Bewitching Oration is 7 votes. Loki's Gift can get you more, as could the Edge, as could City Gangrel Connections (one copy, so in half your games it's in the bottom 45 cards of the deck), but 7 looks about right. In a world where you might have Arika as your predator and, say, AAA Toreador as your grand-prey, 7 votes isn't that much. I'd be concerned about being vulnerable to early attempts to thwart me, especially given that - as has been pointed out - with onlt 5 Dual Form and 5 Cardinal Benediction, you may not be drawing them both in the first few turns, so others do have time to kick start their defences a bit.
Replied by jamesatzephyr on topic Re: Can Dual Form work?
It appears to rely on Dual Form in the sense that the basic plan for the deck is to get out Una and/or Aksinya, have them DF to create another large PRE/PRO sabbat vampire, and have the DFs become cardinals via Cardinal Benediction to achieve vote lock.
The reliance on the Dual Form and the Cardinal Benedictions as fairly key cards to make things work does give me cause for concern. In the later stages of a tournament, and particularly in a final, I'd expect people to target the Dual Forms and Cardinal Benedictions with card cancellation (DI etc.), counter-vote, vote cancellation etc. Possibly hit the Bewitching Oration during a Cardinal Benediction with a DI, or Scalpel Tongue, so that both cards are wasted.
Una (Archbishop) + vote card + Bewitching Oration is 7 votes. Loki's Gift can get you more, as could the Edge, as could City Gangrel Connections (one copy, so in half your games it's in the bottom 45 cards of the deck), but 7 looks about right. In a world where you might have Arika as your predator and, say, AAA Toreador as your grand-prey, 7 votes isn't that much. I'd be concerned about being vulnerable to early attempts to thwart me, especially given that - as has been pointed out - with onlt 5 Dual Form and 5 Cardinal Benediction, you may not be drawing them both in the first few turns, so others do have time to kick start their defences a bit.
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- jamesatzephyr
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22 Jul 2015 18:36 #72158
by a-e
You probably forgot that Camarilla vampires cannot cast votes on Cardinal Benediction vote...
Marko, Prince of Helsinki
Replied by a-e on topic Re: Can Dual Form work?
In a world where you might have Arika as your predator and, say, AAA Toreador as your grand-prey, 7 votes isn't that much.
You probably forgot that Camarilla vampires cannot cast votes on Cardinal Benediction vote...
Marko, Prince of Helsinki
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22 Jul 2015 18:58 - 22 Jul 2015 19:51 #72159
by Kushiel
I don't own the Dual Forms to test it in play, but it looks like the reason that it cycles so quickly is because you play a lot of vote push and Freak Drive during your actions. The same general goal can be achieved by creating more Dual Form cardinals, and doing so gives you the added benefits of simplifying your cardflow-per-action and giving you more political juice during other players' turns. (It would also make you slightly more resilient against combat decks, but DF's card text makes that problematic.)
This is what I'd try, if you're looking to keep the core idea but make some significant changes:
Deck Name : Mea Culpa (With Feeling)
Author : John Eno
Description :
Vaka's deck, but tweaked to reduce library size and include more permanents, as well as more of the core tech.
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 2 max: 9 average: 6.83333
4x Aksinya Daclau (9)
Gangrel antitribu (group 4)
4x Una (9)
archbishop Gangrel antitribu (group 3)
1x Bill Butler (3)
Gangrel antitribu (group 4)
1x Lula Burch (3)
Gangrel antitribu (group 4)
1x Jesus Alcala (2)
Gangrel antitribu (group 3)
1x Leo Washington (2)
Gangrel antitribu (group 4)
Library [76 cards]
Action [10]
2x Abactor
6x Dual Form
2x Heart of the City
Action Modifier [21]
2x Approximation of Loyalty
2x Beast Meld
2x Bewitching Oration
4x Earth Control
4x Freak Drive
2x Perfect Paragon
5x Voter Captivation
Combat [8]
4x Earth Meld
4x Form of Mist
Master [18]
1x Black Forest Base
1x Coven, The
1x Creepshow Casino
1x Dia de los Muertos
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Festivo dello Estinto
1x Giant's Blood
1x Hungry Coyote, The
1x Information Highway
1x Jake Washington (Hunter)
1x Powerbase: Madrid
1x Purchase Pact
1x Twisted Forest
4x Villein
Political Action [18]
6x Cardinal Benediction
3x Consanguineous Boon
7x Kine Resources Contested
1x Neonate Breach
1x Political Stranglehold
Retainer [1]
1x Malajit Chandramouli
Crafted with : Anarch Revolt Deck Builder. [Wed Jul 22 16:56:37 2015]
More permanents:
stealth - Creepshow, Malajit
vote push - more DF cardinals, Madrid
blood- and poolgain - Hungry Coyote (and note its synergy with Abactor), Black Forest Base
combat defense - Purchase Pact
More flexible action mods - Approximation is good for stopping block pre-emptively and also cancels Delaying Tactics; Perfect Paragon is stealth or vote-push
EDIT: It occurred to me that Gurchon Hall would be great in this deck, probably better than Jake.
Replied by Kushiel on topic Re: Can Dual Form work?
The deck cycles insanely fast, especially after the first Dual is drawn.
I don't own the Dual Forms to test it in play, but it looks like the reason that it cycles so quickly is because you play a lot of vote push and Freak Drive during your actions. The same general goal can be achieved by creating more Dual Form cardinals, and doing so gives you the added benefits of simplifying your cardflow-per-action and giving you more political juice during other players' turns. (It would also make you slightly more resilient against combat decks, but DF's card text makes that problematic.)
This is what I'd try, if you're looking to keep the core idea but make some significant changes:
Deck Name : Mea Culpa (With Feeling)
Author : John Eno
Description :
Vaka's deck, but tweaked to reduce library size and include more permanents, as well as more of the core tech.
Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 2 max: 9 average: 6.83333
4x Aksinya Daclau (9)

4x Una (9)

1x Bill Butler (3)

1x Lula Burch (3)

1x Jesus Alcala (2)

1x Leo Washington (2)

Library [76 cards]
Action [10]
2x Abactor
6x Dual Form
2x Heart of the City
Action Modifier [21]
2x Approximation of Loyalty
2x Beast Meld
2x Bewitching Oration
4x Earth Control
4x Freak Drive
2x Perfect Paragon
5x Voter Captivation
Combat [8]
4x Earth Meld
4x Form of Mist
Master [18]
1x Black Forest Base
1x Coven, The
1x Creepshow Casino
1x Dia de los Muertos
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Festivo dello Estinto
1x Giant's Blood
1x Hungry Coyote, The
1x Information Highway
1x Jake Washington (Hunter)
1x Powerbase: Madrid
1x Purchase Pact
1x Twisted Forest
4x Villein
Political Action [18]
6x Cardinal Benediction
3x Consanguineous Boon
7x Kine Resources Contested
1x Neonate Breach
1x Political Stranglehold
Retainer [1]
1x Malajit Chandramouli
Crafted with : Anarch Revolt Deck Builder. [Wed Jul 22 16:56:37 2015]
More permanents:
stealth - Creepshow, Malajit
vote push - more DF cardinals, Madrid
blood- and poolgain - Hungry Coyote (and note its synergy with Abactor), Black Forest Base
combat defense - Purchase Pact
More flexible action mods - Approximation is good for stopping block pre-emptively and also cancels Delaying Tactics; Perfect Paragon is stealth or vote-push
EDIT: It occurred to me that Gurchon Hall would be great in this deck, probably better than Jake.
Last edit: 22 Jul 2015 19:51 by Kushiel.
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23 Jul 2015 04:29 - 23 Jul 2015 04:44 #72163
by Malachy
Back in the day when I created the deck, my concerns were similar to yours. Then I quickly realized that I don't have to worry about votes, because Cardinal Benediction rules out cammies - as a-e noted -, and it's fairly safe to assume that 90% of the vote decks are camarilla based (like the ones you mentioned).
DI-ing the Bewithcing? It is kind of an odd move, isn't it? Most of the time I get Delaying Tactics, but the deck has enough pool gain, so I can bloat around, I don't have to rush either of these cards to have an impact. Though once in a tournament my first Dual Form was DI-ed, then it was hard not to get ousted so it made things harder. The next round I sat with the same 2 players and they were mocking me: Now let's see what happens if we don't DI your first Dual Form! 1 4 for me happened.
Story time over, my point is that voting is not the primary concern most of the time. Generally my early game consists of persuading the table that I'm not a TurboUna deck and it is not everyone's best interest to cross-table-Pentex me without having a chance to act. 
I really like some of the new cards you included: PB: Madrid, Black Forst Base, Jake Washington. I really don't like Malajit and Purchase Pact and the rest would be ok, BUT I live in Hungary and here, with this combat section and stealth, you are pretty much done. Lot of blocker decks here, even more combat decks. I think I will lose Heidelberg and use one of your suggested cards.
NC of Hungary
Replied by Malachy on topic Re: Can Dual Form work?
The reliance on the Dual Form and the Cardinal Benedictions as fairly key cards to make things work does give me cause for concern. In the later stages of a tournament, and particularly in a final, I'd expect people to target the Dual Forms and Cardinal Benedictions with card cancellation (DI etc.), counter-vote, vote cancellation etc. Possibly hit the Bewitching Oration during a Cardinal Benediction with a DI, or Scalpel Tongue, so that both cards are wasted.
Una (Archbishop) + vote card + Bewitching Oration is 7 votes. Loki's Gift can get you more, as could the Edge, as could City Gangrel Connections (one copy, so in half your games it's in the bottom 45 cards of the deck), but 7 looks about right. In a world where you might have Arika as your predator and, say, AAA Toreador as your grand-prey, 7 votes isn't that much. I'd be concerned about being vulnerable to early attempts to thwart me, especially given that - as has been pointed out - with onlt 5 Dual Form and 5 Cardinal Benediction, you may not be drawing them both in the first few turns, so others do have time to kick start their defences a bit.
Back in the day when I created the deck, my concerns were similar to yours. Then I quickly realized that I don't have to worry about votes, because Cardinal Benediction rules out cammies - as a-e noted -, and it's fairly safe to assume that 90% of the vote decks are camarilla based (like the ones you mentioned).
DI-ing the Bewithcing? It is kind of an odd move, isn't it? Most of the time I get Delaying Tactics, but the deck has enough pool gain, so I can bloat around, I don't have to rush either of these cards to have an impact. Though once in a tournament my first Dual Form was DI-ed, then it was hard not to get ousted so it made things harder. The next round I sat with the same 2 players and they were mocking me: Now let's see what happens if we don't DI your first Dual Form! 1 4 for me happened.

I really like some of the new cards you included: PB: Madrid, Black Forst Base, Jake Washington. I really don't like Malajit and Purchase Pact and the rest would be ok, BUT I live in Hungary and here, with this combat section and stealth, you are pretty much done. Lot of blocker decks here, even more combat decks. I think I will lose Heidelberg and use one of your suggested cards.
NC of Hungary
Last edit: 23 Jul 2015 04:44 by Malachy.
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23 Jul 2015 06:24 - 23 Jul 2015 06:39 #72164
by jamesatzephyr
I didn't, no.
If much of your vote lock requires you to get a Dual Form out and put a Cardinal Benediction on it, then stopping either of those things from happening causes problems - hence, cancel the Dual Form(*) with DI (or block it, though the deck has stealth and action continue), and the deck is back to having 7 votes as an achievable goal, in the early to mid game. Similarly, if you block (if you can) the CB, Delaying Tactics it, Vox Domini it, DI it, you can significantly stall the deck getting standing votes out. Meddle with the Bewitching Oration on a Cardinal Benediction action - Scalpel Tongue sees some play, for example - and waste both cards. There are 13 non-Benediction votes in the deck, which - if you can't pass them - are either jamming your hand or wasting actions, and those don't have anti-Camarilla clauses. So, either Dual Form or Cardinal Benediction represents an "interesting" bottle-neck to try to stall the deck's succeess.
You could, of course, throw a Bewitching Oration or two down on a KRC or Con Boon if you wanted - but that's then a BO that you don't have to throw down on the Cardinal Benediction, which you may well need. Even with the Camarilla exclusion, if you only have Una (2 votes) and the political action card, that's within reach of Ventrue HQ, or a variety of other defences. Obviously, some games you'll pull it off and get a couple of titles out relatively quickly - but other games, those (relatively few) Dual Forms or Benedictions will come lower down the deck, by which time someone on the table has got a big-ish titled vampire out, or the Legacy of Pander deck has got 4 vampires out and a Crusade and an LoP while people with big vampires are only just getting their first vampire out etc.
(*) By "DI" I mean any similar cancellation too, of course, and I'm not saying that all decks always have DIs all the time for everything. But a deck like this is much more vulnerable. A common or garden vote deck probably has a diversity of titles in the crypt, a variety of vote push, and if you block/cancel/delay/whatever the Brujah Justicar I'm calling, it's probably not that crucial. Such decks play Awe (as well as BO) to push crunch votes well out of the way of my prey's Gratiano and my grand-predator's Stanislava. They might have Awe and BO and a Perfect Paragon, and while I wouldn't necessarily want to play 2 or 3 on one action, I can if necessary. They can have some of the better vote support masters, like Ventrue HQ - usually a lot more tasty than City Gangrel Connections. Similarly, if you compare with a variety of bleed heavy decks, they have many more interchageable parts and greater resilience, so there's less for a skilled opponent to look at and say "Okay, if I interfere with this, I really slow down your deck a heck of a lot" - take out a modifier, I've got more, and the success of my next action isn't really influenced much by the success of this action, in the way that a later KRC is helped by an earlier successful Cardinal Benediction. Similarly, you might survive this combat, but I can probably smack you around in the face on the next one easily enough, and I've probably cycled a few cards too.
Replied by jamesatzephyr on topic Re: Can Dual Form work?
In a world where you might have Arika as your predator and, say, AAA Toreador as your grand-prey, 7 votes isn't that much.
You probably forgot that Camarilla vampires cannot cast votes on Cardinal Benediction vote...
I didn't, no.
If much of your vote lock requires you to get a Dual Form out and put a Cardinal Benediction on it, then stopping either of those things from happening causes problems - hence, cancel the Dual Form(*) with DI (or block it, though the deck has stealth and action continue), and the deck is back to having 7 votes as an achievable goal, in the early to mid game. Similarly, if you block (if you can) the CB, Delaying Tactics it, Vox Domini it, DI it, you can significantly stall the deck getting standing votes out. Meddle with the Bewitching Oration on a Cardinal Benediction action - Scalpel Tongue sees some play, for example - and waste both cards. There are 13 non-Benediction votes in the deck, which - if you can't pass them - are either jamming your hand or wasting actions, and those don't have anti-Camarilla clauses. So, either Dual Form or Cardinal Benediction represents an "interesting" bottle-neck to try to stall the deck's succeess.
You could, of course, throw a Bewitching Oration or two down on a KRC or Con Boon if you wanted - but that's then a BO that you don't have to throw down on the Cardinal Benediction, which you may well need. Even with the Camarilla exclusion, if you only have Una (2 votes) and the political action card, that's within reach of Ventrue HQ, or a variety of other defences. Obviously, some games you'll pull it off and get a couple of titles out relatively quickly - but other games, those (relatively few) Dual Forms or Benedictions will come lower down the deck, by which time someone on the table has got a big-ish titled vampire out, or the Legacy of Pander deck has got 4 vampires out and a Crusade and an LoP while people with big vampires are only just getting their first vampire out etc.
(*) By "DI" I mean any similar cancellation too, of course, and I'm not saying that all decks always have DIs all the time for everything. But a deck like this is much more vulnerable. A common or garden vote deck probably has a diversity of titles in the crypt, a variety of vote push, and if you block/cancel/delay/whatever the Brujah Justicar I'm calling, it's probably not that crucial. Such decks play Awe (as well as BO) to push crunch votes well out of the way of my prey's Gratiano and my grand-predator's Stanislava. They might have Awe and BO and a Perfect Paragon, and while I wouldn't necessarily want to play 2 or 3 on one action, I can if necessary. They can have some of the better vote support masters, like Ventrue HQ - usually a lot more tasty than City Gangrel Connections. Similarly, if you compare with a variety of bleed heavy decks, they have many more interchageable parts and greater resilience, so there's less for a skilled opponent to look at and say "Okay, if I interfere with this, I really slow down your deck a heck of a lot" - take out a modifier, I've got more, and the success of my next action isn't really influenced much by the success of this action, in the way that a later KRC is helped by an earlier successful Cardinal Benediction. Similarly, you might survive this combat, but I can probably smack you around in the face on the next one easily enough, and I've probably cycled a few cards too.
Last edit: 23 Jul 2015 06:39 by jamesatzephyr.
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- Can Dual Form work?