Danish National Championship 2013
14 May 2013 19:07 #48509
by Hakuron
National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de
Danish National Championship 2013 was created by Hakuron
Event: www.vekn.net/index.php/forum/25-europe/45466-danish-national-championship-and-european-championship-qualifier
Here is the TWD. Archon data (hopefully) and report coming soon ... B-)
Deck Name: Danish National Champioship 2013 (1st place): Obey the Tremere
Author: Rudolf Garski, Germany
Danish National Championship 2013
Copenhagen, Denmark, 11th of May
3 Rounds + Finals
19 Players
Tribute goes to Johannes Walch (and the Secret Library & the TWDA)
Spcial thanks go to Manuel Diehm (for suggesting the awesome Metro Underground)
Crypt (Capacity min=9 max=11 avg=9.58; 12 cards)
2x Dr. John Dee 9 chi ANI AUS DOM THA Tremere:4
3x Gabrielle di Righetti 10 obf pot ANI AUS DOM THA Tremere:5
1x Gerald Windham 9 AUS DOM FOR THA Tremere:5
2x Malgorzata 9 pre AUS DOM THA VIC !Tremere:4
2x Mistress Fanchon 11 AUS CEL DOM OBF THA VIC Tremere:4
2x Orlando Oriundus 9 obf AUS DOM THA !Tremere:4
Library (80 cards)
Master (21 cards)
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
2x Information Highway
1x Lilith's Blessing
1x Metro Underground
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Temptation of Greater Power
6x Villein
1x Wider View
4x Zillah's Valley
Event (1 cards)
1x Scourge of the Enochians
Action (7 cards)
2x Far Mastery
4x Mind Rape
1x Rutor's Hand
Political Action (14 cards)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
1x Ancilla Empowerment
2x Banishment
2x Kine Resources Contested
5x Parity Shift
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
Equipment (1 cards)
1x Heart of Nizchetus
Action Modifier (15 cards)
3x Conditioning
3x Into Thin Air
9x Mirror Walk
Reaction (21 cards)
3x Deflection
4x Eyes of Argus
7x Obedience
4x Second Tradition: Domain
3x Telepathic Misdirection
Created with Secret Library v0.9.4a. (May 15, 2013 00:04:23)
Here is the TWD. Archon data (hopefully) and report coming soon ... B-)
Deck Name: Danish National Champioship 2013 (1st place): Obey the Tremere
Author: Rudolf Garski, Germany
Danish National Championship 2013
Copenhagen, Denmark, 11th of May
3 Rounds + Finals
19 Players
Tribute goes to Johannes Walch (and the Secret Library & the TWDA)
Spcial thanks go to Manuel Diehm (for suggesting the awesome Metro Underground)
Crypt (Capacity min=9 max=11 avg=9.58; 12 cards)
2x Dr. John Dee 9 chi ANI AUS DOM THA Tremere:4
3x Gabrielle di Righetti 10 obf pot ANI AUS DOM THA Tremere:5
1x Gerald Windham 9 AUS DOM FOR THA Tremere:5
2x Malgorzata 9 pre AUS DOM THA VIC !Tremere:4
2x Mistress Fanchon 11 AUS CEL DOM OBF THA VIC Tremere:4
2x Orlando Oriundus 9 obf AUS DOM THA !Tremere:4
Library (80 cards)
Master (21 cards)
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
2x Information Highway
1x Lilith's Blessing
1x Metro Underground
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Temptation of Greater Power
6x Villein
1x Wider View
4x Zillah's Valley
Event (1 cards)
1x Scourge of the Enochians
Action (7 cards)
2x Far Mastery
4x Mind Rape
1x Rutor's Hand
Political Action (14 cards)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
1x Ancilla Empowerment
2x Banishment
2x Kine Resources Contested
5x Parity Shift
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
Equipment (1 cards)
1x Heart of Nizchetus
Action Modifier (15 cards)
3x Conditioning
3x Into Thin Air
9x Mirror Walk
Reaction (21 cards)
3x Deflection
4x Eyes of Argus
7x Obedience
4x Second Tradition: Domain
3x Telepathic Misdirection
Created with Secret Library v0.9.4a. (May 15, 2013 00:04:23)

National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dr.Mafrune
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20 May 2013 00:32 - 20 May 2013 00:32 #48748
by Adonai
I did not find any tournaments on the calendar in Denmark for May.
Can the appropriate national coordinator fix that?
Replied by Adonai on topic Re: Danish National Championship 2013
Danish National Championship 2013
Copenhagen, Denmark, 11th of May
3 Rounds + Finals
19 Players
I did not find any tournaments on the calendar in Denmark for May.
Can the appropriate national coordinator fix that?
Last edit: 20 May 2013 00:32 by Adonai.
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20 May 2013 15:54 #48793
by Ashur
"My strategy? Luck is my strategy, of course."
Replied by Ashur on topic Re: Danish National Championship 2013
Congrats! Metro in, but not Enkil Cog? Why?!
"My strategy? Luck is my strategy, of course."
The following user(s) said Thank You: Hakuron
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20 May 2013 19:42 #48807
by Hakuron
This deck does not bleed that often, and since you can get bounced a lot, I decided not to include Enkil Cog.
National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de
Replied by Hakuron on topic Re: Danish National Championship 2013
The Metro was in for performing actions with all minions and still being able to do: Block, Obedience.Metro in, but not Enkil Cog? Why?!
This deck does not bleed that often, and since you can get bounced a lot, I decided not to include Enkil Cog.
National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de
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20 May 2013 19:45 #48809
by Hakuron
National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de
Replied by Hakuron on topic Re: Danish National Championship 2013
The report, finally 
It was an awesome event, even though some Swedish players “forgot” to show up due to local tournaments. So 19 players tried to become the Danish champion.
Round 1:
Ke (Dmitra & Undele) > Hugh (Cybele & !Nos friends ANI Combat w/ Ashurs) > Mikkel J. (Ahrimanes Wall) > me > Sebastian (Jost & Rebekka PRE bleed)
For me it was one of those tables, where you are not in great danger of being ousted, but where you do not see any chances to oust your prey. Mikkel’s Ahrimanes blocked (or would have blocked) most of my votes, so Sebastian was rather safe of them. Plus, Sebastian ousted Ke quite early and got additional pool abusing Villein and Lilith’s Blessing. By the time Sebastian was finally low on pool the time limit was reached. No gamewin for me, so something had to happen in round 2.
Hugh 1.5 VP > me 0.5 VP > Sebastian 1.5 VP
Round 2:
Me > Mikkel P. (Tunnel Runners) > Christian (Tremere & !Tremere Vote) > Manuel (!Nos Rush) > Norbert (New Ventrue Lawfirm feat. Mary Anne Blaire)
Alas, contesting main vampires is really bad. Fortunately, Christian and I were told that we “shared” some vampires, so we could try to go for a solution of that problem right from the start. Christian should go for the Mistress, neither of us should influence out Orlando as second or third vampire.
I had a decent game in the first with Gabrielle, Dr. John and finally Gerald Windham (who reached a maximum of 7 votes) and had a strong control over Mikkel’s game. Christian nevertheless achieved a kind of vote lock (controlling Mistress Fanchon and Adana di Sforza) with the help of Norbert, who both feared the rushes of Mateusz Gryzbowsky and his friends. So the !Nos were hit by a Banishment two rounds in a row, but Manuel was far away from being ousted quickly, because Mary Anne negated the +2 bleed of the Inner Circle members.
My game was spoiled by a Temptation of Greater Power played by Norbert, that took Gerald from my side. Still, I was fortunate, since without Gabrielle’s power to play Second Tradition: Domain and Obedience I would have been ousted. Finally, Christian ousted Manuel, but nothing else happened. Again, no gamewin for me.
Me 0.5 VP > Mikkel P. 0.5 VP > Christian 1.5 VP > Norbert 0.5 VP
Round 3:
Morten (Beast, Theo Bell & friends) > me > Ke > Christian
No, Christian again … and only 4 players … But the wheel of fortune took a very, very friendly turn for me. At the end of turn 2, I put Gabrielle (Cap 10) into game and had a Mind Rape in my hand. Ke introduced Dmitra (Cap 9) to the game. Any idea of what would happen the next turn? Christian still had no minion. Morten got the Beast.
I successfully played the Mind Rape on Dmitra. Christian still did not influence out a vampire because of Beast. Beast bled … Gabrielle and Dmitra played Ancient Influence AND Political Stranglehold, so I gained 11 pool AND put 5 pool damage on each my prey AND my grandprey.
Since I had always an Obedience in my hand when I needed one for Beast (and later Theo), all my vampire remained unharmed (besides of a Banishment by Christian). Turn 5 I ousted Ke. Christian never found his way into the game. After 45 minutes it was all over: Sweep!
Me 4 VP, 1 GW
Luckily, 1 GW and 5 VP was enough to reach the fifth rank!
The finals:
The seating was almost perfect for me, even though I had no influence on it:
Sebastian > Nikolaj W. (ANI Rush feat. Talbot w/ Ashurs) > Jesper (Nergal Powerbleed) > Nikolaj V. (Setites Stealth Bleed) > me
So I would have vote lock and good chances not to get blocked when voting or doing any other undirected action. I would need my bounce cards. I would have to hope that Nergal has a slow setup and that Nikolaj W. would have to back-rush at some point.
I had Malgorzata in my starting crypt. Jesper’s Dreams of the Sphinx got suddened, so I could play mine. At the end of turn 4, I controlled Malgorzata and Dr. John Dee, and was lucky because Nikolaj V. had a slow start, so my pool was not in severe danger.
Nikolaj was not only top seated, he had a decent start as well, and got almost everything he needed to build up his game: a turn one Weenie, Aksinya for bounce, Talbot for rushing. Sebastian got both Jost and Rebekka. Jesper merged Nergal.
Of course, Jesper was in trouble right from the start. But maybe he left out a big chance for him, when he decided not to choose a vampire when I successfully played Reins of Power. I think he hoped in return for help by Sebastian in case he needed it. Nergal got pentexed by Nikolaj W. and Nikolaj could defend it against the +1 stealth actions by Sebastian’s vampires (and later re-play it via Parthenon and Anthelios).
So the table evolved to Nikolay’s favour. Sebastian and I each influence out more minions (financed by Villeins) and tried to do our best to stay out of trouble. Then Jesper and Nikolaj V. were ousted in one turn.
By that time, Nikolaj W. had his two master card stars and two weenies out AND maybe 20 pool, Sebastian had Jost, Rebekka and two more !Toreador AND maybe 5 pool. I controlled Malgorzata, Dr. John Dee, Gabrielle and Mistress Fanchon AND maybe 10 pool.
I made a lot of minor mistakes during this 3-player-phase, which resulted in Malgorzata torporized without blood and her precious Heart of Nizchetus destroyed. Plus, Mistress Fanchon got pentexed. Fortunately, Sebastian kept on bleeding like hell.
I could remove the Pentex on the Mistress and finally play one myself on Talbot.
In the last turn of the game, Nikolaj did not try to contest the Pentex (via Parthenon and Anthelios), and tried to free Talbot … once – Obedience … twice – Obedience … the third attempt would have freed Talbot (and would probably have resulted in a rush on one of my minions), but it did not happen.
Having cycled the two Obediences, I had the perfect hand: Anarchist Uprising, Kine Resources Contested AND Conditioning plus Into Thin Air and Mirror Walk. And of course I should mention the Monastery of Shadows I already controlled. Sebastian had 5 pool, Nikolaj 10.
Dr. John plays Anarchist Uprising, Jost tries to block with Telepathic Misdirection … Mirror Walk, some cycling for a My Enemy’s Enemy … Tapping the Monastery, Sebastian 1 on pool, Nikolaj on 6 pool.
Gabrielle playes KRC. No blocks, Sebastian ousted, Nikolaj on 3 pool. Mistress Fanchon bleeds, block attempt by Aksinya … Into Thin Air, game over.
Nikolaj W. 2 VP > me 3 VP, 1 GW – and again Danish Champion!
Many thanks to Christian and Nikolaj for running this weekend of tournaments! And of course thanks to all the friendly Danish players who made the journey to Copenhagen such a pleasant time!

It was an awesome event, even though some Swedish players “forgot” to show up due to local tournaments. So 19 players tried to become the Danish champion.
Round 1:
Ke (Dmitra & Undele) > Hugh (Cybele & !Nos friends ANI Combat w/ Ashurs) > Mikkel J. (Ahrimanes Wall) > me > Sebastian (Jost & Rebekka PRE bleed)
For me it was one of those tables, where you are not in great danger of being ousted, but where you do not see any chances to oust your prey. Mikkel’s Ahrimanes blocked (or would have blocked) most of my votes, so Sebastian was rather safe of them. Plus, Sebastian ousted Ke quite early and got additional pool abusing Villein and Lilith’s Blessing. By the time Sebastian was finally low on pool the time limit was reached. No gamewin for me, so something had to happen in round 2.
Hugh 1.5 VP > me 0.5 VP > Sebastian 1.5 VP
Round 2:
Me > Mikkel P. (Tunnel Runners) > Christian (Tremere & !Tremere Vote) > Manuel (!Nos Rush) > Norbert (New Ventrue Lawfirm feat. Mary Anne Blaire)
Alas, contesting main vampires is really bad. Fortunately, Christian and I were told that we “shared” some vampires, so we could try to go for a solution of that problem right from the start. Christian should go for the Mistress, neither of us should influence out Orlando as second or third vampire.
I had a decent game in the first with Gabrielle, Dr. John and finally Gerald Windham (who reached a maximum of 7 votes) and had a strong control over Mikkel’s game. Christian nevertheless achieved a kind of vote lock (controlling Mistress Fanchon and Adana di Sforza) with the help of Norbert, who both feared the rushes of Mateusz Gryzbowsky and his friends. So the !Nos were hit by a Banishment two rounds in a row, but Manuel was far away from being ousted quickly, because Mary Anne negated the +2 bleed of the Inner Circle members.
My game was spoiled by a Temptation of Greater Power played by Norbert, that took Gerald from my side. Still, I was fortunate, since without Gabrielle’s power to play Second Tradition: Domain and Obedience I would have been ousted. Finally, Christian ousted Manuel, but nothing else happened. Again, no gamewin for me.
Me 0.5 VP > Mikkel P. 0.5 VP > Christian 1.5 VP > Norbert 0.5 VP
Round 3:
Morten (Beast, Theo Bell & friends) > me > Ke > Christian
No, Christian again … and only 4 players … But the wheel of fortune took a very, very friendly turn for me. At the end of turn 2, I put Gabrielle (Cap 10) into game and had a Mind Rape in my hand. Ke introduced Dmitra (Cap 9) to the game. Any idea of what would happen the next turn? Christian still had no minion. Morten got the Beast.
I successfully played the Mind Rape on Dmitra. Christian still did not influence out a vampire because of Beast. Beast bled … Gabrielle and Dmitra played Ancient Influence AND Political Stranglehold, so I gained 11 pool AND put 5 pool damage on each my prey AND my grandprey.
Since I had always an Obedience in my hand when I needed one for Beast (and later Theo), all my vampire remained unharmed (besides of a Banishment by Christian). Turn 5 I ousted Ke. Christian never found his way into the game. After 45 minutes it was all over: Sweep!
Me 4 VP, 1 GW
Luckily, 1 GW and 5 VP was enough to reach the fifth rank!
The finals:
The seating was almost perfect for me, even though I had no influence on it:
Sebastian > Nikolaj W. (ANI Rush feat. Talbot w/ Ashurs) > Jesper (Nergal Powerbleed) > Nikolaj V. (Setites Stealth Bleed) > me
So I would have vote lock and good chances not to get blocked when voting or doing any other undirected action. I would need my bounce cards. I would have to hope that Nergal has a slow setup and that Nikolaj W. would have to back-rush at some point.
I had Malgorzata in my starting crypt. Jesper’s Dreams of the Sphinx got suddened, so I could play mine. At the end of turn 4, I controlled Malgorzata and Dr. John Dee, and was lucky because Nikolaj V. had a slow start, so my pool was not in severe danger.
Nikolaj was not only top seated, he had a decent start as well, and got almost everything he needed to build up his game: a turn one Weenie, Aksinya for bounce, Talbot for rushing. Sebastian got both Jost and Rebekka. Jesper merged Nergal.
Of course, Jesper was in trouble right from the start. But maybe he left out a big chance for him, when he decided not to choose a vampire when I successfully played Reins of Power. I think he hoped in return for help by Sebastian in case he needed it. Nergal got pentexed by Nikolaj W. and Nikolaj could defend it against the +1 stealth actions by Sebastian’s vampires (and later re-play it via Parthenon and Anthelios).
So the table evolved to Nikolay’s favour. Sebastian and I each influence out more minions (financed by Villeins) and tried to do our best to stay out of trouble. Then Jesper and Nikolaj V. were ousted in one turn.
By that time, Nikolaj W. had his two master card stars and two weenies out AND maybe 20 pool, Sebastian had Jost, Rebekka and two more !Toreador AND maybe 5 pool. I controlled Malgorzata, Dr. John Dee, Gabrielle and Mistress Fanchon AND maybe 10 pool.
I made a lot of minor mistakes during this 3-player-phase, which resulted in Malgorzata torporized without blood and her precious Heart of Nizchetus destroyed. Plus, Mistress Fanchon got pentexed. Fortunately, Sebastian kept on bleeding like hell.
I could remove the Pentex on the Mistress and finally play one myself on Talbot.
In the last turn of the game, Nikolaj did not try to contest the Pentex (via Parthenon and Anthelios), and tried to free Talbot … once – Obedience … twice – Obedience … the third attempt would have freed Talbot (and would probably have resulted in a rush on one of my minions), but it did not happen.
Having cycled the two Obediences, I had the perfect hand: Anarchist Uprising, Kine Resources Contested AND Conditioning plus Into Thin Air and Mirror Walk. And of course I should mention the Monastery of Shadows I already controlled. Sebastian had 5 pool, Nikolaj 10.
Dr. John plays Anarchist Uprising, Jost tries to block with Telepathic Misdirection … Mirror Walk, some cycling for a My Enemy’s Enemy … Tapping the Monastery, Sebastian 1 on pool, Nikolaj on 6 pool.
Gabrielle playes KRC. No blocks, Sebastian ousted, Nikolaj on 3 pool. Mistress Fanchon bleeds, block attempt by Aksinya … Into Thin Air, game over.
Nikolaj W. 2 VP > me 3 VP, 1 GW – and again Danish Champion!
Many thanks to Christian and Nikolaj for running this weekend of tournaments! And of course thanks to all the friendly Danish players who made the journey to Copenhagen such a pleasant time!

National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de
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21 May 2013 05:40 #48838
by Lönkka
Replied by Lönkka on topic Re: Danish National Championship 2013
Tunnel Runners FTW!

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