[TWD] Finnish Nationals 2023 (2023-11-04)
16 Nov 2023 11:30 - 28 Dec 2023 17:32 #109853
2 votes (titled) of Helsinki
[TWD] Finnish Nationals 2023 (2023-11-04) was created by UFOPOLI
Finnish Nationals 2023
Espoo, Finland
3R + F
33 players
winner: Akseli Jalava
The Finnish national championship was competed according to tradition in our old reliable library at the center of Espoo. The number of players was lower than the previous two years but still quite decent.
The main news of the event was the introduction of the BCN Crisis tournament management tool into the Finnish large tournament scene. Many players were already familiar with the system thanks to the European Championship, so the timing was quite optimal. Everything ran smoothly, and I hope the experiment left a positive impression.
The final table:
Congratulations to the winner! Here's the winning deck list, followed by those of the other finalists.
- - -
Akseli Jalava
Crypt (12 cards, min=6 max=40 avg=6)
6x Shalmath 10 POT PRE TEM True Brujah:6
1x Adisa 3 cel obf Banu Haqim:6
1x Andre LeRoux 3 aus Toreador:5
1x Alu 2 obf Banu Haqim:5
1x New Blood 2 san Blood Brother:ANY
2x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:ANY
3x Archon Investigation
1x Carver's Meat Packing and Storage
1x Direct Intervention
1x Fame
1x Giant's Blood
1x Perfectionist
1x Rack, The
1x Tabriz Assembly
1x Vessel
1x Wider View
1x Ambush
1x Big Game
2x Bum's Rush
1x Clotho's Gift
1x Harass
1x Path of the Scorched Heart, The
7x Summon History
1x Carlton Van Wyk
6x Emerald Legionnaire
1x Tye Cooper
1x Veneficti
1x Book of Going Forth by Night, The
1x Eye of Hazimel
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Signet of King Saul, The
9x Domain of Evernight
3x Enkil Cog
2x Tangle Atropos' Hand
2x Rewind Time
3x Decapitate
7x Disarm
8x Majesty
13x Outside the Hourglass
4x Taste of Vitae
- - -
Peitsa Suominen
Deck Name: Julio is a predator
Author: Peitsa Suominen
Description: Julio tries to groom younger vampires to dig dirt on other methuselahs
Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=4 max=9 avg=6.125)
1x Josef 4 ani obf obt Nosferatu antitribu:2
4x Julio Martinez 9 nec ANI DOM OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:3
1x Laurent de Valois 4 ani dom obf Nosferatu:2
1x Nigel the Shunned 5 obf ANI POT Nosferatu antitribu:2
1x Ox, Viceroy of the Hollows 6 ANI OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:2
1x Teresita, The Godmother 7 for ANI OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:3
2x Len Konopka 8 dom ser ANI OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:3
1x Christanius Lionel, The Mad Chronicler6 pot ANI OBF Nosferatu antitribu:2
Library: 78 cards
Master (18 cards)
1x Fame
1x Giant's Blood
5x Grooming the Protégé
1x Information Network
1x Archon Investigation
1x Nosferatu Kingdom
5x Villein
1x Wider View
1x Direct Intervention
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
Action (20 cards)
4x Govern the Unaligned
1x Graverobbing
3x Horseshoes
6x Inside Dirt
1x Under Siege
3x Deep Song
2x Abbot
Action Modifier (8 cards)
2x Faceless Night
2x Lost in Crowds
2x Veil the Legions
2x Conditioning
Action Modifier/Combat (2 cards)
2x Swallowed by the Night
Combat (13 cards)
5x Aid from Bats
2x Canine Horde
6x Carrion Crows
Ally (1 cards)
1x Mylan Horseed
Retainer (1 cards)
1x Raven Spy
Equipment (1 cards)
1x Sniper Rifle
Reaction (14 cards)
2x Guard Dogs
2x On the Qui Vive
2x Sense the Savage Way
2x Cats' Guidance
5x Deflection
1x Delaying Tactics
- - -
Esa-Matti Smolander
Deck Name: stani sm23
Author: esa-matti smolander
Crypt (13 cards, min=29 max=44 avg=9.38)
5x Stanislava 11 ANI CEL DOM FOR PRO inner circle Gangrel:2
1x Hartmut Stover 10 CEL OBF PRO dom for archbishop Gangrel antitribu:3
1x Xaviar (ADV) 10 ABO ANI FOR PRO aus cel pot justicar Gangrel:3
4x Ingrid Rossler 9 ANI FOR PRO dom prince Gangrel:2
1x Mark Decker 8 CEL PRO ani for obf pot prince Gangrel:3
1x Chandler Hungerford 3 PRO Gangrel:2
Library (80 cards)
Master (18; 8 trifle)
1x Backways
1x Coven, The
1x Direct Intervention
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Information Highway
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Secure Haven
6x Villein
1x Wider View
1x Zoo Hunting Ground
Action (7)
7x Govern the Unaligned
Political Action (13)
2x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
2x Ancilla Empowerment
3x Banishment
2x Kine Resources Contested
2x Parity Shift
1x Reins of Power
Action Modifier (21)
3x Conditioning
6x Earth Control
1x Enkil Cog
5x Forced March
1x Foreshadowing Destruction
5x Instantaneous Transformation
Action Modifier/Combat (2)
2x Rapid Change
Action Modifier/Reaction (2)
2x Murmur of the False Will
Reaction (8)
7x Deflection
1x On the Qui Vive
Combat (8)
1x Earth Meld
7x Form of Mist
Event (1)
1x Fourth Cycle, The
- - -
Otso Saariluoma
Deck Name: Shadow Council
Author: Otso
Crypt (12 cards, min=35 max=43 avg=9.83)
3x Montano 11 ANI DOM FOR OBT POT 2 votes Lasombra:3
2x Ambrosio Luis Monçada, Plenipotentiary 10 DOM OBT POT PRE aus for cardinal Lasombra:2
1x Angelica, The Canonicus 10 DOM OBT POT cel obf cardinal Lasombra:2
1x Ayelea, The Manipulator 10 AUS DOM OBT THA pre cardinal Tremere antitribu:2
1x Marcus Vitel 10 DOM FOR OBF OBT PRE prince Ventrue:3
1x Alvaro, The Scion of Angelica 9 OBT POT dom pre archbishop Lasombra:2
1x Antonio Delgado 9 DOM OBT POT tha archbishop Lasombra:2
1x Francisco Domingo de Polonia 9 DOM OBT POT PRE pro archbishop Lasombra:2
1x Gratiano 8 DOM OBT obf pot priscus Lasombra:2
Library (73 cards)
Master (35; 9 trifle)
1x Archon Investigation
6x Ashur Tablets
1x Coven, The
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Elysian Fields
1x Giant's Blood
1x Heidelberg Castle, Germany
2x Information Highway
1x Metro Underground
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Papillon
3x Parthenon, The
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Power Structure
7x Villein
1x Wider View
3x Zillah's Valley
Action (7)
1x Baltimore Purge
4x Govern the Unaligned
1x Mind Rape
1x Under Siege
Equipment (1)
1x Heart of Nizchetus
Political Action (9)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
1x Ancilla Empowerment
3x Banishment
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
1x Rumors of Gehenna
Action Modifier (10)
1x Blanket of Night
1x Enkil Cog
3x Shadow Play
3x Shroud of Absence
1x Shroud of Night
1x Voter Captivation
Action Modifier/Reaction (1)
1x Murmur of the False Will
Reaction (8)
4x Deflection
3x Obedience
1x On the Qui Vive
Combat (1)
1x Oubliette
Event (1)
1x Scourge of the Enochians
- - -
Tommi Hakomaa
Deck Name: Viper Council
Author: Otso Saariluoma
Crypt (12 cards, min=18 max=31 avg=6.17)
2x Sergio Bueno 8 OBF PRE PRO aus pot baron Ministry:6
1x Nonu Dis 8 OBF PRE PRO for Ministry:6
2x Vivian VI 7 PRE PRO obf tha baron Ministry:6
2x Elisha Tucker 6 PRE cel obf pro baron Ministry:6
1x Crystal Lynn 6 OBF PRE PRO Ministry:6
1x Aluc Romas de Leon 5 PRE aus obf pro Ministry:6
1x Doctor Morocco 5 PRO cel obf pre Ministry:6
1x Jenny Silver 5 PRE PRO obf Ministry:6
1x Milton Fox 3 pre pro Ministry:6
Library (80 cards)
Master (31; 9 trifle)
1x Anarch Railroad
1x Archon Investigation
6x Ashur Tablets
1x Carfax Abbey
1x Coven, The
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Fear of Mekhet
1x Ferraille
1x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
1x Giant's Blood
2x Information Highway
1x Opium Den
1x Papillon
3x Parthenon, The
7x Villein
1x Wider View
Action (10)
1x Chameleon
1x Fee Stake: Boston
1x Fee Stake: Corte
1x Fee Stake: Los Angeles
1x Fee Stake: Perth
5x Mesu Bedshet
Equipment (1)
1x Heart of Nizchetus
Political Action (13)
4x Consanguineous Boon
1x Eat the Rich
1x Firebrand
1x Patsy
3x Reckless Agitation
2x Revolutionary Council
1x Rumors of Gehenna
Action Modifier (9)
2x Earth Control
1x Faceless Night
2x Forgotten Labyrinth
2x Lost in Crowds
1x Perfect Paragon
1x Voter Captivation
Action Modifier/Reaction (3)
3x Form of the Bat
Reaction (6)
3x Bait and Switch
1x On the Qui Vive
2x Organized Resistance
Combat (6)
2x Earth Meld
4x Form of Mist
Event (1)
1x Scourge of the Enochians
Espoo, Finland
3R + F
33 players
winner: Akseli Jalava
The Finnish national championship was competed according to tradition in our old reliable library at the center of Espoo. The number of players was lower than the previous two years but still quite decent.
The main news of the event was the introduction of the BCN Crisis tournament management tool into the Finnish large tournament scene. Many players were already familiar with the system thanks to the European Championship, so the timing was quite optimal. Everything ran smoothly, and I hope the experiment left a positive impression.
The final table:
- Akseli Jalava (Shalmath)
- Tommi Hakomaa (Ministry)
- Esa-Matti Smolander (Stanislava)
- Peitsa Suominen (!Nosferatu)
- Otso Saariluoma (Montano)
Congratulations to the winner! Here's the winning deck list, followed by those of the other finalists.
- - -
Akseli Jalava
Crypt (12 cards, min=6 max=40 avg=6)
6x Shalmath 10 POT PRE TEM True Brujah:6
1x Adisa 3 cel obf Banu Haqim:6
1x Andre LeRoux 3 aus Toreador:5
1x Alu 2 obf Banu Haqim:5
1x New Blood 2 san Blood Brother:ANY
2x Anarch Convert 1 Caitiff:ANY
3x Archon Investigation
1x Carver's Meat Packing and Storage
1x Direct Intervention
1x Fame
1x Giant's Blood
1x Perfectionist
1x Rack, The
1x Tabriz Assembly
1x Vessel
1x Wider View
1x Ambush
1x Big Game
2x Bum's Rush
1x Clotho's Gift
1x Harass
1x Path of the Scorched Heart, The
7x Summon History
1x Carlton Van Wyk
6x Emerald Legionnaire
1x Tye Cooper
1x Veneficti
1x Book of Going Forth by Night, The
1x Eye of Hazimel
1x Heart of Nizchetus
1x Signet of King Saul, The
9x Domain of Evernight
3x Enkil Cog
2x Tangle Atropos' Hand
2x Rewind Time
3x Decapitate
7x Disarm
8x Majesty
13x Outside the Hourglass
4x Taste of Vitae
- - -
Peitsa Suominen
Deck Name: Julio is a predator
Author: Peitsa Suominen
Description: Julio tries to groom younger vampires to dig dirt on other methuselahs
Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=4 max=9 avg=6.125)
1x Josef 4 ani obf obt Nosferatu antitribu:2
4x Julio Martinez 9 nec ANI DOM OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:3
1x Laurent de Valois 4 ani dom obf Nosferatu:2
1x Nigel the Shunned 5 obf ANI POT Nosferatu antitribu:2
1x Ox, Viceroy of the Hollows 6 ANI OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:2
1x Teresita, The Godmother 7 for ANI OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:3
2x Len Konopka 8 dom ser ANI OBF POT Nosferatu antitribu:3
1x Christanius Lionel, The Mad Chronicler6 pot ANI OBF Nosferatu antitribu:2
Library: 78 cards
Master (18 cards)
1x Fame
1x Giant's Blood
5x Grooming the Protégé
1x Information Network
1x Archon Investigation
1x Nosferatu Kingdom
5x Villein
1x Wider View
1x Direct Intervention
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
Action (20 cards)
4x Govern the Unaligned
1x Graverobbing
3x Horseshoes
6x Inside Dirt
1x Under Siege
3x Deep Song
2x Abbot
Action Modifier (8 cards)
2x Faceless Night
2x Lost in Crowds
2x Veil the Legions
2x Conditioning
Action Modifier/Combat (2 cards)
2x Swallowed by the Night
Combat (13 cards)
5x Aid from Bats
2x Canine Horde
6x Carrion Crows
Ally (1 cards)
1x Mylan Horseed
Retainer (1 cards)
1x Raven Spy
Equipment (1 cards)
1x Sniper Rifle
Reaction (14 cards)
2x Guard Dogs
2x On the Qui Vive
2x Sense the Savage Way
2x Cats' Guidance
5x Deflection
1x Delaying Tactics
- - -
Esa-Matti Smolander
Deck Name: stani sm23
Author: esa-matti smolander
Crypt (13 cards, min=29 max=44 avg=9.38)
5x Stanislava 11 ANI CEL DOM FOR PRO inner circle Gangrel:2
1x Hartmut Stover 10 CEL OBF PRO dom for archbishop Gangrel antitribu:3
1x Xaviar (ADV) 10 ABO ANI FOR PRO aus cel pot justicar Gangrel:3
4x Ingrid Rossler 9 ANI FOR PRO dom prince Gangrel:2
1x Mark Decker 8 CEL PRO ani for obf pot prince Gangrel:3
1x Chandler Hungerford 3 PRO Gangrel:2
Library (80 cards)
Master (18; 8 trifle)
1x Backways
1x Coven, The
1x Direct Intervention
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Information Highway
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Secure Haven
6x Villein
1x Wider View
1x Zoo Hunting Ground
Action (7)
7x Govern the Unaligned
Political Action (13)
2x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
2x Ancilla Empowerment
3x Banishment
2x Kine Resources Contested
2x Parity Shift
1x Reins of Power
Action Modifier (21)
3x Conditioning
6x Earth Control
1x Enkil Cog
5x Forced March
1x Foreshadowing Destruction
5x Instantaneous Transformation
Action Modifier/Combat (2)
2x Rapid Change
Action Modifier/Reaction (2)
2x Murmur of the False Will
Reaction (8)
7x Deflection
1x On the Qui Vive
Combat (8)
1x Earth Meld
7x Form of Mist
Event (1)
1x Fourth Cycle, The
- - -
Otso Saariluoma
Deck Name: Shadow Council
Author: Otso
Crypt (12 cards, min=35 max=43 avg=9.83)
3x Montano 11 ANI DOM FOR OBT POT 2 votes Lasombra:3
2x Ambrosio Luis Monçada, Plenipotentiary 10 DOM OBT POT PRE aus for cardinal Lasombra:2
1x Angelica, The Canonicus 10 DOM OBT POT cel obf cardinal Lasombra:2
1x Ayelea, The Manipulator 10 AUS DOM OBT THA pre cardinal Tremere antitribu:2
1x Marcus Vitel 10 DOM FOR OBF OBT PRE prince Ventrue:3
1x Alvaro, The Scion of Angelica 9 OBT POT dom pre archbishop Lasombra:2
1x Antonio Delgado 9 DOM OBT POT tha archbishop Lasombra:2
1x Francisco Domingo de Polonia 9 DOM OBT POT PRE pro archbishop Lasombra:2
1x Gratiano 8 DOM OBT obf pot priscus Lasombra:2
Library (73 cards)
Master (35; 9 trifle)
1x Archon Investigation
6x Ashur Tablets
1x Coven, The
1x Direct Intervention
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Elysian Fields
1x Giant's Blood
1x Heidelberg Castle, Germany
2x Information Highway
1x Metro Underground
1x Monastery of Shadows
1x Papillon
3x Parthenon, The
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Power Structure
7x Villein
1x Wider View
3x Zillah's Valley
Action (7)
1x Baltimore Purge
4x Govern the Unaligned
1x Mind Rape
1x Under Siege
Equipment (1)
1x Heart of Nizchetus
Political Action (9)
1x Anarchist Uprising
1x Ancient Influence
1x Ancilla Empowerment
3x Banishment
1x Political Stranglehold
1x Reins of Power
1x Rumors of Gehenna
Action Modifier (10)
1x Blanket of Night
1x Enkil Cog
3x Shadow Play
3x Shroud of Absence
1x Shroud of Night
1x Voter Captivation
Action Modifier/Reaction (1)
1x Murmur of the False Will
Reaction (8)
4x Deflection
3x Obedience
1x On the Qui Vive
Combat (1)
1x Oubliette
Event (1)
1x Scourge of the Enochians
- - -
Tommi Hakomaa
Deck Name: Viper Council
Author: Otso Saariluoma
Crypt (12 cards, min=18 max=31 avg=6.17)
2x Sergio Bueno 8 OBF PRE PRO aus pot baron Ministry:6
1x Nonu Dis 8 OBF PRE PRO for Ministry:6
2x Vivian VI 7 PRE PRO obf tha baron Ministry:6
2x Elisha Tucker 6 PRE cel obf pro baron Ministry:6
1x Crystal Lynn 6 OBF PRE PRO Ministry:6
1x Aluc Romas de Leon 5 PRE aus obf pro Ministry:6
1x Doctor Morocco 5 PRO cel obf pre Ministry:6
1x Jenny Silver 5 PRE PRO obf Ministry:6
1x Milton Fox 3 pre pro Ministry:6
Library (80 cards)
Master (31; 9 trifle)
1x Anarch Railroad
1x Archon Investigation
6x Ashur Tablets
1x Carfax Abbey
1x Coven, The
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Fear of Mekhet
1x Ferraille
1x Garibaldi-Meucci Museum
1x Giant's Blood
2x Information Highway
1x Opium Den
1x Papillon
3x Parthenon, The
7x Villein
1x Wider View
Action (10)
1x Chameleon
1x Fee Stake: Boston
1x Fee Stake: Corte
1x Fee Stake: Los Angeles
1x Fee Stake: Perth
5x Mesu Bedshet
Equipment (1)
1x Heart of Nizchetus
Political Action (13)
4x Consanguineous Boon
1x Eat the Rich
1x Firebrand
1x Patsy
3x Reckless Agitation
2x Revolutionary Council
1x Rumors of Gehenna
Action Modifier (9)
2x Earth Control
1x Faceless Night
2x Forgotten Labyrinth
2x Lost in Crowds
1x Perfect Paragon
1x Voter Captivation
Action Modifier/Reaction (3)
3x Form of the Bat
Reaction (6)
3x Bait and Switch
1x On the Qui Vive
2x Organized Resistance
Combat (6)
2x Earth Meld
4x Form of Mist
Event (1)
1x Scourge of the Enochians
2 votes (titled) of Helsinki
Last edit: 28 Dec 2023 17:32 by Ankha.
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- [TWD] Finnish Nationals 2023 (2023-11-04)