file New online league start 13th march

08 Mar 2020 09:03 #99210 by beslin igor
New online league start 13th march

Total number of rounds is 6 but 4 best games count in standings.
Best player is player with more GW,if that is same then we use high
number of VP,but if both GW and VP are same roll dice decide(number of games not important for standings).
5 best play in finals,seat in finals is random!
Multi deck sistem.

If any time during league lackey be updated with new cards these cards become legal for play.

Organized games be played each friday and sunday in 20h CET,for players is allowed to play 2 games in 1 round but they need to skip some round in future rounds.

1) 13 and 15 march
2) 20 and 22 march
3) 27 and 29 march
4) 3 and 5 april
5) 10 and 12 april
6) 17 and 19 april
Finals: 26 april

Open in Lackey approximately 1 hour before start time.
Registration closes 15min prior start time.
Tell one of the organizers that you want to play for this day,
either on Lackey or contact us on social media.

Igor Beslin () Lackey name: Beslin Igor
Martin Weinmayer () Lackey name: angrynewb
Rudolf Scholz Lackey name: The Bard
Sefl organize game allowed,this time for players is allowed to
play more than one game during week,but maximum number games
in league is 6.
EDIT: Self organize games is allowed until 20th april
How report self organize game?
player who organize table need to check if all players registered before
for online event before,if no,organizer table need to have in report:
full real name,lackey name,country player.
organizer table can check registered players here:
The following user(s) said Thank You: Hakuron

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