file Submission: 12 new Tzimisce and a deck

17 Jul 2018 14:28 - 17 Jul 2018 14:30 #88924 by ReverendRevolver
The second deck worth of new vamps straight from vtm source books (I think I can do 5) is Tzimisce.

Now, I've never been a huge Sabbat fan in vtes. But, its impossible to dismiss the Tzimisce as anything but viable, between allies and the in clan disciplines, and of course Abbot. Thematically, I favor Lasombra and !ventrue, while honestly being a much bigger fan of the True Hand concerning Sabbat, but Tzimisce in vtes are quite good, and I'm glad I found 12 (okay, 13…) vamps that somewhat reflect the viability of G2 discipline spreads.
Possibly worth changing under siege, as I came up short on titles this time. In fact, the one bishop I tacked on last minute (as opposed the the Lasombra bishop from the previous entry, who in the 20 year old source book planned to become a bishop…)
Anyway, new deck worth O vamps (and the one not making the cut) #2, Tzimisce:

Deck Name: Sabbat starter Tzimisce

Crypt (12)

Ashanti Beachum
Black woman, mid 30s, braids hair in topknot, eye on back of head.
:tha: :vic:

America Johnson, rich girl
Skinny blond, normal looking
:aus: :vic:

Tyrone, Zulo Loco
Shirtless, has moving tattoos of horns on head, tears on face, skull on shoulder, snake on torso.
:VIC: :ani:

Jaime Sangriento, voivode of garbage
Late teens, too short Jeans, baggy tshirt. Ripped and stained sneakers, knife and acne scars on face, brown eyes.
:VIC: :pot:

9 year old dark hair, spikes on shoulder blades, shins, and forearms.
:ani: :aus: :vic:

Rurik Rakoczy
Tall thin, close shaved hair, 3 metal piercing in bridge of nose
:VIC: :ani: :aus:

Dr. Steven Hargett
Short black hair, somewhat skinny, wears bifocals
:aus: :dom: :for: :vic:

Dr. Vermudo de Sancha
Short. Grey hair, short mustache, white labcoat over surgical smock
:AUS: :VIC: :ani:

Father Yoel Rosen, sin eater
+1 Hunt.
Makes himself look like a portrait of a different saint each time he hunts
:VIC: :aus: :pre:

Zaljko Petrescu
Haggard grey, large due to dense bones
:THA: :VIC: :ani: :aus:

Martha Long
+1 intercept
:ANI: :aus: :nec: :tha: :vic:
Late 40s fortune teller.
Sabbat ST handbookp94

Efrain Sortano, zookeeper
Black hand
When Efrain comes Into play from your uncontrolled region, you may search your hand, ash heap, or library(shuffle afterward) for a Zoo Hunting Ground and put that card into play. (No cost is paid)
Changes between half animal forms ever week or so
:ANI: :PRO: :VIC: :aus: :for:

Library: 82 cards

Master (12 cards)
2x Path of Metamorphosis, The
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Barranquilla
1x Powerbase: Montreal
2x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
2x Villein
2x Blood Doll
1x Dreams of the Sphinx

Action (15 cards)
3x Fiendish Tongue
2x Army of Rats
1x Nose of the Hound
2x Under Siege
4x Deep Song
3x Abbot

Action Modifier (5 cards)
2x Mind of the Wilds
3x Changeling

Combat (27 cards)
5x Horrid Form
1x Skin Trap
3x Taste of Vitae
2x Telepathic Tracking
3x Trap
2x Breath of the Dragon
1x Canine Horde
5x Carrion Crows
3x Chiropteran Marauder
2x Drawing Out the Beast

Ally (2 cards)
2x War Ghoul

Retainer (3 cards)
3x Corpse Balloon

Reaction (18 cards)
4x Eyes of Argus
1x My Enemy's Enemy
2x On the Qui Vive
1x Read the Winds
4x Sense the Savage Way
3x Telepathic Misdirection
2x Cats' Guidance
1x Eagle's Sight

Didn't make the cut

Clois Lampher
Long black hair, 26
:aus: :cel: :vic:

Frankly, she just wasn't as “Tzimisce “ as other Tzimisce art wise, and while filler :aus: :cel: is cool, its not that cool. Other 4 caps were simply better.
Last edit: 17 Jul 2018 14:30 by ReverendRevolver.

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09 Aug 2018 15:43 #89846 by jblacey

The second deck worth of new vamps straight from vtm source books (I think I can do 5) is Tzimisce.

Now, I've never been a huge Sabbat fan in vtes. But, its impossible to dismiss the Tzimisce as anything but viable, between allies and the in clan disciplines, and of course Abbot. Thematically, I favor Lasombra and !ventrue, while honestly being a much bigger fan of the True Hand concerning Sabbat, but Tzimisce in vtes are quite good, and I'm glad I found 12 (okay, 13…) vamps that somewhat reflect the viability of G2 discipline spreads.

It is okay. Tzimisce are my clan. I have played every single Tzimisce deck you can imagine. Not sure if I agree that starter deck should be done here or not.

Possibly worth changing under siege, as I came up short on titles this time. In fact, the one bishop I tacked on last minute (as opposed the the Lasombra bishop from the previous entry, who in the 20 year old source book planned to become a bishop…)
Anyway, new deck worth O vamps (and the one not making the cut) #2, Tzimisce:

Tzimisce are viable with/without under siege.

Deck Name: Sabbat starter Tzimisce

Crypt (12)

Ashanti Beachum
Black woman, mid 30s, braids hair in topknot, eye on back of head.
:tha: :vic:

Unlikely to ever see play. At 3 cap you have better options and vampires where you want both :tha: and :vic: typically need to be a larger vampire. This like putting :pot: :tha: on a vamp. In a corner case, maybe... but practically, never.

Maybe :VIC:? There is a reason why 2 caps with :vic: are some of the most played vampires in VTES.

America Johnson, rich girl
Skinny blond, normal looking
:aus: :vic:

Boring, but reasonable. Group6 vampires are slim pickings, Honestly, I would rather have something like :ANI::vic: -1 stealth on hunt actions.

Tyrone, Zulo Loco
Shirtless, has moving tattoos of horns on head, tears on face, skull on shoulder, snake on torso.
:VIC: :ani:

It is fine, though from a meta perspective :ANI::vic: is way more useful.

Jaime Sangriento, voivode of garbage

That name... wtf. No Tzimisce would self describe themselves with the term, "garbage".

Late teens, too short Jeans, baggy tshirt. Ripped and stained sneakers, knife and acne scars on face, brown eyes.
:VIC: :pot:

You could, but no... play blood brothers instead. Personally prefer :ani: over :pot:. If you want an out of clan discipline to be secondary do :for:.

9 year old dark hair, spikes on shoulder blades, shins, and forearms.
:ani: :aus: :vic:

It is okay but boring and realistically people will either go :ani::vic: or :aus::vic:. What would be way more useful would be something like :ani::vic: +1 bleed or :ani::vic::for:

Rurik Rakoczy
Tall thin, close shaved hair, 3 metal piercing in bridge of nose
:VIC: :ani: :aus:

Add "Once each action may burn a blood for +1 stealth or intercept".

Dr. Steven Hargett
Short black hair, somewhat skinny, wears bifocals
:aus: :dom: :for: :vic:

No. I am pretty sure this is a 4 cap ventrue or something.

Please do this:


Dr. Vermudo de Sancha
Short. Grey hair, short mustache, white labcoat over surgical smock
:AUS: :VIC: :ani:

I would recommend adding Bishop.

Father Yoel Rosen, sin eater
+1 Hunt.
Makes himself look like a portrait of a different saint each time he hunts
:VIC: :aus: :pre:

Try this:
6 cap
Priest. +1 stealth. :AUS::VIC::for:

Zaljko Petrescu
Haggard grey, large due to dense bones
:THA: :VIC: :ani: :aus:

You want a bruiser?. Do this:

:ANI::VIC::for:+1strength. <Vampire> may prevent 1 damage each combat.

Martha Long
+1 intercept
:ANI: :aus: :nec: :tha: :vic:
Late 40s fortune teller.
Sabbat ST handbookp94

Way too weak. Don't print. No easy way to fix.

Efrain Sortano, zookeeper
Black hand
When Efrain comes Into play from your uncontrolled region, you may search your hand, ash heap, or library(shuffle afterward) for a Zoo Hunting Ground and put that card into play. (No cost is paid)
Changes between half animal forms ever week or so
:ANI: :PRO: :VIC: :aus: :for:

I am okay with this card, but probably recommend the Pricus title.

Library: 82 cards

Master (12 cards)
2x Path of Metamorphosis, The
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
1x Powerbase: Barranquilla
1x Powerbase: Montreal
2x Smiling Jack, The Anarch
2x Villein
2x Blood Doll
1x Dreams of the Sphinx

Action (15 cards)
3x Fiendish Tongue
2x Army of Rats
1x Nose of the Hound
2x Under Siege
4x Deep Song
3x Abbot

Action Modifier (5 cards)
2x Mind of the Wilds
3x Changeling

Combat (27 cards)
5x Horrid Form
1x Skin Trap
3x Taste of Vitae
2x Telepathic Tracking
3x Trap
2x Breath of the Dragon
1x Canine Horde
5x Carrion Crows
3x Chiropteran Marauder
2x Drawing Out the Beast

Ally (2 cards)
2x War Ghoul

Retainer (3 cards)
3x Corpse Balloon

Reaction (18 cards)
4x Eyes of Argus
1x My Enemy's Enemy
2x On the Qui Vive
1x Read the Winds
4x Sense the Savage Way
3x Telepathic Misdirection
2x Cats' Guidance
1x Eagle's Sight

Didn't make the cut

Clois Lampher
Long black hair, 26
:aus: :cel: :vic:

Frankly, she just wasn't as “Tzimisce “ as other Tzimisce art wise, and while filler :aus: :cel: is cool, its not that cool. Other 4 caps were simply better.

The deck could use some work, but I don't want to get into card numbers at the moment.

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09 Aug 2018 16:27 #89848 by Arthur Volts
Tzim are an incredibly powerful voting deck with the might to back it up. Lambach is still one of the best vamps in the game. He deserves an actual advanced vamp instead of the, essentially, story line advanced he has.

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11 Aug 2018 13:45 #89901 by ReverendRevolver
jblacey: Every one of them is pulled directly from sourcebooks, discipline spreads and all. The Voivode of Garbage was called that by a slightly older vampire who was turned inside out for his lack of couthe, but the name stuck.
Sunshine could probably use some sort of grapple-esque ability to coincide with her spikes. Tzimisce inf general could use something in vtes to show their use of bone spikes that snare flesh.
Flesh hooks
Only usable at close range before strikes are chosen. Grapple.
:vic: strikes that end combat or dodge cannot be played this round. If another round of combat occurs, the opposing minion takes 2 damage if they attempt to maneuver to long range.
:VIC: as above, with an optional press.

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17 Aug 2018 20:56 - 20 Aug 2018 14:16 #90076 by jblacey

jblacey: Every one of them is pulled directly from sourcebooks, discipline spreads and all.

There are several reasons why there are vampires from sourcebooks that haven't been created as cards.

The Voivode of Garbage was called that by a slightly older vampire who was turned inside out for his lack of couthe, but the name stuck.

Being the target of Brujah's rage is a more comfortable place than invoking the ire of a Tzimisce.

Sunshine could probably use some sort of grapple-esque ability to coincide with her spikes. Tzimisce inf general could use something in vtes to show their use of bone spikes that snare flesh.
Flesh hooks
Only usable at close range before strikes are chosen. Grapple.
:vic: strikes that end combat or dodge cannot be played this round. If another round of combat occurs, the opposing minion takes 2 damage if they attempt to maneuver to long range.
:VIC: as above, with an optional press.

What about this?

Flesh Hooks
Only usable at close range before strikes are chosen. Only one Flesh Hooks can be played each combat.
:vic: After each combat card played by an opposing minion, they suffer one damage.
:VIC: As above, but two damage.
Last edit: 20 Aug 2018 14:16 by jblacey.

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21 Aug 2018 17:17 #90169 by Thin_Blood

Efrain Sortano, zookeeper
Black hand
When Efrain comes Into play from your uncontrolled region, you may search your hand, ash heap, or library(shuffle afterward) for a Zoo Hunting Ground and put that card into play. (No cost is paid)
Changes between half animal forms ever week or so
:ANI: :PRO: :VIC: :aus: :for:

I am okay with this card, but probably recommend the Pricus title.

If we are following lore here, Black Hand members within the Sabbat cannot hold any position higher than Ductus.

“I don’t have cross table buddies. I have a prey I haven’t gotten around to yet.” — Shockwave (English VtES Player).

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