EC Day1 Final - Verbatim
30 Aug 2015 04:11 - 07 Oct 2015 10:52 #72803
by Pascal Bertrand
EC Day1 Final - Verbatim was created by Pascal Bertrand
I will probably update this post to make it more readable.
1 Danilo -- Justicar/IC OBF/PRE 4-5
2 Selen -- weenie dem
3 Erik -- Xendil bleed (with plenty VEKN cards !)
4 Selim -- Stanislava dom
5 Jorge -- weenie ANI rush/intercept.
Jorge > Selim
Jorge > Erik > Selim
Jorge > Erik > Selim > Selen
Jorge > Erik > Selim > Danilo > Selen
Turn 1
influence 1
discard TAste of Vitae
Influence 2 : Leo Washington out
Discard Wwef
Influence 3
Info Highway
Influence 6
Discard Zillah's VAlley
Influence 1 + 3 : Eddie Gains + Marta
Turn 2
Influence 4 : Yuri
Giant's Blood on Leo
Leo: Marked Territory
Leo: Camera Phone
Tap Coven to give Leo 2 blood (drains off)
Influence 4
Discard Blur
Influence 4
Discard Giant's Blood
Zillah's Valley (on other)
Influence 4 (on 6) and 2 (on 4) : Unmada
Discard Giant's Blood
Discard Elder Impersonation
Dementation on Maria
Marta KS sup against Jorge. Yuri attempts to block. Sup Confusion. No block. 3
Influence2 : Cassandra
Turn 3
Blood Doll on Yuri, use it.
Yuri Deep Song on Marta: Aid from Bats, press to continue, close range, hands *2. Eddie goes to torpor.
Tap Coven to give 2 blood to Yuri
Influence 3 + 1 : Stick
Discard Deep Song
Leo bleed with Camera Phone. Yuri plays On the Qui Vive. No blocks.
Influence 3+1: Xendil
Influence 4: Stanislava
Discard Abactor
Villein 8 on Unmada
Talks about Kine 2 (Selen) / 2 (Selim) Erik is OK.
Unmada KRC, no blocks. 2/2. Danilo has 4 votes in favour, Selim has 4 against. Xendil casts ballots in favour, Jorge says blblblblblb (spelling?)
Ifnluence 5+1 (Lutz)
Discard Into Thin Air
Dementation on Cassadra
Coven to give Marta 2(1) blood
Marta sup KS on Jorge, Stick attempts to block, sup Confusion, no block.
Cassandra plays sup KS against Jorge, Stick attempts to block, Deny, no block, Eyes of Chaos.
Influence 4: Apache Jones
Discard Dementation
Turn 4
Retro blood doll
Stick equips with Ivory Bow. No blocks.
Yuri Deep Song Apache Jones. Apache Jones blocks. Carrion Crows. Terror Frenzy sup'. Aid from Bats. Press to continue, Taste. Close range, punches x2. Apache goes to torpor.
Xendil Charmer: Shadow of the beast, sup. No blocks. Instantaneous Transformation to untap.
Xendil equips with .44 Magnum No blocks.
Leo bleeds for 2 (camera phone). No blocks.
Influence 4 Sinner-G
Discard Swallowed by the Night.
"What do you think about Ancient Influence?" Danilo "I love you!"
Stanislava Ancient Influence. Beast Meld. No blocks. Stanislava, Lutz, Unmada in favour, Xendil against. Xendil, Stanislava, Lutz, Cassandra and Yuri are chosen. Instantaneous Transformation to untap.
Stanislava sup Govern. No blocks.
Influence 4 (on 3).
Zillah's Valley (on 1)
Unmada bleeds for 1. No blocks.
Tap Coven to give Unmada 2 blood
Influence 4 (on 5) +2 : Dmitra Ilyanova
Discard Swallowed by the Night
Jorge "Before you bleed me, I have 2 rushes, so if you bleed me, I will rush you twice. No point for me nor for you."
Marta rescue Apache (she pays) No blocks.
Apache hunts. No blocks.
Cassandra plays sup KS on Danilo. No blocks.
Turn 5
Channel 10
Retro blood doll
Yuri hunt.
Influence 1 +1
Discard Deep Song
Xendil equips with Sport Bike. No blocks. Instantaneous Transformation
Leo bleeds for 2 with Camera Phone. No blocks.
Sinner-G employs Tasha Morgan. No blocks.
Erik, Jorge (and a bit Selen) discuss what Selen should do on next turn.
Xendil plays Under Siege. No blocks.
Influence 1
Discard Blood Doll
Tap Coven to give Stanislava 2 blood.
Villein for 5 on Stanislava.
Monastery of Shadows
Stanislava plays superior Govern (on 7). Xendil burns 1 counter from Under Siege and attempts to block. Block is successful. Xendil maneuvers with Shadow of the Beast. Stanislava plays superior Form of Mist, Erik plays superior Earth Meld. Erik attempts to block, Monastery of Shadows for stealth. No block.
Influence : Xaviar advance is out
Discard Zillah's Valley
Danilo and Erik discuss about Banishment on Xaviar. "What will be your next vote? I want no parity shift pompompom" "No, there is no pompompom" "Ok, Parity Shift on your predator!" "Banishment and Parity Shift on predator? No! - It's Banishment (Lutz), Parity Shift (Unmada), and personal vote (Dmitra)". Selen : "That's very close to ousting me". Erik : "I'm going to need pool from that Parity Shift - 3." Jorge "I have 1 vote, I need the pool." Danilo : "3 for me, 2 for you "Jorge"). Jorge: "What about afterwards?" Danilo "I'm ok about you getting pool".
Unmada: Parity Shift "It's going to be 5 from Selen, 3 for me, 2 for Jorge". No blocks. "Those were the terms." Danilo 11 votes in favour, Jorge 1 vote in favour, Selim 7 votes against, Erik 1 ballot against. Erik burns the edge, Selim discards Reins of Power. Referendum fails.
Lutz calls Banishment on Apache Jones. 12 in favour, 10 against. Vter Captivation for 2.
Dmitra calls her special ability. No blocks. 1 for Yuri, 3 for Unmada. 12 in favour, 10 against.
Discard Zillah's Valley, Zillah's Valley.
Marta plays superior KS against Danilo. No blocks. Eyes of Chaos.
Cassandra sup KS against Danilo. No block. Eyes of Chaos.
Influence 4 (on 1) : Apache Jones.
Discard Dementation
Turn 7
Blood Doll on Stick.
Transfer blood from Stick and from Yuri to pool.
"Hm, where should I rush?"
Stick plays Deep song on Apache Jones. No blocks, Ivory Bow vs hands. Apache goes to torpor.
Yuri plays Deep Song against Marta. No block. Carrion Crows. Aid from Bats. Marta goes to torpor.
Influence 4 (on 1) Petra
Discard Carrion Crows.
Dreams of the Sphinx.
Tap Dreams for cards.
Sinner-G equips with Camera Phone. No blocks. Sinner-G untaps.
Sinner-G bleeds for 3 (Camera Phone). Xaviar attempts to block. Erik (to Danilo) : "Stealth or no stealth?" Danilo "For me, nothing changed...". Instantaneous Transformation for stealth. No block. Selim burns 3.
Leo Washington bleeds for 2 with Camera Phone. Xaviar Attempts to block. Instantaneous Transformation for stealth. No block. Selim burns 2.
Influence 4 (on 2) : Morrow.
Tap Coven to give Xendil 2 (1) blood.
Discard Lost in Crowds.
Discards down Leverage, Twisted Forest
Looking at Danilo's ash heap.
"Will I fall into your trap? I guess I have to try.."
Stanislava inferior Govern. Danilo: no blocks. Bleed for 5. Danilo is ousted. Enkil Cog. Untap Stanislava with Instantaneous Transformation.
Selen "May I ask for a rescue?" Erik "Oh, I forgot about this..."
Jorge: "I want a 1v1 against Stanislava". Erik "Rather than me?" Jorge: "Yes, I am last seed...". Erik "But Selim is going to kill you with a vote, when Selen is on 2 pool." Jorge "Maybe...".
Xaviar: Bleed for 1. No block.
Influence 4
Discard Earth Control
"Would you rescue me, Erik, on your turn?" Erik: "Maybe. I need to know what Yuri will do."
Cassandra superior KS against Jorge. Petra attempts to block. Superior Confusion. No block.
Stanislava bleeds for 4 with Enkil Cog. No blocks. Untaps with Instantaneous Transformation.
Discard Eyes of Chaos (?)
Turn 8
Powerbase: Montreal - Selen plays Wash.
Jorge "Would you be ok with Diablerie?" Selim: "OK".
Double blood doll. Tap Coven (no blood gained)
Yuri diablerizes Apache Jones. Selim votes againts the blood hunt.
Stick plays sueprior Deep Song on Cassandra. No blocks. Carrion Crows, Aid from Bats, Taste of vitae. Cassandra goes to torpor.
Petra plays Heart of Nizchetus, no block.
Influence 4 (Effie)
Discard Forced Awakening.
Tap Dreams for cards.
Pentex on Stanislava
Sinner G bleeeds for 3 (Camera Phone). No blocks. Stanislava plays superior Deflection to Selen. No blocks.
Morrow plays Marked Territory, no blocks.
Xendil rescues Marta, no blocks.
Leo bleeds for 2, no blocks.
To Selen : "If you survive, and kill your prey, I want you to not bleed me." "OK".
Morrow rescues Cassandra. No block.
Discard The Rack.
Discard down Smiling Jack, On the Qui Vive.
"I have a vote in hand, if I fail, I might die on this.."
Zillah's Valley (on 4).
Xaviar plays Parity Shift. Xendil attempts to block. Xaviar plays Earth Control. No blocks. Terms are: Selen loses 4, discussions about how much Jorge should gain. Jorge gets 2, Selim gets 2. Selim has 8 in favour, Jorge has 1 in favour, Xendil casts a ballot against. Referendum passes.
Xaviar tries to remove the pentex. Xaviar attempts to block. Rapid Change for stealth. Monastery of Shadows for stealth. Burn a token from Under Siege for +1 intercept. Action is blocked. Xendil maneuvers with Shadow of the Beast. Strikes: Earth Meld x2.
Jorge: "I will try to burn the pentex".
Xaviar bleeds for 1.
Inlfuence 2 back. Erik makes a chicken sound.
Discard On the Qui Vive.
Taps Coven to give Marta 2 blood.
Cassandra hunts. No blocks.
Marta plays sup KS against Jorge. Stick plays Forced Awakening and attempts to block. Confusion. Channel 10. Deny, Mind Tricks. Cats Guidance. Stick blocks. Carrion Crows, Aid from Bats, Taste of Vitae. Marta goes to torpor.
Discards Confusion.
Turn 9
Discussion from Erik about Selim trying to oust Jorge. Jorge : "Some people have honour. I'm not French, I'm spanish".
Stick tries to break the Pentex, no block.
Stick plays Raven Spy. No blocks.
Effie bleeds for 1. No block.
Jorge passes impulse.
Stanislava bleeds for 4 with ENkil Cog. No blocks. Selen is ousted. Instantaneous Transformation to untap.
Discard Aid from Bats.
Tap Dreams (and burn) for cards.
Blood Doll on Xendil (and uses it).
Sinner G bleeds for 3. Selim: "If I bounce it, can you do something?" Jorge: "It's not the right action, maybe the next one." Stanislava tries to block. Block is successful. Sinner-G plays Disguised Weapon + .44 Magnum. Maneuver with Magnum, superior Earth Meld from Stanislava.
Xendil bleeds for 1, no block.
Morrow bleeds for 1. No block.
Discard Uncoiling.
Discard down Forced Awakening, Abbot.
Villein for 4 on Xaviar.
Information Highway.
Tap Coven to give 2 blood to Stanislava.
Influence 4 (on 5) : Ingrid Rossler
Discard Parity Shift
Turn 10
Retro Blood Dolls (Stick, Yuri).
Stick bleeds for 1. Xendil plays On the QUi Vive, blocks. Maneuvers with Shadow of the Beast. Ivory Bow, Earth Meld.
Yuri employs a Raven Spy. No blocks.
Effie employs a raven spy. No blocks.
Discard Carrion Crows.
Villein for 2 on Sinner-G.
Villein for 2 on Morrow.
Sinner-G bleeds for 3. Selim: "How about I deflect?" "Ok for me". Ingrid Rossler plays Deflection. Petra attemps to block. Successful. Pertra plays Carrion Crows, Aid from Bats. Sinner-G strikes with .44. Petra presses to continue. Petra plays Aid from Bats. Tap Coven to give SInner G 2 blood. Sinner-G dodges with Form of Mist. Petra presses to continue. Close range, hands x2. Sinner-G goes to torpor. Petra plays Cats Guidance "Miaww".
Xendil attempts to rescue Sinner-G. No blocks.
Morrow employs JS Simmons. No blocks.
Discard Mr Winthrop
Villein for 4 on Ingrid Rossler
Xaviar equips with Seal of Veddartha. Xendil plays On the Qui VIve, and attempts to block. Monastery of Shadows for stealth, Under Siege for intercept. ACtion is blocked, Xaviar plays Sup' Form of Mist and continues the action. Action is not blocked.
Influence 2
Discard Villein.
Turn 11
Tap Coven to give Petra 2 blood.
Stick bleeds for 1. No block.
Petra bleeds for 1. Morrow plays On the Qui Vive and attempts to block. Petra plays Carrion Crows. No maneuvers. Punch, Morrow plays superior Form of Mist.
Yuri bleeds with Deep Song, no block.
Discard Raven Spy.
Take 1 from Xendil (Blood Doll).
Sinner-G hunts; Effie attempts to block. Sinner-G plays superior Faceless Night. No blocks.
Morrow equips with Ivory Bow. Yuri plays Forced Awakening, blocks. Carrion Crows, Aid from Bats. Morrow plays Form of Mist superior, Jorge plays Dark Influences. Morrow goes to torpor.
Xendil plays Marked Territory. No blocks.
Xendil plays Camera Phone. Stick plays On the Qui Vive, uses Channel 10. Blocks. Xendil maneuvers with Shadow of the Beast. Strike: .44 magnum vs Ivory Bow.Xendil goes to torpor.
Leo rescues Xendil, he pays 2. No blocks.
Discard Marked Territory.
Dreams of the Sphinx.
Stanislava plays superior Govern. No blocks.
Tap the Coven to give Stanislava 2 blood.
Influence 5 (on 5) : Genevieve.
Turn 12
Move 1 blood to Stick.
Stick bleeds for 1. No blocks.
Petra bleeds for 1. No blocks.
Tap Coven to give Leo 2 blood.
Sinner-G bleeds for 3. Genevieve attempts to block, successfully. Maneuvers with Magnum, Genevieve Earth melds.
Leo Washington bleeds for 2 with Camera phone, no blocks.
Discard Pack Tactics.
Villein for 6 on Genevieve
Xaviar hunts. No blocks.
Ingrid hunts. No blocks.
Genevieve hunts. No blocks.
Pays 1 to see 1.
Turn 13
Retro from Yuri, Stick.
Tap Coven to give Stick 2 blood.
Pentex Subversion on Xendil Charmer.
Stick bleeds for 1. No block.
Petra bleeds for 1. Sinner-G plays Eluding the arms of Morpheus and blocks. Petra plays Carrion Crows and Aid from Bats. Sinner-G plays Earth Meld.
Effie bleeds for 1. No block.
Yuri bleeds for 1. No block. Erik is ousted.
Villein for 3 on Genevieve.
TOGP on Yuri. Selim: 2. Jorge: 3. Selim: 4. OK.
Ingrid Rossler plays Govern the Unaligned. Effie plays Forced Awakening and attempts to block. Monastery of Shadows for stealth. Effie blocks. Effie plays Carrion Crows + Aid from Bats. Ingrid plays Form of Mist superior. Murmur of the False will for +1 bleed. No block.
Xaviar bleeds for 2. Effie plays On the Qui Vive. Xaviar plays Earth Control. Channel 10 for intercept. Tap Dreams for cards. Effie blocks. Effie plays Aid from Bats (maneuver). Tap the Coven to give Xaviar 2 blood. No press.
Stanislava bleeds for 4. Effie plays Forced Awakenging and attemps to block. Superior Earth Control for stealth. Murmur of the False Will to increase the bleed. Jorge is ousted.
Selim wins.
Selim 4 GW
Jorge 1
1 Danilo -- Justicar/IC OBF/PRE 4-5
2 Selen -- weenie dem
3 Erik -- Xendil bleed (with plenty VEKN cards !)
4 Selim -- Stanislava dom
5 Jorge -- weenie ANI rush/intercept.
Jorge > Selim
Jorge > Erik > Selim
Jorge > Erik > Selim > Selen
Jorge > Erik > Selim > Danilo > Selen
Turn 1
influence 1
discard TAste of Vitae
Influence 2 : Leo Washington out
Discard Wwef
Influence 3
Info Highway
Influence 6
Discard Zillah's VAlley
Influence 1 + 3 : Eddie Gains + Marta
Turn 2
Influence 4 : Yuri
Giant's Blood on Leo
Leo: Marked Territory
Leo: Camera Phone
Tap Coven to give Leo 2 blood (drains off)
Influence 4
Discard Blur
Influence 4
Discard Giant's Blood
Zillah's Valley (on other)
Influence 4 (on 6) and 2 (on 4) : Unmada
Discard Giant's Blood
Discard Elder Impersonation
Dementation on Maria
Marta KS sup against Jorge. Yuri attempts to block. Sup Confusion. No block. 3
Influence2 : Cassandra
Turn 3
Blood Doll on Yuri, use it.
Yuri Deep Song on Marta: Aid from Bats, press to continue, close range, hands *2. Eddie goes to torpor.
Tap Coven to give 2 blood to Yuri
Influence 3 + 1 : Stick
Discard Deep Song
Leo bleed with Camera Phone. Yuri plays On the Qui Vive. No blocks.
Influence 3+1: Xendil
Influence 4: Stanislava
Discard Abactor
Villein 8 on Unmada
Talks about Kine 2 (Selen) / 2 (Selim) Erik is OK.
Unmada KRC, no blocks. 2/2. Danilo has 4 votes in favour, Selim has 4 against. Xendil casts ballots in favour, Jorge says blblblblblb (spelling?)
Ifnluence 5+1 (Lutz)
Discard Into Thin Air
Dementation on Cassadra
Coven to give Marta 2(1) blood
Marta sup KS on Jorge, Stick attempts to block, sup Confusion, no block.
Cassandra plays sup KS against Jorge, Stick attempts to block, Deny, no block, Eyes of Chaos.
Influence 4: Apache Jones
Discard Dementation
Turn 4
Retro blood doll
Stick equips with Ivory Bow. No blocks.
Yuri Deep Song Apache Jones. Apache Jones blocks. Carrion Crows. Terror Frenzy sup'. Aid from Bats. Press to continue, Taste. Close range, punches x2. Apache goes to torpor.
Xendil Charmer: Shadow of the beast, sup. No blocks. Instantaneous Transformation to untap.
Xendil equips with .44 Magnum No blocks.
Leo bleeds for 2 (camera phone). No blocks.
Influence 4 Sinner-G
Discard Swallowed by the Night.
"What do you think about Ancient Influence?" Danilo "I love you!"
Stanislava Ancient Influence. Beast Meld. No blocks. Stanislava, Lutz, Unmada in favour, Xendil against. Xendil, Stanislava, Lutz, Cassandra and Yuri are chosen. Instantaneous Transformation to untap.
Stanislava sup Govern. No blocks.
Influence 4 (on 3).
Zillah's Valley (on 1)
Unmada bleeds for 1. No blocks.
Tap Coven to give Unmada 2 blood
Influence 4 (on 5) +2 : Dmitra Ilyanova
Discard Swallowed by the Night
Jorge "Before you bleed me, I have 2 rushes, so if you bleed me, I will rush you twice. No point for me nor for you."
Marta rescue Apache (she pays) No blocks.
Apache hunts. No blocks.
Cassandra plays sup KS on Danilo. No blocks.
Turn 5
Channel 10
Retro blood doll
Yuri hunt.
Influence 1 +1
Discard Deep Song
Xendil equips with Sport Bike. No blocks. Instantaneous Transformation
Leo bleeds for 2 with Camera Phone. No blocks.
Sinner-G employs Tasha Morgan. No blocks.
Erik, Jorge (and a bit Selen) discuss what Selen should do on next turn.
Xendil plays Under Siege. No blocks.
Influence 1
Discard Blood Doll
Tap Coven to give Stanislava 2 blood.
Villein for 5 on Stanislava.
Monastery of Shadows
Stanislava plays superior Govern (on 7). Xendil burns 1 counter from Under Siege and attempts to block. Block is successful. Xendil maneuvers with Shadow of the Beast. Stanislava plays superior Form of Mist, Erik plays superior Earth Meld. Erik attempts to block, Monastery of Shadows for stealth. No block.
Influence : Xaviar advance is out
Discard Zillah's Valley
Danilo and Erik discuss about Banishment on Xaviar. "What will be your next vote? I want no parity shift pompompom" "No, there is no pompompom" "Ok, Parity Shift on your predator!" "Banishment and Parity Shift on predator? No! - It's Banishment (Lutz), Parity Shift (Unmada), and personal vote (Dmitra)". Selen : "That's very close to ousting me". Erik : "I'm going to need pool from that Parity Shift - 3." Jorge "I have 1 vote, I need the pool." Danilo : "3 for me, 2 for you "Jorge"). Jorge: "What about afterwards?" Danilo "I'm ok about you getting pool".
Unmada: Parity Shift "It's going to be 5 from Selen, 3 for me, 2 for Jorge". No blocks. "Those were the terms." Danilo 11 votes in favour, Jorge 1 vote in favour, Selim 7 votes against, Erik 1 ballot against. Erik burns the edge, Selim discards Reins of Power. Referendum fails.
Lutz calls Banishment on Apache Jones. 12 in favour, 10 against. Vter Captivation for 2.
Dmitra calls her special ability. No blocks. 1 for Yuri, 3 for Unmada. 12 in favour, 10 against.
Discard Zillah's Valley, Zillah's Valley.
Marta plays superior KS against Danilo. No blocks. Eyes of Chaos.
Cassandra sup KS against Danilo. No block. Eyes of Chaos.
Influence 4 (on 1) : Apache Jones.
Discard Dementation
Turn 7
Blood Doll on Stick.
Transfer blood from Stick and from Yuri to pool.
"Hm, where should I rush?"
Stick plays Deep song on Apache Jones. No blocks, Ivory Bow vs hands. Apache goes to torpor.
Yuri plays Deep Song against Marta. No block. Carrion Crows. Aid from Bats. Marta goes to torpor.
Influence 4 (on 1) Petra
Discard Carrion Crows.
Dreams of the Sphinx.
Tap Dreams for cards.
Sinner-G equips with Camera Phone. No blocks. Sinner-G untaps.
Sinner-G bleeds for 3 (Camera Phone). Xaviar attempts to block. Erik (to Danilo) : "Stealth or no stealth?" Danilo "For me, nothing changed...". Instantaneous Transformation for stealth. No block. Selim burns 3.
Leo Washington bleeds for 2 with Camera Phone. Xaviar Attempts to block. Instantaneous Transformation for stealth. No block. Selim burns 2.
Influence 4 (on 2) : Morrow.
Tap Coven to give Xendil 2 (1) blood.
Discard Lost in Crowds.
Discards down Leverage, Twisted Forest
Looking at Danilo's ash heap.
"Will I fall into your trap? I guess I have to try.."
Stanislava inferior Govern. Danilo: no blocks. Bleed for 5. Danilo is ousted. Enkil Cog. Untap Stanislava with Instantaneous Transformation.
Selen "May I ask for a rescue?" Erik "Oh, I forgot about this..."
Jorge: "I want a 1v1 against Stanislava". Erik "Rather than me?" Jorge: "Yes, I am last seed...". Erik "But Selim is going to kill you with a vote, when Selen is on 2 pool." Jorge "Maybe...".
Xaviar: Bleed for 1. No block.
Influence 4
Discard Earth Control
"Would you rescue me, Erik, on your turn?" Erik: "Maybe. I need to know what Yuri will do."
Cassandra superior KS against Jorge. Petra attempts to block. Superior Confusion. No block.
Stanislava bleeds for 4 with Enkil Cog. No blocks. Untaps with Instantaneous Transformation.
Discard Eyes of Chaos (?)
Turn 8
Powerbase: Montreal - Selen plays Wash.
Jorge "Would you be ok with Diablerie?" Selim: "OK".
Double blood doll. Tap Coven (no blood gained)
Yuri diablerizes Apache Jones. Selim votes againts the blood hunt.
Stick plays sueprior Deep Song on Cassandra. No blocks. Carrion Crows, Aid from Bats, Taste of vitae. Cassandra goes to torpor.
Petra plays Heart of Nizchetus, no block.
Influence 4 (Effie)
Discard Forced Awakening.
Tap Dreams for cards.
Pentex on Stanislava
Sinner G bleeeds for 3 (Camera Phone). No blocks. Stanislava plays superior Deflection to Selen. No blocks.
Morrow plays Marked Territory, no blocks.
Xendil rescues Marta, no blocks.
Leo bleeds for 2, no blocks.
To Selen : "If you survive, and kill your prey, I want you to not bleed me." "OK".
Morrow rescues Cassandra. No block.
Discard The Rack.
Discard down Smiling Jack, On the Qui Vive.
"I have a vote in hand, if I fail, I might die on this.."
Zillah's Valley (on 4).
Xaviar plays Parity Shift. Xendil attempts to block. Xaviar plays Earth Control. No blocks. Terms are: Selen loses 4, discussions about how much Jorge should gain. Jorge gets 2, Selim gets 2. Selim has 8 in favour, Jorge has 1 in favour, Xendil casts a ballot against. Referendum passes.
Xaviar tries to remove the pentex. Xaviar attempts to block. Rapid Change for stealth. Monastery of Shadows for stealth. Burn a token from Under Siege for +1 intercept. Action is blocked. Xendil maneuvers with Shadow of the Beast. Strikes: Earth Meld x2.
Jorge: "I will try to burn the pentex".
Xaviar bleeds for 1.
Inlfuence 2 back. Erik makes a chicken sound.
Discard On the Qui Vive.
Taps Coven to give Marta 2 blood.
Cassandra hunts. No blocks.
Marta plays sup KS against Jorge. Stick plays Forced Awakening and attempts to block. Confusion. Channel 10. Deny, Mind Tricks. Cats Guidance. Stick blocks. Carrion Crows, Aid from Bats, Taste of Vitae. Marta goes to torpor.
Discards Confusion.
Turn 9
Discussion from Erik about Selim trying to oust Jorge. Jorge : "Some people have honour. I'm not French, I'm spanish".
Stick tries to break the Pentex, no block.
Stick plays Raven Spy. No blocks.
Effie bleeds for 1. No block.
Jorge passes impulse.
Stanislava bleeds for 4 with ENkil Cog. No blocks. Selen is ousted. Instantaneous Transformation to untap.
Discard Aid from Bats.
Tap Dreams (and burn) for cards.
Blood Doll on Xendil (and uses it).
Sinner G bleeds for 3. Selim: "If I bounce it, can you do something?" Jorge: "It's not the right action, maybe the next one." Stanislava tries to block. Block is successful. Sinner-G plays Disguised Weapon + .44 Magnum. Maneuver with Magnum, superior Earth Meld from Stanislava.
Xendil bleeds for 1, no block.
Morrow bleeds for 1. No block.
Discard Uncoiling.
Discard down Forced Awakening, Abbot.
Villein for 4 on Xaviar.
Information Highway.
Tap Coven to give 2 blood to Stanislava.
Influence 4 (on 5) : Ingrid Rossler
Discard Parity Shift
Turn 10
Retro Blood Dolls (Stick, Yuri).
Stick bleeds for 1. Xendil plays On the QUi Vive, blocks. Maneuvers with Shadow of the Beast. Ivory Bow, Earth Meld.
Yuri employs a Raven Spy. No blocks.
Effie employs a raven spy. No blocks.
Discard Carrion Crows.
Villein for 2 on Sinner-G.
Villein for 2 on Morrow.
Sinner-G bleeds for 3. Selim: "How about I deflect?" "Ok for me". Ingrid Rossler plays Deflection. Petra attemps to block. Successful. Pertra plays Carrion Crows, Aid from Bats. Sinner-G strikes with .44. Petra presses to continue. Petra plays Aid from Bats. Tap Coven to give SInner G 2 blood. Sinner-G dodges with Form of Mist. Petra presses to continue. Close range, hands x2. Sinner-G goes to torpor. Petra plays Cats Guidance "Miaww".
Xendil attempts to rescue Sinner-G. No blocks.
Morrow employs JS Simmons. No blocks.
Discard Mr Winthrop
Villein for 4 on Ingrid Rossler
Xaviar equips with Seal of Veddartha. Xendil plays On the Qui VIve, and attempts to block. Monastery of Shadows for stealth, Under Siege for intercept. ACtion is blocked, Xaviar plays Sup' Form of Mist and continues the action. Action is not blocked.
Influence 2
Discard Villein.
Turn 11
Tap Coven to give Petra 2 blood.
Stick bleeds for 1. No block.
Petra bleeds for 1. Morrow plays On the Qui Vive and attempts to block. Petra plays Carrion Crows. No maneuvers. Punch, Morrow plays superior Form of Mist.
Yuri bleeds with Deep Song, no block.
Discard Raven Spy.
Take 1 from Xendil (Blood Doll).
Sinner-G hunts; Effie attempts to block. Sinner-G plays superior Faceless Night. No blocks.
Morrow equips with Ivory Bow. Yuri plays Forced Awakening, blocks. Carrion Crows, Aid from Bats. Morrow plays Form of Mist superior, Jorge plays Dark Influences. Morrow goes to torpor.
Xendil plays Marked Territory. No blocks.
Xendil plays Camera Phone. Stick plays On the Qui Vive, uses Channel 10. Blocks. Xendil maneuvers with Shadow of the Beast. Strike: .44 magnum vs Ivory Bow.Xendil goes to torpor.
Leo rescues Xendil, he pays 2. No blocks.
Discard Marked Territory.
Dreams of the Sphinx.
Stanislava plays superior Govern. No blocks.
Tap the Coven to give Stanislava 2 blood.
Influence 5 (on 5) : Genevieve.
Turn 12
Move 1 blood to Stick.
Stick bleeds for 1. No blocks.
Petra bleeds for 1. No blocks.
Tap Coven to give Leo 2 blood.
Sinner-G bleeds for 3. Genevieve attempts to block, successfully. Maneuvers with Magnum, Genevieve Earth melds.
Leo Washington bleeds for 2 with Camera phone, no blocks.
Discard Pack Tactics.
Villein for 6 on Genevieve
Xaviar hunts. No blocks.
Ingrid hunts. No blocks.
Genevieve hunts. No blocks.
Pays 1 to see 1.
Turn 13
Retro from Yuri, Stick.
Tap Coven to give Stick 2 blood.
Pentex Subversion on Xendil Charmer.
Stick bleeds for 1. No block.
Petra bleeds for 1. Sinner-G plays Eluding the arms of Morpheus and blocks. Petra plays Carrion Crows and Aid from Bats. Sinner-G plays Earth Meld.
Effie bleeds for 1. No block.
Yuri bleeds for 1. No block. Erik is ousted.
Villein for 3 on Genevieve.
TOGP on Yuri. Selim: 2. Jorge: 3. Selim: 4. OK.
Ingrid Rossler plays Govern the Unaligned. Effie plays Forced Awakening and attempts to block. Monastery of Shadows for stealth. Effie blocks. Effie plays Carrion Crows + Aid from Bats. Ingrid plays Form of Mist superior. Murmur of the False will for +1 bleed. No block.
Xaviar bleeds for 2. Effie plays On the Qui Vive. Xaviar plays Earth Control. Channel 10 for intercept. Tap Dreams for cards. Effie blocks. Effie plays Aid from Bats (maneuver). Tap the Coven to give Xaviar 2 blood. No press.
Stanislava bleeds for 4. Effie plays Forced Awakenging and attemps to block. Superior Earth Control for stealth. Murmur of the False Will to increase the bleed. Jorge is ousted.
Selim wins.
Selim 4 GW
Jorge 1
Last edit: 07 Oct 2015 10:52 by Ankha.
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- Pascal Bertrand
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30 Aug 2015 04:37 #72805
by Lech
Sabbat.Black Hand Shakar: Lech loathe ranged weapons. Once each action, he may burn 1 blood to become Camarilla Prince of Krakow until the end of the action.
Replied by Lech on topic Re: EC Day1 Final - Verbatim
A lot of stupid plays by Jorge. Are he Selim's fiend or something?
Sabbat.Black Hand Shakar: Lech loathe ranged weapons. Once each action, he may burn 1 blood to become Camarilla Prince of Krakow until the end of the action.
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30 Aug 2015 05:36 #72807
by Lemminkäinen
Replied by Lemminkäinen on topic Re: EC Day1 Final - Verbatim
Harsh!A lot of stupid plays by Jorge. Are he Selim's fiend or something?
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- Lemminkäinen
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30 Aug 2015 06:10 #72808
by Lech
Sabbat.Black Hand Shakar: Lech loathe ranged weapons. Once each action, he may burn 1 blood to become Camarilla Prince of Krakow until the end of the action.
Replied by Lech on topic Re: EC Day1 Final - Verbatim
But true.
Sabbat.Black Hand Shakar: Lech loathe ranged weapons. Once each action, he may burn 1 blood to become Camarilla Prince of Krakow until the end of the action.
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30 Aug 2015 06:10 #72809
by cordovader
It's easy to judge when you're not playing. Maybe you can enlighten me with your wisdom to do better next time? Or maybe you can make it to the finals next year and show us how it is done, i guess we all could learn from you.
And yes, we're friends, but that wouldn't have changed my choices if it wasn't the case.
I did a couple of mistakes towards the end. I was tired, i have fever, a big headache and it was clear since Danilo's oust that my chances of winning that game were lower than 1%.
Enjoy your wannabe troll sunday!
Replied by cordovader on topic Re: EC Day1 Final - Verbatim
A lot of stupid plays by Jorge. Are he Selim's fiend or something?
It's easy to judge when you're not playing. Maybe you can enlighten me with your wisdom to do better next time? Or maybe you can make it to the finals next year and show us how it is done, i guess we all could learn from you.
And yes, we're friends, but that wouldn't have changed my choices if it wasn't the case.
I did a couple of mistakes towards the end. I was tired, i have fever, a big headache and it was clear since Danilo's oust that my chances of winning that game were lower than 1%.
Enjoy your wannabe troll sunday!
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- cordovader
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30 Aug 2015 06:12 #72810
by Ke.
Replied by Ke. on topic Re: EC Day1 Final - Verbatim
It seems TOGP didn't result in the win — but so easily could have. That card must go.
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