file Submission: Rise From The Underworld

23 Jun 2017 22:28 #82318 by scott_kowalczuk
Name: Rise From The Underworld
Cardtype: Action
Cost: Not applicable
Capacity: Not applicable
Discipline: Necromancy
Clan: Harbinger of Skulls
+1 stealth action.
[nec] Move 2 blood from the blood bank to a Harbinger of Skulls in your uncontrolled region. Giovanni get -1 intercept when attempting to block this action.
[NEC] As above, but move 3 blood.

Flavor text: Not applicable.

Art notes: A crowd of black-robed figures looking at you from behind ornate masks.

World of Darkness reference:

How does this card address a compelling game need?: Average clan capacity is 7.35. The clan has no way of bringing forth other members of the clan in a way that is reflected in their background. By restricting this card to Harbingers, other minions that use Necromancy would not be able to benefit from it (the Giovanni already have Scouting Mission and Govern the Unaligned for example).

Created by: Scott Kowalczuk

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24 Jun 2017 13:19 #82323 by Hakuron

Discipline: Necromancy
Clan: Harbinger of Skulls

The requirements shall be both Necromancy and Harbinger of Skulls?

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24 Jun 2017 19:02 - 24 Jun 2017 19:03 #82329 by scott_kowalczuk

The requirements shall be both Necromancy and Harbinger of Skulls?

Because... screw the Giovanni; they already have Dominate :p
Last edit: 24 Jun 2017 19:03 by scott_kowalczuk.

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26 Jun 2017 14:19 #82351 by jblacey

Rise From The Underworld
cost: 1 blood
clan: Harbinger of Skills
+1 stealth action. Move 3 blood from the bank to a younger Harbinger of Skulls in your uncontrolled region.

Reason:You want a clan specific Govern of the Aligned, then just make it clan specific, no reason to over complicate it with a discipline requirement. That said it is too powerful without a blood requirement and the -1 intercept for any clan really isn't necessary. I get that is meant to be thematic but combining a powerful action with a lesser clan effect is too much.

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26 Jun 2017 19:17 #82358 by scott_kowalczuk


Rise From The Underworld
cost: 1 blood
clan: Harbinger of Skills
+1 stealth action. Move 3 blood from the bank to a younger Harbinger of Skulls in your uncontrolled region.

Reason:You want a clan specific Govern of the Aligned, then just make it clan specific, no reason to over complicate it with a discipline requirement. That said it is too powerful without a blood requirement and the -1 intercept for any clan really isn't necessary. I get that is meant to be thematic but combining a powerful action with a lesser clan effect is too much.

No. The card is fashioned after "The Call". It is not, nor should it be, a clone of Governed the Unaligned.

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26 Jun 2017 21:54 #82364 by jblacey
You want a version based on "The Call"? That's easy. Here is a full card and I will throw in the World of Darkness reference with the referenced power for the name of the card.

Name: Awaken
Cardtype: :action:
Cost: Not applicable
Capacity: Not applicable
Discipline: Auspex and Necromancy
Clan: NA
+1 stealth action.
:aus: :nec: Move 2 blood from the blood bank to a younger vampire with Necromancy :nec: in your uncontrolled region.
:AUS: :NEC: As above, but move 3 blood.
Flavor text: "I see dead people."
Art notes: A crowd of black-robed figures looking at you from behind ornate masks.
World of Darkness reference: Pg. 152 Vampire: The Dark Ages, Necromancy 3, this ability allows a vampire to awaken from Torpor or help another vampire do so.
How does this card address a compelling game need?: Helps influence out larger capacity vampires with necromancy that don't have access to dominate.

That work?

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